God Rank Hero

Chapter 1582: Take technology without taking the machine!

When Da Fei officially hung the drawings at the Gold Rush Online Auction, players around the world made a big splash. `Everyone knows that this drawing is definitely sold! Although Da Fei has fewer orders in the game, each time the product seems to be unusable by Da Fei, rather than unwanted by Da Fei, so there is no possibility of eliminating the goods, so it will have great auction value. Moreover, for large consortia, the reserve price of RMB 2 million is not unbearable, after all, a so-called "god-level hero" is almost the same price.

So in the 5th minute when these two drawings appeared on the Gold Rush Online, a mysterious buyer offered a reserve price test.

At this moment, the enthusiasm of the audience burst into flames! At the same time, game operators in various countries are also the first to pay attention to reporting the progress of the auction. After all, before the auction, Fei Fei, but in the presence of many reporters and players, made a soft advertisement for the game to get rich-and this is exactly what Game operators in various districts, and even some turbulent national governments who are being swayed by stupid youths on the streets, most want to see it!

The whole world was alarmed. Naturally, the China Federation of Trade Unions was also talking. Some presidents of small and medium guilds couldn't help but ask on the channel, "Boss, this drawing is a customs reward for a mythological copy? This effect should be called an artifact effect? ​​Is it really good to just sell it?"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "Who are you rushing to the Grand Master Class?"

The chairman of the congregation was surprised: "Even if no player rushes to the Grand Master, it is OK to ask some Grand Masters to launch the npc?"

The emperor sighed: "This thing has no value in domestic repairs, it can only be repaired in the new world against players from all over the world, and now neither Fei Fei nor we have the energy to fight against the world. It is just that others break our engineering transportation line We just don't want to live, so let it go. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for Dafei to open only such a low price. "

The ancient star sighed: "That is, the era of airships is imminent. There are no walls that can't be destroyed by airships in areas above the s-class. But the areas below the s-class can't show the value of this drawing, and it is really embarrassing."

The hegemon of the royal family laughed and laughed: "Although it makes sense, there are not many nurseries that raise prices at the auction. It seems too unregulated! Lao Tzu decided to lift him-250 thousand yuan!"

The presidents exploded: "Domineering tyrants! Don't you take off?"

The royal overlord laughed and laughed: "If you really want to buy it, it doesn't matter if you make a tens of millions! What else are I afraid of?"

Ancient Gu Xing laughed: "Also, maybe others can see the value we can't see from this drawing.` Then we look at the value."

President Xue Wei laughed: "It's so happy to fly Fei, this is really a trip to collect money!"

Ma Yinglong shook his head and smiled: "It is not much to make hundreds of millions in the game with the strength of Dafei, what is this money?"

The royal overlord laughed: "So, professional players. Fei Ge is your role model, work hard!"

The presidents of all the small and medium-sized enterprises worshiped in unison: "Kneel to the overlord tyrant! Please cover him with tyrant ..."

At this point, the Mitsubishi team was dignified. Ono Shinichiro, who was in charge of purchasing the drawings, received his first sniper attack!

Igaran gritted her teeth: "This is the Chinese raising their prices with us, the decisive battle has just begun! Tell Xiaoye Jun that our expected price is 100 million yuan. As long as the price is raised to 50 million, we will be very slow. Slow price increases give the other party a feeling we can't afford! "

Tsukamoto resentfully said, "What if the other party colludes with Dafei? As long as the auction fails, Dafei will return the money to them, so that the other party can keep raising prices!"

Igarashi coldly said: "No rush! Really topped over 100 million, we just shot it. Anyway, now our alliance does not have the time and energy to focus on repairing the maze. As long as Dafei really wants to sell, he still It will hang out. In short, we must move commentators from all over the world to find ways to devalue this drawing and continuously reduce Da Fei's psychological expectations. "

At that moment, Ono Shinichiro spoke, "The manager and the captain are assured.` With my understanding and observation of Dafei, he is not trusting anyone who eats food alone, and it is unlikely to have too much depth with large organizations. Cooperation, he must really want to sell. And even if we lose here, I will certainly earn back in the city of punishment and let them pay the price! "

Tsukamoto said, "Is there something wrong with the city of gods in China?"

Ono Masato said: "Yes, after the opening of the new world, the **** forces opposite the city of the punishment have experienced various unusual movements, and most of the Chinese players in the city of the punishment have joined the new world. Their The investigative efforts are not as good as before. I even suspect that they did not realize the crisis at all! "

Igarashi is interested: "What a crisis?"

