God Rank Hero

Chapter 1580: Corus into the past

Da Fei just finished texting Xiao Li, and Xiao Li immediately responded: "Okay, I'll mail Pandora's box to my brother right away."

Da Fei suddenly remembered that Xiao Li was on duty overnight, so she asked again, "It's over 8 o'clock, haven't slept yet?"

"No, I couldn't sleep excitedly with so many things all night! But Xiaofang did sleep more and more securely, and called for her when I finished breakfast."

Da Fei decided not to tell her about selling drawings, lest she be more stimulated and unable to sleep.

After a while, the system prompts the arrival of the mail, and Da Fei removes the long-lost magic box from the mailbox:

Pandora's Box: Artifact, Pandora's destiny soul boarding box. Opening the magic box can summon 108 magic stars. Summoning once consumes a lot of player experience. Trading this artifact can transform Pandora's ownership.

System prompt: From now on, you have acquired the ownership of Pandora. Currently Pandora's task is to study in the library. Can I cancel the task?

Dafei frowned. Anyway, he was studying, why should he cancel it? By the way, there is still a small problem. How did Brother Alice's information sent by Xue Wei to Pandora? Is it possible that he will go to the Human Capital Library in person? Also surrounded by players and reporters on the street?

Then you can only toss it again and again. So Da Fei sent a text message and asked Xiao Li: "Isn't it convenient for you to do things now? Brother wants to send Pandora the Alice materials sent by Xue Wei to study. After you arrange it, send the box."

"Convenient! Understood! Brother sends it to me and I will transfer the trumpet to the library."

So after tossing for a while, Xiaoli sent it in the box again: "All arranged, Pandora is now reading Alice's book in the library."

It feels real to have a reliable person and cooperate with you! Da Fei Xin comforted: "Okay, brother will do an extremely difficult task right away, and it may take some time to be unable to return to the player's world. In short, I am still busy."

"That brother must pay attention to the rest, the more difficult the task, the more patient and careful. Our strength in China is very strong, don't have too much burden."

"Got it!"

Dafei was surprised and laughed. Now what happened to my sister who also kept her mouth closed in China? This really turned out to be a much broader vision after being a well-known anchor.

Anyway. Now that everything is arranged, it's time to hit the road. So Da Fei went back to the city to find the dwarf Buffett: "Let's go, let's go to the mage city and challenge all kinds of curses together."

Buffett exclaimed, "I've been waiting this moment for a long time!"

So all the way. Dafei took Buffett to reach the Crown City. Needless to say, the appearance of Dafei will always be the presence of crowds of players on the street.

When Da Fei is about to enter the main city of the Holy Crown City, the players watched in a panic: "It is worthy to be a brother, and you can enter the main city of the city!"

Then immediately there was an intentional player exclaiming: "Isn't this the npc dwarf that Fei brought into the dwarf palace the day before yesterday?"

"That is, the palace can go in. What else is the main palace!"

"What do you know, the 7 city masters of the 7 city alliance of mages are all law gods, better than the king!"

"Feige, this is to start the rhythm of the dwarven magician ..."

wrong! Perhaps it was the rhythm of a dwarven king? After a lot of discussions, Dafei entered the gate, and once the scene changed, the long-lost clocks and stars appeared again.

"Warrior, you are finally here!" The light in the starry sky flashed, and the golden crystal lamp of the King of Time appeared. "However, the warrior who was going to bring the amnesia lady last time?"

Da Fei shook his head: "Ista has found her own power, but also has more important vulgar things. So this time I brought another more suitable research candidate, you Lord Lord, you will know."

The King of Time suddenly stunned: "He seems to have a strong curse?"

Dafei laughed: "Exactly! I want to see if he goes back. Will the curse disappear when he returns to the time before the curse in him?"

The King of Time laughed: "Does the warrior think it is possible? The warrior has experienced the ruins of time. We should know what we are talking about going back to the past. We are not really turning the whole world back in time. We just dialed the clock back! "

I certainly understand! That is to play back the downloaded movie one by one! The movie is backflow, but the audience should still be stunned! To put it bluntly, the problem of the King of Time is that he exploded and turned himself from a viewer into a movie. He was stuck in the movie and couldn't get out, so he let him follow him into the movie.

Dafei laughed: "I know that the power of the curse is a higher level of power than the divine power, which may involve the problem of the origin of God. I think that the problem can only be solved with higher powers."

King of Time comforted: "It seems that the Warrior has been thinking about this problem, and I did not find the wrong person, then, let's get started. Are the Warriors ready?"

Da Fei nodded: "Ready!"

"So, start! You can choose to close your eyes and count!"

The next moment, crystal lights were shining, and the background of clocks and stars in the entire hall began to distort and fluctuate. Then the scene changed, and Dafei and Buffett appeared in a building intact. The streets are full of mage cities with various giant mechanical clock towers. Look around the stormy yellow sand outside the city. Looking at the sky again, various city reflection illusions like the window of the world are constantly emerging and distorted in the yellow sand storm.

"Welcome to the city of Colos before the explosion!" As Da Fei looked around, Da Fei's head flashed, and the crystal lamp appeared again.

Da Fei could not help but hesitated: "Lord Lord, why are you still a crystal lamp? You said that you are stuck in the past body?"

The King of Time sighed: "My body is annihilated in this world that is distorted in time and space. The storms that the warriors see are void storms that can dispel the power of God. They make me unable to rebuild my body. So the warrior, Our task is to explore the world and find a way to break it. "

There was a thunder in the sky while talking, and the scenery in front of Dafei changed. The city street that was still intact just turned into a ruin, and then the red light on the Dafei radar exploded. Dozens of red dot monsters around the ruins were Wandering around.

Dafei was startled suddenly: "Really changing the scene?"

The King of Time chanted: "Now the warrior saw it, this is the exploded city of Colos! These monsters are all rushed out of the fissure of time. The strength is very strong. The warrior has three ways to deal with it, either destroy them or avoid them , Or, wait until that time has elapsed to change the scene again. "

Da Fei said, "I have two ways. One is to find some absolutely immovable targets from constantly changing scenes. That thing should be the key to connecting the past and the future. The other way is that I and my dwarf friends have bad luck. Curse, see if it can interfere with the void storm here ... "Well, the key is to search the airship during this investigation. (To be continued.)

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