God Rank Hero

Chapter 1617: City Lord who offended Qicheng Alliance

With the great harvest of the third door, Dafei, of course, hit the iron on the hot and set the target on the remaining four doors. Maybe the harvest is too great, there is no time to copy all the books, but there is no time anyway, you can copy as much as you can. If we can meet a few waves of ss, it will be another one to send the fertilizer into the door to save money.

In other words, as a hidden scene, it is not strange to have waves ss. It is strange to have waves ss. The last five doors are so strong that they must have connotations. Da Fei has been peaceful here for too long, and it should be painful.

After the rest, Da Fei came to the fourth facade again. With the experience of the previous door, Dafei will of course read all the system information before entering the door, lest he be caught off guard again.

Prepare it and unlock it directly.

The system prompts: You have illegally opened the management room door of the Lord of Destruction ... Once you enter, you will face a strong guard attack and cause dissatisfaction of the Lord of Destruction, please enter with caution!

Dafei was shocked!

Sure enough, there are guard waves ss again! What's even more shocking is the dissatisfaction with a reminder "Faiz, the Lord of Destruction"! There was no hint of dissatisfaction at the previous door? Why is that?

Da Fei frowned, suddenly remembering that when he was bidding for the Sky Boat in the Seven Cities Alliance and the forces of hell, it seemed that Fayz was the supporting boss of the other party. That is to say, winning his bid has already made Faiz unhappy, and the consequences of attacking his guard this time must be conceivable?

Da Fei thought about it and felt that it was not necessary to cause this trouble, so he decided to move the target into the other three doors.

Da Fei came to the next facade and unlocked it again. The system prompts again!

The system prompts: You have opened the management room door of the Sage Cyrus illegally ... Once you enter, you will face the attack of a strong guard and cause dissatisfaction of the Sage Cyrus, please enter with caution!

Dafei was shocked on the spot! No, the first three doors opened smoothly. How could these latter doors be like this? Brother and Cyrus cannot have a holiday, right?

Buffett behind Da Fei frowned: "Friend, some of the guards of the legendary mage are either the mage's clone or the mage's servant and demon. They can contact the master even in space and time, which may be the reason for the other party's alertness."

Dafei frowned. "Why is Magnus's hand just not alert?"

Buffett was not sure: "I don't think how powerful a mage is always paying attention to a servant who has long been in an alien space. It may be that the failure of Magnus' hand has alarmed Magnu Then Magnus reminded the other city owners. "

Da Fei nodded: "Very reliable explanation! Anyway, try it."

Then Da Fei opened the next door again, and as expected, the system warned that "will cause dissatisfaction with Hola the Whisperer!"

On the next!

The system prompts: ... will cause the dissatisfaction of the element master Zehir ...

Dafei jaw dropped!

I'll take it, can I still steal the technique happily? Who says this past space is a treasure trove of nobody to guard? Now the remaining four city owners have begun to protect their brothers like thieves! The system still makes players pay a price in key places. How to do? At this moment, Da Fei fell into deep contemplation.

Buffett said in a deep voice: "Friend, I don't think we need to offend so many city-level masters. Even if the king of time is on our side, his strength is not as good as before and he is unlikely to confront other city masters for his friends. Not to mention, once the King of Time knows that we have acquired technology, it is even less likely to shelter us. "

Da Fei frowned, which is indeed a very realistic idea. But the problem is, brother just kills a few guards, which is not enough to constitute evidence of brother stealing technology, right? And dissatisfaction is just dissatisfaction, does not mean hostility? Not to mention that sooner or later, they are going to have trouble with the Seven Cities Alliance. Anyway, it is better to steal the technology and make trouble again.

Dafei pondered for a moment and decided: "No, the treasure is in front of you, there is no reason to cower! Think of this as an opportunity to test the bottom line of every city owner."

Buffett laughed, "What do friends say, then do it!"

Dafei laughed: "Old tactics, you are still responsible for the main attack!"

Buffett exhilarated, "Understand!"

As Da Fei opened the Fayz gate in front of him, a whole-body flame elemental fire wave ss appeared in front of the room, and the alarm red light exploded!

System prompt: Warning! You enter the alert range of the Flameguard Faiz Destroyer ...

There is nothing to say, as long as it is not a god-level wave ss, it is nothing more than a good way to carry a good milk brush and output a slamming routine, on ...

There is no suspense, under the interplay of healing golden light and red light of doom, in the fatal output of Buffett's sweating rain, this fire elemental wave ss has been violent for more than ten minutes and finally turned into black and gray.

