God Rank Hero

Chapter 1611: City of Spells of Madness

At 12:00 noon Beijing time, after one night and one morning digestion, the city of Hell and Mines swept away the city of God of Punishment and took the initiative to attack. The Archangel publicly released a battlefield mission to attack Hell Fortress on the channel of the city area. World Artillery has gathered huge energy again!

The power of this cannon can be imagined in the case that the city of punishment is close to the **** fortress. At this moment, all the players in the city of Divine Punishment cheered with excitement. What could be more exciting than the cannon destruction? This is the rhythm of the final battle?

And Da Fei saw from the live broadcast that the nightmare space portal of Shenpu Square was not moving even more reassuringly. Although Da Fei does not know how the situation in the nightmare space is in this time, Da Fei is confident in the sky boat that has become a **** and backed by silk, and has confidence in the np team that he has cultivated in his own hands. , The idle demon deity came, and there was a complete battle.

Well, then give the NP the battle and give some confidence to the players in China. After all, even Dawei's salty fish can stand up.

Blood Wei Studio.

With the start of the Siege of the City of Spells, Falina, who had disappeared for half a morning, appeared in the tavern again, and brought new instructions: "Let's chase the chaos caused by the Siege of the City of Sins!"

Xiaofang and Xue Wei's stunner watching behind the scenes became clear. Such a defensive prison can only act in disorder. And the city of God of Punishment has been dispatched to cooperate with the robbery. To say that this female demon team is not the ghost that Da Fei arranged does not believe it.

Of course, it can't be said that the city of punishment cooperates with robbery, but the city of punishment can't afford it and can only attack. There is no other choice.

With the lightning and golden light of the gods punishing the cannons to illuminate the fiery red sky of hell, the **** fortress also raised a circle of fiery enchantment covering the whole city in the alarm of the whole city!

Players all over the city exploded again: "Hi-tech vs. boom!"

next moment. The golden thunder ball fell from the sky. When the thunder ball hit the red enchantment, a white awn between the heavens and the earth, the rumbling sound rang through the mountains, and the land where the entire city of punishment was trembling in the smoke.

"Wow !!! Cool!" Players across the city swipe the screen crazy!

Ono Fresh Orange Treasure and Mitsubishi Command behind the scenes are indeed staring at the results with a look of utter absurdity. The action of the City of God's Punishment was also expected, however. Either successfully continue to support the war by war, or it will be exhausted by the last power and defeated. First, although the Mitsubishi team does not know what role Dafei plays in it, the Mitsubishi team is full of confidence in the power of hell.

Hell fortress. When the magical penalty fell from the sky, the defensive enchantment of the fortress also shattered after resisting most of the damage in the fierce shaking, and the remaining gods threw a huge football pit in the city!

At this moment, the prison's vigilant magical network also collapsed in the fierce tremor.

Fallina Haha smiled: "Unbearable reuse, this is the result of our destruction these past few days, let's do it! Let all the prisoners we meet!"

Cromwell laughed: "It's time for me to move!" After speaking, Cromwell blasted out two flame wings behind the sky and took off into the prison's high wall. An invisible killer sounded through the prison alarm. The blood went on.

but. Now the whole city is sirens. Who will send an army to defend a prison that is not a strategic priority?

At this point, Bai Mang dissipated, and the **** fortress where the enchantment disintegrated the flames appeared vaguely in front of players in the city. Players all over the city were amazed again.

Seeing this, Mitsubishi Command decisively ordered: "Instigate Chinese players to attack! The more chaotic the better."

Ono Fresh Orange Treasure immediately shouted on the City Channel: "Come with me! Dare to follow me!"

Fresh Orange Treasure is a well-known presence among the Crusader players in China. When he soared, he immediately responded like a cloud. Hundreds of ordinary non-union players immediately followed him and rushed out of the city gate.

Xue Wei's holy gun suddenly stunned, and then he was out of breath: "This fresh orange treasure"

Xuewei Qiqi was surprised: "It's too aggressive, isn't our guild rushing?"

Xue Wei Shenggun sighed with a smile: "He also said that he dare to downgrade. Then our guild also rush, isn't it downgrade. Don't lose to ordinary players in momentum." Of course, also by the way Xiaofang's actions share some pressure.

As a result, under the leadership of Xianchengbao, thousands of Crusaders in China welcomed the Flame Legion swarming out of Hell Fortress. At this moment, the eyes of players from all over the world are once again focused on the "final battle" of the city of divine punishment in China.

In Dafei's eyes, will this battle be the final battle of the anchors screaming excitedly? It must not have been before the Devil-Class Powerhouse came out.

Well. Under what circumstances will the demon-level strong come out? How many levels of angels can the gods defeat? Based on the city of **** punishment, the archangel can defeat several demons?

Just as Dafei watched the live video in front of him while contemplating, the city of punishment condensed a golden thunder ball in the sky of hell. Second shot !!! "

At this moment, even Da Fei was shocked!

Although Da Fei doesn't know much about God's punishment, but there is still some basic common sense. That is, the more powerful the killer, the longer it will cool down. And to open the second gun in such a short time, is this the rhythm of overloading life? Is the situation in the city of the punishment so bad? Could it be that the nightmare space situation is actually not good? At this point, Dafei began to panic.

And with the opening of the second bomb of God punishment, the defense enchantment of Hell Fortress also reluctantly started again, and a fiery enchantment enveloped the whole city again!

"Really desperate ?!"

