God Rank Hero

Chapter 884: Beauty master collects little brother

Hongjie hair salon, just opened the door. Da Fei hurriedly shouted to a chair: "Xiao Hong, shave your head, get the coolest and trendiest hairstyle!"

Sister Yiyanzhuang came out surprised from the background and looked at it: "It's Xiaofei? It's been a long time! You're not mistaken about the time, it's morning!"

What the hell! Isn't it morning or night? Dafei didn't feel good: "It's an authentic shave, so hurry up!"

Sister Yanzhuang laughed and said, "Yo! It ’s time to go for peach blossoms. Now the hottest and coolest hairstyle is the punk style, which is to shave half of the hair on the ears. Right, that is anti-sun god. The hairstyle of the flying brother in the show "Heroes 3"-"

Dafei took a sip of water!

Sister Hong laughed: "There is also pop star Deng Ziqi, and Picheng law enforcement officer Wei has this hairstyle ..."

Da Fei waved his hands in a hurry: "Let's go, just this hairstyle!"

Sister Hong laughed: "With Xiaofei's face shape, just shave the right shovel, yes, what type of Xiaofei's? Girls with different personalities have different requirements for hairstyles."

Dafei couldn't help but said, "This, it seems to have any personality. Just make Bai Fumei look good."

Sister Hong laughed: "It's really a rich woman on the list! No problem, rich women want to find a mature and stable key!"

Dafei cut aloud: "Aren't you? It's as if you are a rich woman."

Sister Hong asked quietly, "Yes, Xiao Liu, the driver of the wholesale department, came over to shave his head and said you won the lottery, and introduced her to the vice president of Shenning Group. Isn't it?"

Da Fei's face changed: "Fart a special fart! I introduced special to the vice president to know!" Then he coughed: "But. The lottery is indeed a small one. It is worthy of me to buy a lottery for ten years."

Sister Hong was surprised: "Really hit? How much?"

Da Fei shook his head and smiled: "It's only about 100,000 yuan, and the down payment for buying a suite is not enough."

Sister Hong cut aloud: "It's impossible! In your pretense, you can't stand it without a few million mouths?"

Da Fei said badly: "Is it not to pretend to be poor, is it really good? Show me a few million of them? It is easier to say than to sing."

Sister Hong shook her head and smiled: "What kind of man is really poor, what kind of man is pretending to be poor, I can see through at a glance!"

Dafei couldn't laugh or cry: "I was seen by Sister Hong again?"

Sister Hong said positively: "What do you think I do? To be honest, you haven't seen it for more than two months. You have totally different spirits. Just keep that temperament. The little girl who doesn't understand you is not worth your chase."

The big flying egg broke a piece of land: "Hey, hey, I didn't hit a few million, don't say that mystery is good, I have a sense of wool."

Sister Hong laughed: "The fart sound is loud! Isn't this what the confidence is? Instead, you dare to call the door early in the morning to try?"

Dafei couldn't laugh or cry: "That's really urgent, okay, hey, I can't stand you women, it's too chicken."

"I was originally a chicken."

After more than an hour of talking, laughing, washing, cutting and blowing, a brand new Dafei baking oven was released. At this moment, Dafei felt that he didn't know himself anymore. This Nima is so handsome. This is simply cheating!

Sister Hong laughed: "Handsome! It's even more handsome to get a Republican white suit and vest worn by Swallow Li Sanfei, plus a pair of round-frame sunglasses!"

——Ahhh! Can you not mention the word "Feige"? Brother listens to the chills!

Da Fei touched the light and chilly right head and smiled bitterly: "Will this kind of going out be beaten?"

Sister Hong was not angry: "It's not kill Matt, who will hit you? 100 yuan! Hurry up, sister hasn't had breakfast!"

Da Fei took out a stack of big bills and smiled proudly: "Tip, don't look for it!"

Sister Hong was unhappy and only took out a cold line: "Yo? There are two little money dare to pretend to be in front of her sister, believe it or not, and teach you to be a man again?"

Dafei immediately hurried to accompany him with a joke: "Just a joke, sister Hong is slowly busy!"

Sister Hong kicked Dafei out of the house with a kick: "Good temperament! Don't seduce!"

"Yes, yes, temperament ..."

Da Fei immediately went to a clothing store to buy a white suit with a vest, and went to an optician store to buy a pair of small round frame sunglasses. After a long time to return to the dormitory, it was already 10 am, and Da Fei hurriedly got on the plane.

At this point, the fleet was approaching the Cancer Sea without incident, and there was a line of system messages:

——System Tip: You have spent more than 8 days sailing on the sea, and you have spent more than 5 days sailing in special seas. You and your team heroes have gained the additional experience of “nautical training” of the god-level navigator skills + 70,000, your team Get extra growth potential!

