God Rank Hero

Chapter 1598: Demon Transformation of Demon Ossie

With the start of the siege of the city of the city of punishment in China, players all over the world have found a new focus. Many professional commentators have said before that this position of the City of Divine Punishment in China is dead, but it has never been dead, and he has not seen any major actions by the **** side.

Now it's time to come, so will it die this time? The excitement of gamers around the world is waiting to be seen! This holiday-like carnival almost has to catch up with the player conference battles outside the city of the gods. After all, no matter how busy the players between the cities of the gods fight, it is also a battle without injury, but the city of **** punishment is related to the destruction of the city! What could be more exciting than the destruction of the city?

Especially in the Japan area, countless Japanese players put a "victory" headband on their foreheads, cheering for the **** legion who rushed to the city of punishment.

However, for the Mitsubishi team, tension and anxiety are greater than excitement. After all, the Japanese area cannot directly control the situation and cannot know the performance of Farina after the cross-region. This eager audience who wants to know the story behind is no doubt It is tangled.

Also tangled is Dafei. At this time, Dafei is watching the live broadcast of the battle on the forum nervously and anxiously. Although Da Fei was very confident in the sky boat with the defense of the city of punishment, he also had to look at his opponent. The battle in the nightmare space that Da Fei really wanted to see was indeed invisible, even the strength of the opponent. It is the most unbearable until less.

If it doesn't work then the old rules, go to Jun Xiang trumpet yourself. Although the combat effectiveness of Junxiang Trumpet is negligible, anyway, it is also the first person in the world level. Besides, it is possible to receive some tasks that Junxiang Xiang cannot receive by himself. This is the advantage. Better than staring at yourself.


At this time, the city of God of Punishment was noisy, and most of the Crusader players in the Bloodweaver Union and other major guilds began to return to defense, and killed the city to block the Fire Legion's offensive for the first time. And this kind of flame legion from the abyss lava is not a regular army that can be used by **** players. The burning flames of their entire body have caused considerable damage to the melee troops. Also gave Xuewei Guild a great deal of stress. Fortunately, the Blood Wei Guild has been taking the nursing mother's treatment route since it was opened, so it can still withstand it.

Then Xiaoli controlled Junxiang also returned to the team in time to the archangel Sazel. As the first person in the world to stand up to flocks, he is also one of the earliest crusaders in China. Then he just completed the Gabriel copy and won 10,000 gods. The dialogue between Jun Xiang and NPC will trigger. What is the difference? What's the task? Blood Wei Guild is looking forward to it.

as expected. The archangel's tone also became different: "Warrior, your progress is amazing, not many warriors who can achieve your current achievements in the whole world! Now the **** army has launched us the most violent offensive in 10,000 years, We can't fail. I can make you take on a very special task, but you have to make some sacrifices. The Warriors can think clearly. "

System prompt: Archangel Sazel issues a special confidential mission to you. May I accept it?

Warning: Once accepted, this task will have irreversible results, which may have a significant impact on your gaming experience. Please make a careful decision.

Xuewei beauties exclaimed: "Wow! There are special missions! And there are still mission warning missions, this must be very high-end, right?"

Zhou Qing frowned indeed: "High-end tasks often mean that you can't afford it. This is not necessarily a good thing. Xiaoli, you continue to ask what the task is."

"Got it!"

So Xiaoli's Junxiang asked: "What is my mission?"

The Archangel Shen said: "This is a very confidential task. I can only tell you if you are willing. I can only tell you that this is the turning point of your destiny."

Wow! The beauties were in an uproar: "This task is too savage, isn't it? Is it for players to gamble? But the more sacred it means the higher end! I think we should take it!"

Zhou Qing frowned. It is certainly no hesitation to switch to any professional guild when encountering such a task. Anyway, professional guilds are mostly high-end game accounts, even if the system is pitted, it is nothing great. However, this Junxiang is not from Xuewei Studio. You have to ask the party's classmate Xiaoli for their opinions.

Zhou Qing had to ask: "Student Xiaoli, this is your elder brother, what do you think?"

Xiaoli coughed: "I think the overall situation is the most important, and the crisis and opportunity coexist, of course, it's the answer! If it doesn't work, the president can still ask Fei to come to the rescue site."

Where to contact Fei Ge! Zhou Qing smiled helplessly: "It makes sense, then take it."

The next moment, Sazel was very relieved and said, "Well worthy of being a warrior. Then the warriors come in and talk."

Then the light flashed and the scene changed. Junxiang appeared in a magnificent hall. A circular machine rolling in the hall shocked the beautiful women on the spot: "Where is this? This is also the city of magical punishment." What is this machine? Classmate Xiaoli, please ask! "

Without asking Xiaoli. Sazel introduced it actively: "Warrior, in the past 10,000 years, you are the rare mortal who is qualified to enter here. This is the core of the city of divine punishment, the perpetual motion, the supreme masterpiece of the supreme wisdom of God. The core value of the entire city of **** punishment lies. The fact that we have guarded here for 10,000 years is mainly to guard this machine. Once we fail, this machine will be obtained by the demons. Warrior, you have a great responsibility! "

It turns out that this is the connotation of the city of divine punishment! This is the stunned beauty.

Xiaoli replied: "I am very honored to be here, so what is my task?"

Just then, a man in a black cape appeared: "Master Angel, ready now."

Sazel said, "Warrior, our strength may not be able to compete with the Hell Army for a long time in the frontal battlefield. We need a good and loyal warrior to break into Hell and disintegrate each other from inside Hell! This is Osai, he Your ability is to disguise you, no, to be precise, it takes a lot of demon power to transform you into a demon. Your ability is to shuttle between the light camp and the **** camp. This is also your task, so start! "

"Understand." The man in black immediately cast.

Blood Wei Studio also burst into a blast: "Wow! Two-sided spy? Change race?"

After being shocked, Zhou Qing immediately returned to God: "Quiet! From now on, the transformation of Junxiang is the absolute confidentiality of our guild, and no one should disclose this to the outside world!"


At this moment, Zhou Qing regretted it! If you knew that even npc was secretly secretive, then you should also realize the importance of the task, and you should not play it publicly on the wall screen. If it is usually Zhou Qing, of course, don't worry, but downstairs is the studio of the camera crew. Those people are professional gossips and it is easy to leak!

At the same time, Xiaoli also realized that the problem was serious, and immediately sent a message to Dafei.

At this time, Dafei was nervous and anxious. Of course, it was the first time to check after receiving the text message, and then shocked the scene!

Let me go! This hero ’s independent expedition was almost unpredictable, and he actually dispatched Brother Osai, the demon god! How could Osser really transform? Fortunately, this is the brother's first trumpet in the world to receive this task. Otherwise, if it is cheaper, other brothers will not vomit blood and be depressed?

In short, it is good to rebuild. Junxiang and Dafei are indeed coincident in their races, and their abilities are too poor. They can only help themselves and do not make up for their shortcomings. After transforming into a demon, you can go to the other side and know yourself.

Da Fei immediately replied: "The change was very good! Just do it! By the way, this Ossey is a follower of Brother ’s collection, and he is his own. Also, if you are convenient, open a live broadcast window for Brother . "

Xiaoli immediately responded excitedly: "Okay! If I really have trouble that I can't solve, I'll find a chance to board this number, right?"

Da Fei was surprised and laughed. In fact, the brother's large size is actually very busy dismantling the machine, okay? (To be continued.)

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