God Rank Hero

Chapter 876: My dad is adam

In any case, the establishment of a new force is something to celebrate, and the relationship must be established early.

Da Fei laughed, "Congratulations to Captain Bloodhook on his own portal. My fleet brought a lot of food, wine, tools, clothing, and clothing, so I will send 1,000 units to the captain."

Asoro said lightly: "Thank you Lord Boss. Other things don't really matter. The key is to have more wine and food. This is not like a place where you can only fish."

Fortunately, the boss of the city, you can't even believe it!

Dafei laughed: "It doesn't matter, I just have dried fish and lots of liqueur." So with a big wave of his hands, the vine demon and angel troops on the ship began to open the cabin to carry supplies. They should have given them all food and wine, but the dwarves in the Lighthouse Islands have nothing to eat and drink, and they must keep their share.

Asolo also waved his hand at the same time: "Brothers, this kind of thing must help! Come on!"

The pirates cheered to pick up the goods. Then the system prompts a jingle:

——System Tip: 326 pirate paddlers and 11 pirate captains have joined Fatalon City.

——System Tip: Your reputation in the Pirates of the Underworld becomes respect.

Oh also, pirates join!

For the pirates who have long been in awe of brother, it is too simple to make them neutral and respectful. However, the deck strength of these 11 pirate ships was basically cleared, and only the bare captain in the cockpit and more than 30 paddlers in the bilge survived on each ship. Such staffing obviously cannot fight, which is indeed a problem.

Sure enough, Asolo asked again: "The boss of the city. Although I don't know what resources are nearby. War is definitely indispensable. Our team is basically out of force now. Can the boss think of a way to solve the problem?"

Force? Brother is going to single out the Naga Empire. Brother ’s strength is not enough. The soldiers ca n’t give it. One of the commanders of the Sameer Barrage also counted on his brother to recruit him to build a city, certainly not. Da Fei immediately thought of Guilong Cliff.

So Da Fei said, "While you're done here, you can go to Guilong Cliff to see. There are more troops on his side. It's no problem to ask him to borrow some soldiers."

Asoro said calmly: "Is that the ghost dragon I saw on the road when I came? Then I must meet well."

Yes, I know that we can build a relationship with the surrounding forces. Very aware of being a leader. Dafei couldn't help worrying a lot.

Now think about it, should things be gone on Fatalon's side? By the way, one more thing, Hilda kept shrinking in the bar and couldn't get off the boat? I also want to see what this pair of winged angels have to say after she meets Samer. It doesn't matter if she doesn't disembark. Brother finds a way to get Samael on board.

With the hard work of the pirates, a large number of food and drinking utensils piled up a hill on the shore. Then he came with Alicia.

Dafei asked in a hurry: "Sir, Lord, are you done?"

Alicia laughed: "It's over, and thanks to the guidance of adults, I know 3 words!"

Dafei stunned, "Three words?"

Samer shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Ashamed and ashamed. These runes are handed down from the ancient gods of the Druids. I did n’t know much about them before. And I have stayed here for too long alone, many things are forget."

What the hell! Although this book is thin, there are thousands of words to say less. Do you know only 3 words, and you are so embarrassed that you have stayed in your mouth for thousands of years?

Alicia laughed: "There are hundreds of runes in ancient times. It is a great gain to know three words."

Da Fei is astonished. Also, there are a thousand commonly used Chinese characters. This is indeed a good progress.

Da Fei immediately said, "Thank you, sir, sir, the remaining Asoro is seriously underpowered. We need to go to Guilongya to find a Lich Dragon to borrow some soldiers, but I am not very familiar with Dragon King. A trip? "

Samer laughed: "Including that I have met twice just now, how can I be unfamiliar? Well, I also took this opportunity to meet him personally and talk about the future development."

