God Rank Hero

Chapter 883: Entering the Cancer Sea

Perhaps the game took into account that large creatures are not suitable for the player's ship. When Dafei opened the Guilong Cliff Barracks, he saw a long-tailed, medium-sized humanoid unit with a winged bone, a sea dragon skeleton, in a prominent position in the first row. Hunter.

——Sea Dragon Skeleton Hunter: Attack 21, Defense 18, Damage 15-23, Life 200, Command Value 5, Attack Speed ​​12, Stunt: Undead Creature, Short Gliding, Water Warfare, Bone Spear Throw (with 5 Bone Spears) Ammunition), dormant.

——Short-range Gliding: The bone wing of the Sea Dragon Skeleton Hunter has the ability to glide in the battlefield range, but cannot march by gliding.

——Hibernation: The sea dragon bone hunter can completely extinguish the fire of his soul to cope with the adverse environment. In the dormant state, the state of the sea dragon bone hunter and the loss of the bone spear can be quickly restored.

Dafei's eyelids jumped, this shape is a skeleton lizard with a pair of bone wings! This offensive and defensive damage, the total value of the health value is exactly the level of the 6th level soldiers. From the aerobatics point of view, this unit is completely an all-round unit that recovers from long-range self-recovery by sea, land and air!

And its shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, all-power equals all-inability, all capabilities are limited, and the real "flying creature", "sea creature", and "long-range shooting" of the Kraken are not a grade at all.

However, it is also because of such carelessness that it is suitable for large-scale mass production of the Undead, and then the qualitative change caused by quantitative changes will completely convert all of them into omnipotence. It is a well-deserved main battle arm! More importantly, these arms are all water combat arms that can be launched into the water. The sea monster's absolute advantage over the surface ships is no longer there.

Then there is nothing to say. It must be recruiting them all. The dregs such as Bone Dragon do not even think about it.

So Da Fei recruited 2,000 sea dragon bone hunters at a rate of 10,000 points. These 2,000 bone hunters were densely distributed on the decks of 11 pirate ships, and the problem of pirate strength was finally solved.

It was just that Asolo really ate all the troops with a command rate of 10,000, and it was really surprising that another great fly. His commanding power has actually reached more than 10,000? That is the rank of major general! Or do you have a commanding power bonus as the leader of the power?

Anyway, for npc heroes, it should not be a problem to bring this force. It depends on how his offensive and defensive attributes are, and whether he can exert the combat effectiveness of so many troops. correct. I don't know if he has any equipment on his chest dew point? Did you support him?

Just then, Asoro could not wait to send the banner: "Are you going to attack?"

Why are you so stingy! Anyway, I ’m idle, that is, I ’m idle, and I ’m only going to attack. No matter whether he is equipped or not, as a superior, I still want to have my heart in mind. Let ’s pull the friendship and loyalty. He wants to break new ground. The equipment is bad.

Da Fei beckoned and shouted, "Asolo, come here first and I will give you some good things!"

As soon as I heard that something was going to be delivered, Asolo's flagship immediately flew over, and then flew the hook and flew up to the deck of the Shining Wing, showing a proud smile: "What's the matter with the boss of the city?"

Pride laughs! Any skeleton soldier is better than you. Da Fei sighed, "You have a heavy responsibility in your heavy body. I will send you a set of equipment. I hope you will stabilize!"

——The system prompts: you will be blood armor, blood cloak, blood armor boots. Bloodmail Helm is presented as a gift to Bloodhook Yasolo, leader of the Pirates of the Underworld.

Blood Armor Helmet: A level strategic treasure, +15 attack, +15 defense. Life of the entire army + 5%.

Blood armor: A-level strategic treasure, +25 defense, + 10% of the army's life.

Blood Armor Cloak: A-level strategic treasure, morale +3, army life + 1%.

Blood armor boots: a-level strategic treasure, +5 defense, army movement speed + 10%, and army life + 2%.

That's right, this is the first time that the dragons slaughtered the dragon in Dafei's City of Divine Punishment in China. The start of the city of the city of punishment swept the audience, and Lianlong took the tens of thousands of siege of the demon army to get a loot.

Honestly. In addition to percentage plus life, these equipment can also be called the inferior grade of a-level equipment. So Da Fei has been waiting for him, except for the helmet, which is used by himself, the others are used by the vice heroes casually. As for now, let ’s give it away.

Sure enough, Asolo received the equipment with excitement: "Boss, is this for me?"

Katrina said coldly: "How? A-level, haven't you seen it? Haven't you played it?"

Dafei frowned, didn't he? Isn't he really poor without a class?

Asoro cut out, "What's the joke, I haven't seen good products?" He stretched out his hand and said, "Boss, do you have a few parts?"

Dafei was surprised: "What are the few parts?"

