God Rank Hero

Chapter 1748: Hera's thigh after hug?

The mermaid began to prompt: "The easiest way to upgrade the deep sea fortress to Cancer is to build a Temple of Hera, because Cancer was promoted after the death of Hercules, the illegitimate son of Zeus, after the Battle of Cancer. . Of course, the premise is that you must have the construction drawings of the Hera Temple, as long as you are dedicated and diligent in serving Hera, you will definitely get it. "

Dafei took a sip of water! I just want to eat an egg. You asked him to build a chicken farm first? Are you kidding me!

The mermaid continued to remind: "And Hera was very jealous of Athena, she despised the derailed daughter-in-law, Aphrodite, and was dissatisfied with the other two children of Zeus, the sun **** Apollo, and the moon goddess Artemis. Dionysus, the **** of wine, is unhappy. In short, Hera ’s destiny in Olympus is well known. I think she must be more suitable for the current situation of the warrior. "

The system prompts: You have obtained the information of Hera.

Da Fei's heart shook, and a message came out! Of course, Da Fei knows the story of Hera. She is the only existence in Greek mythology that can share power with the **** king Zeus. She is a prestigious tertiary terminator, a nightmare for illegitimate children, and a model of a loyal wife. It is an extremely chaotic ethical relationship. A clear stream in Greek mythology!

Brother's current situation is offending Athena, offending the **** of the underworld, and the relationship with the **** of the sea is difficult to say, and even directly opened a film with the **** of wine, this Nima is to find a reliable thigh hug! Brother offended one third of the twelve main gods of Olympus, and Hera offended more than half. Is this close? Is n’t she waiting for her to hold her?

However, remember that in the previous story, it seems that Hera's relationship with the sea **** is not good? How could this salty fish that had gotten a handful of brothers in the Helen incident give him a kind way?

Da Fei tempted, "Is there any other way besides this way?"

The mermaid nodded her head and said, "Of course there is! Poseidon has a son named Orion, who once showed off that he is the most powerful and handsome hero. This reminded Hera of her unhelpful wife who had a relationship with others. The crippled blacksmith son, thinking of his mischievous daughter who would only toast the gods at the banquet, was jealous from his heart, and sent a poisonous scorpion to assassinate Orion. Under the sadness of Poseidon, Orion was promoted to Orion, and Hera, dissatisfied, promoted that poisonous scorpion to one of the higher zodiac constellations, Scorpio, to further shame! So, as long as the warrior can defeat a Scorpio monster, then the warrior can Let Cancer get the promotion of Poseidon, and at the same time, it will further enhance the feeling of Poseidon. "

Lying down! Hera really offended Poseidon, and she really fit her to hold her ****! Dafei asked again, "Is there any other way?"

The mermaid smiled lightly: "Who knows? Slowly growing in battle, and devouring powerful corpses is also the way to be promoted, right? I can only remind you here, the warriors can slowly think about it, I'll go mining, and think about it. Tell me. "Turn around after you finish.

"Wait!" Dafei hurriedly asked, "From the first two hints of Lord Warlord, is there a bad relationship between Hera and Poseidon? From your standpoint, you just need to prompt me to kill the Scorpio monster. Why? Tell me more about Hera? "

The mermaid shook her head and sighed: "One, there is no difference between killing a Scorpio monster and sending it to death. That's not a reminder, that's a killer. Second, Hera's deity is above the sea god. Her promotion sign is indeed easier than the sea god. This is a fact. Poseidon's mind is as broad as the sea, and of course he will not hide the facts because of personal complaints. "

Dafei was shocked and said, "He is as broad as the sea?" Are you kidding me again?

The mermaid nodded: "Of course, my mood will be as moody as the sea."

Alright, you convinced me! However, compared to a moody sea god, brother still likes to hold a model of loyal goddess Dabai ****, Da Fei has a vague decision.

Da Fei asked, "What if I choose Hera? Does Poseidon mind?"

The mermaid grinned: "Poseidon won't mind, but it should be a little unpleasant."

Dafei didn't feel good: "Is there a difference between being mindful and unhappy?"

The mermaid smiled lightly: "Poseidon will do it when he minds it, but it may not be the case when he is unhappy. But you have to figure out your position. As a high heaven, it is not you who choose Hera, but how to let Hera choose you. The prestige in the Temple of Hera is 'Ignore'. Do you know what you should do? "

Da Fei was a little bit embarrassed: "What to do?"

The mermaid said positively: "Of course, win this game first, defeat Athena, then, in short, work for your next step."

Looking at the background of the mermaid's departure, Da Fei went into thought again. But wait! Brother is thinking a fart, this is the message that Brother exchanged with a reward artifact? And the point now is not to consider what kind of promotion, okay?

