God Rank Hero

Chapter 1605: Hit Noah's Ark

It is 00:00 am Beijing time, and a new day has begun. The UK is still at 5 pm yesterday. At this time, the members of the Royal Ark team resolved the dinner early to prepare for the possible "entering the sea of ​​light" battle.

After a search of the keyword "Flame Lord" for nearly two hours, all kinds of monsters, various names and various weapons are available, but it has nothing to do with this undead giant ship in the game. Expecting clues from the ship's name is unlikely.

Then there is nothing to solve it. The first battle was because of being caught off guard, the British team did not expect that the entrance to the sea of ​​light, which was silent during the public test, would be ambushed by unknown forces. Now that preparations have been made, as well as detailed data analysis of video recordings, the British team also has a more detailed understanding of the strength of this undead fleet.

In short, it is still not Noah's opponent. However, the speed and size of the Fire Lord was still a big problem. Although the British team is confident that the technical content of Noah's Ark is several orders of magnitude higher than that of the crude ore giant ship, if it is hit by it, it will still be uncomfortable, and this damage is difficult to calculate.

Like the famous American car "Hummer", it is said that all kinds of bulletproof are extremely powerful, but if it is hit by a small pickup coming at a high speed, it is necessary to drink a pot. And Hummer is so delicate, how can it hurt each other with a cheap pickup? This is where the British team struggles.

What's more tangled is that this time the entrance to the transition is that Noah's Ark has detoured 1/12 of the new world. This is an additional resource consumption. Once Noah's Ark is consumed in the next battle, There are not enough reserves to deal with voyages in the sea of ​​glory. After all, Noah's Ark also fired a cannon of extinction on the continent of Besib before, which is not much consumption.

However, after all, trouble is only trouble, and it is not enough to threaten. After having estimated various parameters of the battleship, the British team is still confident to solve the trouble with minimal consumption. Well. Will that giant ship still appear?

The British team did not want it to appear. If it does, it means that this ghost fleet also has the ability to quickly cross a new world of 12/12, which means that the other party is a very scary npc force. And with such a strong npc consumption is obviously not the British team's current policy.

Now, at noon, the sun was obscured by a mysterious being in the sky. The darkness like a solar eclipse once again fell between the sky and the sea.

Then a thick mist transpired on the sea!

"Come here!" The members of the British team were immediately ready for battle. At the same time, the npc angels immediately called the police: "There is an undead coming soon!"

The next moment, hundreds of smoky ghost warships appeared! Then the last thing the British team wanted to see appeared: the Flame Lord was suddenly listed!

The whole team took a sigh of relief! This means that the power of the Ghost Fleet is not under the Noah's Ark, and that the other party is a full fleet maneuver. This is the incomparable advantage of Noah's lone boat. What a powerful opponent? And the more powerful your opponent, the more you need to make a quick decision!

Lancelot immediately ordered: "The magic cannon locks on the target and fills the highest resources. Sink it all down!"

"Yes. Private r!"

As a giant French array rose, the Flame Lord again collided at high speed under the cover of the black mist!

And this time, the team members seem to feel a little different?

Then a thick bucket of violent thunder came down, and the upper mast building of the Flame Lord was almost flattened in a thunderstorm! For ordinary sailboats, if the sails are burned out, it is tantamount to rest on the dishes and anchored to a living target. That is to say, Noah's Ark can easily bomb the battleships known as the strongest human warships with this ultra-conventional magic cannon.

For sailboats that are mainly powered by paddles, the destruction of the superstructure does not have much impact, so this is also the reason why Noah's Ark is a bit troublesome. but. It's just a small trouble in the calculation, the next shot. Thunder and lightning will penetrate directly from the hole that was blasted out on the deck!

Even though the damage caused by the implosion of thunder and lightning filled by the highest resources cannot sink the warship directly through the bottom of the ship, the paralysis effect of a large area spread is enough to make all the sailors on the bottom paddle bay strike.

As long as this giant ship stops or slows down, it will become a waste that is not worth wasting ammunition, and Noah's Ark will enter the sea of ​​light through the vortex gate unstoppably.

But the situation is wrong! When the flaming flame lord broke out of the mist, the British team members discovered that its speed was not only slowed down by the destroyed sails, but also unusually fast! This is what the team members felt wrong from the start!

"Sh * t!" A bad premonition flooded Lancelot's mind.

Just then, the angels called the police again: "A serious threat was found, Noah's Ark made an emergency avoidance!"

