God Rank Hero

Chapter 1693: "I am the grandpa of Zeus"

The blood eagle enters a stealth state, and the Void Gate leaves this quarry space from time to time. The Titan continent once again appears in front of Da Fei. Numerous patrolling red spots around it explode on the blood eagle radar again.

Da Fei took a deep breath, fully focused on controlling the blood eagle to advance to the target by all the way, and cleverly used the cover of floating stars to avoid the nearby patrols many times. After all, even if the Bloodhawk is invisible, who can guarantee that those patrols do not have anti-hidden capabilities?

It wasn't until this time that Da Fei could be seen clearly as the patrol team. Before that, the red light flashed on the radar, and Da Fei immediately fled by smelling the wind. These patrols are a group of little fairies with pilot goggles riding on the Nether Dragon mount. The goblin is a first-class long-range musketeer in the city of the mage, a relative of the goblin tribe, and proficient in mechanical maintenance.

The shape of the Nether Dragon is similar to that of the big flying Nether Dragon. Each dragon has four little goblins aiming in four directions, like a small bunker, like a dragon-shaped arrow tower. This left Da Fei shocked under the eye-opener.

This type of dragon cavalry is definitely more advanced than the dragon cavalry that it encountered in the volcano. If you do n’t have an airship, you might be hanged to death if you encounter two-foot air strikes on foot? And the patrols have shown such strength, what about the other high-end units of the Titan Army? Although he had stunned a Titan Army, he was ashamed to say that he knew almost nothing about them except to make them more targeted.

This also strengthened the idea that Da Fei came to co-develop with the power of the Dwarven Kingdom.

It was between Da Fei's thoughts that Da Fei suddenly felt something wrong. That's right, it looks like I flew for half a minute, but the destination seems to be farther than the distance on the map. Is Bloodhawk Slower? The speed of the small stars passing by is quite normal. Isn't it slow?

Da Fei's deity in the airship hurriedly asked, "Are there any problems with Tower of Ales? Am I approaching the target?"

Alesta wondered: "My lord, according to my observation, your clone is indeed approaching the target!"

Dafei said suddenly, "Why is it so far?"

At this moment, Isaac on Da Fei said: "Master, this involves a problem of the curvature of space. In short, the space is curved, although in the dimension of the adult, it is walking in a straight line. But from the perspective of space, adults are actually walking on a curve. Especially in the void, the degree of curvature of the void space is incomparable to the ordinary space, so the owner obviously feels that the distance is inconsistent ... "

Dafei was aggressive on the spot, wasn't it Wangshan's dead horse? Can you say something that hurts you?

Isaac continued: "The consequence of warping or even distorting space is the same instantaneous spell. It may only cost a few hundred mana in the mortal world, but it may be consumed several times here, so space twists the array. The theory emerged. In short, the space twist array system on the master airship is a passive skill, which can accurately calculate the effect of the curvature of the space-assisted teleportation system and reduce the casting cost, so that it can better complete the teleportation and even eventually break Restrictions on the dimensions of space and time are transferred theoretically to the past and the future. This is also the core goal of the King of Time experiment ... "

What the hell! Is this to make Brother Fancy furious? !!

Dafei asked with a bitter smile: "That is to say, the space twisted array system is very useful anyway, can it improve the transmission effect?"

"The master is good! It took me many days to realize the usefulness of the space twisted array system. In short, as long as the owner's resources are sufficient, it is very necessary to repair the system. If the system is not repaired, it may require more resources. "

Finally know the usefulness of that twist array machine! Da Fei applauded: "Very well, continue to work hard to be a master of the city of masters of no less than a master!"

"Thank you Master for your reluctance, I will go all out."

Finally, a few minutes later, the target land arrived, a small vortex on the floating island. Of course, this small vortex must be continuously tracked and observed by the telescope on the airship in order for the large fly sharing the field of view with the blood eagle to find and enter. The rule of this world is: only if the door is found, can you enter the door;

The blood eagle entered the void door, and the scene changed, and the light in front of Dafei suddenly opened up. This was completely different from the dim environment tone of other void spaces. At this moment, Dafei realized that he had made a great discovery!

Sure enough, when the blood eagle burst into the light, a floating island with flowers, green trees and water springs in front of it. The towering building on the island is exactly the tower on the lighthouse island, and the dazzling beam of light is emitted from the lighthouse! This scene is simply a smaller version of Talon of the Underworld.

The next moment, a kind voice came from the top of the lighthouse: "A lost adventurer? Or a guest from a long distance? Come in!"

