God Rank Hero

Chapter 1692: Discover the entrance to the Prophet's house

As the exploration of the ore star began, Buffett was immediately amazed to bring the good news: "It is a concentrated rare ore! My master-level mining can't actually dig, and it only depends on the artifact and electric giant teeth to mine!"

A big earthquake in Dafei's heart! Actually, even master-level mining can't move, this has exceeded the level of rich ore!

Although Da Fei is expected to have gained a lot in this battle, but thinking of the quality of Dianyu Mine, it is speculated that even if the quality of the Void Dragon Mine has improved, it will not be too great. After all, according to the consistent urine of the system, how can it be easy for players to get rich ore?

Da Fei strongly suppressed the ecstatic mood to check the mining of ordinary ordinary predators, all of which are "-1 true damage" mining progress! That is to say, the hardness of these mines has been immune to the attacks of the predators of the void, and they can only be collected by their signature stunt "real damage"! What is such a hard-working ore mined by these talented miners?

Alice Tower also timely said: "This ore star can be discovered by the telescope with increased power at the first time, which is the embodiment of these mines with high energy!"

Buffett also laughed: "A diamond shines no matter where it is!"

"Yes! That's right!"

At this moment, the big tear that finally accepted the fact broke down! This is the second rich ore that I personally got after the mercury mine in the world tree space! Although the system is urinary, the intensity of this ore-preserving wave ss, plus the difficulty of discovering this mine, is absolutely unreasonable for Gefu Mine! If you change to the ordinary player's guild, you may not find this mine for a lifetime, which shows that the system still seems too stingy, why can't this ore star be doubled?

Haha! Wa hahaha! Da Fei, completely immersed in joy, couldn't help laughing wildly. Who said that his state no longer cares about mines? It's just because I haven't encountered a mine with hot eyes! So what else to say, full mining!

However, in the current situation, both the Nether Vulture and the Predator only have 1 real damage to the mining progress each time, which is really slow and shocking.

In contrast, the collection of the Nether Dragon is very different. Each hit of it is a mining progress of one hundred points plus a mining progress of "-30 real damage"! That is to say, it has more than half of Dafei's current miners with a dragon. This is a well-deserved dragon excavator!

After all, we still have to take the high-end line! Da Fei no longer hesitated, immediately took out the killing master to obtain the "Super Void Predator Egg", and clicked to hatch. Although it is necessary for the arms to start cultivating resources in the form of eggs, it is necessary to have more stamina, but Da Fei's rush to mining does not matter.

A flash of white light, a large predator that was ten times larger than a dog-like predator was born, and this body was just a bear! Dafei hurriedly checked the properties:

Super Nether Predator: Large leader-level Nether creature, attacks 75, defense 45, damage 60-70 (adds 10 additional real damage), life 4500, speed 25, physical 1000, command value 500, magic resistance 75%, Stunt: Jump attack, devour growth, dig ground.

Dafei brows and digs?

Digging: Construction skills. Super Nether Predator can dig a tunnel that lasts up to a week. Channels dug on player territory are valid for a long time. The effect of this skill increases as the player's construction skill level increases. (This skill can be upgraded to Lurking)

Let me go!

It is actually a branch that can dig! Dafei was stunned and regretted. Da Fei's biggest regret is that he can fly, run, and swim, but he cannot dive, so he had high hopes for the beetle hero to surrender during the Japanese national war. As a result, the beetle died by himself.

But now it seems that the digging of this construction skill is obviously higher than the beetle's burrow. The beetle's burrow can only be crawled in the soil by himself. This digging is obviously digging tunnels so that others can follow him. If it had been known that it had such useful skills, Da Fei would definitely not have made it so premature.

But it doesn't matter, now it can only make it grow in labor training. How can labor lack tools? Da Fei possesses the master-level "armed forces" skills, so he equips it with another artifact, the electric dagger. Generally speaking, players with non-arms equipment can only play one-tenth of the attributes of the strategic equipment to the arms, and they have no special effects, and the cost performance is very low.

