God Rank Hero

Chapter 1694: The avatar, Uranus Lighthouse

Dafei opened the avatar's property bar at the first moment with great excitement to check the attributes: attack 0, defense 0, injury 1-3, life 10, attack speed 10, movement speed 10, command value 0, ... Go!

Looking at this row of brand new blanks as if time goes back to the character building attributes when the game was launched, Da Fei couldn't believe his eyes. What about good inheritance attributes? !! What about avatar skills?

Calm down, don't get excited! After a slight mistake, Da Fei noticed that the character's specialty is "morph switching"!

Form switch: You are an avatar created by the **** Uranos, and you can switch to blood eagle form to become a blood eagle. In the blood eagle form, the task of killing the enemy will increase the experience of the human form. The blood eagle form and the human form share a space package.

In the current human form, the human form can freely develop and learn and obtain all the faction's attitude, reputation, and knowledge of the deity. The cooldown time of switching forms is the same as that of the Blood Eagle Ocarina.

Note: Once the human form dies, the blood hawk will die. Since human form is a hero unaffected by death, death in human form does not affect the growth attributes of blood eagles. Once the avatar dies in the blood eagle state, it will not be sheltered by hero attributes, and will still reduce its growth potential.


That's it! Da Fei tried to switch forms, then the whole body flashed white, the human figure disappeared, the blood eagle appeared, and the skill attributes were as usual, but the blood eagle also had a "shape switch" skill.

Dafei suddenly realized that the original avatars were arranged this way. The blood eagle is a blood eagle, and the human being is a human being. There is no relationship between the two attributes. As for the death relationship between the avatars, it may be like the setting of a snake with a high magic power suddenly being photographed by the demon mirror and showing the original shape of the small snake. Fortunately, although his human form is weak, after all, he is a hero who is not afraid of death, so he will not pit the blood eagle.

In short, he is a trumpet who shares his personal relationship with the large one. It is the real Rugao who came to solve the problem of the most betrayed bird's beak, which is really a godsend! It ’s so suitable for me. It ’s a busy man who has to fight on two fronts at any time.

Just as Dafei ecstatically laughed, Dafei suddenly found that the surrounding environment had become bleak. Da Fei twisted the bird's head and saw that a bright and fresh little villa in the green tree water spring just disappeared, leaving only a ruined and dim lighthouse ruin.

amount! Is this a hero clone created by God King with all his power? What a vicissitudes of life. Anyway, go back. Here to hit a wave ss is to have tens of millions of experience base. After a few battles, I will train the clone to level 50, and then go to New World Sao.

Just as the blood eagle rose into the sky, a yellow dot suddenly flashed in the ruins of the lighthouse on the radar!

Da Fei suddenly stunned, in stock? Yeah, he is the **** king that the brother only met beyond the limits of ordinary people. It ’s too boring to give a clone. You must keep some artifacts like the artifact? One time I remembered the urine of the lord who buried the city on the Lighthouse Islands, and most of them didn't run away.

When Da Fei was excited, he immediately flew down to find the ruins. In this case, it was time to test the blood eagle god-level reconnaissance technique. He must not be transformed back to the newcomer who has no white board and no other skills.

Soon, the corner of the ruined lighthouse flashed again and found! The blood eagle immediately cut out the glowing brick, and the system prompted a bang:

System prompt: Congratulations! Your blood hawk successfully discovered the "Uranus Lighthouse Divine Code".

Uranus Lighthouse Divine Canon: An artifact book written by the first generation of the **** of the sky, Uranos, can be built to activate the Uranus Lighthouse. Use requirements: Grand Architect, Wisdom 1.


Big fly haha ​​laugh! It's rare to be so simple, isn't this a prophet? This Uranus lighthouse must be the seven towers on the lighthouse islands. Brother has not known what use it is except for lighting. It seems that the mystery is in this book. Big bird claws opened the first page, and a line of words plus a line of directories came into view.

"The discovery of my book shows that you are a person who doesn't need me to say more. Then it is time to teach you the proper use of inheritance.

