God Rank Hero

Chapter 1583: Pandora's Super Value

Da Fei has nearly 40 points of wisdom, and every bit of wisdom is hard to come by. Although Dafei has no doubt that with the accumulation of wisdom, the understanding behind him will become easier and more wisdom will be accumulated like a snowball. But understanding itself requires a strict environment, and such an environment is not easy to find. So in all fairness, Dafei has never felt how much wisdom has improved himself.

But it's different now! In such a peculiar scene, even if Da Fei knocks away a few decaying machine shells and pulls away a few parts, the system prompts: You have successfully disassembled ... Your superior wisdom allows you to obtain Information on hidden skills "advanced instrumentation"!

This is beyond the scope of luck, and this is the result of accumulation of wisdom!

Of course, the role of the environment remains important. If it was the scene of the trash in the beginning, Dafei would not have any gains. If it is a normal and intact scene later, Dafei will not be able to gain anything. It is impossible to disassemble those brand-new instruments, and at most it is forced destruction. Only when the current machine is used and loose, and various loose parts make Dafei have the possibility of dismantling and comprehension!

What's even better is that under normal circumstances, these machines are all closely guarded by cutting-edge technology in the city of the wizard. Players don't say that they can be disassembled randomly, even if they are not easy to see! But here is different. This is an unmanned world. Dafei can toss as much as he wants to toss!

Realizing this, Da Fei is ecstatic to tear down the machine! Kung Fu is worthy of care. At 11 am, after an hour of hard work, it's finally time to come:

System prompt: Congratulations! In your repeated practice dismantling, your excellent wisdom has made you realize the "primary cutting-edge instrumentation" of hidden life skills! Your wisdom +1!

Cutting-edge instrumentation: advanced disciplines in manufacturing precision tools, magic instruments, and special machines.

Dafei let out a long laugh and realized! There are all juniors, can the master be far away? Just then, the system prompts again:

System Tip: You successfully learned cutting-edge instrumentation! Your god-level scout. Grand Master Jianbao Family, the extra bonus of God-level war machine science allows you to get the information of the branch of cutting-edge instrument technology "drawing and design materials and equipment alchemy"!

Da Fei suddenly froze, and the laughter came to an abrupt end! Aren't you right? And drawing design? What other material is alchemy? How sophisticated is this system? I'm just playing a game! Can you have an egg?

After learning the basic skills, no matter how big the flying parts are, how to dismantle and toss, no intermediate information appears. That said. These machine states can only make Dafei stop at the elementary level. If you want to go further, you can only wait for the scene to refresh a slightly new machine.

This makes Da Fei a little annoyed, which means that it is a long waiting process. Da Fei has always been accustomed to being able to do things for one month to one day, and being able to walk the way of others for one month a day. This kind of reliance on eating and waiting for refreshment time is really intolerable for Da Fei.

Finally, almost ten minutes of waiting time passed. There was a thunder in the sky, and the scene was finally refreshed, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. This time it was a more dilapidated scene! These things that have almost become **** can't improve Dafei. Unsurprisingly, the good news is that Da Fei's comprehension skills have not been brushed and lost, and surely the objects are all external objects, only knowledge is his own thing.

And waiting is never Da Fei's style. Da Fei remembers that there are more machines and equipment in the city of Colos. Where should it be an ocean of knowledge? And there are more places to hide in the city, which can avoid unnecessary battles. That is to say, it was actually a detour that he left the city from the beginning? Well, there are flaws! Then there is nothing to say. Go back to town.

Just then, a strange and gentle female voice suddenly sounded in Da Fei's ear: "Master, is it convenient to bother you?"

Dafei was shocked, then looked around: "Who?"

"It's me! Pandora, I'm talking to you in the box!"

box? Da Fei hurriedly pulled out the Pandora's Box, and she really saw the magic of the box! Dafei was shocked at the scene: "Will you talk to me with a box?"

Pandora laughed: "The box is where my destiny belongs. As long as the box is on the host, no matter where my body is, I can contact the host!"

Dafei was shocked: "The Lich !?"

Pandora sighed: "What an awful name! But although I don't want to admit it, my race is indeed an undead. My existence of this nature is indeed a particularly advanced lifeguard box with 108 demon servants Lich. By the way, if the host is not busy, I can report the progress of my research to the host. I have found Alice's hometown from a script. I can now find it ... "

Lich! At this moment, the shock in Da Fei's heart was indescribable, so that Alice's message Pandora had heard was ignored by Da Fei! Da Fei could hardly associate this fairy-like existence with the Lich when she first met! But then again, when I first met. Her faint appearance is no different from a female ghost, and it is not surprising that she is a Lich.

However, these are not important now and are not the point! The point is that I have the equivalent of having a mobile phone to contact Pandora who is not around at any time! This is a super value unmatched by any of your own heroes! This is where the Lich is against the sky!

Speaking of the Lich, Da Fei remembered the Lich theologian Isaac, who had been left in the Sewer Alchemy Alchemy Lab of the City of Light for hundreds of years. In fact, it was not left out. Last time, he took Douglas with Douglas to collect magma dragon Douglas.

Dafei hurriedly found Isaac's humble lifeguard box from his backpack and shouted, "Issac, are you there?"

no answer. Da Fei shook again, and asked again, still nothing!

At this point, Pandora's voice came again: "... the report is finished, please ask the owner to instruct!"

Da Fei came back to God: "Okay, just look for what you said. By the way, why can't other Liches really talk to me through the life box?"

Pandora laughed: "Of course it is because he is too weak or the specification of the lifeguard box is not high enough. And I do not have the problem of the lifeguard box. If the owner continues to train me to increase my strength, I may still develop I have a power that I do n’t know myself. Then, I will complete the visit task given by the host. The host can contact me at any time through the magic box. "

Really a mobile phone! Da Fei Xin comforted: "Okay, you do it."

After discovering the true value of Pandora, Da Fei's mind suddenly turned! That's right, with this phone, you can cooperate with Pandora, and finally you are not alone in the isolated game! (To be continued.)

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