But now idle is also idle, don't care about cost performance. Dafei hurriedly checked the added attributes:

Electromagnetism: Artifact materials, production tools, real damage +20 (currently 10), mining maximum +1, collection maximum +1 (invalid attribute), increase the chance of tearing + 10% (currently 5%), Increase mining speed by 100% (currently 50%).

Oh! ? Dafei blinked suddenly and thought he had read it wrong! Except for the Mining and Gathering Upper Limit bonus, which is not valid for it, all other attributes have special effects and bonuses, which are actually as high as 50%! This equipment fits beyond imagination!

Da Fei was relieved immediately, and there was a special case. At that time, during the national war in Japan, the player of the spider demon clan exploded a special armor for the spider demon and wore it on Lilim. Can retain more than half of the attributes. It can be seen that the closer the races are, the higher the grades of arms and weapons, the higher the fit of the equipment!

And the super miner equipped with the giant tooth artifact did not disappoint. The pair of forelegs, which are as sharp as a giant sickle, are shining on Mars like a chainsaw, and rows of "-20 mining "Progress-20 True Damage" data came out. Although the total amount cannot be compared with the Void Dragon, but it has a high frequency. It seems that this mining area is counting on these two biological excavators!

In the midst of gratification, the system upgrade rang:

The system prompts: your covenant angel Jill sweeps the battlefield to get a loot, the "Void Dragon Egg".

There are eggs! There must be eggs!

Da Fei laughed so much that his mouth couldn't be closed. This man couldn't stop it when he smoothed. Although there is only one egg, only one egg was hit when the Hydra broke out. The less it is, the more expensive it is!

Soon after, after cleaning, he put this giant crystal egg in front of Da Fei. This time, Da Fei learned the lessons of the Super Predator and decided not to hatch in advance. Anyway, there are already two excavators and there is not much mining pressure, so concentrate on collecting resources to cultivate this egg. The 26 growing nether urns are not in a hurry, and they themselves eat.

So the following is the time for mining to cultivate and repair. The focus of the repair is still to improve navigation capabilities. At the same time, Alice Tower continues to observe the movement of the Prophet's residence with a telescope.

As for Da Fei, of course, it is time to take a nap in the afternoon and prepare to fight overnight. Although Xiaoli can already take over, but that's just when Da Fei can't support it. As long as Dafei slows down after a full night of sleep for more than 8 hours, there is a problem with fighting one or two overnight.


In the American Supernova secret meeting room, Captain America, Prince George and Igarashi invited the captain of the Swedish team Viking Ares to complete the secret meeting.

The topic of the meeting was of course the modification of Noah's Ark. The land giants in the Chinese area really made the British side very excited. This is indeed the biggest problem that has long plagued the Royal Ark team. In the European Union, the Swedish team's strength in airships is far ahead of other countries. During the war of the city of the gods, they had sent two airships to play amazingly. So this task of course falls on the Swedish team.

The Swedish team is also interested in the Chinese team's land giant. Even if others don't find it, it will be developed, let alone the British team took the initiative to send the top secret Noah's Ark that Sweden is most interested in. This cooperation project is of course a hit. The Swedish team stated that they would do their best for the British friends as soon as possible, so they were happy to end the meeting.

At the next moment, Sun Xing, the commander of the China Dragon Slain Guild, is reporting to Ma Yinglong the latest situation with the Swedish players who came from a cross-region national war.

Ma Yinglong opened the video happily and greeted with a smile: "Old friends, are you all happy to cooperate?"

The captain of Sweden said solemnly: "Exactly! We are very interested in your land giants in China. I would like to ask if you would like technical assistance?"

Ma Yinglong suddenly stunned and asked for technology? Although our old acquaintances, but the belligerents, after all, this is too outrageous!

