God Rank Hero

Chapter 1612: Incredibly, the two cities were completely destroyed! !! !!

Led by Tasima and his team, Junxiang's team took advantage of the chaos to avoid the city's troops and entered an underground mine. Then they fell along the road to a mine hall on the ground, which depicts a giant law formation.

Tasima said positively: "This is the law circle that summons the earth element commonly in **** mining area. Some wise earth elements will be used as troops or slaves. I can use this magic power of the summon field to open the way to the prisoner of war. The passage of the ice **** where Seoul is located, in fact, it was not originally ice hell, it was just a space for recruiting earth elements. After Ye Yier was assigned there, it became ice hell. "

Having said that, Tasima and his six aide officers began to cast spells around the circle.

When hearing Tasima's introduction to Yiel, Xiaofang, Zhou Qing and others couldn't help but be impressed by Yiel's powerful fright. Also understand the reason why Yizher is not reused by the devil's trust, because it is too strong and sometimes wrong! After all, only powerful angels dare to betray the gods.

And Tasima started to show up shortly after she cast: "The trouble is big, and now the whole city is disturbed by the turbulence of space, and it is difficult for me to open the channel normally."

Falina frowned: "Difficult to open or not?"

Tasima said in a deep voice: "I will do my best to teleport only one person."

Fallina smiled and said, "One person is enough. I used to talk."

Tasima nodded: "Okay, then please ask the lady to stand in the middle of the circle."

At this moment, the Bloodweapon stunner immediately felt wrong: "No? This kind of thing should be to ask the player to pass by! She passed away, then what is the player doing? While watching the theater?"

Xiaofang laughed: "I don't even have to watch the show right away. I also want to see what the frozen **** looks like."

Xue Wei Sheng gun sighed: "It goes without saying that this must be a big fly, and I doubt whether it is the banshee Deirdrie that changed."

Zhou Qing sighed: "If it is really a big fly, I will be even more difficult to understand. What is going on to destroy the city of divine punishment? Classmate Xiaofang, you are the smartest. Can you talk about it?"

Xiaofang couldn't help crying: "Sister, I don't understand this complicated one, who knows if she is lying?"

It was between the doubts of the three. The summoning light flashed, and Farina disappeared.

Then I just waited in situ, and I didn't even have to watch the show. Then the only thing to look at is the progress of the guild attacking the **** fortress.

And the progress is not smooth. Even if there is no endless flame legion, the defenders in the city and the magic towers everywhere make the players drink a large pot, and the white light of the player's death and returning to the city will lie down. .

Xue Wei's stun gun was unhappy: "People are dying and returning to the city halfway. This fresh orange treasure belt has a good rhythm. By the way, what about fresh orange treasure?"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "It seems to be rushing forward. The first one died and returned to the city."

Zhou Qing waved his hand: "I don't make useless experience anymore, and all withdrew back. Anyway, according to this progress, there is no need for players to toss."

"Got it."

With the retreat and death of the Crusader players back to the city, the hot battlefield that was just a little bit calmed down immediately, which made the final battle that players around the world look forward to be shocked.

However, the city of Shenxun has already overloaded two artillery fires. It is impossible to say such a big movement. Perhaps this is the peace before the storm.

at this time. Zhou Qing couldn't sit still, and hurriedly asked the leaders of all parties to discuss in the chat room of the Chinese team. But nothing happened. The teleportation lines that connected to the city of God's Punishment were all strangely shut down. Even if all the other guild crusader players returned from the new world, they could not help a little.

Zhou Qingdu was hesitant to announce the matter of Fallina. But in the end, I couldn't help it anyway. Anyway, everyone couldn't help, and announced that offending Fei Ge didn't say anything, and it wouldn't help. Then the only thing that can be done is to wait for Fei Ge's arrangement.

At the same time, Mitsubishi's headquarters was also talking head-to-head. Look at the video from the front. The inferiority of Hell Fortress, which was supposed to be opposed to the city of punishment, was bombarded by two artillery shots, so that the powerlessness also made the Mitsubishi team members confused. Is this really too powerful for the high energy ore crystals obtained by God's punishment? Or is this Hell Fortress in fact not capable of competing with the city of divine punishment? So, what role did Farina play in the cross-region expedition?

In fact, Mitsubishi's headquarters let Xianbaobao instigate Chinese players to rush forward to see if they can meet the Farina team on the battlefield. The result was nothing to make the Mitsubishi team indifferent. The Mitsubishi team has begun to regret that they should directly send the main players to participate in the battle. They can not only hold more Chinese players in the city of punishment, but also know the movement of the Farina team for the first time. Smear strong.

So, have you changed your mind and sent the main players to launch a national war in the past? The Mitsubishi team has begun to consider applying for approval from the US team.

