God Rank Hero

Chapter 1633: Win-win projects in the Red Sea

In the Red Sea, Phoenix Feather stepped up its mining practice in anxiety. Phoenix Feather has learned from the live broadcast that Indian player Amir Khan took two npcs into the pond. Although not sure what task the other party triggered, from the diving ability shown by the other party and the international ranking of the professional player, Phoenix Feather can already determine the current enemy.

In such an isolated environment, all challenges can only be met by ourselves. So, can you stand up? What if it fails? Suppressed? Completely out? Between anxiety and entanglement, a yellow dot in the sky approached him quickly.

Yellow dot? Neutral creature?

Phoenix Feather hurriedly looked up, a woman with a pair of transparent cicada wings! Is it an angel? Not so small. Is it a banshee? Banshee wings are black. Is it Siren? Siren has legs? But no matter what the opponent is, this must be one of the two npcs brought in by that Indian player! For the moment, when she is a banshee, Phoenix Feather silently prepared for a thunderbolt to kill her.

At this point, the Banshee stopped in the air outside the attack range of Phoenix Feather and said, "I found an adventurer! Adventurer, why did you come here?"

Phoenix Feather Heart Beats! Can we talk? Isn't this a soldier brought by Indian players? Why did they talk to me? The Phoenix feathers immediately responded when their thoughts turned sharply: that it is better to be able to talk than not to be able to talk!

Phoenix Feather replied: "Too many killings, and the crime is serious."

The Banshee continued to ask, "It seems you are not a follower of Lilith?"

Phoenix Feathers tells the truth: "No!"

Speaking of which, the feather of Phoenix suddenly abruptly exuded pride. Yes, only those players who have contributed experience to the Lilith Altar should be considered Lilith's followers. They do not know that they have killed tens of thousands of innocent players in Japan, plus multiple pk punishment during the national war By the way, I'm afraid that even Lilith may not kill more people, right? He is a person who is striving for the goal of killing God. Why should he surrender to others?

The Banshee asked again, "Are you longing for freedom?"

The brow of Phoenix Feather jumped, which made the questions of Phoenix Feather quick and clear. That is, this npc is not a soldier of the third brother of India. There are two situations for players to perform npc missions. One is that the player completely dominates the task. The player has the final say. The player can command the npc and he can fight whatever he wants. The other is that the npc has the final say. Players are limited to the npc's target range and cannot command the npc to do whatever they want. The current situation must be the second. And this npc was sent by Hilda of the village, then her position is that of Hilda.

And since it is the second case, is it possible that you have anti-customers, and it is possible to steal the npc mission right from Indian players?

The phoenix feather that I thought about immediately had the answer: "Of course I yearn for freedom, but I also yearn for power. Without freedom of power, I have no interest. My goal should be consistent with Ms. Hilda, I I think we can cooperate. You came to me for the purpose of working together? "

The Banshee satisfied: "It is indeed a warrior. In the face of the powerful Lilith, only cooperation is the only way out, so let's talk about the method of cooperation ..."

At the same time, on the other side of the Red Sea, the big v in cultivation also met another visiting female demon. The positions of the two sides are different, which makes Da v very embarrassed. If in normal times, the big v is definitely not wanting to kill directly. But now this is obviously the mission npc of the Indian player Amir Khan, it is not convenient to do it?

Well, since she knew she was a follower of Lilith, then see if she had anything else to say, and she was too annoying to kill it. The dispute caused the team to communicate with the Indian side.

At this moment, the banshee said again: "Although you and I have different positions, there is no room for cooperation at all. I think you are not limited to the power of Lilith? Are there signs that there are other powers? ,Are you interested?"

Da v was immediately interested: "Other powers? Speak to hear?"

The banshee replied, "You know, when Lilith defected from the realm of God, God sent three angels to hunt down and suppress the seal Lilith?"

Da v nodded: "I know."

In the literature of the Dead Sea, the names of the three angels are s girl i, snsvi, and smnglo, and their names are also the guardian symbols of the Jews carved on the baby's cradle. The altar in the mine of Hongming Village was also sealed with the names of three angels.

The Banshee continued: "But these three seal angels may have been defeated by Lilith, and their power is also scattered in this Red Sea space in crystals or other forms. Collect them, and Lord Hilda will give you special rewards."

At this moment, even the big v is moving! Although Da v as the undead is not interested in the so-called angel power, angels also have death angels or something, and they can't rule out the possibility that they can use it!

Da v asked, "How do I know what is the power of angels?"

The Banshee replied: "Our Lord Hilda can help you identify, you only need to collect various mysterious items ..."

Da v sank. As a super player, of course, I am unwilling to accept this low-level way of deceiving indigenous peoples, which is "everything is up to the other party". But from the current situation, one banshee has found herself, and the other banshee must have found the Chinese Phoenix Feather, let alone the Amir Khan.

Although Dav can say hello to Amir Khan and let him resist this Hilda with himself, and try to force Hilda to make a task concession, but the Chinese Phoenix Feather will certainly not refuse this task, and it is cheaper to resist him It's up!

At this moment, big v is very annoyed! Why do super players like to eat alone and do not want others to be on the same high-end map? That's why! What is even more disturbing is that even the blind can guess that the appearance of this mysterious Hilda must have a certain connection with Da Fei. The European Union's task of receiving Hilda is likely to become the Chinese best "Project contracting and decentralization", the biggest benefit in the end may be the big fly behind the scenes!

If it is the rewards of the divine merit that are usually small and noisy, the big v is certainly not worth a moment. But now that this "contracting and decentralization" is in the realm of god-level angels, this is quite a big game! The more people the EU team arranges for, the greater the benefit of the boss behind the scenes, which is simply intolerable!

But is there a choice? Win-win! Now the mainstream of international cooperation is win-win!

"Fu * k's win-win situation!" After all, Dav is a super player. Although very unhappy, he has to accept this reality temporarily. Big v takes time, but also needs to become a **** to accumulate power! As long as it becomes a god, all trouble is not worth mentioning. (~ ^ ~)

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