In the exclamation of the anchor in front, the golden thunder ball fell again from the sky, the **** fortress collapsed again in resistance, the huge roar shook the earth again, and the **** fortress was a cloud of dust!

"Wow!" The players screamed in excitement.

The Ono Fresh Orange Treasure and the Mitsubishi players behind the scene were equally excited and cheered. The madness of the city of punishment is no different from the dying beast! Indiscriminate profligacy in a place like **** would be overwhelmed by an endless army of demons.

Blood Wei Studio.

The crazy offense of the city of the penalty punished Zhou Qing, who was still sleeping. Even if "Da Fei has arranged a backhand," the action of the city of punishment makes people feel terrified beyond understanding.

So under Zhou Qing's instruction, Xiaofang tried to ask the banshee Falina: "Miss Falina, the city of **** punishment bombards two artillery bombs in a row like this, why?"

Falina really pointed to the turbulent space around the prison and smiled: "Isn't this good? This will be more chaotic and more conducive to our robberies."

Xiaofang said, "But I think they are committing suicide."

Fallina laughed: "It's a good idea to kill yourself if you are tired!"

As soon as the words fell, another loud noise came from the prison. Farina smiled even more happily: "Oh, it looks like Master Mimiron should have some success."

Falina's answer left Xiaofang and Sister Zhou Qingan at a loss. Perhaps because of the confidentiality of the spy, she will never tell the truth, but she is so indifferent to the crisis facing the city of punishment. Is this the absolute victory of the city of punishment?

In the midst of Zhou Qing's doubts, the frontline players began to report: "Report. The Hell Army's summoning team is out, and there are not so many soldiers coming out!"

Zhou Qing hurriedly looked at the big screen, and sure enough, the city's army of flames like the surging river suddenly stopped flowing!

"That's it!" Xiaofang also realized a bit of the intention of the city of punishment: "This is to use the superpower of the World Extermination Cannon to forcibly distort the space, making the Hell Army unable to summon!"

Zhou Qing also suddenly said: "That is to say, it will make it harder for the **** tribe to appear on the battlefield. This is to let us hurry up and get the results!"

Xuewei Saint-Gun frowned: "Is that so? Let's hurry up and destroy the city? But we still can't do it? And the battle that is so important to life and death is just so casually sending a public channel to players Task? Too casual, right? "

Zhou Qing sighed: "Who knows? Perhaps there are factors over Dafei, we must not be wrong to step up the onslaught anyway, then we will attack the city with all our strength!"

"Roger that!"

With the opening of the Blood Wei Guild siege. Those Crusaders who were irritated in the new world finally rushed out of the old world to help the city of punishment.

But the weird scene reappeared, the city of St. Paul's teleportation to the city of punishment failed.

Rev. NP, who guards the teleportation formation, explains this: "The city of punishment closed the passage over there."

This is even more upsetting for the Crusader players in China. If the failure of the teleportation array may be caused by spatial disturbances, then just wait. But what does it mean that the city of punishment directly closed the teleportation array?

At this moment, even Fei Fei, who was watching the live broadcast in the rear, was puzzled. What is going on? What exactly did Deirdrie and the Archangel trigger? Da Fei began to regret it, and regret that he did not sit down in person, after all, there is **** there!

At 12:20 Beijing time, under the attack of thousands of Crusaders players in the Chinese area with the NP Angel Army, the gates of Hell Fortress were already open. The street battle between the player and the Hell Army has begun.

At this time, Xiaofang in the prison finally waited for the results. Seven rescued **** heroes were brought to Falina by Mimiron and Cromwell. One of the most mighty was the long-lost Tasima.

Xiaofang couldn't help but take a sigh of relief: "Save 7 heroes all at once? Even if you want to collect all of them, don't you have so many tactical positions?"

Zhou Qing was quite looking forward to saying: "Will not all these heroes rank with Tasima? If so, it would be too bad!"

At this point, Tasima took the initiative to say, "Although you saved me, it does not mean that I can work for you. But otherwise, I think you are very suspicious, talk about your intentions."

Fallina Haha laughed: "My intention? Very simple. It is to destroy the city of punishment."

Tasima said, "Is it? But I do think you are destroying this fortress! Give me a reasonable explanation."

Hearing this, Xiaofang and Zhou Qing both began to laugh silently: "Still np will look at things."

Fallina smiled, "Destroy the city, it seems that the fools are incompetent, let them taste the taste of going to prison. Then we will destroy the city of God punishment, all the credit is ours It's you. You don't want too many idiots for credit, right? "

A flash of light flashed in Tasima's eyes: "It makes sense, I've long hated those idiots! The lady's advice is very appetizing to me!"

Farina Haha laughed: "Then join my team and work with me!"

Tasima also laughed: "No problem, these six people are my lieutenants. However, there is a problem. Although these people are stupid, they all have a demon background. I am afraid it will not be so easy to ruin the city. Drop. "

Fallina nodded: "So we have another way. We want to meet the fallen angel named Yiel, and use his power to destroy this **** fortress. Now the **** fortress is a turbulent space, and the devil cannot support it This is our golden opportunity! "

Tasima's spirit refreshed: "That's it! Then you've found the right person, and I can take you to Frozen Hell. But it doesn't matter if I can't convince that Elder, I understand the structure of this city, I have The same can destroy this city! "

Fallina was overjoyed: "Great, then hurry up!"

At this stage of the plot, Xiaofang and Sister Zhou Qing'an are completely stunned! is not it? This Farina wants to destroy two cities together? Is this true or false? Isn't this arranged by Fei Ge? (To be continued.)

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