And the players around the world wait and see. Among the various speculations and explanations of the live anchor, the most entangled is Dafei. There is nothing to say. The independent hero's independent expedition will always be the most painful, and even more annoying is that the vice hero is an independent expedition that Dafei completely understands. Da Fei can only use today's egg pain to soothe his anxiety tomorrow.

A few minutes later, a violent thunder suddenly rang through the sky of Hell Fortress, and a sharp alarm sounded again in Hell Fortress. The red defensive enchantment rose again.

Is the coming storm finally here? Players all over the world are waiting! Dafei is keeping an eye on the live video.

However, after being struck by the two consecutive siege guns, the enchantment defense system obviously did not fully recover, so the enchantment shield can only cover a small area of ​​the city hall.

Then the next moment, the thunderbolt ripped open the sky, a huge twisted space door appeared, and the raging cold air spurted out!

"It's Yieler!" Dafei was excited!

Xuewei Studio is even more cheering!

But also at this moment, the flicker of fire in the sky, a huge meteor with flames falling from the sky like the sun fell, and the angry roar sounded through the punishment hell: "As long as you betrayed once, you will betray the second time, and the soldier You! You are so stupid! "

"Is the demon?" At this moment, players from all over the world are in awe!

Da Fei's eyes narrowed! Such an astonishing power must be the demon, and it is still the deity! This is the rhythm of fighting God!

At this moment, a huge frost giant claw stuck out of the space door, and a cold laugh came out: "First, I have never surrendered. Second. Is n’t betrayal the virtue of the devil? Third, the devil is inside Who could be more stupid than the lazy devil, Beria? "

Between words, Yiel's huge body like a frosty dragon stepped out of the space door. At this moment, the entire **** fortress, even the red enchantment covering the city hall, was covered with a layer of frost.

Players from all over the world are astounded, the lazy devil Belia! One of the seven demon monarch families above the 72-pillar demon! And this is a nameless man. What is rhythm?

The fireball in the sky was soaring with flames and roaring, "It's a dead end!"

Just then, the golden light of the city of punishment flashed. Archangel Sazel floated above the Penalty Square like a shining Venus, and said in an exhilarating voice: "Warriors, now is the time of war! You cannot sacrifice in this level of war, thank you Hard work since then. Maybe the city of punishment has fulfilled its historical mission, maybe we can also meet in the exile. As of now, it is time to say goodbye ... "

After the golden light flashed, the scene for all players changed. The next moment, thousands of players appeared together in the backyard of the St. Paul Knights. Of course, the live broadcast footage also turned into the Cavaliers backyard. !! !! !!

this moment. The live broadcast is over! Players around the world are stunned! Da Fei was overwhelmed by his expression! Have you made any mistakes, are still waiting to watch the battle of the gods, have all taken off your trousers and ready to open and close, and as a result have been driven out of the city of **** punishment?

Then the next moment, audiences from all over the world came back and screamed!

As for the anchors, of course, they can only analyze and interpret the meaning of the last paragraph of the Archangel. An unpredictable hunch suddenly rushed to the Blood Wei Guild and Chinese players. This seems to be the rhythm of the city of divine punishment? This is a good system leveling scenario anyway, how could it hang? But all said they could meet in exile. This doesn't seem to be a good sign, either? Where can only angels who have committed crimes go?

And Da Fei is a great shock! Once the city of **** punishment hangs, it means nightmare space, means that the boat of the sky is also finished? This is all the hard work that has been in operation since the service was launched. Even if the system pits players, it should not be this pit!

At this point, Da Fei felt a rapid urinary moment filling the bladder again. Then there is no way, get up and let the water sit and watch the changes.

Compared to the persecution of others being sent back to the city, Xuewei Studio still has a little eyeliner. This eyeliner is of course Junxiang who stayed in the summoning mine. At this point, Falina did not know where he was going. Junxiang was still waiting in the mine with the remaining Mimiron Tasima team.

However, nothing can be seen in the mine, only the rumbling sound from the ground, and the gravel dust falling on the cave wall. Such power is obviously fighting God outside.

Xiaofang couldn't help crying: "Sister of the president, what should I do? Want to go out and see? This is the first-hand video of the God War."

Zhou Qing gritted his teeth: "OK, go out and see."

Just when Junxiang was about to leave the hall of the summoning mine. Another banshee said coldly, "Where are you going?"

Xiaofang had to reply, "Just go out and see."

The banshee sneered: "As long as you leave this hall, we will not recognize you as our team."

This is a trivial threat! Of course, Zhou Qing was unwilling to give up all her achievements, and had to let Xiaofang return to the hall to watch the changes. So the last eyeliner followed.

Five minutes later, the earthquake felt in the mine was getting stronger and stronger. The thick smoke scattered in the mine had completely blocked the sight, and the entire mine was dark.

