God Rank Hero

Chapter 1632: Powerful gambling

It is 9:30 pm Beijing time, Hongming Village.

After internal consultations with the Indian team for external consultations, the Indian team finally decided to let Amir Khan take over Hilda's task, and then sent an undisclosed Naga player to replace Amir Khan's original task.

The Indian team is not a long-term operator of Hongming Village. It is difficult to say how much benefit can be gained in Hongming Village. It is not easy for India to make this decision. However, it is also because India has not invested in Hongming Village before. At this time, there is a feeling of standing directly on the shoulders of the predecessors to enjoy it. This is actually a low investment and a high return. This opportunity cannot be missed.

At this point, Hilda said with great emotion: "Warrior, the Red Sea is Lilith's blood domain, which will cause a lot of damage to the invaders. I can release a temporary enchantment to resist Lilith's blood domain damage, you enter After the Red Sea, first find a landing point to stand on your feet, and then I support you two soldiers to assist you in reconnaissance battles, and act as a messenger to report to me your status in the Red Sea. Any difficulties you encounter can be answered through me.

System prompt: You have accepted Hilda's mission "Entering the Red Sea", and two leader fighters have temporarily joined your team!

"Entering the Red Sea?" Looking at the two "female warriors" wearing pastor robes, Amir Khan couldn't imagine how they would survive in the Red Sea? How do they even pass through the passage under the pond?

But Hilda's casting has begun, and Amir Khan is enveloped in a mist of blood. Such an eye-catching scene immediately aroused the onlookers and discussions of Chinese players in the village, and no doubt also gained the attention of players around the world through live broadcasting.

This is what the Indian team wants! Nothing is more glorious than standing on the top of the world.

After casting, Amir Khan jumped into the pond with the two unknown female soldiers of unknown attributes in front of audiences around the world.

However, this time, the Indian team does not intend to let the EU team watch Amir Khan's whereabouts live. No matter how close allies are, it is impossible for others to watch their secrets all the way. Even non-confidential activities involve a privacy issue. Not to mention that Amir Khan also has a mission of adapting, and of course it is even more impossible for the EU team to watch. And this also makes the EU team used to India's self-exposure feel uncomfortable or even unhappy.

Then the next moment, Amir Khan could see the true body of the two female soldiers who had taken off the priest's robes. They were two sea monsters with wings that could dive fast in the water! A humanoid Siren with legs, which completely subverts the perception of the Indian team! The Indian team has been operating on the Naga site for a long time and knows that there are mermaids, Naga, Siren, and even medusas such as Medusa, but all are fishtail or dragon tail. That is to say, a brand new Siren race appeared in front of the Indian team, which also strengthened the Indian team's confidence in the prospect of taking this task.

With Hilda's spell protection, Amir Khan no longer needs to use the bubble skill underwater. More than ten minutes later, Amir Khan entered the Vortex Gate and reached the Red Sea again. The waves of the Red Sea bombarded his protective enchantment with a thunderous thunder, and his blood volume remained unchanged.

Amir Khan was a little worried about how two Krakens without enchantment protection deal with this situation, and then the next moment, the beautiful voice of two Banshees came in the sky: "Warrior, there are fourteen islands within three kilometers, the largest of which "The island is 2 kilometers away from us. The nearest island is only 300 meters. Which island is the Warrior planning to go to?"

Flying Siren! At this moment, the Indian Command is booming again!

Amir Khan exclaimed, "Go to the biggest island! I believe I can swim over!"


At this moment, the Chinese team alliance also made an difficult decision during the discussion and entanglement: that is to put all 40,000 units of s-level resources collected by the city of the gods into the cross-region operation of Fei Ge Xiao Mi go with.

Under the premise of being completely unfamiliar with Katrina's mission, this is regarded as a gamble with national power. There are four reasons for gambling:

1: China does not know what to invest in this batch of mines.

Invest in cities to develop low-level troops? Useless! The first battle of the city of the gods has educated players around the world. Even if there are millions of artillery soldiers, there is nothing more than two beheading angels under the deputy hero of Dafei! This is the high-flying eagle fearing millions of pheasants on the ground. And the development of advanced troops? Can't find the right direction. And it may take a long time, and China ca n’t wait much. Not to mention the destruction of the only high-end land, the City of Divine Punishment, which made investment in China incomprehensible.

In the final analysis, it is because Da Fei is too far ahead, which has lifted everyone's appetite and made everyone disdain to develop those low-level troops.

2: Without investing in troops, investing in God has become the best choice. Although I don't know how powerful this pirate **** is, God can be strengthened through man-made. There is no problem in dealing with players in the **** of garbage.

