God Rank Hero

: Chapter 1606 Hidden Drafting Skills

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the starting point of reading and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't grabbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year, this time they can show their skills.

Although it was a huge ship that was to be sunk and scattered, although it was called the garbage out of the blood sea Kuangtao, but the garbage is actually because it can not eat grape acid. Now the grapes can be eaten, and the rotten grapes are grapes, not to mention that this is a giant ship that the sea of ​​blood has never thought before, and it is also a sailboat that is most suitable for pirate control.

As long as the giant ship is the foundation, and after the development of various multi-power systems, even the giant ship can go to heaven.

In just one hour or so, the game life of Bloodsea Kuangtao has gone up and down, and I can no longer describe my feelings! Blood Sea Kuangtao also finally deeply realized that as long as the reputation and ability are reached, no matter how miserable the player is, they can also be appreciated by npc, or they can rise again.

At this moment, the pony couldn't help screaming, "Come, please have a drink from all the studio brothers tonight!"

Tiange established himself soberly sobered up: "Don't! It ’s better to keep Atao ’s affairs secret. Do n’t say it out! After all, it ’s an Englishman. Once exposed, Yankees will come to trouble. Now Atao still has more things to do. . "

Bloody Sea Kuangtao also returned from the excitement: "Also, you have to wait until you have repaired the giant ship."

Brother Tian Zhengzheng said: "No, wait for Atao's giant ship to be able to travel around the surface of the New World at least, and it will be better to fly."

The little horse did laugh: "But these two days, the brethren have been low in morale and can't be justified without being uplifted."

Brother Tian laughed: "Also, the wine still has to be invited, it is said that Tao has burst out an artifact, the content is confidential!"

Blood Sea Kuang Tao also laughed: "You have to ask for wine, you have to pay bonuses, and you have to fight! At this time, you can only cheer by playing, I can't wait for tomorrow!"

The three laughed ...


Ruins of Colos time. Da Fei makes a round trip to the Mushroom Forest every ten minutes to avoid the "time clearance". Until now, Da Fei could not remember how many times he had traveled back and forth.

At this point, Dafei's original 100-point angel summoning space has gained an additional 96-point command rate, and the effect is about to double. But there is no sign of lifting the curse of time. Never mind, be patient.

Dafei's patience finally paid off. At 1:30 in the morning, the system prompts a jingle:

System prompt: Congratulations! In your repeated practice dismantling. Your superior wisdom has made you realize "advanced cutting-edge instrumentation"! Your wisdom +1!

Finally advanced! At this moment, Da Fei's excitement was in tears. There are advanced ones, can experts and masters be far away? It is estimated how far it is to rush into the expert tomorrow afternoon, the master the day after tomorrow, right? Or the day after tomorrow? Well, life can't always think about speculation. Sometimes it is necessary to practice with a down-to-earth attitude, otherwise people will become impetuous, once they become impetuous, once they become weak, they will "eat jujube pills".

So, sink your heart!

Da Fei forcibly cheered up and encouraged himself, and began a boring dismantling experience. The dismantling after upgrading the skills is significantly faster, and the progress bar is fast!

This makes Da Fei overjoyed! Although under the s-level tool + level 3 skill cap bonus, Dafei's previous intermediate skills and current advanced skills should be no different, both can only reach the master level, but now it seems that the higher his own skills The more advantages. That is to say, these machines can only be considered truly proficient if they pass the threshold of advanced skills. Then according to this progress, it may not be as long as the experts and masters.

No, since your skill level has increased, you should go underground and try to dismantle the more high-end machines on both sides of the aisle. And it's also close to the mushroom forest when going underground. It also saves time to run back and forth without hiding the void monsters in the ruins. Why not?

Just do it. Da Fei immediately teleported to the underground passage and tried to find a nearby machine. These machines were previously unremovable, or they were afraid of explosion. As for now ... just fry it, anyway, you're used to exploding underground things. Really upset, just go on the ground.

Then a slow progress bar appeared slowly. Slow down. Difficulty gives high proficiency. Just halfway through the progress bar, the magic light on the machine suddenly beeped, and then the red light burst and started to alarm!

The system prompts: If you operate the equipment illegally, the machine may explode!

What the hell! Da Fei's hand shrank. Dismantling was interrupted immediately, and the alarm sounded.

Although Da Fei doesn't care about the machine bursting, it can't just let it burst out like this. It seems that the machine here is still not what this temporary master can handle. But then again, brother is prompted by the system as abnormal operation, so what is normal operation, is there a manual?

And speaking of the manual. Dafei suddenly remembered the equipment drawing of the repair tool box previously cracked by Thain! Yeah, brother has a ready-made maintenance catalog. Should I take down that machine?

So Dafei hurriedly returned to the Mushroom Forest, flipped from the book stack to the "Maintenance Manual for Spatial Phase Oscillation Error Balance Correction Machine", and then turned to the 64th industry to find the drawing, of course, can not understand.

But it doesn't matter, turn the page and read the words. Now Da Fei has already met a senior magician apprentice with 1,000 magic characters. Even if he doesn't know other words, all kinds of precautions are okay, but he still can't understand. Ants don't have much wetness (literacy).

It's still okay, so first disturb Isaac who copied the book and let him translate it.

So Da Fei took out his lifeguard box and contacted Isaac again, and then Da Fei turned the book, and Isaac translated the two pages of words to Da Fei sentence by sentence. It really was a machine maintenance and inspection step! When Isaac finished reading it, the page flashed white, and the system prompted a two-tone sound:

System prompt: Congratulations! Your remarkable wisdom has successfully recognized 4 magic words!

System Tip: After your study and research on the "... Maintenance Manual", you have acquired the skill information of "Expert Advanced Instrumentation" and you have obtained the skill information of "Instrument Drawing Design" of hidden skills.

Da Fei's jaw couldn't be closed, and he actually triggered this skill again!

At this moment, Da Fei's mobile phone message rang and Xiao Li was again: "Brother, that banshee Falina is back. It was she who took the initiative to tell me about the fallen angel Yiel, as if It's time to post the mission to see that Elder! "

What the hell! Is it brother-in-law like God, or what dirty deal has Deirdrie and the Archangel reached?

Da Fei returned to God and immediately instructed: "Live a video live."

(Book friends are sorry, in poor condition. Not finished.)

ps. Children's shoes for chasing, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The 515 red envelope countdown counts down. Let me get a ticket, ask for extra and praise tickets, and finally rush! (~ ^ ~)

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