God Rank Hero

Chapter 1622: A monster that can trace back time

The ruins of Kolos airship, Da Fei began to respond to the attack of Boss. This is the first wave ss that Da Fei came here almost two days ago. It is quite rare.

In the game, void monsters often mean high-end. Their appearance is similar to that of elemental creatures, but the material that forms the body is a variety of mysterious void energy. They will have various "black holes", "space distortions", and "annihilation". Very powerful and weird signature stunts like "Disintegrating Rays", "Void Consumption", "Variation Radiation", etc. So even if this wave of ss does not reach the **** level, I am afraid that it is not easy to use the brainless mode of "resistance to good milk and full output".

However, in the face of unknown wave ss, it is a basic routine to continue to test its strength without thinking about it. With Da Fei's current anti-sky bonus, it is not easy to play.

Ten angels rushed up, and the smoky black smoke of Boss immediately caused the troops to jump out of the red and blue damage data of "Void Disintegration -50"!

What a big groove in Woller! In a big fright, he immediately retreated the angel to fly back. The red damage data is 50 lives, and the blue data is 50 mana!

Dafei is not afraid of losing his life, but only of his mana!

Skills that can consume the power of the method in the game are very rare. The most famous one is the **** tribe's horrible strategic army level 1 "devil boy". Dafei's most important decisive battle was based on thousands of devil children. . It can be seen that even the beast can't bear the mana, let alone these ordinary angels who only have a few hundred mana points in total. When they meet, they will drop 50 mana and play a fart! In short, this wave ss cannot besiege.

Dafei immediately commanded Buffett: "On top of you, we will treat you in the back!"

Buffett said nothing, waved his two axe to his head, and then the light of doom that fell in love again came to Boss's head again.

Under the blessing of the light of doom, Buffett did all kinds of gorgeous damage as usual, and at the same time, the physical attack of wave ss as always appeared various "misses". If it was not wave s black void and black fog, ignoring the defense's fixed Cut down on the life and mana of Buffett-50, this will be a superficial wave ss that will be killed by routine.

But Boss was unwilling to be superficial. Boss soon realized that the **** angels and Da Fei were the biggest threats, so he gave up the Buffett in front of him and rushed to Da Fei. In game terms, this is called healing ot, that is, healing that has attracted Boss's hatred.

Then there is nothing to say. Da Fei immediately led the angels to retreat. As for the direction of retreat, of course, the city's teleportation array leading to the underground. As long as Boss is killed near the teleportation array, it will save a lot of time to transport corpses.

As a result, Dafei ran in front, Boss chased in the middle, Buffett chased after Boss. Then he chased all the way into the city and reached the teleportation square.

During this period, the slow speed of wave ss made Da Fei a little surprised. Don't say that Da Fei's anti-attribute attributes do not take it seriously. Even any ordinary ranger or archer player who can pass the operation can easily hang. kite.

Then Dafei ran around the narrow ruins and alleys around the square. The huge body of Boss became slower and awkward when he entered the alleys, and he couldn't pose a threat to Dafei's treatment team.

Is that all?

Seven or eight minutes later, the black smoke that Boss was chopped away dispersed and moved more slowly. In addition, Buffett had output dozens of tons of damage, and it was almost finished. After all, it is just a superficial wave ss. Seeing that Da Fei is ready to hurry to move the corpse here.

At this moment, the wave suddenly flashed on the wave ss, and the space around the wave ss suddenly began to distort and distort.

Da Fei's eyes narrowed, is there a big move before he died? Before he thought about it, Dafei immediately commanded Buffett: "Run! Hurry up and hide in the wall next to you ..."

Buffett may not be frightened to fight, but his instinct for escape is indeed super strong. Before Da Fei's voice fell, he broke into the street corner with an unusual speed.

The next moment, the wave of ss flashed again, and a line of astronomical figures jumped over his head "Time goes back + 260,000!"

Oh damn!

His jaw dropped to the ground can't believe his eyes! Boss added 260,000 blood, and Buffett cut it for such a long time alone. This is equal to Boss's instant blood! It's hard to imagine using high-end time to add blood. Such awesome skills are simply magic! Did n’t you say that this is n’t a place to stay? Why is there a magic spell?

Now Boss has resumed the original speed and continues to chase Dafei. At this moment, Dafei is completely dumbfounded!

Don't say that the mana of yourself and the angel troops have been consumed a lot by treatment. Even if you are full of blue now, there is no way to kill this wave ss, because the scene will be refreshed in a few minutes, and the monster will be wiped out He tossed for so long.

At this moment, Dafei finally remembered what it meant to find him when the King of Time had said something wrong. This psychic wave ss is afraid that only the King of Time can get it. What should we do now? give up?

give up! Don't say that time is not enough, in case the wave of ss adds blood again, it is too late to vomit blood. And the wave ss appearing in this scene is estimated to be more than just this one. It is estimated that there will be wave ss with less exaggerated skills later?

Da Fei made an immediate decision: "Warren Buffett, go underground and avoid this guy first."


So Da Fei immediately led the troops into the square teleportation array and returned to the underground passage. At this moment, Da Fei couldn't help but sigh aloud, this is also one of his rare defeats, especially in the premise of contempt of the enemy, this is also a lesson for life.

Also with emotion, the radar alarm exploded, and a huge red dot suddenly appeared beside him!

Buffett exclaimed: "Friend, the monster is chasing after me! I stand up, you can withdraw!"

Dafei jaw dropped!

Do monsters travel teleportation? This is almost as incredible as the monster in the copy ran out of the copy! Could it be this monster or a wise npc? But I ca n’t think of it, Da Fei instinctively retreats to the mushroom forest. Their two strongest angels, especially Joel, were there, and now they needed to fight.

But also at this instant, Da Fei suddenly had a tactic to break the game and lead Boss to the mushroom forest to kill him slowly, so that he would not be afraid of the scene refreshing to wipe out Boss, and he would just kill and bury it!

At this point, Da Fei was ecstatic and overjoyed. It turned out that the weakness of this wave of ss is that he can walk the teleportation array! Wa hahaha……

(Book friends are sorry, the ashtray Cavan is in poor condition these two days ...) (~ ^ ~)

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