That's right! Although the speed of the opponent is unexpected, it can be avoided by Noah's Ark. It is not difficult to avoid the "sea bull", which is not easy to turn, and the giant sailboat is more stupid and easier to avoid. And if it isn't brewing a second magic cannon, Noah's Ark can also teleport away in an emergency.

In short, everything is still under control, as long as the impact of Noah's Ark is avoided, the next shot of the magic cannon will be completely goodbye to this bull!

However, just as the two sides are about to pass away and become obsolete again, the mutation has happened again!

This flaming flame bull suddenly turned at an incredible speed! To be precise, it is because its paddle cabin is facing the Noah's Ark's giant paddle. There is no paddling. Only the other row of giant paddles suddenly accelerates the rhythm.

This kind of high-speed turn is almost like a car drifting across the hull almost instantaneously. The huge steel impact angle on the bow of the ship is like a smashing sharp knife passing by!

Avoid it!

At this moment, the players of the entire team were incredulously wide-eyed and couldn't even scream! !! !!

Hit it!

The large screen on the entire wall seemed to be trembling, a series of long and scratching sounds rang through the headquarters, and the magic cannon just brewing was also short-circuited because of this collision! The system warning of alarm and loss will also be swiped to warn you! The left cabin of the ark's hull was torn and hit, and the built-in space on the left was greatly impacted ...

"Whatthef * k!" Lancelot could hardly believe the sudden change in this moment could not help but swear!

"Be sure to kill it!" Bedville growled even more!

But after the ark's vibrations stabilized, the smoke on the sea broke up, and the flaming giant ship and the entire ghost fleet disappeared like ghosts again. The sun shone again, except for the large floating wood on the sea. The block proves that a fierce battle has just happened here.

At this moment, the British team headquarters was silent! Missed the opportunity to enter the door, and Noah's Ark was injured, what is the next step?

Finally, Lancelot ordered the privilege to weigh the pros and cons painlessly: "Withdraw! Return to Hong Kong for repair."

Bedville was reluctant to say: "But the opponent's giant ship will not work, and we will not be able to stop us next time."

Lancelot said in a deep voice: "The other side has shown such superb strength. What kind of opponents will we face next time? How can we guarantee the task of the sea of ​​glory with our current resource consumption?"

Gao Wen depression: "Once we return to Hong Kong for repairs and supplements, I am afraid they will be called by the US team to serve as a transport ship for Besib."

Lancelot said blankly: "Are we better off?"

Everyone acquiesced again. No choice, this is the price of the loser.


At this point, the Ghost Fleet fled to the underworld in the ectopic plane as soon as it succeeded. The fire of the Flame Lord was also extinguished for the first time, but after a huge lightning strike and the strong impact of the impact, the whole ship made crunching horror sounds inside and outside in the wave shaking, apparently collapsed and dispersed.

And the **** sea Kuangtao is indeed a cold sweat still has not recovered from the fighting just now. To be honest, when the blood sea Kuangtao found that his mission target was actually Noah's Ark, 10,000 grass and mud horses roared past in his heart! What a **** task is almost the same as sending death!

And that shot really scared the raging sea of ​​blood. This is the power of Noah's Ark. Even a giant ship has been bombarded with half a blood. Can it be replaced by an ordinary battleship? This is the strength of the British guy? Not only is he behind Fei Fei, he is even completely out of date in the world. In other words, I have already been cleared and started again from the beginning, ca n’t even talk about falling behind?

Just as the sea of ​​blood was turbulent and mixed, Zoltan clapped his hands with satisfaction: "Your performance exceeded my expectations! Good job!"

Soil! Blood Sea Kuang Tao is in a bad mood and is self-sustaining, and he is rarely polite to him: "What a fart! Our army is some backward outdated goods, and when the airship battlefield begins, it is even trash that can be bombarded by anyone."

Zoltan reassured, "You're right. Then the Flame Lord will give you a reward."

The **** sea suddenly stunned, wondering if he heard it wrong: "Lord Lord of Fire sent me? Send?"

Zoltan disagreed: "Anyway, it's also a garbage rejection product, and it has been marked as a piece that may be parted at any time. Why can't it be delivered?"

No, the system is so generous? Blood Sea Kuangtao was shocked to confirm again: "Really?"

Zoltan was rather impatient: "If I don't want it, I will take it back to Hong Kong to dismantle the materials. Anyway, it is better to buy new ones directly."

Really send a giant ship? Bloody Kuangtao was all excited to kneel: "I want it! Thank you Commander for appreciation!" (To be continued.)

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