God Rank Hero

: Chapter 875: Underworld Pirate Born by Fatalon

At 3:30 in the morning, Da Fei was awakened by the exclaimed fleet.

Da Fei looked up. There was an island in front of the blue mask, and a golden beam of light on the island soared into the sky, connecting the sea and the sky. Arrived, this is the paradise in the underworld, Fatalon.

As the death angel Samer said, there are dead domains in the sun, oasis in the desert, and paradise even in the underworld. In the vast sacred sea, the thin light energy is resisted by the strong and deadly rejection, because the special environmental opportunities are concentrated together to form the current Fatalong. In the eyes of the undead, Fatalon is equivalent to an inaccessible dead space in the underworld, but for the confused pirates, this is undoubtedly an oasis of life.

The cheers that awakened Dafei were from the pirates.

Da Fei, who had rested for more than two hours, cheered up and shouted: "Arriving at the destination, ready to land!"

The pirates cheered again. I have to say that although the pirates did not surrender Da Fei, Da Fei gained the "Appreciation" reputation of the Desolate Pirates by killing the crocodile to develop blood pearl specialties early on. Gao, plus the brilliant record of killing the Siren just now, the pirates are still quite convinced of Da Fei in his heart.

This kind of service to the enemy is the legendary "awe", and it is one of the most difficult reputations in the world. Of course, after all, no system prompt has been issued, and I believe it is not too far away.

Dafei is very satisfied with the performance of the pirates and has made arrangements for them to live and develop here. What hurts Dafei Egg is how to explain it to Samuel? Brother is very busy, really just passing by!

Now, the entire fleet of Da Fei's sails slowed down and entered the enclave that enveloped the island. A wonderland with spring flowers blooming and clear water looming.

Tamilia who came for the first time. Elena. Deirdre could not help exclaiming, the pirates were even more excited and shouting, kneeling and crying!

A white priest exuding a faint golden light appeared on the shore and shouted: "Warrior, welcome! There is no dock here, and new guests are invited to anchor on the water!

"Oh !!!" The pirates who could not hold back have jumped into the water.

Da Fei had no choice but to shake his head. In short, let's be honest and talk ashore.

Now, the huge fleet docks at the bank. The pirates consciously lay on the lawn and formed a large circle of hundreds of people after cheering on the shore. Da Fei looked back after landing. The size of this fleet is truly thrilling, and it is worth the standing fleet of a naval naval port.

Apparently, the long-lost Samuel was also intoxicated by this lineup. He stepped forward and greeted with excitement: "Warrior, although I can imagine that you will be stronger when you meet for the second time, but this short time can be so strong. It's almost my imagination! The performance of the First World War you also exceeded my imagination. I think it's time to plan a great cause! "

——System Tip: Sameer released to you the epic quest "The New Pattern of the Underworld", would you accept it?

It's time to finally come. You are going to go against the sky! Da Fei had no choice but to say: "This, Lord Samal has won a prize. In fact, I'm not as strong as you see. A large part of the fleet is the one who--"

Between words, he pointed to the pirates pile: "It was that Asolo! He knew that I had to go to the Eastern World as soon as I had any urgent matters. So for some reason, I came to block it, and I was forced to do so. I won by transferring the battlefield to the underworld. I came here to place his troops. After all, I have to go to the Eastern World first if there is something urgent. "

Samael could not help but hesitated, and then laughed: "I told you then, mortal life is limited, I don't expect mortals to help me to what extent in my lifetime, but first help to develop my island general Is it okay, now you also bring people and boats, just leave some people to develop, you can continue to do your business. Anyway, I have stayed here for thousands of years, even if What does it matter to wait a few more years? "

Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "That is to say, there is no time limit for the task of the adult?"

Samer laughed: "The first stage is the development and construction period. There should be no time limit. The warrior can do whatever he can. But with the ability of the warrior, I believe the warrior will never be satisfied with the first stage."

No effect! Brother Bai's egg hurt for a long time, and Dafei suddenly felt a joy, then thought of the thing: "What should be possible without time limit?"

Samer shook his head and smiled, "It's just that I won't ask for time from you, but the other forces in the Underworld cannot say clearly."

That's it! That is to say, as soon as the brother starts work, the other party will react, such as aggressive attack or something. However, that is how many years later, when the brother is busy with things, they accompany them to fight a pain.

So Da Fei no longer had to worry: "Okay, let me wish you a helping hand!"

Samer laughed: "That fatalon is yours."

——System Tip: You accept the epic quest "The New Pattern of the Underworld", you have been appointed as the Lord of Fatalon by Samer, and you have the right to manage and manage Fatalon.

