God Rank Hero

Chapter 1727: Lying down! Can't play! ?

With the unanimous approval of Buffett's inauguration by the lords of all ethnic groups, Buffett's inauguration ceremony of the chief speaker and Dafei's inauguration of the speaker's adviser began in the king's ward. The honour guards who rushed in all the time sang, the flowers and wine filled the room, and Buffett and Da Fei also changed into unparalleled official uniforms. Then Buffett announced the policy declaration of void mining to the lords and won applause. Then the system prompts a jingle:

System Tip: Your follower hero Buffett officially takes office in the Parliament of the Dwarven Kingdom Council. Buffett is disassociated from your follower status, and your friendship with Buffett becomes a "friend of life and death"!

Da Fei could not help but be filled with emotion. Whether it is a sub-hero or a follower hero, as long as you have a self-supporting portal, you will certainly get rid of the vassal status of the player. This was true of Deirdre before, and of course Buffett. It won't be long, Katrina, Elena, too. However, Da Fei is confident to continue the previous close relationship with the independent hero.

After the ceremony, the king closed his eyes peacefully and fell asleep again. The king had to use his last time to witness the end of the two sons. This was just the last wish of a father.

The next thing is that Buffett and a number of lords discussed the development of the empty force and the recruitment of machines and other matters. After all, these high-level lords are all very difficult to gather together. In general, they may not be able to call them, and they can fight casually. You can stop if you are busy.

Da Fei was very impatient with such meetings, but those leaders who took the initiative to move five fingers was 50 million gold coins, and the big hand was 10,000 units of resources. It was really amazing that Da Fei was able to do so. The power of mobilization, compared with their handwriting, the hometown of their own city of light has operated for so long, that is, the specifications of tens of thousands of soldiers can only be regarded as a pediatric house, as long as this power can be completely for me Do n’t use it so cool!

Just then, the system prompts again:

System reminder: The second battle of the mythical world copy pk mission "The Land of the Gods' Discord, Troy" will start in 30 minutes. At that time, there will be an angel of the gods to guide the warriors participating in the battle. Please be prepared .

Task Tip: Warning! The pk mission is divided into three games and two wins! You lost your first game and you must win in this game to enter the final match. Please select the troops or war facilities you need to bring into the battlefield. The troops that died during the game and the depleted facilities will be resurrected by the gods after the war ...

Dafei's brow jumped, the time passed so fast, it was time for the game before he knew it. Dafei hurriedly opened the selection box of the fighting troops popping up in the system, and a large row of red letters reflected in front of Dafei:

The Alicia Legion: During the independent expedition, it is impossible to convene troops and warships, and it is impossible to race!

Katerina Legion: In the independent expedition with the Alicia Legion, unable to play!

Elena's Legion: Accompanying the Tour ... Unable to Play!

Pandora's Legion: In the independent expedition ... Can't play!

Zavala: Unable to play in independent missions!

Serbia: Unable to play in independent missions!


Lying down! No one can play! ? Da Fei couldn't believe his eyes. What about good competition rules? Do you have to lead a team yourself to enter the battlefield? In other words, have you become the commander of the bare pole? Wrong, isn't Serbia just reading a diary, how can she be considered an independent task?

In shock, Da Fei's friend's message rang, and Da Fei opened it for a look. It was an ancient star: "Fei, news from Sweden. Your Troy match opponent called the Noah's Ark of the British team. Participated in the war, now the masters of the European Union area are boarding the ship in the South American area of ​​the New World. It is said that there are still Japanese players. Just tell Fei Ge to be prepared. "

Da Fei was shocked: "Is there anything wrong, just send Noah's Ark over the race?"

Gu Guxing sighed: "It is because of the competition that they have no scruples! But I have confidence in Fei Ge, I suggest that Fei Ge should not end the race so early, and can drag this Noah's ark in the copy In a few days, our China's total offense will be less scruples? "

Da Fei has been aggressive at this time: "Drag? The total offense in China?"

The ancient star laughed and said, "Yeah, our Chinese region has been holding mines for several days in the City of the Gods Mines, and good sites have been robbed by others. How can we not fight back!"

"I see!" Da Fei had no mood to talk, did Noah's Ark? Although brother's other warships can not be transferred, but brother has a time traveler! There are also fields, there are teleports, but they are still delivered by the space twisted array system with a 500% effect, and they will be automatically repaired. Brother, you stupid Noah's Ark!

Da Fei also had no intention to continue the meeting, and saluted the lords: "Sorry, I have to participate in an important game, I will leave first."

Buffett patted Da Fei on the shoulder: "Friend ... Um, sir, there is me here! I can do it!"