System prompt: The battle is over! You defeat the powerful guard "Feizi Destroyer", gain experience +13 million, and obtain the special item "Feizi Management Room Key". Faiz becomes "irritated" at you!

Da Fei frowned, what annoyed him? Is it a hostile red name?

At this moment, Buffett's white light flashed, and Buffett cheered loudly: "Friend, I feel I have become stronger! My knight skills have improved to another level!"

It's worth it! Da Fei Xin comforted and clapped his hands and laughed: "Okay! What we want is this effect. We haven't offended the city lord in vain. Will the hero be far away as long as he keeps on fighting?"

Buffett burst into tears with excitement: "I never thought my dreams were so close to me!"

Dafei laughed: "Don't talk about dreams first, move corpses first!"

As a result, after carrying the "black fertilizer and gray" in this place, Da Fei was using a key to open the cabinet door in the room. It was still dazzling, but this time there were no tools.

The system prompts: You have opened the safe of Feiz, and got 14 magic books such as "The Limit of Time Twisting Damage"!

It doesn't matter that Sri Lanka has books in the ugly room. After cleaning the room, Buffett and the angels were back to full. Then make persistent efforts to the next city.

Now Da Fei came to the fifth door, just as the door was ready to be pushed in, the system warning sounded again:

System prompt: Warning! You illegally opened the management room door of the Sage Cyrus ... Once you enter, you will be attacked by Cyrus hostilely, please enter carefully!

Dafei's eyelids jump!

Hostile attack! The system prompt message has changed again! And this time did not say that it was Cyrus's guard, but directly said that Cyrus's attack, this is the rhythm of the difficulty upgrade!

Buffett said uneasily: "Friend, it must be Faez who warned the other city lords in anger. So the other city lords took harsh measures against us."

Da Fei Shen said: "Let's go to the other door to try."

No accident, there were reminders of hostile attacks in the other Zesher and Hora gates. Buffett's guess is clearly correct.

Da Fei frowned: "It's troublesome now, will they send divine power to strengthen the guard from the future?"

Buffett muffled: "They have this ability. I suggest that we don't care about these three doors for the time being. Let's go to the time ruins on the ground to search for those powerful void monsters. I may be more confident when I become stronger. These three doors are up. "

makes sense. Although this space is not convenient for the transmission of divine power, it really angered several priests. It really transmitted a god-level wave ss with domains, but it took seconds! And now there are 31 new books, enough for the trio to drink a big pot, so let's digest the results first.

Da Fei from Ru Ru Liu: "Very well, Narol and Nalxia stay in the mushroom forest to read books, let's go to the ground to search for monsters."

Buffett laughed: "I don't think we need to search for it. I found that when we were in the wreckage of the airship, a lot of void monsters would come and besiege us, and we would just wait for them there."

makes sense! In addition, you can also dismantle the machine and rush skills in the airship wreckage while blocking the door to fight and learn leveling. But the only trouble is that the wreckage of the airship is too far outside the city, and the outside is refreshed every ten minutes, which will be quite fast to go back and forth ...

Not right! He has Xiaofei himself, Xiaofei is his own clone, he can enter the space door, and there are three space bars that allow Xiaofei to bring his tools back to the mushroom forest to avoid the time to clear the field! Then you don't need to run back by yourself! I pulled it. Why didn't I think of it just now?

Dafei sighed with a smile: "Yes! That's a good idea. The only trouble is that the body of the Void Monster is inconvenient to transport."

Buffett hurriedly said: "Ordinary Void monsters are fine, as long as we get the body of the leader Void Monsters, we will carry it!"

Da Fei nodded with satisfaction: "It's very good! Then bring some mushrooms as dry food and get ready to go."

Unconsciously, Dafei suddenly found out that Buffett was getting smarter and more in tune with his own rhythm! What a pity, what a pity that he is a man!

But it ’s okay for a man. If you hang up, you wo n’t have any psychological burden. If the beauty hangs up, I don't know what to tangled into. Having said that, even if it is not a beauty, even a dwarf aunt and so on!

Suddenly, Da Fei suddenly remembered the whereabouts of the Dwarf Aunt? Did it really disappear? Or Xuewei couldn't find it? The chief dwarf mage has also explained for so long, is it a little clue? OK, when this time out of the mountain, go back and ask.

The day when Gocolos came out of the mountain, it was time to turn his face with Makar! Of course, the premise is to go out of the mountain while training as a saint.

After everything was ready to stop, Da Fei started a new journey with Buffett and 10 ordinary angels. (~ ^ ~)

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