God Rank Hero

Chapter 1579: Arrangements before departure

After leaving from the Underwater Shrine, the Sky Boat teleported all the way to Sai Ren Devil Sea. Da Fei stopped to inspect the detox progress of Zavala and Ista. A few days after the game, the dark red poisonous water around the Devils Sea Islands has been obviously lightened, and this progress is quite gratifying.

At this point, Ista pointed to the boiling green liquid in a crystal jar guarded by a guard: "Master, this is the poison of Hydra that I have refined and recovered in the past few days. The general container cannot be filled, only this kind of The crystal container specially ordered from the city of the wizard can withstand its strong corrosion. And such a large pot of venom is too dangerous. I can't guarantee that there are no pirates around it that can smash its huge power, so I will hand it over now Keep it for the owner. "

The system prompts: You get 10 high-concentration Hydra Venom from Ista.

Note: The crystal container is a special item and cannot be carried into the player's space bag.

Da Fei's heart beats! I pulled it. Is it something that can only be held in my hand and not in my backpack? Isn't this a biochemical bomb?

At this moment, Da Fei's hand holding the jar shook a bit: "It's true. At the beginning, our army opened the situation in the Eastern World by relying on it. Its power is beyond doubt. It should be kept by me ..."

At this moment, Alicia immediately said: "Master, our sacred vine is a fusion of the soul of the Hydra. In addition to the field of dark attributes, there can theoretically be eight fields of attributes. After our ship, I also said that the next area of ​​Shengteng is most likely to be the area of ​​toxic and blood properties, so I suggest that we let Shengteng slowly absorb these venoms and turn them into nutrients. On the one hand, we can improve Shengteng The chance of evolving the poison field can also lay the foundation for future Kerong detoxification, and in the case that our Sage is currently unable to improve the level 5 dark field, it is also a good choice to open up a lower level field.

That's it! This head is justified!

Da Fei immediately approved: "Okay! Then this can of venom must be kept properly and the absorption of Sacred Vine must be strictly controlled!"

"Relax, Lord Lord!"

Then there was nothing left to say, let Savara keep them busy.

Next stop. Da Fei arrived at Ice Singer from Devil Sea Vortex Gate. Then I would like to thank Patriarch Sairen by the way, and introduce Casimedia by the way. Fortunately, it seems that the Sairen and the Medusa families have no old grudges, and the meeting was conducted in a friendly and polite atmosphere. At the same time, it did not trigger the story of egg pain, which made Da Fei feel a little bit disappointed in Komatsu's breath.

Then at 8 am, the boat of the sky ended the expedition and returned to the pool of light. And the end is a new beginning. Without knowing how much time-consuming the task of the King of Time is, you must explain everything here.

The first, of course, is to explain Katrina's boat and Beamon. All the shaman research team called her research, and the newly compiled blasphemy George also transferred to her ship to develop toss. Of course, all her expenses were also recorded in Da Fei's account.

Then there is the City of Light. As the Deputy City Owner of the City of Light, Anyia has to fulfill her obligations. This time, don't run around, just play in the town's territory.

Then it was the Sky Boat to help prevent the nightmare space and incidentally absorb the nightmare power of the nightmare space. This was the task that Da Fei had given to Tamilla long ago. Although the vine incorporates the nightmare gems and can freely open the door to enter the nightmare space, but it may take a group of tricks to teleport the entire ship, then slowly take it, by the way, wait for the dwarven master to malign Medusa The mast of the eye tossed out. Even if I can't toss out now, I will continue tossing after transmitting to the nightmare space.

When talking about nightmare space, Dafei suddenly remembered the "Emerald Dream Crystal" sold by his third brother Shalu Khan to India, which is the same nature as the nightmare crystal, but at least it needs to be a master ranger or German Only Rui can use to enter. And Alicia also comprehended the Grand Master Ranger during the time of presiding in the field of Bacchus, then simply give her this crystal and let her continue to play freely.

And then, that is to arrange Elina, the vice-owner of the midtown ship. Of course, her task is to build the affiliated town of Medusa, continue to grow mushrooms, and direct Casimedea to fight in coordination. With Casimedia, a Medusa whose strength is unknown but can't possibly be weak, I believe that the boat of the sky in the nightmare space is completely capable of fighting even if it encounters various small demon attacks.

Of course, let her focus on the recovery progress of the amnesiac mother Zoryana. Only the restored mother can have the ability to summon Rose.

Anyway. Try to exercise the independent intelligence of the sub-hero as far as possible, and only then can you sleep peacefully after going to bed.

After arranging the vice heroes, it was Dafei's own business. Speaking of the National Warfare server being opened, it's time to take delivery, which is the "Minotao Maze Drawing" that was said to be sold last time, and the "armed mast skill book" given to him by the man-made ship master Dewarin. There is nothing to say, just press the price of Ma Yinglong. The starting price of the drawings is 20 million, and the book is 1 million. Let Taojin.com commission the auction.

That's right, the total sales of Dafei's account on Taojin.com exceeded 20 million. It is a Crown Diamond credible user and can enjoy the commissioned sales of Taojin.com. As for the commission, of course, in the game, you first hand things over to the Gold Gold player's account that is specially authenticated by the server that is located in the game. After he sold the things, he deducted the auction fees and directly put the money on Dafei's gold rush account. This is basically the offline trading model that is universal in the world.

