God Rank Hero

Chapter 1623: Is it the King of Time?

When Da Fei introduced Boss to the Mushroom Hall, and then two contract angels, Dole and Natia, joined the battle group, the battle was too much.

A few minutes later, there was another thunderous sound refreshing the scene, and the wave ss did not refresh and disappear as expected, Da Fei was more patient and confident to slowly wear the wave ss.

Finally, after outputting more than 200,000 damages, the wave ss rays flashed again, and the space fluctuations were repeated, and the tricks began again.

Twice back in blood, never seen such a brazen wave ss! Dafei was sickened by nausea!

However, it doesn't matter. With his strong mana reserves with Erna and Xia, even if it is resurrected once, it can still be killed twice. There is no wave ss in the game.

However, the brewing time for this reflow seems a little long, and the space of the distortion of the wave is very wide. The mushroom forest in the entire hall is in the range of the wave, which makes the sight of Dafei even more blurred!

what's going on?

In the midst of being forced, Boss's skills were finally released "Time Backtracking + 80,000"!

Da Fei's heart beats! Boss took so long to add 80,000 blood? This is the decreasing effect of continuous release skills? Or is the special environment of the mushroom forest affecting the wave ss skills? Judging from the skill range that affects the audience, this battle is more than the previous one, and it is unlikely to have a diminishing effect. Is it caused by the mushroom forest?

At this moment, Da Fei faintly felt that there was another major event to be discovered by himself. This wave of ss was so shameless that it was by no means a leisurely generation. Then, everything will be revealed after the wave ss is killed.

Finally, the restoration of 80,000 lives did not save Boss's defeated end, and the third incident of the disgusting player did not occur. Two minutes later, Boss finally disappeared and the Huawei shed a black ash.

System prompt: The battle is over! You killed the Void Rover, gaining experience +10 million. Get trophy "s-level strategic equipment, holy crown clock", special item "Void Mysterious Spar"!

Holy Crown Clock: s-level strategic equipment, jewelry equipment, mana +1000. Ability spells can be stored for the next battle. Store up to one day.

Void Mystery Spar: Special item, spar full of mysterious power.

System prompt: Congratulations! After a long and arduous battle, your 3 Seraphs were successfully promoted to elite, attack +20, defense +15, damage +20, life +600. Mana +300. +60 Stamina for new stunt: Void Perception. In your angel summoning space, three Seraph troops have grown into elites, and the command rate has been increased to 50. The presidential rate of angel summoning space is +130.

Void Awareness: This unit is partially adapted to the void environment and can sense all special phenomena in the void (Note: This stunt can continue to improve and upgrade)


Buffett laughed and shouted, "Victory! I feel full of confidence!"

Dafei was shocked! Getting the wave ss is second, the key is that I did not expect that the ordinary Seraph in his space actually upgraded 3 elites, but also realized a weird skill!

In other words, these 10 ordinary angels do not know how long they have followed themselves. There are also a lot of wave ss battles, large and small, and it is time to upgrade the continuous wave ss in such a weird environment. And now 3 upgrades, will the next 7 upgrade elites be far behind?

As for the angel space, it is normal to increase the value of the rule. After all, these 10 ordinary angels are bound by space and cannot be traded angels. They upgrade to the elite value of the rule from 10 to 50. Of course, the space must also increase, otherwise it will not. Can't fit it?

Then the following is to pay attention to the booty harvest. This special item called "Void Mysterious Spar" must be the time energy that can be obtained by killing the leader-level monster, said by the King of Time? The progress of this collection is simply outrageous.

Then the question came, why did this wave ss drop a piece of equipment called "Crown Clock"? The equipment attributes are no longer important for the current Dafei. The important thing is that the name of this equipment is obviously produced by the Holy Crown City. Is this monster made by the Seven City Alliance?

At this moment, Nadiahia brought Isaac's lifeguard box: "Master, this Lich has something to say."

Well, what is this Lich? He should be called a comrade! Da Fei faintly guessed what Isaac was going to say, and then asked, "Is Mr. Isaac feel the change in space?"

Isaac Shen said: "Yes, I have been on the sidelines of the previous battle. If I am not mistaken, this monster has absorbed the energy of time nearby to cast its time retrospective skills for itself, but the energy of time nearby is very It ’s so thin that his skills do n’t seem to be complete. After this draw of the monster, I feel that the time here is many times slower than the outside world! "

Dafei frowned: "It really is related to the mushroom forest, then you directly say, when is the next scene change?"

"It should be 10 days later! We have saved another 3 days to copy the books."

Dafei overjoyed, 10 days! That is, the real time is 24 hours. This time, 6 hours from the previous 18 hours, my brother has time to sleep!

That's right, the thing that Dafei cares about most now is when can he make time for sleep.

Isaac groaned again: "But the master, I am afraid that monsters that can use the time retrospective skills are not ordinary monsters. It is too strange to call them gods. I am very surprised."

A big earthquake in Dafei's heart! God! Is there such a weak God? Yes, there are several god-level weak men under my brother.

Da Fei took out the loot, the mysterious crystal of the void, and asked, "This is something obtained from a monster. Do you know what it is?"

Isaac murmured, "Master, I'm just in the form of a lifeguard box, and I can't recognize this kind of thing."

Buffett on the side was surprised, "Friend, isn't this the King of Time to ask the time energy you are looking for?"

"Obviously not exactly!" At this moment, Wuer said: "This monster may be a kind of alien god, just like the angel's army of an adult can change in this void environment to realize the new skills, God may also be mutated in this space. Of course, it should become weaker, but this is also the only way for God to adapt to this world. "

Deviating God? Thinking of the S-class equipment of the Holy Crown City just obtained, Dafei suddenly made a bold speculation: "Is this monster the King of Time lost in this world's deity? Or, is it a part of the deity?"

Buffett stunned: "It's possible! At the time, the King of Time experiment failed, his **** body was blown into pieces, and each piece evolved into a void monster!"

Da Fei suddenly clapped his hands: "Does it make sense?" Even the npc said so, that's all right!

At this moment, Isaac did say in a deep voice: "If this is really the body fragment of the King of Time, then the owner has two choices. One is to collect the pieces and return them to him to complete the task he arranged to obtain the Great return. "

Da Fei nodded: "Then the second option?"

Isaac said coldly: "While it is sick, kill him, devour his remaining energy for the master's own use!"

Dafei was shocked on the spot!

Let me go. Although Brother is ready to steal technology and the Seven Cities Alliance to turn his face, isn't it enough to kill the King of Time? What is the grievance between Brother and him? Not only was he innocent, he also offered to help his brother eliminate the curse. Is there such a thing as unethical?

Well, this is not the point. The point is how brother devours his energy? Iron teeth and copper teeth dried up this crystal?

Isaac continued: "Why don't the master listen to Mr. Thain?"

"Yes, yes!" Da Fei turned around to activate the Pandora's Box and shared vision, and Thorn's opening was: "I suspect that the King of Time was murdered by six other city masters ..."

Da Fei was shocked. I was so surprised! Brother is fed up with the plot of the palace fight! Can I be quiet as a beautiful man copying books? (To be continued.)

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