Ono Shen said: "I think it is a much more serious crisis than the City of Divine Punishment in the European Union. With China's City of Divine Punishment so close to the Hell Fortress, even a complete loss of collapse is not impossible!"

Igarashi nodded: "Yo West! The most important thing is that Da Fei is not in the city of punishment ..."


It is 1o Beijing time. Under the attention of players all over the world, Dafei's drawings have been topped by 50 million yuan by a mysterious buyer! Envy and hatred can no longer be used to describe the audience's feelings at this time, but for the three major guilds, being able to help make so much money for Dafei is enough to invite credit.

Therefore, Ma Yinglong couldn't wait to announce the good news to Dafei personally, but the system prompt was really slammed:

——The system prompts: The message sending failed! Your friend is unable to communicate in a special scene.

The gangsters were amazed: "It's worthy of flying brother! It's completely out of our world! What high-end task did he receive from the Master City?"


At this point, Dafei is indeed doing high-end tasks! Even Dafei felt that this was an unprecedented tricky high end.

first. After two hours of airship debris blocking the door to guard the battle, Dafei's survival is still not a problem. With Dafei's current attributes and the strength of the takeaway, take out 1o ordinary angels to take down, these smoky element monsters are still not opponents of Dafei. So Da Fei has enough time to think and observe every scene change.

These two hour scenes were randomly changed 1o times, some more broken, and slightly newer. In either case, Dafei cannot take away any machine parts that appear in the airship. As soon as the scene changes, the system will prompt that the parts that were just put in the backpack just disappear.

That's where the trick is! According to Da Fei's idea, since he stops in time, he may be an invariant in this scene. Then, after he puts the part on his body, it should not disappear.

As Dafei meditated hard, the sky was thunderous again, the scene changed again, the battle at the hatch immediately stopped, and the radar was blank again. Then the scene in front of me suddenly became glorious!

Dafei hurriedly turned around and saw that he was now in a brand new cabin, and the magic lights of the machines around the cabin were shining! Suddenly, I finally waited for the perfect scene I was looking for!

However, if this disappearing problem cannot be solved and you still can't take away the core power of this airship, what's the point of your own search?

At that moment, Buffett spoke: "Friend, since this airship machine is also a time machine, can we turn on this machine to resist time changes? Even if we can't fight it, as long as we save more, we may have something?"

Looking at a large flashing green light on the operation platform, marked with the "Start" operation button, Da Fei's heart moved: "That makes sense!"

Da Fei no matter how much, slap the green button directly!

——System prompt: Time Traveler's power system starts again!

——System prompt: Warning! The system detected no flight equipment, damaged power boilers, and insufficient fuel ...

Da Fei's heart shook. Although damaged, it was still usable! In other words, as long as this set of equipment can be transported away, it will be done! So can I find a way to ship it out?

The next moment, Dafei and Buffett felt like two headless flies in the operating room, touched there and pressed, all kinds of messy system information came out, but there was no clue!

Finally, the sky was a thunder again. The turned-on machine was still unable to prevent the scene from changing. Da Fei's eyes were dark and all the magic lights were off. A slightly broken and dusty cabin appeared.

Dafei is at a loss again! No solution?

Da Fei pressed the start button again. This time, there was no system prompt. There was no response, apparently the fuel was exhausted. Da Fei flicked the button a few times, and indeed heard a bang, a rusty metal shell on the operating platform fell to the ground and exposed various lines inside the operating platform.

——System Tip: You have successfully dismantled the casing of a precision instrument, and your excellent wisdom has given you the information of the hidden cutting-edge instrumentation!

Dafei was shocked! Cutting-edge instrumentation? Never heard of it in a game! Is this the skill of the Mage City Alchemists' Guild technicians who cast a body for Zavala?

At this moment, Dafei finally had a faint way to break the game! Since things can't be taken away, then Brother is here to disassemble the machine to study technology! I do n’t believe that the technology I learned will be wiped out by scene change?

That's right! With the wisdom of Brother breaking through the sky, Brother is here to comprehend high-tech manufacturing, and then Brother goes back to make it himself! As a result, Dafei excitedly tossed these lines inside, and when Dafei pulled off a decaying line, the information of cutting-edge instrumentation appeared again!

Dafei laughed: "This is the strategy to break the game! I can't take the machine, but I can take the technology!"

(Thanks to the new allies and book friends for the reward, the ashtray is ashamed of it, anyway, there must be another chapter anyway !!!) (To be continued.)


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