God Rank Hero

Chapter 1749: Grand Master Monk

Ending the conversation with Zhou Qing, Da Fei looked at the exit of the molten cave and smiled sneerly: with the brother? Brother is mining happily in the cave. Brother who has mine is afraid that you are not mine? OK, let brother dig a day or two before talking.

As for now, I just want to remind myself and Nalhia to block the road, to see the progress of the detached side, almost two hours have passed, and it should be a surprise to my brother ...

At this time, the EU Command was in a state of laughter and laughter, and Leonidas was still pinching his nails in anticipation. There is no suspense about the outcome of this battle. How can players in the current stage fight face to face with God? Even if God makes a subordinate God it is God. Although Da Fei has countless achievements in slaughtering Gods and dragons, everyone knows that if Da Fei had no warships, it would never be possible.

Soon, players found that Dafei ’s “eternal” level suddenly emptied out instantly. Although I do n’t know what happened, it must be sanctioned by Bacchus, so it is now easy for EU Command. Everyone is waiting for the system news of the game victory.

At this moment, a team member made a surprise report: "There was news from China that Da Fei was not dead, and he also announced the trophy to kill Pan Shen!"


The entire EU headquarters was in a bang, and Leonidas croaked and bleed his nails! But the pain in his hand is no more than the pain in his heart. Leo is incredibly looking at the news link uploaded by the big screen.

At this moment, the entire EU Command was shocked: "Okay Karma !!!"

As the top layer of professional players, they only need to glance to see how terrible this artifact is! What is more terrible than the public attribute is the attribute which is deliberately covered with mosaic by Da Fei. This is another person's infinitely worried and more terrifying existence!

Leonidas crashed! Leo's stimulus was not only the result of the contrary, but also the horrible artifact, but he was about to face the ridicule and accusations of others. In fact, the members of the European Union teams who have come back to God have cast a scornful look on Leo's live broadcast room, and everyone has begun to condemn vocabulary.

Leo's shameless self-confidence, without the courage to face the ridicule of the crowd. Is a ridiculed supernova still a nova? Will this video conference room have its place after this match? Where do I go from here?

Or is it for the Chinese? Leo was shocked when the thought came from Leo's heart! Is this possible? It is totally feasible. Our country has already suffered an economic collapse. Has China always saved it? With my position in the Olympus Divine Realm, once I join forces with Da Fei, will this world not be at my feet? Am I still the same?

At this moment, the video conference room jingled, prompting the VIPs to enter, and the whole group was surprised: "Fordson !?"

Captain America came here in person! Although everyone knows that the European Union will open a video conference, the US team will definitely monitor behind the scenes, but it is still rare for Fordson to come to the front desk. After all, the US team must give the outside world a fair impression of not interfering in other regions.

Lancelot greeted: "Everyone welcomes Mr. Fordson."

Applause rang through the audience.

Fordson also greeted the audience in the video, then cleared his throat and straightened into the subject: "First of all, we want to pay tribute to Da Fei for this wonderful victory, and we congratulate him for his gains."

The audience applauded again. After all, being able to applaud the enemy is a symbol of generosity and justice. The Orientals don't have this kind of heart and manner. They will not only say nothing good to the enemy, but also degrade all kinds of slander of the enemy. How can the audience not applaud Captain America for such a grand opening?

Fordson continued: "But we can't fall behind. Although we lost at key nodes, we should also work hard. Dafei's victory tells us the fact that players can indeed be defeated in face-to-face duels. God, as long as we work hard, we can reach that state, and among you, the closest thing to this state is undoubtedly our leader. "

Looking at the audience's gaze at himself, Leo shouted in shock: "I?" Isn't it Lancelot?

Fordson laughed: "It's you, Mr. Chief, can you tell us what you plan to do next?"

Leo shakes again! Captain America talking to me? Am I not dreaming in a mental breakdown? Leo pinched a bleeding nail to make sure he wasn't dreaming. At this moment, Leo suddenly understood something! Leo's excited voice shivered: "My next step is to continue to return to Mount Olympus. I want to draw all the gods that Dafei has offended. The focus is on the **** of wine he just defeated, and then the development of the **** of the underworld. ... "

Fordson laughed: "What a great plan, let's applaud Mr. Leonidas!"

The applause was thunderous!

