God Rank Hero

Chapter 878: Dawei's Anti-Sky Tracking Arrow

After the visit, Samer continued to drink, while Hilda borrowed a staff room and began to design a barracks integration plan. The bar is temporarily managed by a mixed-race dark elf dancer. Dafei hurry up and continue to hang up to sleep.

Mitsubishi Team Headquarters.

Now the absolute doom time of the god-level hero mobile master in Japan has passed the real time one and a half. Japan ’s original plan was "Three Days of Destroying the Elven Kingdom". First: first rely on the destiny gold coins to win the pool of light within 2 hours, and then rely on the absolute doom of the destiny gold coins to pull out the important fortress of the elf kingdom , Leveling obstacles for the army of npc demons. Capture the capital of the Elven Kingdom in one day. Then there was only one day left to find a way to enter the city of **** and punish the Terran npc from top to bottom.

The first step was successfully completed, the pool of light has been taken down by the forces of hell, and only the enchantment of the world tree is still lingering.

But the second step was a problem. After losing a few fortresses in the elven kingdom at the beginning, the npc became smarter and did not attack anyway. The Mitsubishi team fell into the siege of the siege battle, and precious time was wasted every minute and a second.

It was also at this time that Bessie ’s rumors were known all over the world, and Bessie ’s horrific fighting power was deeply shocked by Japan. Therefore, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the Mitsubishi team, the main attack direction was resolutely changed. The Mitsubishi team also had to rely on the power of absolute doom to obtain its own high-ranking arms.

What the Mitsubishi team is going to challenge is the high-end time-limited mission copy Minos Maze. The pitfall of this copy is that the reputation of all the players must be staked. The higher the reputation, the better the drop of the copy. simply put. Just bragging in front of the demon king. Only the cow leather was blown. The demon will open this copy for the player. Once you fail, everyone understands the consequences.

The reason why the Mitsubishi team chose this copy to challenge is that the maze's total wave ss. Minotaur Milotauros is a purely physical attack wave ss. There is no difference between 1000 defense and 0 defense in front of him, and it is a spike to touch. He is truly a 100% fatal blow!

However, it is precisely because he is a purely physical attack that he has given the opportunity for absolute misfortune to come back, that is, to make it attack all kinds of misses, and to make it appear all kinds of stunt negative states.

In short, wave ss is not as difficult as the Mitsubishi team thinks. The difficulty is this ever-changing maze.

The fifteen lord-level challengers of the Mitsubishi team have been lost in the maze for several hours, and behind the scenes, the Mitsubishi team's staff is opening up all calculation methods to analyze the maze. If you can't beat even the most "simple" copy, you can't beat any other copy that challenges higher-level existence.

Time passed minute by minute, and the entire Mitsubishi team headquarters was busy and calm.

At this time, at 5 am Beijing time, Shinoichi Ono, who stayed overnight, tiredly soaked a cup of hot coffee to refresh himself.

This night, Shinoichi Ono gathered information to scout everywhere. From the beginning of Bessib's appearance, and then he found a way to recruit Bessib at the Grand Duke Association of China, and then analyzed the mission of Hongming Village. Then I discovered the unusual large-scale change of the Blood Emperor Guild of the Star Royal Family and so on.

And more worried than busy is tired. China's progress has begun various large-scale deployments. How is the progress of our Great Japanese Empire?

The original plan to change the use of artifacts was to change the target temporarily. Once it failed, it would even fall into the abyss.

Between the tangles, the phone rang. Ono was shocked like an electric shock. Checking the call, Igarashi! That's right, now this time is almost the time limit for the copy, whether it is success or failure, this battle is enough to be related to the National Games of my Greater Japan!

Ono trembled to answer the phone: "President? How's it going?"

The phone smiled: "Ono-kun, tell you the good news. My great Japanese athlete successfully conquered the Milos maze, obtained the artifact Milos decapitating axe, and obtained the architectural drawing of the high-ranking army Milota. , Dark maze ... "

In such an instant, all the tiredness of Ono Shinichiro was swept away, and the whole person's happiness was fainted. . .

. . . . . .

5:30 am Beijing time.

After an overnight tow, Whaler Team arrived at the Piranha. I have to say that this is where the long-lasting voyage of seafaring is painful. The time spent on the road alone is much longer than the normal copy killing leveling time. If the experience of this flying fish sea can't be more than several times that of normal mobstering, then a trip is worthless.

At this time, the leader of the Seven Seas Overlord was shouting on the team channel: "Here is the station, it is the station! Hang up, sleep, all work together! Hey hey, the world's top 64 and 16 masters, work. ... "

"Is it finally here ..." Yang Qian, sleeping in a helmet, opened her eyes confusedly, and then replied on the channel: "Wait! The toilet ..."

Seven Sea Overlord: "It's all up to the toilet!"

Last night, when four masters of the Seven Seas arrived at the meeting place, they found that the master of the shouting team was actually a member of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce.