So Dafei logged in the long-lost gold rush account, contacted the customer service, and then the customer service quickly responded: "Dear Crown VIP VIP users, gold customer service VIP service dedicated to serve you, our game traders, notaries The game will be logged in. The user is required to choose the trading location. Please check the password with the trader. Note: The trading location can only select the large main city in the game ... "

"Just the Starlight Hotel in Faroland, the elven kingdom. I'll book a room on the second floor."

"Okay, users, please wait."

So Da Fei teleported to Capital Square, made a quick step towards the hotel, and then "unexpected" things happened. The players on the street shouted in unison: "Da Fei is thick! It's Da Fei!"

Well, this kind of thing can't be more normal. The other reason why Da Fei is "unexpected" is because Da Fei is thinking that there is nothing left to explain, so he forgot about it!

Looking at the battle in front of the city, Dafei couldn't help crying or laughing! I just want to do a business. If you shout like this, the whole world knows it's my brother. Does that brother still sell it? Maybe, it ’s better to know that brother will sell better, right? In short, let it be.

And sure enough, Da Fei stepped forward into the hotel. On the back foot, there were two gold-named players on top of "Gold Taobao VIP Trader No. 014 Notary No. 01" followed into the hotel. Then there was another uproar among the players: "Feige is going to make a big deal again!"

Ten minutes later, when Dafei finished entrusting the business to leave the hotel, the gate was still crowded with players. The difference was that these players had more than a dozen gold players in front. This time the gold name is a reporter!

Seeing Da Fei's appearance, these reporters immediately rushed forward with excitement: "Fei Brother, finally found you! You are the first time after the launch of the New World. Players from all over the country and around the world want to ask you some questions. Ask to answer some of our questions? "

Let me go! Da Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Okay, but I still can't answer the questions related to personal secrets, equipment, secrets, and confidential state game areas, so don't ask, so as not to waste your expressions."

The reporters looked at each other, and immediately a reporter returned to God and asked, "Feige, players all over the world think you are the behind-the-scenes commander of the battle of the gods of the gods. What do you think?"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "I'm busy, I don't have time to direct, and I don't even have time to be there in person. Winning this battle is the result of our Chinese players' solidarity and organization."

Another reporter asked, "But when it comes to the distribution of the mining area, the three major guilds said that it was arranged by Fei Ge. Isn't Fei Ge the commander?"

This is obviously a total shabby okay! Keep a low profile, can you read it everywhere? Dafei laughed: "Is this what happened?"

Reporter: "Yes! Regarding the mining problem of Taiwanese players, Feige said that except for Yixing Clan, other Taiwanese players can."

Da Fei threw a booth: "Well, I said it."

Reporter: "Feige, the relationship with Taiwanese players has always been a headache for major guilds. How do you handle the relationship with Taiwanese players?"

Dafei waved his hand impatiently: "Just handle it like this! This is a game. If you are unhappy, flatten it, that's it."

Reporter: "But Feige, it is said that Yixing clan has collected many ordinary players in Taiwan and even opened some trumpet to help them mine. What do you do?"

Dafei was startled suddenly: "Is this still the case? Do you want Bilian?"

The players on the periphery immediately echoed, "There is this! There is this!"

Dafei didn't feel good: "Spicy chickens, let them stop picking them!"

The players shouted loudly: "Cool! Fei brother spoke, don't let them pick!"

The reporter asked: "But this would endanger the interests of ordinary Taiwanese players?"

Da Fei was even more annoyed by asking: "I never owed them! In fact, you shouldn't give them away at first! The more things you give, the more others will treat you as a silly Kaizi and want to engulf his enemies. It's stupid and boring to say nothing, but also raises a group of white-eyed wolves. After all. The strength of the game speaks. "

Reporter: "Is Fei Ge a patriotic youth?"

Dafei laughed: "Brother asked this question is very shame, brother is just playing games! Now the economy of countries around the world is not very good, many silly young people are very interested in engaging in various sports, if you ask him What is the idea, and the result is to ask three foolish dumb idiots, which is too stupid! If you don't want to move bricks, then come to play the game to get rich and find the way. Is this a free endorsement for the game?

The reporter asked with a smile: "For example, Fei Ge got rich by selling goods in a hotel this time?"

Da Fei shook his head and smiled: "This is a trade secret! My question is answered, goodbye!"

The reporter hurriedly said, "Fei brother, I haven't finished asking about the sea of ​​blood."

The biggest annoyance of Dafei is that he often dangles in front of his eyes when he hears this flea-like name, so he interrupts impatiently.

The surrounding players screamed: "Feige is mighty and domineering!"

Dafei couldn't help it! Yes, there is a market for domineering, who is so impatient to see those crooked tears?

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend sounded, and it was President Xue Wei: "Fei, I have all the Alice information you want, please check it!"

Dafei just remembered that I almost forgot Alice, okay! Let the vice hero read the book slowly. When talking about the deputy hero who reads books, Da Fei suddenly thought of Pandora arranged in the library. Now that the deputy heroes around me are busy, I'm afraid that there is no time difference, why not let Pandora come?

If he thought about it, Dafei immediately sent a message to Xiaoli. (To be continued.)

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