God Rank Hero

Chapter 1621: Battle of the Underworld

(Sorry, something went wrong at the end of the last chapter, and changes have been made)

At 16 pm, the remains of an airship outside the ruins of Colos. Dafei is here for one or two hours while dismantling machine drawing skills. When the scene was about to refresh every ten minutes during this period, let Xiaofei take the tool back to the mushroom forest to take a look, and go back and forth seven or eight times. At the same time, Buffett was invincible with the help of ten angels.

But so far, no wave ss-class monsters have appeared. There are already hundreds of mobs that have been refreshed by the scene. Such a huge number is so wasteful that Dafei's meat is painful. What's more uncomfortable is that such regular and unpredictable brushing will only make you sleepy all night.

The system prompts a jingle:

The system prompts: Your city of light territory has successfully incorporated the "Flame of Fire" of the village-level territories of its subordinates, and Hillel defaults to the village head of the pool of fire.

Da Fei's spirit fell asleep! Finally, the good news is coming. This 10,000-year-old psoriasis finally returns, and there is no hidden danger behind the city of light! This must be due to Deirdre. In the final analysis, as a lord, you have to be diligent in politics. You must directly or indirectly intervene in these major events. It is not that cheap to want to shake your hand and shopkeeper.

Just then, Buffett reminded: "Friends, time is about to change."

Then there is nothing to say, continue to put the kit on Xiao Fei, and then fly back to the city step by step, enter the underground from the teleportation array, and go straight to the mushroom forest.

Just as Xiao Fei reached the mushroom forest, Shao shook the Pandora's Box and said, "Sir, Ms. Pandora has just spoken. The Lich Dragon Samast wants to touch you personally ..."

Oh, the old captain has arrived at Guilongya to do a great job? After all, this kind of thing still has to let the brother who is the player nod. Otherwise, the plot cannot go on. However, the problem is that although Brother Xiaofei inherited the beetle hero's magical skill "Share Hero Glory", he has 43% of the attributes of the brother (Note: Chapter 1211 "Relics of the New Leader"), but in the final analysis it is still a bird, brother How to talk to it?

Fortunately, the system is still so intimate, as soon as Luo Er's voice falls, a selection box of "Are you sure of dialogue" pops up. OK.

Then in the box, Samassat's long-lost majestic appearance appeared. When he saw the flying bird, he couldn't help but hesitated: "Warrior ... well, you also have all kinds of messes like those mages. The endorsement form. This lady Pandora said that you are very busy now, so let me say it directly, your friend Renoir wants to use our strength to launch the Battle of the Nether Sea, I have nothing to do, but I have two conditions, one The distribution of loot must be in place. I worked hard to get a big share, so I got a 95% share. Of course. I can also help invite Cancer and the Song of the Dead, and if they want, I will distribute it again from this 95%, but this It's between us. Second, we need a leader in the name of the expedition, and this leader is the warrior you. What do the warriors think? "

The system prompts: Do you agree with the condition proposed by Sam Master? Please select "Yes" or "No"?

Dafei suddenly stunned! Do you take 95%? If Brother is just a Soy sauce Renoir, it's okay to get a 5%. The problem is that Brother is the city owner of Fatalon, and Samael will definitely help. Did Sammel only get 5%? Bullying him with a bare commander?

And what is the leader? How it feels good for you guys. Is there a black pot brother to carry? Isn't this a hot pot? I want to ask!

As soon as Dafei talked, it was just two bird calls!

What the hell! Is this Nima intentional? Brother bullying is that the bird can't speak and can only choose yes or no, right?

Samast continued: "Of course, if the Warriors are not satisfied with the conditions I offered, I have to express regret, you can let your friends go to Crabbo ..."

Just as Samast chattered, the thunder in the sky of Colos, where Da Fei was located, changed, and the scene changed. The wreckage of the airship became a rubbish. Just then, a huge red dot suddenly appeared in front of the Dafei radar!

Buffett's exclaimed voice followed: "Friend, the big guy is finally here!"

Da Fei looked up, and sure enough, a huge black monster full of black smoke rushed towards the wreckage of the airship! This is the first time Dafei has been here to see Boss. Really a scarce creature?

On the one hand, the war is imminent, and on the other hand, the pit match conditions of Samast, Da Fei has no mood to talk to Samast. It is true that Samast ’s strong men and strong men have the capital to talk about conditions, and his reputation and friendliness are also here. If he ca n’t talk about it here, it wo n’t be much fun to talk elsewhere.

Dafei was determined immediately!

Samster murmured: "The pattern of the underworld has changed for you again, so let me do the following things!"

System Tip: You trigger the legendary quest "New Pattern of the Underworld" and the ultimate quest "Unified Underworld"!

Quest Tip: You get the Challenger of the Underworld Pattern, and your reputation in the Underworld and Underworld becomes "Famous"! Is the achievement announced worldwide? Announcing this achievement will help increase your world reputation in the underworld, and increase the chances of underworld creatures or forces from joining the faction.

What the hell! Brother knew that there would be such a step in the urine of this task! Is there another benefit to publishing achievements? Okay, Brother Blackpot comes to memorize and fight you! Announce!

World Channel: Chinese player Dafei launches the legendary battle "Unified Undersea" ...

Then there is nothing to say, focus on the wave ss in front of each other ...


Needless to say, when the World Channel announced the information about Dafei, players from all over the world were rightly upset!

"It turned out that Dafei was in the underworld!"

"Where is the Underworld? Heavier than the New World or?"

"What is the concept of the legendary battle? That is to say, it is even more impossible for Dafei to come to the new world?"

Unlike the novelty of ordinary players, professional teams in various countries began to calculate the intention of Dafei to announce this announcement and the impact on the game. In particular, the Swedish team where Big V is located sees this as a threat from Big Flying to Big V.

After all, for the undead, the race that really restrains it is actually the undead. The most painful thing among players is the confrontation between the undead, the various poisons of the undead, the blood sucking, the aging stunts all do not work with each other. Once Da Fei really unified this underworld, it is impossible to imagine how many undead legions Da Fei will get.

At this moment, Da v, who is mourning the devil's body in the sea of ​​blood, did smile slightly after receiving the message: "Funny things finally happened ..." (To be continued.)

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