Dafei opened the inventory and found the trophy "Championship Cup". Check the attributes again:

Champions Cup: Artifact, wine barrel. Attack +50, Defense +50, Magic +50, Knowledge +50 Stunts: Level 1 Bacchus domain, barrel space. Equipment location: inventory. Requirements: 30 points of wisdom.

What the hell! Requires 30 Wisdom Real Artifacts! Ordinary professional players may play the game to the point where they may not have such high intelligence. Its strength is not its own domain and 500 units of wine storage space, but its equipment requirements inventory! In other words, as long as it is in the bag, it does not occupy the equipment position! This once again refreshed Dafei's knowledge of equipment.

However, this artifact requires wine to start? Where's the wine from here? Doesn't help the comeback, okay?

Then Dafei started to check his mysterious level again. Although the effect of downgrading on the combat power in the game is actually small, the main effects are those "talent skills that increase with the level" and the impact of taking on tasks, but I am very unhappy and I really mind! Especially now that even experience can't be gained, this is simply horrible!

At this moment, Da Fei remembered that when he returned from the void, he had discussed with Isaac a different kind of **** topic. Could this be the prelude to transforming the level to prepare for the Titan God?

While thinking about it, the message of Da Fei's friends sounded, of course, Zhou Qing: "Fei Brother!"

The next moment, Zhou Qing's message came again: "Feige was finally contacted. When Feige was brought into the realm of Bacchus just now, I couldn't send information to Feige."

After all, it is the field of cheating, and it is normal to block all kinds of external contacts. Dafei laughed: "Brother killed that Pan god, brother is fine."

Zhou Qing was pleasantly surprised: "It is indeed Fei Ge! We found from the rankings that Fei Ge suddenly became Level 1, and we were all frightened! The EU Command is cheering and celebrating, waiting for the result of the game."

Da Fei laughed, "Then let them down. As for level 1 or something, isn't that big v in Sweden down to level 1? What a fuss."

Zhou Qingxin said with joy: "It's so good. We Chinese players pay special attention to Troy's situation and strongly request to broadcast Troy's news or something. Does Feige have a convenient video or loot to publish? What about morale? I wonder if there are any convenient things like Fei Ge breaking out after killing Pan Shen just now? In this way, you can break through all kinds of rumors that discredit Fei Ge. "

Dafei was shocked! That's right, I played alone, and there wasn't even a reporter who was chasing the film next to him. But the problem is that the right of public opinion is in the hands of the other party, and the European and American media have always been extremely discredited. They say that it is up to them to decide if the brother is beaten by the dog.

The problem is, I just didn't record the video. As for the trophy just now, this is a real artifact of 30 points of wisdom. Announcing it will destroy the three views of ordinary players and make them lose the motivation to continue playing the game. Is this kind of thing easy to publish?

Convenience! Brother furious those EU guys! Dafei immediately responded: "Okay, wait for my brother to do the picture processing! First of all, don't be scared if you see it yourself."

Zhou Qing was overjoyed: "Good Flying Brother! Follow Flying Brother, what we see is what it is!"

Dafei also laughed, "Don't you mind if you let me see the mosaic?"

"Feige is really kidding."

As a result, Dafei took screenshots of the attributes of the artifact, and then used the picture editing tool to erase all the key "30 points of wisdom" and "barrel space" attributes. This can be both confidential and combative. As a result of the morale of the enemy, he did nothing.

When Dafei sent the picture to Zhou Qing, Zhou Qing still exclaimed calmly: "Oh my God, an artifact equipped in the inventory!"

Dafei laughed: "You can't calm down even if you say hello. If you let the EU team see it, they will probably explode!"

Zhou Qing was excited: "That ’s going to blow up the sky! By the way, let me remind Fei Ge, since the Greek players have failed, then the EU team's tactic is to monitor 24 hours a day, blocking Fe Ge in this molten hole. Here, as long as Fei Ge fires his gun, he must be careful. "

Dafei was surprised: "How long will it be blocked?"

"Blocked until the game ends in a draw, which means three days!"

I rub! Dafei hurriedly said, "Who are the busy people, who is free to accompany them for three days?"

Zhou Qing couldn't laugh or cry: "Originally we expected Fei Ge to try to hold the British Noah's Ark in the copy. As a result, their tactics also used Noah's Ark to hold Fei in the copy. . "

Lying down! What do heroes see? But I have a avatar, and I have Pandora that can be remotely controlled. Can they compare with my brother? Da Fei smiled calmly: "Anyway, anyway, brother is a bit tired these days, so accompany them and take a break."

Zhou Qing laughed: "The only thing wronged is Fei, I'll post this picture." (To be continued.)

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