God Rank Hero

Chapter 1702: Fly like a bone dragon

Under the full alert of Da Fei, the airship flew over the ground of the ore star. At this time, the ore star was full of smashed crystals. Sure enough, it is not necessary to directly pick up and mine. This has the effect of collecting resources Up to ten times more?

Da Fei suppressed the excitement and waited for the monster to appear. But waited for nothing unusual on the half-noise radar. Is it a subterranean monster? In order to prevent accidents, Da Fei took the lead in jumping off the airship and landing on the ground. He also took out the earphones and stuck his ears on the ground to listen. He waited for two or three minutes without any movement.

Da Fei shook his head and smiled: "There are no monsters. Just land and mine. Give priority to those scattered resources."

Buffett haha ​​laughed: "Received!"

Xiaoli also laughed: "Maybe this little star is too small, so it's no wonder."

Dafei sighed with a smile: "Either way, although there is one less chance to recruit miners, but also avoid a battle that is unclear. Brother Ke no longer has a nuclear bomb crystal. Then mine with confidence."

Xiaoli laughed: "When all the crystals of this island have been digested, I don't need to miss the nuclear bomb."

Dafei laughed: "Wrong! How is this island enough? Brother's target is the mine island next door!"

Xiaoli laughed: "Okay, that brother is slowly busy. Xingchen called me to a meeting, and I will report on major issues by phone."

Da Fei laughed: "Don't worry, there should be no major issues in the early stage. If the brother is right, the Prince will most likely collude with Makar to hang the syndicate inside and outside, and then the great prince will find an opportunity to take the syndicate to take the syndicate. This is the only way It's in the character of the great prince and the interests of Makar, and you can lean on whatever side you have. "

Xiao Li said, "I see. Xiao Fang also explained the idea, that is, to persuade the syndicate master to build a camp that is easy to attack and grab mines on the front line, slowing down the pace of the magic army."

Da Feile was happy: "Okay, this creative score is perfect! When they fix the camp, my brother will come back to receive it!"

At the end of the conversation, Da Fei was relieved. Basically what was to be done was to lie down. There is only a little flying, but I am a little concerned. The so-called one-sand-one world, this little star is also a land with "bubble space". Is there really nothing? Anyway, lying down is lying down, just take a walk on the island ...

At about six o'clock in the evening, Da Fei, who had fallen asleep after a long walk, was suddenly awakened by the dialogue prompt of Pandora's Box on her body.

Da Fei hurriedly opened the box, and Pandora's cheerful voice came: "Master, good news, with the support of the Lords of the Underworld, Captain Renoir's Wing of Wings has completed evolution and can fly!"

Da Fei's spirit shook immediately and shared Pandora's forward vision. At this moment, Pandora and the images of the lords gathered together at the bow of the ship. The Wing of Radiance exhaled silver-gray death gas hovering and flying under the night sky of the silver moon. It was not the "air balloon" of the ordinary airship, but the Four masts and four sails evolved into eight pairs of huge bone wings fanning up and down.

Really flying! Da Fei's surprise intersection is difficult to describe the feeling of being subverted! This can no longer be called an airship. This is exactly a fish with only eight wings ...? That's right, judging from the steady and smooth effect of this flight, this should not be called flying, but rather a calm leisurely swim in the sea like an octopus whale.

At this time, the twin sea monster Salia's "Golden Fairy" smiled lazily: "Humans, this can waste me a lot of energy. Don't easily fail to waste my investment, otherwise I have to eat something to supplement Only one supplement is needed, for example, your lord anemone looks delicious, goodbye hahahaha ~~~~ "

Dafei was shocked! Not because she wants to eat her own dishes, but she said the word "lord"! Dafei hurriedly called, "Wait--"

And Sarah had already disappeared. Lying down! Is it okay to wait until the brother asks clearly? Does that mean this anemone is a void creature?

At this moment, Crabbo also said silently: "Human, I am still waiting for the fresh meat you said. This is an important food for our army and will directly affect the outcome of this battle!" not see.

Then Siren Kraken Naples was even more irritable: "I'm getting more and more boring about this alliance, humans don't let me down! My patience is extremely limited!" And disappeared after speaking.

Then the Lich Dragon Samast looked solemnly: "Warrior, you have seen it. Although we have the determination and fighting spirit to fight with a weak strike, but our allies do not have it, we urgently need you to reverse with a great victory, no, Just cheer up. Honestly, I do n’t understand your action, and I do n’t believe in your ability to cowardly. I just bet you based on your performance that has always surprised me. In order to cover your sneak action, I will take the initiative to launch a large-scale offensive with Samer to attract the attention of the enemy. The offensive will begin at the end of the month, so be prepared. "It disappeared after finishing speaking.

