God Rank Hero

Chapter 1701: Perfectly controlled collision technology

When you have an idea, put it into action immediately. Dafei has the ability to squeeze these foam spaces in the void into each other and cause collisions, but how to get their own ore star to collide with the mining area of ​​the Titan continent is a problem that must be solved at present.

Da Fei directly threw this problem to Alesta: "I want our ore star to hit the Titan mine, how to do it?"

Although usually not directly help players solve the problem, but can provide clues to solve the problem.

Sure enough, Alice Tower's frown seemed to answer the question: "Adults, the volume of our space is smaller than it was at first. This is the result of being squeezed by the surrounding space. There is no sign of collision at the moment." A map of the current space.

Da Fei immediately compared this picture with the earliest one. In a pile of overlapping "raindrop water surface" pictures, his "circle" was indeed smaller than the previous one.

Xiaoli asked: "How did this happen?"

Dafei explained: "This eternal core power stove is not so simple to repair. It not only consumes ore, but also consumes other energy in this space like the mushroom forest. This leads to our space being out of stock and naturally being surrounded by Space is tight. "

Xiaoli was surprised: "It's like a balloon leaking?"

Dafei frowned: "It's like it!" At this moment Dafei's mind flashed: "How many postures does it seem to leak?"

Xiaoli laughed: "That's it! I think the current situation of Minestar space is that the eternal core is pumping in the middle of the mine island, so the space is slowly shrinking in equilibrium, and this will not be related to the surroundings. Collision. If we evacuate at the boundary of space, it will break the balance, it is very likely to merge with the collision of the space next door, just like blowing bubbles! So we just need to raise the airship to the boundary of space to start the eternal core. "

Dafei clapped his hands and laughed: "That makes sense!"

Xiaoli laughed: "Then try to find a little star in the space next door?"

Dafei was surprised: "Try now? Or wait for the mine to finish?"

Xiaoli laughed: "I think this mine is too slow. If you collide with another asteroid, the collision and fragmentation split up, then pick it up directly on the ground? Isn't the progress much faster?"

What the hell! Brother really squatted in front of the game console for a long time, everyone is squatting silly, such a big brother is actually not as good as my sister!

Da Fei immediately decided: "Okay, then fill the mine, try it!"

Xiaoli laughed: "And the collision also has the benefit of increasing the mass of our ore star, so that it will be a sufficient threat to the Titan continent."

Dafei burst into tears with excitement: "It makes sense" I'm not as good as my sister when it comes to IQ!

As a result, Da Fei immediately instructed Alice Tower: "I want to find the smallest space nearby and hit it. You lock a target."

Alice Tower pointed at the map: "Sir, this is the smallest space! There is no mineral on this star."

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Just do it, drive the airship to the border closest to it! All mining personnel are on board!"

Buffett immediately said, "Yes, Captain! But my big guy is too big to get on board and can only follow our ship."

Da Fei had nodded: "That's it." In the final analysis, the main structure of this ship is very backward, and there is no built-in space like the Fei Xiang. It seems that both the mine and the soldier must repair the main structure.

Under the direction of Alice Tower, the airship reached the predetermined position, but this position is completely different from the position shown on the map. It is not on the boundary circle of the "circle" at all? Haven't hit the "air wall of the copy border" yet!

Da Fei asked his own question: "Aresta, are you sure where you are?"

Alesta also said blankly: "Sir, the navigation system confirms this."

At this moment, Isaac interjected again: "Master, this still involves the curvature of space. The position observed by the human eye is different from the actual position. It is like watching the position of the fish on the water from the actual position. The location is different. "

Xiaoli also laughed: "Brother, can you only trust the machine?"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "It is estimated that our gameplay must fix this navigation machine, and it is useless without a high-level player to play."

Buffett asked, "Captain, you're ready. What will you fix this time?"

Da Fei thought without thinking: "This time repair the main structure!"

"Roger that!"

With the start of the power furnace again, the space in the airship began to fluctuate and twist again. The rows of main structure repair progress "76! 78! 80!" Appeared on the screen.

Just then, Alysta began to call the police: "Master, the small stars in the opposite space are starting to approach us!"

Dafei overjoyed: "It's done!"

Xiaoli also laughed: "Are there monsters on the opposite planet?"

Dafei laughed: "Surely there will be no big monsters in such a poor little star. Little monsters can't wait for anything!"

In the constant alarm of Alys Tower, the void space outside the window vaguely saw a blurry image approaching, and then, a flash of lightning began to thunder in the void space, and it was about to hit!

Dafei hurriedly stopped the operation of the power furnace and immediately let the airship teleport to the other side of the space to avoid the impact of the star collision.

Finally, with a flash of lightning shining through the space, a star with a quarter of the volume of the current mine star appeared, and then banged! !! !! With a loud noise, the echoes of smoke and dust splashed throughout the space!

When the smoke and dust are gone, the two stars are already inlaid together!

"Oh! Complete success!" Xiaoli cheered for the first time when she saw this scene!

Dafei can't help but keep laughing! The last time a star collision was inevitable was found inadvertently, then this time it is perfectly controlled. The comet collision plan is completely feasible! Da Fei thought that the previous nuclear bomb robbing had been exaggerated enough, but did not expect that there are more exaggerated tactics than nuclear bombs! Is this the rhythm of dinosaur extinction? Wa hahaha

At this time, Alice Tower reported again: "Master, the two spaces have been successfully merged, and the volume of our space has expanded again. We are adjacent to a small quarry space. The volume of this star is only one fifth of our volume. No space fissures can enter. "

Da Fei burst into amusement: "Are there any miners yet?"

Xiaoli laughed: "It doesn't matter if there is no space, just continue to annex it by collision!"

Dafei laughed: "Just do it!"

Buffett also laughed: "Look at the captain, the crystal mine is smashed, and the ground is full of mines!"

Sure enough, they are used to pick up! This situation in which everything is under control makes the brother creepy! Da Fei waved with a big hand: "The whole army is on alert, landing mining!" To be continued.

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