Fordson laughed: "So, we haven't lost yet. Even if we lose, we still have the next game, we will have the next Troy game! The gates of the Divine Realm have been opened for us, and Mr. Leonidas is Leaders who lead us to the realm of God, we must unite and continue to fight, not shaken by any small setbacks, such people are not worthy of God ... "

In the enthusiastic praise of Captain America, in the thunderous applause of the audience, Leo, the defeated general, was truly found the value and enjoyed unprecedented courtesy. The thoughts scattered in an instant ...


After the meeting, Lancelot thanked Fordson privately: "Thank you, old man, if you don't speak out, our group will explode. I can't make more than 300 countries in the world if I fail again and again. The main players continue to consume in this copy without seeing hope! "

Fordson smiled proudly: "My responsibility is to lead the world's teams!"

At this point, Fordson's face sank: "According to some of our top psychologists' analysis of the words and deeds of this Leonidas, this person is a weak, vanity idiot, without the psychology of top professional players at all Accomplishment, it is impossible to count on him. At present, we just need to stabilize him. After our people also enter the Olympian **** world, find a reason to let this idiot waste our lot of time resources! "

Lancelot nodded characteristically: "Understand!"

Then Lancelot thought of it again: "How do your psychologists evaluate Dafei?"

Fordson's face sank: "It's hard to evaluate. From Dafei's limited public words and actions, it seems that Dafei is also a fool! If he is not, then our psychologist is a fool."

Lancelot was shocked and wondered: "How is that possible?"

Fordson Shen said: "Because he likes zhuang force lity! Anyone who sticks to zhuang force lity is a fool!"

Lancelot nodded deeply, recite a very philosophical English: "nozhuang force lity, bylightning!"


At this moment, the sweaty archbishop John Paul was using the exhausted and frenzied look as the avatar of Da Fei to make a crucial sprint to the Grand Master.

During Da Fei's attention to the Troy battlefield, the clone really lived up to expectations and realized the expert and master monks. I finally got two other flying chrysanthemum skills to stop bleeding hemorrhoids:

King Kong: For every 5 points of defense the hero gains an additional defense, 3% of the damage to the hero and the army will be converted into healing.

Master of Extraordinary: King Kong is not bad, the body of gold body can be used while moving. The effect of using King Kong's Indestructible and Golden Body Guards during meditation is increased to 6%, and 6% of King Kong's body damage is converted into a healing amount.

King Kong dominates the defense to the end, and can still get blood after being beaten. But this extraordinary master really scared Dafei! This is really a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes. It is no wonder that these monks ca n’t go out unless the masters. The defense resistance of various defenses increases by 6%. If they learned their own large defense, they will be 13 defenses. Just sit, who can kill me?

This career directly exploded so many jobs part-time, and it really deserves to be a career that can't be promoted for thousands of years. Who can realize this lonely life? I'll be a monk in my life!

Even master-level skills are so amazing. What about master-level skills? Dafei was so excited to wait and see.

Finally, when the bell at the end of the day of the worship room rang, Da Fei's kneeling idol shouted, and the archbishop shouted, "God has given me wisdom and strength!"

The golden light of Dafei's clone flashed, and the system prompts a jingle:

System prompt: Congratulations! You have realized the Grand Master Monk, and you get the Grand Master Monk stunt "Goddown!"

Divine drop: Grandmaster monks can summon gods or angels to possess, greatly improving combat effectiveness. You can choose an possessor in the cathedral.

I rub! Da Fei was shocked at the scene, but he did not expect that the master class was actually a vulgar surrender? Isn't this angel possession?

At this time, the archbishop looked at Khan with a handkerchief, and said with relief: "Warrior, you are very amazing. Now you can go to the worship hall and choose a deities to be your own deities. These deities are from Michael. Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salisbury, Metatron, Remy of the Seven Archangels, you can choose a **** that suits you. "

amount! How do you know who is right for me? Suddenly, Da Fei's embarrassment was committed again. What Da Fei did not like the most was to follow the routine arranged by NPC.

So Da Fei asked, "Do you have to choose these 7?"

The archbishop was surprised: "Only the angels of the seven creation angel families are the strongest angels, and of course they choose them."

Dafei frowned: "That means that I can choose angels from other families?"

The archbishop nodded: "Of course, but I don't recommend it."

That's it! Da Fei had a candidate right away, that is, Yi Yier, this is the best way to attract him! (To be continued.)

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