——System Tip: You start the "Pattern of Fatalong" in the first stage of "The New Pattern of the Underworld". The mission objective: Raise Fatalong's city level to 200, the health rating is not lower than 80, and the cultural rating. No less than 60.

Da Fei's frown jumped, and as expected, Brother became the lord again! Dafei hurriedly opened the main panel of the city, and following the list of territories of the city of light, the lighthouse islands, and the city of the city of punishment, there really was one more fatalon.

Dafei hurriedly opened the territory attributes:

-Fatalon: Tier 0 city. (Every city building is upgraded or upgraded by 1 level. The higher the city level, the more beneficial it is to attract population and talent growth.)

City owner: Dafei.

City Officer: None.

Radiation territory: Fatalon Island to the enchanted area.

——Urban population: 0.

——City funding: 0

——City Materials: 0

——Urban military strength: 0

——Urban Diplomacy: Guilongya (Military Alliance)

——Urban facilities: None

——Urban health score: 100 points.

——Urban safety score: 100 points.

——City culture score: 0 points.

——City prosperity score: 0 points

Looking at Fatalong has nothing except health and safety. When looking at the mission goal of the first stage, Dafei couldn't help but say: "Master Samuel. Why is the city level requirement for this mission so high? Such a high level How many people do you need to operate? "

Samer smiled lightly: "You don't need too many people. It should be an image project to highlight the existence. This will attract the attention of the divine world, so I can apply for angel troops from the divine world. With a small population, culture The comparison is easy to put up. By the way, when it comes to angel troops, the angels accompanying the warriors are very powerful. Where did the warriors recruit these troops? "

Da Fei laughed: "Some time ago, I fought a battle in the City of Divine Punishment and recruited them."

Samer exclaimed: "It is worthy of being a warrior. It is enough to be able to fight in the city of punishment. Your strength should be the sacred body of the Crusader. The warrior should be a god. A very famous rookie. "

Dafei laughed and said, "Adults are rewarding."

Samer shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that such an important event, I was trapped on the island without notice. I was really forgotten, so warrior, I hope you can help me like helping the city of punishment. Right. "

Dafei laughed: "No problem, no problem, I still have a small thing, I hope my adult will help fill the energy of the vortex crystal."

Samer laughed: "It's a trivial matter."

Alicia immediately stepped forward and handed over the vortex crystal. And he took out the mystery and laughed, "Sir, I don't know a few words in this book. I wonder if you can give me some advice?"

Samal Haha laughed: "Don't worry, things take their time, one by one."

Dafei frowned, yes! Brother's grade is high, there are demigods in chat and laughter, and there is no white dice. Whether it is the ghost dragon king in Samal here or the archangel of the city of divine punishment, are you still afraid of a mystery?

Dafei laughed: "That's troublesome for adults."

Samer laughed: "It's a good thing to be troubled for tens of thousands of years, so this lady, come to the beach!"

Now that the brother Brother Angel's affairs are easily contacted, then the key migrant worker Yasolo is left.

Da Fei came to Yasolo, who was sitting in a pirate pile: "Now you have seen here, and you have also seen the strong angel-ghost dragon-level power. Is it worthy of you and me? Then we formally cooperate, I am the city owner You are the deputy city lord. During my absence, it's all up to you! Of course, you must talk to that angel angel about major issues. How about it? "

Yasolo stretched out a palm: "I'm not talking nonsense, half the income! Half of the city's income counts as mine."

What the hell! OK, for your 11 big ships, you are worth the price! You don't work hard at this price.

Da Fei refreshed and said: "Okay! Let's cooperate so much! Your people, you can arrange!"

——The system prompts: You have invited Bloodhook Yasolo to join Fatalon, and you have appointed Yasolo as the Deputy City Lord of Fatalon.

It was also at this moment that Asolo, who had always been red, immediately became Huang Ming, then suddenly got up and shouted to the pirates who drank and played cards: "Brothers, we have come to the underworld alive, but we are actually no different from dead. Just when we are dead, if it wasn't for the mercy of the Lord of the City, we would have died early. We do n’t think about the things in life, I do n’t care what part of you were, from now on, everyone will mingle with me, my All the names have been thought of, and it's called Pirates of the Underworld, a new pirate, what do you say? "

The pirates laughed, "Okay! Pirates of the Underworld, too domineering!"

——System Tip: New Pirate Force: The Pirate of the Underworld was born, Bloodhook Asolo became the leader of the new Pirate Force. Your reputation among Pirates of the Underworld is "neutral."

Dafei jaw dropped! When I pulled it out, I gathered a few hundred boatmen in Xiaoshan Mountain and became a new force? This is too simple and casual, right? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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