In fact, the lighthouse is not a lighthouse, but a sky altar sacrificed to me in my era, but it was built so high that mortals of later generations felt that it looked like a lighthouse, so I had to call it a lighthouse and build it on the ground. By the sea. It was just that my grandson Poseidon did not know my altar in the sky and thought it was a lighthouse, which made me a little sad. But it is better not to know, lest it be destroyed. In short, this is my impetuous grandson and the beacon that these young gods are now insurmountable ... "

"Are your wisdom ready?"

Table of Contents 1. Uranus Lighthouse Activation: Grand Architect Requirement, Wisdom 1. Can activate a Uranus lighthouse. After activation, your ship will gain a speed increase of 10% in any world. Your vehicle will gain a speed increase of 20% in any world. Activation of the second lighthouse requires wisdom 2, activation of the third lighthouse requires wisdom 4, activation of the fourth lighthouse requires wisdom 8, activation of the fifth lighthouse requires wisdom 16, activation of the sixth lighthouse requires wisdom 32, activation of the seventh lighthouse requires Wisdom 64.

Contents 2. Sunlight Recharge: Requires Wisdom 4. Activation of this function allows the Uranus lighthouse to absorb the energy reserve of the sun itself.

Table of contents 3. Moonlight recharge: requires wisdom 8, ... can absorb the energy of the moon ...

Table of Contents 4. Starlight Recharge: Requires Wisdom 16, ... Can Absorb Starlight Energy ...

Table of Contents 5. Tide Charge: Requires Wisdom 32, ... Can Absorb Tide Energy ...

Table of contents 6. Uranus recharge: requires Wisdom 64 and activates the seventh lighthouse, which can absorb Uranus' energy.

Contents 7. Uranus Cannon: Wisdom 8 is required. After activating this function, the lighthouse has attack capability. Power and reserve energy shine.

Contents 8. Uranus Enchantment: requires Wisdom 32. After activating six lighthouses, a layer of defensive enchantment will be opened. The enchantment strength is related to the reserve energy.

Table of Contents 9. Uranus Realm: requires Wisdom 64, activates the seventh lighthouse and Uranus recharge function, Uranus enchantment will upgrade to Uranus realm, and has the ability to teleport legions from any world back to the city.

Contents 10. Uranus Lighthouse Construction: Requires Wisdom 64, Divine Architecture ...


Looking at this first page of books, Da Fei was stunned and stunned for a long time and never looked back!

Although Dafei has always felt that the 7 lighthouses of the Lighthouse Islands have connotations, never imagine that its connotations are so deep! This is the legacy of the first generation of God King, who truly can provide a bonus to the airship of the sky god!

And he already has 58 points of wisdom. Except for the seventh lighthouse that cannot be activated, all other functions are turned on! Not to mention, the doubling of the flying speed of 120% of the 6 lighthouses is an increase against the sky! Once you have turned on the Uranus Realm to return to the city, this is the super skill you dreamed of.

And such precious wealth has always been hanged by the hands of the treasurer and did not manage it, he is really a prodigal heir!

Da Fei, who has returned to God, is so distressed that he feels at home! In short, once the Lighthouse Islands had an accident, it was really pitted by the contract of the Lord of the Three Halberds. Brother went back to declare war against him and bombed him day and night. Brother Liang did not have this courage!

As a result, the blood eagle brought the book back. At this time, the blood eagle's three available space bars are still there, but this book is indeed placed in a large-capacity space bag only for players. That is to say, the blood eagle from the beginning can only take three things, and will explode when the temporary transport aircraft completely evolved into a super parcel delivery, but also do not worry about it will explode 100%, which improves the Big is simply indescribable, this is the man-made power of the first generation of God King!

Ten minutes later, the Bloodhawk returned safely to the airship, and immediately fell alive after landing. Looking at someone with the same name and title standing in front of himself, Dafei couldn't describe his feelings! If you have to feel it, then you really want to choke it!

In short, first train up the level of the avatar, and there is no blame for killing for the time being, then start learning mining, anyway, there is an additional miner. (To be continued.)

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