Of course it's a guest! Under the ecstasy of Da Fei, he immediately launched a blood eagle shouting response, and then flew over the garden villa. On the top of the lighthouse, an old grandfather wearing a white priest suit with a kind eyebrow and a white beard fluttering was waving at Da Fei with a smile. Sure enough, it is the standard prophet and sage style!

The blood eagle flew in front of him, and took out a pre-written letter and presented it. The old man took the letter with a smile and smiled, "I don't know how many years, you are the first mortal to reach me, and you really inherited my island! You are very amazing!"

Wa hahaha! This is indeed a prophet, so give the brother some advice as stated in the letter. Da Fei continued to scream with relief.

The old man laughed and said, "Child, you can see me through the birds, and I can see you through the birds. You don't have to cry, you just have to say something, I can hear you."

Lying down! This long-distance call seems like a hand to Silena! Flying in the cockpit of the airship can not help but wonder: "Are you God?"

The old man laughed with a smile: "Should it be okay? I'm just a remnant now, my ability is not as good as one ten thousandth of what I was!"

Sure enough, I can talk! Dafei exclaimed, "Who are you then?"

The old man laughed even more happily: "I am Uranos, the grandfather of Zeus, and the father of Knos! The three generations of our family are dad pit sons, son pit dads. Now my son and my son Konos are exiled. This is empty, the difference is that I want to open it, my son does not seem to figure it out. "

Grandma! Dafei took a spit of water, and the first generation of Greek mythology king Uranos! Although Da Fei knew that this prophet must be very capable, he never expected that he would be so big! This makes Dafei completely unprepared!

However, it's good to be big! Da Fei turned back from the shock and asked, "What is the window of the world that the dwarven kingdom connects?"

The old man shook his head and sighed and said, "It's my remnant! Maybe it will run out of energy and eventually die, or it will usher in a new life and become a new god. You also see that it has all the landforms and all kinds of ecology in the world. The ability to create the world. However, there is already a creation **** in this world, and its existence will eventually be unnecessary. "

Dafei was stunned, the original God looked like that! The dwarven king is true, the window of the world is indeed God!

Buffett exclaimed, "Why does the prince catch an adult?"

The old man couldn't laugh or cry: "My remnant once reluctantly traveled the world and awakened the potential crisis of the world, but his luck was very bad and he was caught by a prince. He wanted to refine me, but I still borrow it Part of the power of the wreckage broke through the space and escaped, this is how it is. In short, our time has passed, and what I have done seems to be ineligible to talk, even if there is a crisis, the power of this generation can still Cope. "

That's it! Then ask the most important thing! Dafei asked quickly, "What about my curse?"

The grandfather looked calmly: "Your problem is very serious. There is no way to solve it with the power of my residual soul. But unlike the bird that extends your bloodline, it has no subjective consciousness and is not qualified to bear curses. So this Fortunately! And this bird is already equivalent to your avatar prototype. I can exert the power of creation to completely transform it into your avatar, or you will get a brand new self, and you will use your new one. Seek the answer for yourself, what do you think? "

System prompt: Uranos can transform your reconnaissance blood eagle Xiaofei into your clone. The avatar has the same functions as your current game character, and inherits the functional attributes of the current state of the blood eagle. Will it be transformed?

Let me go! Having a avatar is a symbol of God! Da Fei said excitedly: "Agree!"

The old man comfortedly touched the big flying bird's head: "Very good! Perhaps this is the meaning of the rest of my life. As for the way you said to reach the window of the world is also very simple, just fly all the way, maybe the journey is a bit difficult, but you You can find me, then the difficulty will not be difficult ... "

During the conversation, the white light of Master ’s hand shone, and the vision of Da Fei's Blood Eagle began to distort and fluctuate.

Then the voice of the old man was getting smaller and smaller: "As for Knonos, his fate is already doomed. I don't take any position. Of course, it would be better if the Warriors wanted to give him a lesson. After all, our father and son The relationship is so bad, then, goodbye, wow ha ha ha ha ~ "

In the fading laughter, the white light disappeared in front of Dafei's eyes, and the system reminded him:

System Tip: You successfully transformed the Blood Eagle into your avatar!

In the next moment, from the perspective of Dafei's Bloodhawk, a human pikeman with the same name as Dafei, also known as Dafei, appears in front of Dafei!

Dafei took a sigh of relief! It turns out that this is the clone, this is the authentic "game double-open" gameplay! (~ ^ ~)

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