God Rank Hero

Chapter 1631: Funding across districts

In the game setup, the relationship between the nine player zones is completely independent. Although each zone can reach the New World server, players can't reach other regions from the New World. Under normal circumstances, there is only one way to cross the region and trigger the national war.

The other way is to become a god. God is a plane creature. God can appear freely in the nine regions, so God is unique. That is, although the maps and np of each district are different, the gods are indeed the same god. For example, the Lord of the Underworld and the Seven Lords of the Seven Cities Alliance all have the same name in each district.

Now this Caterina actually said that she would start the warship cross-region trade, this is the god-class high-end! It's just that this high-end is unbelievable.

The royal overlord asked, "Is Miss Katrina the god?"

Katrina Haha smiled: "This is also the fact that I am trying to persuade the four uncles. Mr. Shareholder, would you like to help persuade? It is very simple, you only need to borrow a lot of resources for me, because even God needs it Energy. As for return, I haven't thought about it for the time being, but at least our cross-regional trade income will definitely not let you down. "

The big brothers were surprised! Persuading the four pirate leaders? What is she trying to do? But this is her business, not the concern of the royal overlord. The basic principle of doing story tasks is not to talk to np about things that have nothing to do with yourself, otherwise it will trigger unrelated egg pain tasks that bring you into the ditch.

The royal overlord asked again: "But our contract time is very tight. The eastern world in the 8 districts is very far away. Can Miss Caterina guarantee enough time to purchase tribute to complete the contract?"

Katrina laughed: "Mr. Shareholder, have you been to the Undercurrent Temple? As long as there is a relationship between the Undercurrent Temple, many sea areas in the old world will open the vortex door to us. The vast sea is not as far away as we think. . "

That's it! The opportunity to get in touch with God will not be missed by the royal overlord, so he is determined: "I can provide s-level resources of 10,000 units of the city of the gods, is this enough?"

Catalina frowned, then shook her head: "It's not enough to go back and forth across the two zones."

"Isn't it !?" The gangsters burst into a panic: "A 10,000-unit rich ore in the city of the gods is equivalent to 100,000 or even 200,000 ordinary ore in the earth, which is enough to break two districts?"

"Is this too pit? We have only collected 40,000 units in the past two days. Even if we can purchase the Triton tributes, we may not be able to earn such a large investment?"

"The point is, how much can her warship hold? Unless her warship is also Noah's Ark?"

"By the way, is her warship the same as that of Flying Brother?"

Just then, Katerina laughed again: "However, even if you can only collapse two districts, it is a huge gain. And the resources consumed by the warships in the early stage must be very huge, but gaining power across the districts After the integration, the subsequent consumption will be less. Mr. Shareholders are willing to fund it? "

The royal overlord was surprised: "What is the integration of strength across regions?"

Caterina smiled and shook her head: "Well, this is not something that Mr. Shareholders can pay attention to. I can only tell Mr. I purchase tributes across districts, and that's just easy!"

Then the pirate leader next to him impatiently said, "Boy! Don't just say that you can't practice, you think that asking for a meal will send Lao Tzu a few questions?"

"That is, come up with some sincerity!"

The royal overlord gritted his teeth: "No problem! I am willing to fund 10,000 units of s-level resources produced by the city of the gods!"

Catalina was overjoyed and immediately pulled out a contract: "Great! What I lack now is the resources. Please sign a loan contract with Mr. Shareholders!"

contract! It's really not talking about it! ?

At this moment, all the big brothers could not help but take a sigh of relief: "Domineering tyrants, you really smashed all the mines in the city of the gods?"

The royal overlord laughed with a smile: "Do you think? I still want to borrow from you! By the way, we have collected a total of 40,000 units of mine in China? Anyway, we don't know what to invest in these mines, so why not throw them all in? "

The big brothers shook hands again and again and again: "Large brother! You are rich but we are not! We have hundreds of professional players under our hands and tens of thousands of cannon fodder players to raise!"

The royal overlord cut a cry: "I despise you! Our earliest investment in the Eastern World, but so far have not succeeded and was overtaken by the third brother, just because you have money and don't spend money, you don't want to spend money together!"

Zhou Qinggan laughed: "The overlord boss's words make sense, but I'll wait until I'm clear. It's better to contact Fei Ge."

At this point, the royal hegemony made a big swipe on the contract, and the pirate leaders applauded again and again: "Boy, what we admire the most is someone like you!"

"It's a pity not to meet you at sea!"

Katrina also laughed: "Uncles, since someone has already funded my operation, you are idle here anyway, why not go with me to see and make a decision?"

The leaders laughed with a smile: "Okay! Boy, quickly transport the mine to the city of light below the elf capital Faroland according to the contract requirements. That is the capital area, and the transportation is very convenient!"

The royal overlord asked quickly: "Miss Katerina, am I an investor now? I should have the right to ask what do you want to do? Right, I'm fine and I'm free. Did Miss Katrina cross the sea together? "

The pirates laughed and laughed: "What else can we do as pirates? I want to cross the region together, this ticket is a bit expensive!"

"That is, bring one more person and one more burden. This is not something that a mortal can participate in, and you can rest assured that you can make money at home by waiting for a contract!"

Catalina shook her head and smiled: "Well, in order to pay tribute to Mr. Shareholders, I can only tell you that we are constructing a brand new pirate god! Then please wait for our good news, let alone the lighthouse islands. I wo n’t completely ignore my boss ’s industry. ”

The **** of pirates! It really is God!

At this moment, the royal hegemony and a lot of big brothers are uproaring again!

The royal hegemony made a quick decision: "Miss Katerina, how much rich resources do you need to go to the eight districts? Is 40,000 units enough?"

The big brothers exclaimed: "Lord Brother! What do you mean? This is our mine!"

The royal overlord hurriedly said, "I'm just asking! Do you have a relationship with Shenpan? Who cares about these mines? Besides, we can dig in the city of the gods for a few days, but not all of them . "

At this point, Caterina was shocked: "40,000 units? As the power of the pirate gods gradually combines, this should be enough! Should Mr. continue funding?"

The royal overlord asked again, "Can I go and see with the ship?"

The pirates laughed, "Of course it's okay to give face!"

The royal overlord yelled in the chat room with surprises: "Boss, do you want to bet?"

What the hell! The big brothers wanted to weep without tears: "Treasure brother, aren't you afraid to bring the whole China into the ditch?"

The hegemon of the royal family cut off: "It is clearly the stars and the sea!" (To be continued.)

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