God Rank Hero

Chapter 880: Arriving at Ghost Dragon Cliff

At the end of the meeting with Thain, Da Fei appeared at the gate of the academy and left indifferently when the players watched. And this time Dafei has realized how hot the players' gaze is. Although these players cannot continue to question or track themselves, they have already made an impression on them. This is enough. All experts should know how to do this?

Teleporting all the way, Da Fei returned to the city of divine punishment and entered the nightmare space again. Then Elda greeted again: "Master, Lord, are you busy?"

Dafei laughed: "It's over. What do you think about Lilim's killing?"

Elda sighed: "If the Lord of the City means to kill Lilim, the possible owner of this nightmare space, then it is very unrealistic, at best it is to fight back."

Da Fei quickly shook his head: "I mean, kill any Lilim that may appear. Of course, if you can kill it, you can kill it if it is inconvenient. Anyway, there are many justices in the world who do not need me to take a shot. Well, the thing is In this way, I hired a seaman who was a clone of Adam and Lilith's offspring, Lilim, and we have a plan to build Lilim barracks ... "

So Dafei informed the current plan in full, and Alda frowned when he heard Adam and Lilith's offspring.

Finally, Fei Fei concluded: "That's the way things are, talk about your views."

Elda grinned: "That's the case. But first I can tell the city owner that high-level Lilims don't think about it, low-level Lilims may still be possible. The reason why God can tolerate Lilim's race to survive, on the one hand, maybe It ’s God ’s kindness. On the other hand, maybe God ca n’t do anything about this vital species. By the way, does the Lord know where Lilim is? ”

Dafei suddenly stunned, lying down! Patronize shouting and killing, do not know where the other party is still talking about a watermelon?

Dafei shook his head with a bitter smile: "I don't know. I haven't seen it before."

Elda grinned: "There are many in exiles, and my mission is to suppress those uneasy Lilims in exiles. These Lilims are at the mid-level level, and there is still the possibility of killing them. So, when the barracks of the adults are completed, please send me a copy of the law circle that summons the soul of Lilim. This law circle will be hosted by me personally in the exile. The double law circle is conducive to a successful call. Dead Lilim's soul. "

It turned out that her mission coincided with that of Brother. Dafei rejoiced: "That's it! OK, then wait for my good news!"

"I wish you success."

Da Fei entered the door of the dream, the light flashed, the scene changed, and he returned to the boat again. It's back! Hurry to the bar to see if Hilda is finished.

Da Fei came to the bar, and there was still singing and dancing in the bar. Hilda still didn't show up. Ista, the mixed dark elven who acted as the bar business, laughed at Samer.

What the hell! Fortunately, this is a game. Otherwise, my brother's harem will not let foreign guests be received.

Seeing the arrival of Dafei, the dancers welcomed them in unison: "Welcome to the Lord!"

Samuel Haha laughed: "Warrior, the more I feel that your Majesty is alive and well, there is no such thing as having such a team, and I am more optimistic about you!"

Secretly, did you detect the depth of Ista while my brother was away? I ca n’t bear it, I ca n’t bear it at all, thankfully this is a very healthy game! Hey, stuffy.

Dafei had to smile and asked, "What's the interesting discovery for adults?"

Samael sighed with laughter: "This lady is asking me how to defeat the demon Gusin, which really stumped me. She learned skills from me again, but she is double dark and stumped me, I I had to reluctantly take her to see Samast and ask Samast to teach her something. "

Brother's men are too aggressive! Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "What does the adult think she is suitable to learn?"

Samael said positively: "Poison! She can't remember the things and skills when she was a hero, but I have already judged her previous expertise from her nails and hair. She should be a very good poison master! "

What the hell! Sameer sees everything! Dafei asked quickly, "Will Sam Master teach her?"

Samer laughed: "Samister is a lich dragon who is undoubtedly a poisoner, but his opponents are all undead immune to poison, so poison skills are also his most useless skills. He should be able to Teach it. The point is, you really need a poison master on the boat to assist that Miss Tamilla, do you understand? "

Da Fei could not help but stun, poison poisoned Tamilla? Da Fei was surprised: "Is it the Hydra corpse loaded in the Holy Vine Space?"

Samer nodded: "Exactly! The blood of Hydra is known as the blood of one hundred poisons. The toxicity is large enough to kill all living beings in the barren land. Correctly guide absorption. "

Da Fei nodded: "That's it!"

Samael laughed: "By the way, this Hydra corpse may be another madness of Samast. If you want, you can use it to exchange everything you need from Samast."

Dafei exclaimed: "Swap everything?"

Samer laughed: "If you have your own plans, it is best not to tell him that you have such a good product. You can also wait for Sheng Teng to absorb the Hydra nutrition and sell it to him. The value of time is definitely not as good as it is now. "

Dafei nodded: "That's it! I'll consider it!"

Considering a fart, I'm sure he won't sell it to him now. His good Lich Dragon goods are also undead, and he's totally out of touch with him. In short, let him recover the bones when he's finished eating.

While talking, the system prompts a continuous sound:

——System Tip: You get 100 units of Ancient Granite in the special space of Flying.

——System Tip: Get 100 units of Ancient Ironwood in your special space.

——System Tip: You get 100 units of fine crystal in special space of Flying.

——System Tip: You get 100 units of crystal gems in your special space.

——System prompt: Warning! Your Flying Sacred Vine carried a long-distance cross-space transport, consuming a lot of energy, and could not continue to use the space transport for a certain period of time.

"The rich mineral materials are available! However, a warning is issued!" The good news is that no matter how many mountains and rivers, the mailbox comes. The worry is that this delivery to the Underworld was not an ordinary injury, and the resources of 500 units were transmitted without warning last time.

Samer admired: "It is truly a warrior, even if it is a space teleportation of the **** world. If so, I also recommend that the warriors do not sell Hydra, and do not use this space in the near future. "

This is the consequence of the tyrant's willfulness! Da Fei Egg is extremely painful: "This is the price that must be paid to pursue perfection."

Samael hesitated, and then laughed, "Good one is perfect, I admit that I was touched by you. OK, I will go all out to build this barracks, even if I don't lose my avatar Whatever it takes! "

Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "Thank you, sir."

At this moment, Hilda laughed and appeared with a roll of drawings: "The two adults have been waiting for a long time, the drawings have been designed, have they arrived?"

Samer laughed: "Just here, it's just coming to the station!"

At this point, the fleet of stone pillars has been seen in front of the fleet. This is the ghost dragon cliff, the legendary link between the dragon tomb and the dragon world. Whether it is the Dragon Tomb or the Dragon Clan World, it is a high-end existence unknown to players.

Of course, Da Fei learned a little bit of dragon tomb information from the Dwarf General of Fire Dragon Island, that is, in a farther north. It is estimated that the ship is not yet in place and must be landed ashore.

At this moment, a large swarm of birds flies blackly in the direction of Guilong Cliff. Take a closer look, there are thousands of 7th-level ghost ghost dragons and even 8th-level Lich dragon!

The pirates who were so shocked were so upset! Even the big fly can't help dropping his chin!

Then a voice in the air shouted, "A warm welcome to the Warriors, and an old neighbor to visit!"

Samer shook his head and smiled, "Are you sure you are welcome, not demonstration?"

Samast laughed wildly: "The honor guard is not worth mentioning, it just shows the sincerity of cooperation to the newcomers!"

Samer laughed: "Yes, now there are several projects that need to cooperate with you very sincerely!" R1152

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