God Rank Hero

Chapter 1728: Enter Troy Battlefield

How to deal with Noah's Ark alone? Da Fei suddenly had a countermeasure, and that was dragging! His super-stealing master stealth master can drag, and he has a large displacement skill that can be dragged. There is also a super predator that can quickly dig into the tunnel. You can also tow, and the super predator has also learned the invisibility of the void, which is perfect for performing tactics.

When will it be delayed? Of course it was when Noah's Ark ran out of fuel! This is asymmetric tactics.

For example, the United States has the world's strongest aircraft carrier fleet, but it will not be used to fight Somali pirates. On average, aircraft carrier formations burn up $ 5 million in maintenance costs a day, and how much can a Somali Pirate's magically modified fishing boat burn a day? Carriers and pirates can afford it? So Da Fei has fixed the weakness of Noah's Ark, and the consumption of this goods must be large! Everyone is a person who plays big ships, and they all know that there are a few pounds or two to play big ships.

What if the tow tactics don't work? Then drag the time, just as the ancient stars wished, directly drag these so-called masters elite in the copy a few days and nights, to allow enough time for the counterattack in China. Once China has made great progress on the battlefield, will it not be impossible for the EU coalition forces to take the initiative to admit defeat and withdraw?

And let them take care of each other, Dafei himself can not take care of this, which is the value of the avatar.

Then Dafei summoned the bleeding hawk and transformed into an adult form. At this moment, a large row of system prompts appeared on the screen:

System prompt: Your avatar has gained a large amount of experience to upgrade to level 53 ...

The system prompts: ... upgrade to level 58 ...

The system prompts: ... upgrade to level 61!

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go. This should be the experience of rising in the storm of the void? I remember that the "storm sailing" skill at the time was to give 170,000 experience in a single jump. After a few hours, I had tossed out of level 10, this is going to blast the sky!

In short, this is too fake and must not be seen by ordinary players. No, brother's avatar is his biggest secret, and no one can see it. What if the world's players find two big flying?

Da Fei immediately remembered the long-lost identity "Hand of Nicholas Steel" given to him by Duke William. Since the clone has all the prestige and interpersonal relationships of the deity, then this identity clone should be able to be used?

Sure enough, as Dafei switched his identity, the name on the clone head really changed to the hand of forging steel! Dafei is very pleased. Then check the equipment for the rest of the time, just now I haven't had time to look at the properties of those runes in the dwarf palace.

Rune of the Red Dragon: A high-level special rune of the Dwarven Kingdom. After using it, you will get the power of the red dragon, plus the effects of fire burn damage and fear of strike, for 1 day. (The rune uses a cooldown of 1 month.)

Rune of the North Wind: After use, the movement speed is greatly increased, and the frost slowing damage effect is added ...

Rune of Thunder: Use Thunder Power after use, plus lightning damage and lightning paralysis effects ...

Flowing Rune: Greatly lasts life after use, lasts 1 day ...

Rune of the Rock: After using it, it will increase your defense by 500 points and transform you into a building attribute for 1 day ...

Da Fei couldn't help stunning, this is the rune sent by the lords in this duel. Each rune uses attributes comparable to artifact stunts, and is truly a high-level rune. Advanced runes like this are probably not much cheaper than an artifact.

Although each rune can only be cooled for one day for one month, its use is greatly limited, but the terrible thing about the runes is that as long as there are enough, such as 30 red dragon runes, etc., it is daily play Wen, can't stop at all! In fact, it is not possible to fight every day for a month, as long as there are 4, 5 are enough to deal with large-scale battles. And runes also have a variety of ways to play, such as shining wings on the keel mast is inlaid with onslaught runes.

In short, the dwarven kingdom really has good goods and is worth developing. As for now, use these runes to fight a pain.

There is still the last 5 minutes in the game time. Da Fei took the time to wash Lazar to empty the inventory, and scooped up two small breads for breakfast, and then the game time was up!