Da Fei shook his head with a bitter smile, and now even Buffett, the unlucky star, can't play against Brother. And brother will soon call the Time Traveler to participate in the war, hoping that it will not affect the mining plan of the Dwarven Kingdom.

Da Fei hurriedly ran out of the palace and went straight to the Kingdom Prison. Da Fei's hurriedness no doubt once again aroused the discussion of the surrounding players: "It is worthy of Fei Ge, who are all busy running ..."

Kingdom Prison is of course unimpeded by Da Fei, the baron lord of the Window of the World, so Da Fei soon reached the Window of the World from the prison space door.

"Fei brother is here! Come and meet Fei brother!" At this time, the shocking thunder has completely let go of the entanglement in his heart, and the team members were sent to respond to Da Fei the first time, after all, the random changing scenes of the surrounding scenes of this window of the world Very troublesome.

However, Da Fei was so anxious that he didn't need to reply directly on the regional channel, and rushed to the volcano.

And of course the consequences of such a straight charge are of course countless strangers along the way, Da Fei directly ignored! Da Fei's defense is now a human-shaped moving city wall. It is simply not necessary to put these big waves of ss monsters in your eyes. For a time, players on the volcano lookout tower in the city saw dozens of waves ss chasing Dafei all the way from the telescope.

And Da Fei's abnormal performance really made the big stars behind the scenes confused and confused. It stands to reason that if Da Fei is really so busy, he should run straight from the moment he returns from the ship. How can there be such a leisurely time and the thunderous royal throne king blowing such a long time?

"Isn't Fei Brother going to lose again?" At this moment, all the big commanders suddenly had an unpredictable hunch.

Finally, in the whole regional channel, there was a touting sound of "Feige Niubi". Dafei shook off a large group of monsters behind him and entered the city. Dafei just hurriedly waved to the players around and hurried on board.

At this time, Alice Tower, who was left on the boat, came forward and reported as soon as possible: "Sir, during your absence, I discovered that there is a vanity gate on the island that disappears and disappears now! Waiting for observation will appear once time has passed. "

Sure enough, this island really has meaning! But now Dafei is not the time to care about the connotation.

Da Fei opened the system competition pop-up window again and clicked on the Time Traveler in the war facility! However, the system prompts:

System prompt: Warning! You cannot participate in the special scene you are currently in. Once you are unable to participate in the match you will be treated as a second world war waiver. You will lose the game completely and you will face the anger and shame of Poseidon. At the same time, your subordinate villages and towns will be very dissatisfied with you ...

Oh damn! !! !! Special scene! Same reason as the last time I couldn't participate! That is to say, there is no way to fight in the void where it is difficult for God to interfere?

Big flying eggs are broken! How to do? What is the difference between a brother without a warship and a salted fish? Is it necessary to let a brother like salted fish go against Noah's Ark? This Nima's is to let the brother dismantle Gundam without a hand to play with it, OK? Is Brother I wisely ruined in this little game? At this moment, Dafei felt the biggest challenge since playing the game!

There are only 15 minutes left. Da Fei has no time to recruit troops everywhere. The void force on this ship is his only combat force. The Nether Dragon has been given to Buffett. Buffett is now on his own and can't adjust himself. Then what they can play is the 10 Void Angels they carry with them, as well as Nuoer and Nalxia, and Alice Tower's void space.

If you are dealing with ordinary players, you can crush as many flying as you like, just as Serbia is mining in the New World, two signed angels can crush all beings. But how to deal with Noah's Ark?

Not much thought, Da Fei immediately took these hurriedly down the airship, and then led all the way to the exit of the Lighthouse Islands. Since there is no way to play in the void, can you bring the soldiers back to the ordinary world?

And this time the judgement was not disappointed by another Da Fei. After Da Fei reached the Lighthouse Islands, she could really click on Alesta.

At this moment, the royal hegemony faced Fei Ge who greeted him and returned: "Fei Ge, do you have any trouble?"

Da Fei smiled and waved his hand: "It's an awkward thing, let's see what happens!"

The royal hegemon laughed and said, "It's okay! So many of them are flying Fei brothers. They are embarrassed."

Now Da Fei is really reluctant to talk more. Da Fei is really reluctant to imagine how to be faced by the whole world if he loses. After all, he still uttered harsh words in advance.

Let's go back to the city of light and wait for the game to start. By the way, leave the avatar in the city of light. What if the bachelor casually launches a god-level stealth to find a wood for a long time?

and many more! drag? At this moment, Da Fei fainted and had a countermeasure! (~ ^ ~)

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