Asolo did not feel good: "This is obviously a five-piece suit of blood armor, and there is one less glove to get the suit attributes. Would you give me 4 pieces that would make me uncomfortable?"

What the hell! Who are these people? Da Fei was also angry: "I only have 4 pieces in total. Where can I get 5 pieces? I gave you all the helmets I used-that's fine, anyway, that helmet is returned to me!"

Yasolo smiled, "I gave it all, how can I return it? The boss will give it to me next time he collects it. Is there anything else for the boss? Let's go to war!"

This Nima's seems to have become what I owe you! Da Feiyan waved his hands in pain: "Go to war, go to war!"

Asoro Haha smiled: "Thank you!" After that, he jumped back to his flagship and started chanting.

In any case, knowing to say thank you would indicate that the degree of friendship must have risen, and how the lack of a level 4 is worthy of his status as a poor leader.

Now, the fleet began to advance towards the Cancer Sea. Judging from the itinerary of the map, it must be another two days, plus fighting back and forth, four or five days passed. The time consuming of this naval battle is indeed painful, that is, I must unexpectedly show my prestige and hurt in the first battle, so that Sam Master is completely convinced and polite to himself.

Although I don't know how strong this Cancer power is, but one thing is certain, it is impossible to meet Samast, the strongest player of this level, or the player will not have to play. After going through the previous wars, especially after the Siren Siren World War I, Dafei had great confidence in the first battle.

It's a pity that Feixiang retreat rehearsed and practiced, otherwise the brother would have a pain in killing the special killer. But that's okay. The Wing of Radiance has a soul-sucking effect when it is possessed by Renoir, so this time you will not let the Feixiang grab him and let him have a full meal.

When it comes to eating, it is already 7 am, and there is a horse and a dragon outside the window. Da Fei hanged off the line and ordered a serving of braised beef noodles for take-out plus 5 eggs, and then washed the Lazai train while waiting for the take-out.

During the busy period, Dafei's cell phone rang. At first glance, it was Xiaoli.

Dafei jumped in a brow and hurriedly answered: "Little Li?"

On the other end of the phone: "Brother, are you still on a business trip? Can the tea party come back at night?"

It ’s important to call the same thing three times in two days! This is the big cause of brother's group!

Da Fei insisted: "Of course, the tickets for the high-speed rail are all bought!"

Xiaoli: "That's good, pay attention to hair and beard and take care of it."

Dafei nodded quickly: "No problem. By the way, have you had breakfast?"

"I'm doing it, I also remember to have breakfast, light and do not eat too spicy and too salty ..."

Dafei grinned and said, "Know, know!"

Let me go, not spicy or salty, not heavy, not brother! After finishing the call with Xiaoli, Dafei looked at the time. This battle may take four or five days. It will be exactly 6 or 7 in the evening. There is basically no time to do anything else, so it is safe to leave now Get your hair and clothes done for two or three hours.

So after Da Fei finished shaving the noodles, he hurried downstairs and went to the hair salon in the alley.

. . . . . .

At this moment, the new day is coming. Ono Shinshiro, who had just slept for an hour or two, woke up with a smile from his sleep. To be exact, he was awakened by the phone and was President Igarashi.

Ono exclaimed, "President, what's the good news?"

Igarashi Haha laughed: "Last night, our athletes successfully won high-end units and a beheaded artifact with a 10% chance of the artifact Milotao axe. After our test, this beheaded shot and the doom knight 5% of the heart attack is the same effect, it is a one-shot kill, which makes it extremely possible for us to challenge the highest difficulty Pandora's Box 108 magic star!

Ono was surprised: "Our goal is not to enter the city of punishment after completing the high-level units?"

Igarashi sighed with laughter: "This is the problem. Our morale is too high. We believe that we should chase and use the advantage of artifacts to gather all the reserves of my Mitsubishi team and gather all the manpower of my Greater Japan to win this ultimate Scenes, the specifications of this scene are no less than Tushen, and the dropped artifacts are not one or two. "

Ono surprised, "What does the president mean?"

Igarashi laughed: "Our athletes are endlessly arguing. I decided to ask Ono's opinion. Ono is the biggest contributor to a series of major battle results. Ono is the most powerful voice!"

At this moment, Ono was excited: "Thank you for your trust in me, then, if there is no absolute doom, will you be sure to reach the scene of the city of divine punishment?"

Igarashi laughed: "It is still difficult, but it is much less than challenging Pandora."

Ono gritted his teeth: "The opportunity is not lost, and the loss will not come again. Then take this opportunity to win the ultimate scene. As long as you get a lot of artifacts, everything is cute!"

Igarashi laughed: "Yo West! Even Ono Jun said so, then the athletes have no opinion, let us use our power to complete the slaughter of our Great Japan!"

Ono exclaimed with excitement: "I am Japan, and I must win !!!"

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets ~~) (to be continued)

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