Ma Yinglong couldn't help crying: "Well, this giant ship is really not developed by our guild. If you can propose a good exchange condition, I will help convey it."

The captain of Sweden whispered: "We provide the internal structure of the British Noah's Ark, and the British also want to transform this ..."

After listening to the narrative of the Viking God of War, Ma Yinglong was happy: "No, aren't you? It's a secret to betray the British team, is that good?"

The Viking God of War indignantly said: "Old friend, it was the British team who betrayed us first, and the European Union first! Our cooperation with the British in the place of Hongming Village was very unpleasant, and they were always trying to find ways to crowd us out. All signs indicate that the British team, the American team, and the Japanese team are working on a secret project, and they have indeed excluded us. Now that something is happening, they think we will still be reluctant to tell us. Not only that, the EU region has at least happened in the past two days. The 50 pirate player robbery incidents are most likely caused by British players behind the scenes. They have resorted to unscrupulous means in order to collect resources! We have always been silent, but it does not mean that we are the type that was sold by them and they still had to do it for them. Counting money stupid! "

It turned out to be anti-water! That is a must! Ma Yinglong is even more excited: "You are not afraid of the news leaking when you reveal such an important thing?"

Viking Ares smiled slightly: "I don't say how much I believe in the naivety of my old friends. If it leaks, I resign and quit the game circle, and then the position of the Swedish captain will let the big v come. I have no ability to lead Sweden. The team responded to this chaotic situation, but big v can! He should have come forward to lead our Swedish team to the world-class stage. "

Ma Yinglong frowned and said solemnly: "That's the case! It seems that the requirements of old friends are not just about technology, what exactly do old friends want?"

The Swedish captain Shen said, "Of course I hope Chinese friends can destroy the British's Ark of Promise. This is a link that Americans have opened for themselves from the beginning of game development. Opinions affect the operation of the game, so I had to reluctantly let the British act as agents. There should be no such thing in the game. He not only threatened your China, but also made our Swedish team completely lose the meaning of developing airships. "

With that said, the captain of Sweden turned sharply: "In short, as long as my old friend is willing to help me keep secrets and help deal with Noah's Ark together, I will give my old friend a clue to the undead sacred river!"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Okay, I'll take you to find a few old friends to study it! Cooperation with our China region is the most correct choice!"


At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Da Fei just slept for more than half an hour. The most pleasant system prompt sounded Da Fei to wake him up:

System Tip: Your sailing time in the special space is more than 2 days, you and your team heroes gain the extra experience of Destiny Skywalker professional skills "Skywalker training" + 2.43 million, and your team gains additional growth potential.

System prompt: Congratulations! The growth potential of your 26 Void Troops has been developed, gaining growth evolution, attack +3, defense +1, damage +1, life +10, stunt devouring growth effect increased.

Dafeile's sleepiness is gone! After so many days, I have forgotten the daily assessment skills of my upgraded version of Voyager! With magic skills, these troops can grow in a day! Sure enough, there is no difference between a brother without a boat and a salted fish!

After gaining the growth, the void 鳐 really improved significantly. Although it is still mining by "-1 true damage", the frequency of mining is significantly faster! Following this trend, it is estimated that it only takes two or three days for the game to collectively grow into an excavator. At that time, I never had to worry about the speed of mining! Wa hahaha

In excitement, Alysta rushed forward and reported: "Master, I found a very small space crack in the Prophet space, and the Prophet space is relatively stable. Fly in to scout for the Prophet. "

Dafei suddenly burst into joy and finally broke through! But how could such a dangerous thing let her go as a non-contractual angel? Brother Xueying came in person, and when there was something, it was more convenient to speak directly with the prophet.

Da Fei shook his head: "You stand fast, I personally send the blood eagle to fly over!"

But thinking that the blood eagle could not speak, Da Fei wrote a greeting letter and put it in the space bag of the blood eagle, and then set off. (~ ^ ~)

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