God Rank Hero

Chapter 879: See the lamp **** Thorn in front of the player

At 6:30 a.m., a new day began, and Da Fei was once again awakened by the sound of car horns on the street.

Da Fei cheered up the landing game, at this time the journey is still peaceful. Ghost Dragon Cliff has a half-hour flight. The demon wig has been cooled for 3 days during the game and can be used again. Then say nothing and set off immediately.

Da Fei put on a wig, a flash of magic light appeared again in the nightmare space. Da Fei subconsciously looked down at the small island in the lava sea. Although the three days in the game are unlikely to change too much, Da Fei's heart still thinks that the small island is a small circle. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is the fruit of the Habit.

Elda stepped forward to greet again: "Master, Lord, are you busy?"

I ’m going there, and I ’ve come to China to learn Mandarin. You should ask “Did the Lord of the City have breakfast?” Then add a sentence “I did n’t eat it with you”.

Dafei laughed: "I'm busy with big things, but there is a bigger plan to kill Lilim. Please help me think about the plan, and I will talk to you carefully when I have time to come back."

Erda said, "Master of the city is slowly busy."

Leaving the nightmare space, leaving the city of divine punishment, Dafei teleported all the way, and once again reached the long-lost mage city, the desert city, the floating city in the cloud, the crown city, and then headed straight for the alchemy of the crown city.

Although it is morning at this time, there are already more players running around on the streets of Holy Crown City than when they came last time, and even some players are behind an element servant who pulls a trolley. It can be seen that the current players are mixed Getting better and better. Da Fei is deeply impatient when under pressure.

Da Fei came to the gate of the Alchemy Guild, and the golem guard at the door stopped Da Fei: "Is there an appointment, Mr.

Dafei hurriedly took out Thain's business card: "I have something to see with this assistant manager."

The Golem replied: "Manager Manager has suspended the manager's work for a while. He is studying in the college. Mr. can go to the college."

Dafei frowned. Further education? That's right, it seems that the city of mages must be appraised by both salespersons, scholars and mages.

Dafei didn't say much, and immediately went to the mage college. The closer you get to the Master Academy, the more players you meet. Needless to say, these are all players who want to enter the Academy to study and do prestige missions everywhere. The biggest role of the mage school is of course to learn special magic not found in the skill book, or to further enhance the power of existing spells.

That is to say, this street full of players are all mages, in the middle and late stages of the game. They are the main force that is really powerful. As long as they take shape, their so-called one-on-one guild warfare can only be heard as a joke.

However, Da Fei is unwilling to make his case into a joke! Not only must our own power be strengthened, but our own personal fighting power must also become a godlike existence. After all, he is a man destined to challenge the world!

Da Fei came to the gate of the crowded college to submit a business card to the Golem Guard, and the guard whispered: "The college is in a place where outsiders are not allowed to enter. Please wait for the students to welcome you."

Da Fei nodded his head and felt uneasy in his heart. It was good to have camouflage.

Wouldn't it be okay if you appeared in public in the street like this? I just looked up, and the players in the whole city didn't follow me immediately?

at this time. A player suddenly whispered in the crowd: "Hey, is this npc more and more eye-catching? The priest rarely appears in the city of mage? The painting style is different!"

Then a player immediately said, "Is that the npc that killed the bear and killed the player in the forum video last night?"

Dafei frowned. Discuss brother?

So there was a player response immediately: "Suck! Really! It was the npc that disbanded a small guild last night!"

"Dissolve a guild? What's going on?"

"Looking at the forum video, a small guild in the countryside of the country killed Boss, and as a result, the passing npc snatched Boss and washed the entire guild. Afterwards, the president of the guild said that all the funds were used to buy bear catch clips So much money for everyone to wash their names, and then members were provoked by others, and almost everyone retired and ran out. "

"Yes, that guild is called Mad God!"

"Fucked, I'm not famous at all, and I've never heard of a funny little guild."

"The guild is amusing, but this npc on the video is so fierce, it can summon a giant eagle that kills the whole audience, a black man with high attack power ..."

"It's normal for npc to kill players ..."

"I still carried that giant bear before! Don't underestimate people's little guilds, it's beyond imagination to die ..."

Listening to the eloquent discussions, Da Fei was impressed. After all, it ’s still too much wind, just like the fireflies in the dark, they just ca n’t hide if they want to hide. Moreover, the brother has always been committed to killing or burying himself. I did not expect that so many regrettable things really happened afterwards.

However, small guilds are also guilds, and they are also players. Can you say that they are funny with this superior tone? Although they did make fun, anyway, he also sent a brother to a forest farm to say that it was a good person.

