God Rank Hero

Chapter 1599: The assassination team behind the magic change Jun Xiang

As the black man Ossay had finished casting, Junxiang flickered in black light, and a play figure also wearing a black cape appeared.

The system prompts: You are transformed by Osai into a mid-level demon "corrupter" that lasts for one month. You gain +5 health, +1 health, +1 mana, and gain 1 magic power. Get stunts "morph transformation", "rotten belief", "fallen innocence"!

Form conversion: You can switch between human form and demon form. It takes 5 magic power to transform the form once, and it can hide your name at the same time. When you are in Demon Form, you cannot use Bright Magic and use the skills of your Knight and Crusader classes. Warning: Regardless of the duration, if you already have the power of the devil in your body, you can no longer get a higher level of professional advancement in the Church of Light.

Decaying Faith: You can make sacrificial offerings to Osai to gain divine power.

Fallen Innocence: When you are in Demon Form, you and your troops can assassinate the demons of the same faction, and no red name status will appear. (Note: Once assassination is discovered, death will still be punished with the same degree as Red Name.)


The transformation is successful. The high starting point of the mid-level demons and the assassination of the npc will not make them famous, but the beauty of Xuewei is bright, but it only lasts for a month. It really leaves everyone blank, that is, once a month, Jun Even if Xianghao returned to his original form, he could not continue his studies on the human side? Is this the price of this task? Sure enough, the man in black began to actively explain: "Warrior, my transformation power is mainly used to ensure that your birth is noble than most demons, so that they can easily be reused by the other party and quickly penetrate into the other party, but from this only The time that can lead to transformation can only last for one month. If you want to continue to study in the Decay, then try to use the three abilities I have given you to complete the enemy destruction task in one month. "

Seeing Dafei here in the live broadcast window is also assured, this is the npc's urine! I have to say that this "fallen innocence" stunt is simply a magic skill. Without this magic skill, where does Junxiang have the capital to penetrate behind the enemy! It's no wonder that the second prince of Ossetos was able to compete with the great prince for so long without falling into the wind. This is a born conspirator!

Sazel also nodded: "So the warrior, let's go! In order to cover you into the enemy city, and at the same time let you feel the great responsibility, I will start a **** punishment cannon for you!"

After speaking, he raised his hand: "God punished the annihilation gun!"

Then the next moment. The perpetual motion in the lobby began to spin rapidly, and the golden light shone throughout the lobby! At the same time, the enchantment range of the city of the punishment was suddenly expanded by a radius of one kilometer, and all the siege of the flame legion was covered by the lightning enchantment of the city of punishment!

At this moment, the players in the audience. The beauties of Whole Blood Wei Studio are all excited! Although the city of magical punishment in the European Union has already demonstrated the power of the magical artillery, it is completely different to be able to experience it at the scene and witness the activation of the artillery behind the scenes.

boom! !! !! There was a loud noise between the heavens and the earth, a golden power grid descended from the sky, the whole land was a cloud of smoke and dust, and the red cloud of fire on the radar disappeared instantly!

"Group seconds!" The audience was stunned, and the beauty of Xuewei Studio even screamed, even the knowledgeable Da Fei couldn't help but applaud this cannon! It has to be said that although there are many divine wars that Da Fei has experienced. But I haven't encountered any attack more powerful than God's punishment. This is totally black technology!

When the crowd was shocked, Sazel's voice sounded, "This is the time, Warrior, I wish you triumph!"

After speaking, the scene in front of Junxiang was changed, and then appeared in a dark red hot street corner. The grand and loud horn of war sounded throughout the city. Needless to say, Junxiang successfully mixed in.

Zhou Qing also immediately said, "Okay, now the battle has entered a new stage, and everyone will respond to it all. Don't broadcast live on the wall, and Xiaoli will directly broadcast to me and the blood Wei Sheng gun.

Xiaoli: "I see."

That's right, it would be inappropriate for such a confidential task to be broadcast live on the wall. Now that it is more confidential, it must be kept absolutely secret. Lest people talk about it accidentally.

At this time, Da Fei watching behind the scene also promptly reminded Xiao Li: "Find a pub first and observe the situation. Generally, there are many pubs in the big city. You can find them one by one and see what special circumstances will happen. This kind of high-level players can easily trigger the mission story. If the tavern is not available, go directly to the barracks city hall to find officers. "

Xiaoli replied cheeringly: "I see."

The following time is when this "magic version of Jun Xiang" wandered around the streets of this **** fortress city. Same as ordinary **** city. It is like a world of braised bricks, a city full of flame towers, a forge that is soaring into the sky, screaming unknown shops, and little devil busy carrying around. This is a scene that makes players feel hot all at once.

Unsurprisingly, various insignificant little devil, and various big demon of unknown origin will appear in front of Jun Xiang and ask: "Can I do something for your Excellency? Are you new here? Is there something interesting? Do it? "

In short, these are not dishes that Da Fei can see and ignore. What Dafei wants is the opportunity to find a chance to directly climb the sky and climb to the big people in the city.

