God Rank Hero

Chapter 1581: Be sure to buy the drawings

For the scene of time ruin, Da Fei has some experience and has some countermeasures. ¤ Just like in science fiction, the ubiquitous gravitation in the universe is a constant that can connect the past, present, and future of five-dimensional space. If you use download movies to compare five-dimensional space, this constant is the ability to drag buttons on the progress bar.

Therefore, in the game, we also need to find a constant that can be linked to the future. This constant does not change with the change of the scene. An invariant constant found last time is a teleportation matrix, so what would it be in this scenario? Obviously, it will not be a teleportation array, otherwise, as the King of Law, the King of Time will not be helpless. Then do not follow the task's routine card, Dafei and the power of doom, a magical existence that is not disturbed by any divine power, with the power of doom, all the phenomenon of pit fathers will appear. This is also the confidence of Dafei to break the game.

So after listening to Da Fei's suggestion, the King of Time is very satisfied: "It is worthy of being a warrior! But my power loss in this space is so serious that I can't even appear here for a long time. I need to save my strength, if it is not critical Fighting warriors do not try to find me, then the warriors start exploring according to your ideas. If the warriors have found out, shout 'King of time to open the door' and I will appear. "

After speaking, the crystal lamp disappeared.

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot! I pulled it, and when I saw him as a crystal lamp, he could directly upgrade Ista to the master alchemist, thinking that his deity must be sky-high. As a result, he did n’t say anything, even the crystal lamp. Can't help! What about good joint research?

However, Dafei has become accustomed to the pits of the system's npc, so it will not be tangled. Find the wreckage of the airship.

So Da Fei took Buffett to start a god-like stealth and shrunk in a broken room to avoid those monsters reminded by the King of Time as a strong similar creature. Then dispatched the Blood Eagle to start a citywide search.

quickly. The Bloodhawk found a half and its wreck-like wreckage in the yellow sand just outside the city! So easy to find out? Such a smooth thing makes Da Fei a bit difficult to adapt. Then there is nothing to say, sneaking all the way to avoid monsters out of the city.

Then Da Fei arrived at the wreckage, yes, this shape is definitely an airship! And seeing the shiny silver material of the wreck is even more extraordinary, it must be the high-tech airship of the king of time.

Da Fei was excited to find a door to the wreckage, entered, and sure enough, saw various broken machinery and equipment inside. These things are obviously not the goal of Dafei. Da Fei turned around again, and there wasn't any garbage in one place!

Dafei suddenly suddenly! impossible. According to the game ’s urine npcs, the prompt "possible" must be there, isn't this airship by itself? Or just ask the King of Time? However, this apparently high-tech act of stealing the city of the wizard asked him to seek skin with the tiger?

Also in Dafei's doubts, there was another thunder in the sky, and the scene in front of Dafei was blurred, and then the scene changed again!

Da Fei is still in the cabin of the airship just now, but the cabin is more severely broken, and then there is a crumbling sound of the cabin! Let me go. Is it time to move on? Dafei hurried out of the boat. The shell that was still shiny just now has no rust and no luster!

Dafei was shocked at the spot: "It really is getting faster!"

At this moment Dafei finally understood what to do, and that was watching and waiting! Wait for the next scene change. See if the next time is even more broken or the time is retroactively updated! If it's time to return, and when the airship's equipment is still new, it's your chance!

But this also means that it really takes a lot of time here, this task is not an ordinary egg pain!

At this moment, the red light of the alarm on the Dafei Leiguang exploded, and a large red spot on the radar gathered in all directions to think of where he was! Let me go, the scene is broken, and the monsters are indeed becoming more numerous. This is to make my brother not bored!

Buffett's anxious face turned green: "Friend, we are surrounded!"

Dafei hurriedly said, "Don't worry, we can shrink back and stay in the cabin door!"

Da Fei hurriedly opened the angel space, and Er and 10 Seraphs were there!

"That's great! Yeer went back with him!" At this moment, Dafei was really touched by his high end! Then there is nothing to say. Block the door and fight until the scene changes! I believe that the strength of defensive angels with a full-time defense such as 箩 er can drag the scene even if it is a delay.


At this time, the news that Da Fei first appeared after the war and met with senior traders on the trading platform once again caught the attention of players around the world. Then immediately players found the "maze drawing" with a reserve price of 20 million yuan and a 1 million "armed mast" skill book in the game item auction column of the Gold Taobao.com, players in the world were in an uproar!

There is no doubt that the biggest shock is the Japanese Mitsubishi team and the American supernova team! Igarashi contacted the Captain of the United States for the first time: "Captain, the maze drawing must be sold by Da Fei, that should be the god-level clearance reward of Minotau Maze! Da Fei cannot go to the New World, so it can only be in China Domestic auction! "

Fordson said inconceivably: "What is the Chinese man's attempt? He actually auctioned such a powerful drawing?"

Igarashi immediately returned to God: "Perhaps Dafei didn't know the power of this drawing at all? And the basic requirement of this drawing is the guru construction, and so far no player has understood the guru, including Russia. Ivan, the famous tower defense master, didn't understand it, so it is very difficult to use this drawing! Maybe this is why Dafei gave up? "

Fordson nodded: "That makes sense! This Armed Mast Skill Book also requires Grandmaster Construction, which is very likely to prove that Da Fei has encountered a bottleneck in this regard."

Tsukamoto also immediately said: "And the current situation in China is to focus only on the defense of the mining city of the gods, and there is no strength to carry out such large projects in valuable locations, which may also be why Dafei decided to sell!"

Fordson nodded again: "It makes sense! But we just have the ability, the energy, and found a valuable project! As long as we build such a maze on Beelzebu Demon Island, we will not be afraid of the threat of Chinese players ! "

Igarashi said: "Captain, let's buy it!"

Fordson coughed: "We just reached an agreement with the European Union on the mysterious Greek player's Troy match. The budget is very tight, so you buy it! Don't miss this opportunity."

"Let's buy it?" Igarashi gritted his teeth. "Okay, we must take this picture!" (To be continued.)

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