Match Tip: The Trojan match begins, and the Poseidon Herald will lead you into the battlefield!

Then a piece of golden green pillars of light rose from the water of the city of light, and the whole pool of light was bathed in a golden light! Da Fei couldn't help but jump. This is the power of the Poseidon messenger? Don't be too exaggerated?

The next moment, a mermaid riding on a giant whale appeared in the light, and Dafei suddenly stunned: "This is it?"

The mermaid spoke: "Warrior, meet again!"

Really an acquaintance! Da Fei suddenly suddenly said: "It turned out to be Lord Saint!"

The mermaid sighed: "In the last game, you were in a world where the divine power was inaccessible, so you could not teleport you into the battlefield. And this time you must win, otherwise Poseidon will face the humiliation of Athena, and we cannot imagine the angry Poseidon will What anger was made. The Warriors were recommended by me and Lord Tide Lord. Of course, we can't stand idly by, and all I can do is to make luck with you! "

After saying a wave, a rainbow light came to Dafei's head!

The system prompts: You receive the blessing of "Luck of Advent" from the mermaid sage, you get a lot of lucky value bonus, the time of advent will last for 1 month.

Still familiar rainbow, still familiar taste! At that time, she relied on her lucky bonus to win the **** of gambling and realized the god-level luck!

Da Fei said excitedly, "Thank you, Lord, for your help!"

The mermaid sighed: "You should understand the rules of Troy. Your opponent, as the winner of the previous game, will be more favored by their gods. You must go all out, then go."

At the same time, new world South American seaports, crowds of people, and reporters from various countries gathered at the dock to witness the moment of the legendary God-class battleship Noah's Ark!

In the countdown of the cheerleaders of the audience, the sky was clouded, a cloud of gold shrouded Noah's ark, and a female angel holding an olive garland fell from the sky. The goddess Athena blesses the warriors with victory! "

At this moment, the players in the audience were shocked. All the players who were on standby on the Noah's Ark were reminded by a flash of gold light on their heads:

The system prompts: You get the blessing of "justice win" of the goddess of victory, your morale is greatly increased, you get the righteous beheaded, unyielding **** of war, firm wisdom stunt, the effect of righteous victory lasts 1 month!

Righteous Kill: When the enemy's life is less than 50%, there is a certain chance to kill the opponent with a single blow. The lower the enemy's life, the higher the chance of killing.

Unyielding God of War: When your life is exhausted, you will not die immediately, but in an invincible state for 5 seconds. This stunt is triggered once a day.

Firm Wisdom: Any enemies' seductive skills, hidden skills, and camouflage skills can hardly escape your wisdom eyes.

God-level blessing! At this moment, Leonidas couldn't help screaming with excitement, as if victory had already arrived! However, the British players who were nervous in the main force did know that these blessings did not help the battleship battle.

Then in the roar of the players, the golden light flashed, and the huge Noah's Ark disappeared!


At this moment, the scene changed, and Da Fei appeared on a golden beach. Dafei already knows the general scene of Troy from the forum. Of course, he knows that this is the battlefield where players from the last war appeared. If the opponent is a giant warship, it is impossible to appear on the beach, it can only appear on the sea, so you have a lot of time for yourself.

Sure enough, as the opponent entered the battlefield, the huge waves rolled on the sea, and a huge figure like an aircraft carrier appeared.

While he hasn't entered the battle yet, Brother is out of touch, Flash! Dafei immediately entered the stealth form and hurried to the woods in front of the beach!

However, looking at the series of beach footprints that instantly kill super-sneak stealth behind him, Dafei suddenly felt that the skill of stealth was really stupid! This scene really is pit!

Burrow now? No, brother plays new technology, the anti-gravity field of Titan's Grip opens!

But wait! Suddenly Da Fei noticed again: What if he was not busy first, let them discover the footprints of brother?

(Change diapers in the middle of the night, let ’s change the chapter, haha, wow hahaha ~) (To be continued.)

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