As for Xiao Li's disregard for the provoked plot, she still wandered all the way. After all, it has been discovered that a classmate Xiaofang is so smart and excellent. So what does this look like to be introverted and some classmates will have? Wait and see.

At this time, the Chinese city of God of Punishment made a big move so quickly that it shocked the world and the Japanese Mitsubishi team was ecstatic, which exposed the weak fact of City of God of Punishment! Although the City of Divine Punishment temporarily won the respite by this gun, this will only make the Hell Army launch a larger and stronger attack. Wait and see!


It is now at night in Beijing time. After the shocking clearance, the **** fortress's offensive entered a temporary cessation, and the portals connecting the nightmare space in the City of God and Punishment are no longer shining. Dafei continued to be distracted at Komatsu while working hard to dismantle at Kolos.

And Xiaoli has been walking on the street for dozens of minutes, and the results are quite fruitful. Already, the general deputy-level npc has taken the initiative to solicit "Magic Change Junxiang" on the street. However, Da Fei is extremely cheap and feels that the high-end goods will not be brought to the door. Only the one who needs to kneel and lick is the one who is worthy of his energy. So Da Fei instructed Xiao Li to decisively refuse.

It was okay to decline, and the other party said, "Just change your mind and open the door for you." This not only relieves Da Fei's worries, but also fuels Da Fei's arrogance. Da Fei refused even more recklessly.

This kind of behavior is a little incredible even for Zhou Qing who is watching behind the scenes. What is this Xiaoli student doing? Now that time is running short, what are she choosing?

Zhou Qing couldn't help but wanted to intervene to remind Xiaoli. But after thinking about it, I still can't bear it, after all, the other party didn't sign the contract. If you forcefully intervene, it will upset the other party and affect the signing and negotiation.

Under Zhou Qing's anxiety, Magic Reform Junxiang entered another tavern, and as soon as he entered the door, he found that the tavern was deserted with only a few people, which was in sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of the previous tavern.

Just then. A demon sitting at the doorway snorted, "Go!"

Then Junxiang blasted the red light!

System prompt: Warning! You are warned by Cromwell, a noble hero of Azsele, leave the guard area immediately!

"Wow!" Xiao Li and Zhou Qing, watching behind the scenes, were shocked to shrink!

Da Fei, who looked up at the live broadcast window, was really shocked! Then swept the other people in the tavern, Dafei was shocked on the spot! An unbelievable ecstasy surging for a long time to reunite!

Let me go! The two banshee heroes are clearly Deirdre and Ramia! Although they changed their appearance, Mimiron and Dog King around them had already betrayed their identities. I didn't expect them to come to China! What is this rhythm? The rhythm of a thousand miles to find a husband!

Dafei immediately sent a message to Xiaoli under the excitement of ecstasy: "It's her own person! It's them! All kinds of buying wine and sending equipment do everything possible to persuade and deepen the favor, and then work together!"

It is conceivable how shocked Xiao Li was to receive the text message. How could her brother be everywhere? Brother is really amazing.

In short, Xiaoli, who responded, increased her confidence, and immediately took out some of the best A-level equipment and offered to her: "This lord. I am very happy to see you! This is a gift for you!"

At this moment, even Zhou Qing, watching behind the scenes, couldn't help but realize. Although Zhou Qing did not know the identities of the npcs, which were strictly kept secret in Japan, but based on the distinctive atmosphere of this tavern, they knew that this must be the goal! I didn't expect this Xiaoli classmate to be so selective!

And seeing the equipment pulled out from the trumpet, Da Fei is also sad to see and cry! After all, because the trumpet's dynamics are broadcast live by the Blood Wei Association at any time, even if you want to operate, you can't find an excuse.

Sure enough, the devil named Cromwell dismissed Jun Xiangxiang's offering: "Trash!"

Just then, a banshee suddenly laughed and said, "Slow! Are you here, warrior, to participate in this battle against the city of God?"

Xiaoli was suddenly pleased, she deserved to be her own, and took over all of a sudden? Just when Xiao Li was happy to answer. Dafei was suddenly alert, and immediately texted: "Wait! I think about it."

That's right, although it's "own", Junxiang is not a Dafei. Junxiang is a completely strange existence in front of them! The first dialogue between strangers will completely dominate the development direction of the subsequent plot.

Although she asked a normal question, what was their purpose here? Under normal circumstances, NPCs will not easily leave their own city territory, let alone cross-region! Then there is only one case, that is, the Japanese players promoted the plot behind the scenes, that is, their purpose was to come to attack the city of God of Punishment, or they would not be able to trigger a cross-region reason.

Then we need to make this dialogue continue. This simple question only needs to answer a "yes".

