God Rank Hero

Chapter 1616: Doom battle power

When Da Fei suddenly discovered that something was wrong, the battle had already begun.

At this time, there was a commander of the flying rod. The only thing he could do was to summon 10 ordinary Seraphs in the angel summoning space. Dafeixue is not afraid of physical damage, but only magic damage. As a 7th-level soldier, the angel has at least 70% of magic resistance. As long as 10 angels help Dafei share the damage, then the healing technique should be able to survive the initial crisis.

It was also when 10 angels appeared. At the moment that Lor and Nalhia dropped the book and hurriedly flew for reinforcements, the wind element in front of them really began to make a huge savings with a bright reading bar!

Dafei panic again! If it is a normal wind element wave ss, Da Fei doesn't pay attention to it at all, but now this wind element that is crowned with the "Hand of Magnus" is translated into the "Hand of the Law God". Can I resist these ten people?

"Hit !!!" Da Fei took out the long-lost Titan's grip while directing a group of angels to rush up, a large "miss" burst out!

Dafei shocked the spot! This dark cloud is a god-level invisible body. It was only encountered when I met the ghost and ghost in the Arctic last time. How can this be hit?

Even when Da Fei was shocked, Buffett, who had returned to God, also bravedly followed Lor and Nalhia into the room.

Well, this may be the rhythm of mass destruction! Da Fei hurriedly turned back, and was about to let Buffett retreat, Buffett flew over with a hand axe!

duang! !! !!

When the flying axe screamed, a dark red broken rainbow light rose from the wind element head, and the big move just now reading the article suddenly shook, and the progress of reading the article suddenly returned to half!

Da Fei's eyes widened in shock, this is a bad luck! Doom interferes with the cast?

Then the next moment, with the high attack speed bonus of Da Fei, the angels' second wave of attacks came one after another, and this time it was indeed a variety of special effects of "Fatal Strike 574! Rip Attack -77" !!

Dafei jaw dropped! This is a long-lost absolute doom effect. Only when the opponent is unlucky to the extreme will these special effects with very low triggering concepts frequently appear!

Buffett laughed: "Look at me!"

As soon as the voice fell, another axe threw over duang! !! !!

Another light of doom rose, and the progress bar that had just returned to half was suddenly disintegrated, and a large red letter came out saying "Failure to cast!"

What the hell! Finally, the big fly from God came back and laughed! Did not run, even if it was not the kind of absolute doom of the gold coins of the year. In this case, there is no big difference between absolute doom and invincible luck!

What else do you say, fight!

For a time, Dafei's angel team attacked this dark cloud from all sides and attacked it, and tons of gorgeous damage came out!

Is this the end of this dark cloud? Obviously not. Suddenly, the dark clouds of light flickered, and the whole flying group lost a third of its blood instantly! And the next moment, the golden angel of the whole group of heals rose up and down, and immediately stabilized the blood line.

Dafei laughed even more happily! The spells that can be instantaneous do not hurt people, and they can't read the big tricks in seconds. This wave of ss is just that.

Dafei was filled with emotion at this moment. I used to be afraid that Buffett, the unlucky ghost, would suddenly hang up, and he never dared to let him actually go to the battlefield, but he never expected that the degree of unluckyness of Buffett was so horrible! Even if he is unlucky, even the enemies he hit will be unlucky! What else to say, when you really need to find monster mushroom fertilizer to train your hero and take the initiative to send a wave ss, then easily smile.

When it comes to training heroes, the best way is to let Buffett kill him alone?

That's right, whether it was to train Xiaofei at first, let Xiaofei make up the knife dinosaur crocodile for several times to pick up the petrified monitor lizard-necked dragon, or some time ago let Didi and Lili independently fight to kill the octopus on the ice, so that the troops grow. The fastest way is to kill them alone.

When it comes to Xiaofei, he almost forgot. Da Fei immediately summoned the speed of opening the petrified aura to further disgusting waves ss drag waves ss.

Then the next thing to do is simple. The other angels still surround the Boss group, but they are not responsible for the treatment. They only leave Buffett to attack on the periphery. Although Buffett is not a full-time combat npc, The damage caused by the flying artifact attack is still strong. As long as Boss dare to read the bar and make a big move, other angels will help to interrupt the casting. In addition, Da Fei also has an enhanced version of the artifact Abyss Blood Bottle that can add five times of blood, and he is not afraid that the amount of treatment cannot keep up.

The following battles took place in the interplay of healing golden light, lightning flashes, and red light of doom. The winning ticket is in hand, no suspense.

At this time Dafei started to think that the wave ss was still not strong enough. If it is a god-like wave ss with domains, how good it is to kill it alone at that time. However, this scene is a chaotic space where all the gods have headaches. Presumably, there is no god-level wave ss. If this is the case, the wave ss-level battles encountered later can let Buffett pass.

With that said, it's not impossible to rush to the hero in 16 hours! Thinking about it like this, Dafei is full of infinite expectations for the break again. While looking forward to the soy sauce, Dafei glanced at the surrounding configuration of the room and found no bookshelf.

But don't worry! Generally speaking, there are some mages who like to make the guard the housekeeper. As soon as they kill Boss, they will fall out.

Finally, five minutes later, Wu Yunbo's ss was like an old and dim light tube. After releasing the last trace of lightning, it burst into dust all over the ground.

System prompt: The battle is over! You defeat the powerful guard "Hand of Magnus", gain experience +11 million, and get the special item "Magnus Management Room Key".

"Friend! I won!" At this moment, Buffett cheered excitedly!

Really broke the key! Dafei also laughed: "How do you feel? Haven't you got stronger?"

Buffett burst into tears: "I don't know if I'm strong, but I did gain confidence and pride that I never had before. I'm not a full-time dwarf warrior. I never thought I could beat it like a warrior. A strong opponent! Friends, thank you! "

That ’s right, 11 million experience, which is worth the wave ss reward of an epic mission. The monster ’s power is conceivable. If it ’s not the absolute doom of Buffett, let it attack or defend, God knows What will I be blasted into! Expect to destroy the group, right?

Dafei laughed: "You are already strong, so keep up the hard work! As for now, we have to rush the dust from this place into the mushroom forest as fertilizer. It wo n’t be good if it will explode!"

Buffett laughed: "I only know Yun, but I don't know how to make it a fertilizer."

Dafei laughed, "Look at me."

How to be a fertilizer? If it is in the real world, just throw things into the vegetable field. But here is the game. A simple action is a skill, such as "corpse handling." Without Da Fei's skill, this pile of powder could not be transported. As for fertilizer, of course, it is the category of "mushroom breeding". This is the rhythm of advanced mushroom breeding.

After all the powder had been transported out of the room, Da Fei entered the room alone again, rummaging around the room with the key, and quickly found the keyhole in a cabinet. Then clink and the cabinet door opens!

Dafei's eyes light up!

Rows of magical books came into view, and there were more than ten books. Not only that, there is also an exquisite tool box next to the book stack!

System prompt: You opened Magnus' safe, obtained 17 books such as "Space Twist Array Maintenance" and other artifacts, and obtained the artifact-level tool "Super Precision Vernier Caliper"

Ultra-precision vernier caliper: Artifact-level tool, increase the upper limit of "advanced instrumentation" skills +1.

Da Fei widened his eyes, this artifact is to raise the ceiling +1! And it is not limited to the master class, and like his own artifact necklace Ansu totem +1 skill attack, it is that he is now a master class of cutting-edge instruments!

Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! (~ ^ ~)

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