With emotion, a curious player came forward to say hello: "This priest, hello! Can I say a few words to you?"

Lying down! Of course not, brother is npc! Dafei Muli was on the spot, looking indifferent in front of him. Then another player came over and tried to say hello, Dafei ignored it.

At this moment, a player scolded: "What a grass special!"

"Dog-hot npc wasting labor time expression!"

Lying down! Who dares to scold labor? Don't want to live anymore! Da Fei Fury started from the fire and wanted to squint to see who was scolding herself-but, no! I am an actor and can't react to any words of the player! Lying down!

Hey, no! It ’s because Brother ’s realm is not enough, his fame has grown, and his temper has grown. This is not good or bad. I think players in the whole city were scolding Brother, and Brother did n’t respond. In the calmness of peace, a flash of purple light appeared at the gate of the college, and the long-lost Thain student appeared.

The emergence of npc naturally aroused the attention of a large number of players, and the screams of the crowd involuntarily calmed down.

When Thain saw Da Fei hesitated and didn't recognize him at all. "Sir, are you looking for me?"

Don't know brother? Lying down, interesting! However, the calm scene flashed another big flying light, and Dafei immediately came up with a pitman plan.

Dafei laughed loudly: "Manager Sain, fortunate to meet, said that you are a young salesman with the highest ability and the fastest rising in the Holy Crown Alchemy Guild. I visit here and introduce myself. I It is the guard of Duke William of the Lionheart Empire, the hand of Nicholas the forged steel. It is inconvenient to speak here. Can you give me some time to talk about the business alone? Very important business! "

Thain said, "Let's go, please come to the tea room with me!"

As a result, Da Fei immediately followed Thain into the school gate.

And there was a noise from the players: "Hey, did you hear me right? This npc is called Nicholas, is this Nima's big man?"

"That's right! It's a big man! The place of the mad gods' charter is this duke's forest farm!"

"Then this guy called Thain is also a great character?"

"Who knows?"

At this point, Dafei listened in his ears, and his indirect showdown required this effect! The task of the mage city is generally acknowledged as unreliable. Find ten npcs in the city to talk to and nine of you are not birds. The remaining one is the shop owner asking you what to buy? In this case, it is difficult for players to gain popularity.

Now I suddenly broke this out. As a high-end player with a sense of superiority, you should know how to do it? I must think that I have found a clue to break through, either go to my brother ’s forest farm to inquire about the situation, help my brother ’s forest to sweep the ground and fertilize the weeds, or find a way to find a Thain and do business for him. In short, my brother has set aside you for fun

Now Dafei and Thain come to a separate tea room.

Thain wasn't sure: "I'm not sure, is Mr.-"

Dafei laughed and said, "Don't guess, I'll do it. This is my new identity, how about it?"

Thain stunned, "Ghostly Axe!"

Da Fei laughed: "It was the power of the devil, okay! I do n’t have much time and must return to the ship immediately. I'll ask you to redeem a batch of goods. I want 100 units of ore, wood, stone, crystal and gems to be sent directly to the Fei Xiang. Can it be done in the freight space on the airport? How much concentrated mercury do you need to go directly to my city of light to extract. "

Thain frowned: "Master, Lord?"

Anyway, Thain has entrusted his life with the crystal lamps to his own custody. This is his own heart. Da Fei has no reservations: "I encountered a few gods in a sea full of gems in the underworld. Partner, I'm going to build a big project there, but these are the things that are missing the most. "

Thain immediately exhilarated: "It is indeed the Lord of the City, okay, then we will act immediately!" As he said, he pulled out a bill of lading: "Please sign the city owner, I will go to the city of the city to pick up the goods!"

"No problem!" Da Fei swaggered.

Thain added: "Since the development of cargo space on the Lord of the Lord's Flying, I have stopped the guild business and trained my ability to the fullest. When my ability is sufficient, the Lord of the Lord can be at any time At any location, you only need to crush a scroll to open our freight space. At that time, no matter how far the Lord of the Lord is and what strategic construction resources are needed, you can write to me. At the same time, the Lord of the Lord has got too late to take it away. Valuable resources can also open up freight space for transportation. "

That's right! This is the meaning of freight space! It is equivalent to carrying a super large mailbox at any time!

Dafei asked again, "How do you write a letter?"

Sion laughed: "Not yet. I will write to you when I have this ability. You will know by then. Well, I will have lessons in ten minutes. I will immediately implement the Lord's affairs. "

Oh also, what I want is this efficiency! Dafei laughed: "Okay, then I set off, waiting for your good news!"

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets!)

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