At this moment, another earth-shattering earthquake rang, Xiaofang felt a numbness in his feet, and the whole person was shaken up! Then the system prompts a jingle:

System Tip: The Hell Fortress in the prison city of God's Penalty Battlefield was destroyed! You complete the battlefield task "Attack on Hell Fortress" and get 13 thousand feats of the gods ...

China World Announcement: "Hell Fortress" in Hell City, God's Penalty Battle Site, was destroyed ...

Really ruined the city! Audiences from all over the world are in awe!

At this moment, all the Crusader players waiting in the backyard of São Paulo also received the system prompt to complete the mission to receive rewards. After a short surprise, they swiped and cheered: "Lying and winning! This is OK!"

Seeing this, Da Fei was finally relieved and relieved. It was all right, all right! Brother said, with brother, how could this divine war be lost?


At this time, the Chinese team league chat room. The big brothers from all walks of life congratulated the beauty of Xue Wei's beauty on the city. Although everyone was discredited, but lying wins also wins! What's more, after the destruction of the city, what kind of pattern will appear in God's punishment hell.

But Zhou Qing was as if in a dream, half happy. Because after the destruction of the city, in addition to the new entrant Tasima gloating and laughing, the demons of the Farina team are still calmly waiting. As if everything is under control. Could it be that Falina really wants to destroy two cities at once? Where is this Falina? Is she really arranged by Da Fei?

If anyone said that before that, if anyone said that he would destroy the city of divine punishment, Zhou Qing would not believe it anyway. But Yieler and the demon-level demon were not sure.

Once the City of Divine Punishment is gone, where do the Crusaders in China play? This consequence Zhou Qing could hardly imagine!

It is also impossible to imagine Mitsubishi Command.

Although Japan has a wealth of experience in destroying cities, it is not uncommon to see such things as ruining cities, but the destruction of the 10,000-year-old fortress Hell Fortress is still unbelievable! The only person who can trigger divine warfare is Dafei, that is, Dafei has been acting secretly in the city of **** punishment?

In the midst of discussions and speculation among players or excitement around the world, the system prompts again:

China World Announcement: The City of Divine Punishment on the Battlefield of Divine Punishment was destroyed ...

No! !! !! ? ? ?

At this moment, players across China were stunned! The Crusader players who were just waiting for the teleportation to reopen were even more skeptical that the system was wrong! Even though there was already an unknown premonition, Zhou Qing was a waking dream. The astonished brain is blank!

At this moment, the brain is also blank and there is also a big fly! Dafei's eyes fixed on the system prompt just obtained:

System prompt: Very sorry! The city of God of Punishment in your territory was destroyed and your "city of God of Punishment" status was revoked.

"Is there anything wrong !!!"

Da Fei sat up in shock, and the game helmet almost flew from his head! If the information on the World Channel may be a little vague, the message that the owner of the city has been revoked now is that the board is desperate!

how is this possible! how is this possible! !! how is this possible! !! !! ? ? ?

At this moment, Da Fei is not only urgency, a sudden depression in his throat makes Da Fei feel difficult to breathe!

There is no end to the nest. The City of God's Punishment is not bad, but Brother's Sky Boat, Brother's Nightmare Space and more! Suddenly Dafei thought of it again!

If the sky boat is finished, the system should also prompt! And brother is still the owner of the Shadow City of the Holy Vine Center, then there will certainly be a hint to destroy the city!

That is to say, it's not finished! With the responsibility of the archangel to dismiss the players in the audience. How could he be the main brother? He must have dismissed Brother's Sky Boat?

With this in mind, Da Fei hurriedly took out the Pandora's Box and instructed: "You haven't returned to Hong Kong? After returning to Hong Kong, you immediately return to the city of light and ask the owner of Vice City Alicia to ask about the safety of the boat in the sky!"

"Yes, master!"


At this point, the Mitsubishi team headquarters was screaming! The reversal of such a big ups and downs is simply incredible! Then it is very likely that the always-feeling Falina team has succeeded.

Igarashi was relieved and relieved, "It finally made Chinese players and Da Fei aware of the pain of failure. The American side will be extremely satisfied with our appearance."

As soon as the words fell, the team members immediately reported: "President. Captain Fordson sent a video congratulatory letter!"

Igarashi immediately opened the video with a smile. Fordson laughed: "Mr. President, congratulations to you for such a brilliant victory, but time is precious. Should you take down the drawings earlier in order to expand the results?"

Igarashi exhilarated: "Hi Yi! We must continue to complete the task perfectly!"

(Sorry friends, tomorrow ashtray is going to give the child a full moon wine, maybe you do n’t have the energy to update, so please take a day off in advance.)

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