3: Promote Fei Ge further by investing in Katrina. This is bullshit, needless to say. The key point is that from the attitude of the four pirate leaders towards Katerina, there is a subtle attitude of surrender, which is infinitely reverie.

4: The mine in the city of the gods can be dug for a few more days, so even if it fails, it will not be lost.

With these four reasons, the royal overlord added Katrina's loan contract with excitement. The royal overlord immediately upgraded from a "kid" to a guest of the pirates, and also gloriously obtained the cross-region ship with the ship. qualifications!

This taste, isn't this urine nature exactly what the royal hegemon who is a local tyrant pursues? Cool!

However, as the City of Lights is still blocked by Da Fei's "untrusted player" retreat policy, the Royal Overlord cannot board the ship directly from the City of Lights and can only return to Caterina's ships such as the Lighthouse Islands to pick it up. Because before crossing the area, Katerina had to say hello to the Undercurrent Temple.

In short, the royal overlord immediately set off after paying the bills, and the busy preparations began immediately.

At this moment, a lot of big brothers couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I can't imagine that China will be as gambling on the National Games as Japan, tycoon, all on you!"

The hegemon of the royal family cut out: "What is gambling on the National Games? All right, even if we fail, and Fei Ge is okay? Is this comparable to the desperate Japanese?"

The gangsters laughed and said, "That's that, after all, we have a flying brother!"

The royal overlord laughed with a smile: "Even if I don't have Fei Ge, can't I carry my pot by myself? By the way, how many pictures of Fe Ge's drawings on the Gold Rush website are taken now?"

Zhou Qing was surprised: "At present it is 200 million. If no one bids for another 3 hours, the deal will be concluded."

The royal overlord laughed and laughed: "I'll kill him, I will add 20 million more!"

The gangsters were stunned: "What are local tyrants doing?"

The royal overlord laughed: "Celebrate! By the way, continue to give Fei Ge a surprise! By the way, show me the financial resources I can carry !! So rest assured, even if this trip is planted, I will throw money away! "

The big brothers couldn't help crying: "We don't understand the tyrant world ..."

Zhou Qing sighed with a smile: "I'm worried what to do if the other party doesn't follow?"

The hegemon of the royal family laughed: "We all gave Fei Ge so much, do Fei Ge embarrass me? Big deal, I'm asking Fei Ge to let me give you some money and give me back ..."

The gangsters laughed and laughed: "In the final analysis, it is fiercely shooting Fei Ge fart to minimize the risk!"


Ono Studio. After the city of magical punishment was destroyed, Ono Shinichiro could finally let go of the burden of the Fresh Orange Treasure and take a breath. However, people can't relax because of being frustrated. Ono relentlessly shifted all its energies to the pk scuffle of Hongming Village.

The appearance of the thunder fire dragon made the Japanese area that also attacked **** feel a huge threat. Even the sawsaw in the United States also said that if it was excluded from the equipment and other factors, it may not be able to beat the current thunder fire dragon.

So Ono ’s task now is to use his identity as the No. 2 character of the Dafei Guild to chat with the Thunderfire Dragon team members who returned to the city to collect information. I have to say that it is not easy for the Thunder Fire Dragon team to die.

And this team member also gave “Hao Brother” face, all kinds of flames and flames specialization one by one, that was the Japanese team members behind the scenes heard the sudden change of cold sweat. Although the Japanese team is confident that they will not lose to the Thunder Dragon team, they cannot kill them. They are extremely mobile!

Just then, Ono's gold rush network sent a message prompt. Ono ’s ambitions shook, and he hurriedly switched to the webpage to see that the maze drawings were topped by 20 million people! A total of 220 million! And Ono's activity funds are only 200 million!

At this moment, Ono immediately reported to the headquarters with grief: "President, the Chinese are obviously bidding maliciously, let's give up!"

Even Igarashi was furious: "Really insatiable Chinese, this is more than three times the value of this drawing. What else do they want?"

Tsukamoto said angrily: "So President, we don't need to ignore them anymore, so according to the second plan, let the Chinese rot in their hands or build their own, and then bring them down!"

Igarashi frowned: "The times are different. Now that the Chinese team has lost the city of **** punishment, there is one less place to develop high-end industries. The large amount of resources they just acquired in the city of gods also requires an investment. To vent, once they are desperate for their own use it is likely to be counterproductive to develop this blueprint! At that time we may not be able to bring them down. Moreover, this is the task given to us by Captain America, and we cannot easily give up! "

In the middle of the tangle, Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and said, "Let's increase the price by one million yuan to try?"

Igarashi sighed in depression: "Then give Ono Jun 1 million ..." (To be continued.)

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