In the end only Samuel was left. Samer still smiled so calmly: "Warrior, as it says, I also trust you almost blindly. In order to show my full support for you, I spent a lot of extra power on this ship and built a built-in The space is right next to the alchemy room, and there is your old friend Ray Mill, and I can only help you much more. Now I urgently need to take time to rest before the war, I am afraid that even the power to maintain the image cannot be wasted. So you wo n’t be able to contact me for a while. I can only wish you a triumphant return. "After speaking, it disappeared.

Dafei exhaled a long breath and calmed down the pain. It is another person who runs after one sentence, can't you calm down and discuss your life with your brother, and discuss the anemone master? In short, take a look at the long-lost Remil. Brother has almost forgotten Remil. This battle that goes deep behind the enemy line cannot be played without a strong player.

So Da Fei instructed Pandora to come to a door next to the alchemy room. When Da Fei opened the door, a golden wave space door appeared in front of him.

Built-in space! Da Fei was very pleased, or Samael was interesting enough, and it was impossible to load it on the ship without Raimi's size. enter!

When the scene changed, Da Fei appeared in a dark space like a starry sky. Ray Mill's giant griffon's majestic appearance was in front of Da Fei's eyes. There was a hill in front of him ... Crab Yellow.

Ray Mill laughed: "Master, the lord of the city, ten thousand years seems to me only for a moment, but seeing the master of the city for almost a year does indeed make me feel as long as 10,000 years, and this time, I will not let the master of the city be disappointed, as long as It ’s okay not to be a god-level powerhouse. "

What the hell! What's the difference between an ancient angel who can't fight a god-like power and a salty fish? Da Fei hurried to check Raymir's attributes at this time:

——Thunder Angel Remil: NPC unit of non-bing type. Attack 431, defense 516, damage 444-511, life 116,000, mana 3300, attack speed 9, magic resistance 85%, physical strength 6000, skills: flying creature, death angel, sanction strike, lightning enchantment, sacred Griffon **** (Note: Ray Mill is currently in an incompletely restored state)

Da Fei's brow jumped. It's been a long time since I saw it. This attribute has already burst out, and it is still incomplete!

Da Fei was pleasantly surprised: "Will you be fully restored to deal with ordinary god-level strong men?"

Ray Mill murmured: "It doesn't depend on me, but on the adults. How strong the coach is, how strong I am."

Da Fei was dumb! I have to say, you're awesome, and the brother who has a big cauldron dumped has nothing to say! Anyway, not winning is really the coach's useless. Da Fei also found that he had a new skill "Death Angel" than last time.

——Death Angel: Can absorb and use the energy of the underworld, increase the damage to undead creatures, and reduce the damage from undead creatures.

Dafei wondered: "What is going on with this death angel?"

Ray Mill replied: "It was evolution under the guidance of Lord Samal. Angels are creatures of the creation, and they can adapt to various circumstances to help God manage the world, including degradation into demons. I have not yet fully evolved and cannot Completely **** the energy of the underworld. "

Da Fei knew for a moment that his 10 void angels were a precedent for evolution under the eyelids. Da Fei asked again: "Then what form will you become when you fully **** the energy of the underworld?"

Ray Mill Shen said: "There is no difference between the form and the Lord of the Undead. In fact, Lord Samer can also consume the essence of undead creatures after killing the dead, but it is not necessary. One is because of the special environment of Fatalon. For him to cultivate, the second is to avoid stimulating other undead lords to cause greater hostility and even endanger his alliance arbiter status. In fact, after the victory of the last battle, Lord Samer did not consume the essence of the defeated defeated world. Instead, he transferred his share of the battle results to Captain Renoir and his party. "

Dafei frowned: "So it is!" No wonder Isaac was so fast. And starting from the task of taking the "Under the Sea Pattern", he is packaging Samal into a person that is harmless and does not pose a life-threatening threat to other undead lords. Samal's golden light appearance is really deceiving. Sex.

When talking about the Void Angel, Da Fei remembered it again, and asked, "Do you know what the Void Lord is? I found a creature in the void and the anemone on Miracle Island is very similar."

Ray Mill shook his head and quietly said, "Although I am an ancient angel, I do not know the void world. The void may be the origin of God and the place of origin of the world. But ordinary angels cannot say this, it is against God to create the world Dogmatic. So any creatures that adults encounter in the void may be older than our angels, and they are not made by God. "

"So it is!" Although I didn't get any answer, I did have a philosophical enlightenment that made Dafei think about the world.

At this moment, Renoir's voice came in from outside the space: "Warrior, the test of the Wing of Radiance has been completed, and it is ready to go."

Dafei immediately instructed: "Go!"



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