For the flying of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce, the four people still remember the pain. At that time, in order to deal with Dafei, the Royal Guild hired medium-sized shipowners at high salaries throughout China. The Seven Seas Overlord and others felt good about themselves and readily accepted the invitation to meet the legendary Dafei. At the same time, I also took this opportunity to meet other medium-sized boat players in China. After all, it's comparison, to see what level you are at.

Everyone knows the latter things. It was completely passed by Da Fei and passed by, which completely shattered the confidence of many medium-sized ship owners.

Most of these shipowners accepted the official hiring of the Royal Guild and joined the Royal Guild, but the seven sealords who are sympathetic to the disease, the magic jelly, the cold-blooded glacial river, and the lonely frog four have indeed become friends. the way.

The four people helped each other with high-risk missions, and they quickly rose from the trough. In the area of ​​Talloran, they became mixed as bounty hunters. Wherever there are benefits, there will be their mobile fleet.

When Baihua kills shouts on the regional channel. This opportunity is naturally not to be missed. It turns out that even these two well-known masters joined Dafei's guild. This is simply unacceptable.

However, to say that Da Fei is their enemy, they also feel that they are not qualified. Da Fei remembered killing them? Not to mention it wasn't the big fly. So even though I was very upset, I decided to pretend that nothing had happened, and the team started.

At this time, Yang Qian woke up and fell asleep Tang Yan: "Miss, get up, brush your teeth and wash your face!"

Tang Yan was surprised: "What kind of work?"

Yang Qian laughed: "Of course I developed a new plot last night, let's start. It takes three or four hours."

Tang Yan looked at the phone time and then sighed: "How many days have we not gone to class?"

Yang Qian laughed: "What class are you taking! As long as you can take 60 points, you can't pass the thesis!"

Tang Yan sighed, "I'm worried that if I go on like this, I won't even get 60 points."

Yang Qian was not angry: "You have been worried about the end of the term for the first few days of school. You really can't stand you.

At 5:40, the team members reported their numbers.

Baihua Kill simply released the strategy again. The strategy is very simple. Their mission is to drag the three golden spider webs of the Whaler into place, and then shrink! All the sailors should not appear on the deck. They can fight in the gun cabin.

Then Bai Huasha said to Dawei again: "Hold the shot when the war will start. Do not hang up."

Dawei nodded: "No problem."

Hundreds of flowers sighed, no problem! The most uneasy is you. And that Harem Belle! By the way, it is said that this harem beauty is the trumpet of the first female lord of China, Shan Fanghua, and can be regarded as the number one figure. As for you, as long as you don't hold back.

The operation began, and the fleet opened a large net and began to march toward the center of the map. Soon the entire surface of the sea was full of water splashes. It was like a large pot of boiling water. Thousands of flying fish and shark fins fluttered a huge buzz like a fly to the fleet!

At this moment, even though Yang Qian and Tang Yan considered themselves masters, they could not help but be shocked on the spot! Can this work? Do n’t take it off!

And the Seven Sea Overlords and others on the team channel really shouted in excitement: "Experience! It's all experience! Don't let us march all night!"

Magic Jelly: "Beauty Master! It's all up to you!"

Hundreds of flowers are difficult to kill, and they have to grit their teeth: "Ready to fight! Go all out!"

Dawei already bowed: "Received!"

Thousands of flying fish are now buzzing like a cloud against the water! Even though 90% of these fish can't fly on Whaler's deck, the remaining 10% is enough.

"Shoot!" A hundred flowers screamed, and hundreds of archer troops on the deck sent out arrows! At the same time, the green light on Dawei's bow flashed, and a bit of greenness whistled out!

At this moment, Yang Qian and Tang Yan frowned! I saw that this green mang didn't follow a straight line, but instead jumped in the school of fish, killing a flying fish with each beat and leaving a red letter of "-10 puncture damage". Flying fish!

But it's not over yet, Dawei's second green arrow has been fired! The second green arrow also flew up and down the school of fish, as weird and precise as a missile!

At this moment, Yang Qian and Tang Yan exclaimed: "Tracking arrows !!!?"

Dawei said aloud: "Well, it's a guide arrow. Hurry up, I don't have much magic!"

Yang Qian and Tang Yan were shocked! He would have such high-end mysterious arrow skills!

Under normal circumstances, arrows only follow straight lines or arcs. Even if an arrow hurts hundreds or thousands, it is difficult to say that it can kill several enemies with one arrow. Most of the damage was lost as the arrows fell to the ground.

After all, in many cases, there is not much difference between an archer who hurts hundreds and an archer who hurts more than a dozen. They are only able to shoot one or two arrows in the enemy group. But Dawei's tracking arrow is completely different! It wo n’t turn on the ground! The arrows are endless and the killing is more than ah! He can shoot more than a dozen enemies with one arrow. This is going to be against the sky! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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