Oh yeah! Get on brother's boat! Da Fei smiled and looked at the ship and pointed out, "Okay, adults, please board the wings of glory. There are the most luxurious bars there. I believe that adults have not tasted mortal wines. I have to take the opportunity to entertain the adults. . "

Samer laughed: "Okay, it's difficult to be kind, and I'd like to take a closer look at the Warrior's warship." After finishing his appearance, Samer immediately appeared on the deck of the shining wing, and far away. Xiang Dafei beckoned.

What the hell! As the avatars are so dragged, don't you take the opportunity to teach your brother something, can you justify your brother's hard work?

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "The whole army is on board and ready to go!"

Yasolo also immediately greeted, "Brothers, get on board and set sail!"

In the high-pitched shouts of the pirates, the fleet was again mobilized to target the ghost dragon cliff.

At this time, as expected, Samael took a seat at the bar of the Shining Wing Bar with great interest, and the beauties of the bar immediately started their dancers to welcome the VIPs. Hilda also offered two cups. The wine was delivered to Samer and Da Fei.

Samer laughed: "Warriors, it's really emotional to be able to install this configuration on a ship going to sea."

Dafei laughed: "The life of mortals is so short, don't treat yourself too badly."

Samael took a sip of wine and shook his head and sighed: "If it had been before, I would certainly admonish mortals, not to be greedy, to serve God reverently, so that the soul would live forever in the kingdom of heaven, but if we look at it now-this is completely Not conducive to stimulating domestic demand! "

——Ahhh! Da Fei couldn't help but sip a drink.

Samer asked Hilda again, "Miss, why did you come down?"

Dafei frowned, oh too! It's finally here, what plot will it trigger?

Hilda was surprised, "What does the Lord say?"

Well, it's still being installed at this time.

Samer did shake his head and smiled, "I understand! But you are better than me, I was forgotten!"

Dafei laughed so much that his stomach hurt! Demo, if there is no proof that the brother is guessing, the system will not be officially recognized, but Samuel is a god-like angel who has a clone, and I will see you through at a glance and see how you pretend!

Finally, Hilda couldn't help but sigh, "Can the adult tell your story?"

Samer laughed: "Because my superior is the former director of the death angel Assazli, and his superior is the first angel Lucifer. The last two divine messages I received were Asa Ziller sent it to me, specifically, to all of his subordinates. One was for me to participate in the paradise war launched by Lucifer, and I did not respond. The second message was that he told me that the war was about to fail, let me I went with him to Lucifer to go to hell, and I still didn't reply. So after many years, I never received the message from the divine world again, and was forgotten. "

Hilda said, "Although the adult did not participate in the rebellion, it is almost equivalent to being treated as an exile in the rebellion, which is a bit unfair."

Samer shook his head and smiled: "I spent thousands of years waiting and wanted to confirm whether I was punished or forgotten, so I finally confirmed that I was forgotten. Except for Azazil, Divine Realm No one knows the existence of Fatalon. "

Speaking of this, Samal exhilarated: "But it also means that I am free. I can finally do something with my own will! Every mortal can do a career in a hundred years of life. How can I waste nothing for years? So I waited for the Warriors to appear and work together for a great cause. Miss, do you have ideals, too? How about joining us? "

Dafeile turned over! He was unexpectedly a lobbyist.

Hilda shook her head and sighed: "Two adults, I am very embarrassed. My current form is also a clone. As for the true body, it is sealed in the Cathedral to practice the Atonement. The task of the clone is to make more money to support the church to help the orphans and do good deeds. That's all, I can't participate in your cause. "

It turns out that Hilda is a clone! Let me go. No wonder I understand so much that even the devil can fight against it! Dafei asked, "What crime do you really have?"

Hilda said badly: "I'm Lilim!"

——Ahhh! Da Fei sipped his old blood: "How is that possible?"

Hilda shook her head: "But my dad is Adam, and I am Lilith's first child. Although I was born in a mortal world, I and the other demon prince Lilim are fundamentally different. But I still have to Carrying their crimes and baptizing the dead, this should be a task that can never be completed-yes, I have many avatars, but you are the first to see through me! "

Dafei jaw dropped! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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