But the problem is, they were sent by the brother to be an undercover agent. How could they come to hit the brother's place? Even if it's a fake drama, it's a little too much! In addition, the mission of Junxiang is to undermine undermining. How can you answer "yes?" This is a game, but it is not a two-sided, three-edged spy war. There is only a simple "yes" or "no" in front of the system.

Then you can only answer "No!"

But answering "No" is also inappropriate! Deirdre is now independent, but in fact, she has no affiliation with her, even if she comes to attack her own territory. Once she really wanted to be superior, she came to attack. Then the consequence of answering a "No" is "Get off! Different paths do not work together!" Then the subsequent dialogue will not be discussed.

How to do? At this moment, Da Fei fell into deep contemplation. The elder brother didn't speak, of course Xiaoli didn't say anything. And Xiaoli's half-sound did make Zhou Qing behind the scenes a bit restless. After all, Zhou Qing didn't know how deep the water was.

So Zhou Qing couldn't help asking: "Student Xiaoli, are you there? What about npc?"

Xiaoli had to respond awkwardly: "I'm thinking how to answer it."

"Isn't it?" This surprised Zhou Qing very much. For such a simple conversation, it takes such a long time to think about it. Is this problem too difficult, or is this classmate Xiaoli too stupid.

Just when Zhou Qing was upset, Xiao Li finally spoke to the banshee: "I am only for my own personal benefit. As long as I can get the most benefits and avoid the disadvantages, I can do anything."

That's right! This is the answer that Da Fei thought about for a long time, neither "Yes" nor "No". With this ambiguous sentence, the conversation can be continued as a buffer, but also to test the real attitude of Deirdre.

And this unanswered answer also surprised Zhou Qing on the spot. After thinking about it for a long time, is this a sentence?

Sure enough, the Banshee was surprised: "What's the biggest benefit you said?"

There is drama! Da Fei immediately opened the door to see the mountains and drew directly: "The biggest advantage is that we will join forces to take advantage of the two defeats of the war to hurt the fishermen and gain the benefit of the public and private.

At this moment, Da Fei excitedly poured out all the derogatory words! Because these words are the favorite of demons. The most beautiful words that fit their values!

At this moment, Zhou Qing's face turned green: "It's so unexpected that you are such a little classmate! I have been blinded by your pure appearance!"

Xiaoli hurriedly said, "President has misunderstood, I just said to the devil!"

Zhou Qing laughed: "It's all right! Keep going!"

The blood gun Saint Wei who listened on the other side also laughed: "In fact, everyone has a demon in his heart, and people are similar to demons."

Zhou Qing laughed: "That's why we need God and we need faith."

At this time, when she heard Jun Xiang's statement, the banshee laughed likewise: "Interesting! I agree with your point of view, but what value do you have for me to cooperate with?"

Succeeded! Brother's heart is still with him! Dafei immediately instructed to reply: "My ability is degraded and innocent. We can kill several people to try!"

The banshee frowned: "Kill who?"

Magic Reform Junxiang replied: "I know there is a very rich warehouse outside the city, and we can try it there."

The banshee laughed: "Interesting! Then we act?"

The King of Dogs laughed: "Okay! Compared to attacking the city of punishment as a cannon fodder, the warrior's suggestion is my appetite!"

Another banshee laughed: "Assassination is my strength!"

Cromwell laughed: "Since everyone thinks so, I have no opinion!"

Another demon in black said lightly: "If you are a fool. Then I will let you know the punishment that is scarier than death!"

System Tip: Farina, Lamia, Mimiron, Grauer, Cromwell join your team and become your temporary vice heroes!

success! Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! Brother's **** team is all together. I haven't been busy in Japan!

And Zhou Qing and Xue Wei's holy gun were even more shocked on the spot: "Oh my God! Xiaoli, you are really"

Xiaoli laughed: "What am I?"

Xue Wei's stunner laughed: "You're really bad and dazzling!"

Xiaoli hurriedly said, "Just playing games!"

Zhou Qing laughed: "Just kidding, then let us look at the strength of these demon heroes!"

"Got it."

So the next moment, Xiaoli sent a message and asked, "Brother, how powerful are these demon heroes?"

Da Fei smiled lightly: "Average! That is, Mimi Long is a little stronger, probably barely able to slaughter a little Mao God ..."

Xiaoli was shocked: "So strong? So many people can get rid of the Blood Demon King in the mining warehouse?"

Dafei grinned and said, "Yes! It's time to give my breath a breath!"


It is now 2 pm Beijing time, and the flames of flames on the square summoning array in Hell Fortress again, thousands of demonic wizards have started a new round of large-scale casts, and the second wave of attacks is about to start.

The team of Jun Gao Xiang Xiang accepted a small task of guarding the mining area of ​​the warehouse. As for where the assassination of such a highly technical thing is not a big deal, let the professional players such as Blood Wei Guild analyze and calculate it. (To be continued.)

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