Dafei's frown was a long-lost navigator plus experience tips! At that time, I was drifting in the EU God punishment **** river, and I counted on living this every day. Speaking of which, although the environment of this dreary sea is not as dangerous as Hell's Yanhe River, anyway, it has also fought so many battles, and it is also a trivial exercise for the army?

Dafei hurriedly searched the news record, and found the navigator reward record on the third day of the underworld, which is a new day after the battle with Siren Siren. Unsurprisingly, the group received 1.1 million extra rewards! Arrived over the experience of a war.

That is to say, with this god-level navigator skills, the speed of gaining experience at sea is not slow at all, let alone can improve the advanced potential of the army. If you continue at this pace, if the fleet detours from the North Pole, God knows how much the army will be improved?

Then say nothing, and train the remaining jungle hunters on the ship to become archers before the war.

. . . . . .

At this time, the piranha flying fish sea, as the giant flying fish in the golden spider web stopped struggling, this battle lasted for two days and nights, and nearly five hours finally officially ended. There are thousands of flying fish bodies on Zhang Tuo.

——System prompt: the battle is over! Your team gains experience +23.15 million! Your team successfully captured the King of Flying Fish, obtained the seafood "Flying Fish Egg", obtained the Class A equipment cloak "Flying Fish Wing" x8, and obtained 2315 units of Flying Fish Seafood!

——System Tip: Congratulations, your team is the first team in the world to complete the conquest in this area, and get the achievement "Flying Fish Conqueror", the army damage +1, life +2, free attribute point +10, hero Personal life +100.

——Regional Channel: The Cannibal Flying Fish Sea area is conquered by players. The next scene refresh will be after 12 months. Please pay attention to the refresh time for other players.

It's over, this almost endless killing is finally over, and the upgraded golden light is splashing on the players in the group!

But everyone was too late to cheer, everyone was going to the toilet to release the stock that had been piled up for 5 hours. In the later stages of the battle, even the Seven Seas Overlord group of four who came to fight the soy sauce burned out all the crossbow ammunition in the gun bay. The enduring difficulties of this battle are beyond everyone's imagination.

After everyone was in place again, Bai Huasha was weak and shouted on the team channel: "Congratulations to everyone who has risen to level 50! Thank you for your cooperation, everyone has worked hard. Now our cabin is full of more than 2,000 units of precious seafood. This again It's a lot of money, let's drag it to the nearby harbor and sell it. "

Seven Sea Overlord said excitedly: "Okay! Thank you beauty master, we are on the road!"

Magic Jelly laughed: "Master Sister, your boat is so slow. Where is the next stop? Or shall we continue to mix with Master Sister?"

Taste the sweetness of Lengxue Glacier and the lonely frog immediately agreed: "Yes, let us continue to pull the cart for the beauties."

Hakuba laughed with a smile: "It's far away! Go to the dwarf!"

The Seven Sea Overlord laughed and laughed: "It's good to be far away. It's so much time to communicate with the beauty masters. Everyone say isn't it?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Baihua said with a smile: "Okay, no matter it is a storm, you are not allowed to quit halfway!"

Everyone laughed: "Sister Dingmei!"

At this moment, Dawei was so tired that he sat directly on the deck and hung up to sleep. Dawei was all night last night, and then in the morning plus the current five-hour fierce fighting has exceeded the limits of ordinary people.

Baihua couldn't help but praise: "Fortunately, there is still this master, otherwise our ammunition is really not enough. In this battle, I see that the white light on his body flashed three times. It is estimated that his proficiency in tracking arrows has increased by 3 Level, will be stronger in the future. "

Yan Ran frowned with a smile: "This scene is very difficult, isn't it a bit wrong?"

Bai Huasha sighed: "Ask the captain."

At this time, Spielberg was shaking his spirits and starting a hanger to pile the seafood from the big net into the fish tank. In the face of the question of killing flowers, he couldn't help laughing: "No? Do n’t you as members know the history of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber ? "

Hundreds of flowers killed and Yan Ran smiled uncontrollably: "What history?"

Spielberg shook his head and sighed with a smile: "As long as this curse is hit, there will be many shipwrecks and many sea monsters! In fact, I am not very clear as a human. You should go back and ask someone inside. At least this time, it seems that sea monsters are not bad things, so warriors, I believe in your ability, if you have any good suggestions in the future, please come forward! "

Bai Huasha and Yan Ran smiled and shocked the spot: "The curse of the sea god? It turns out that there is such an unknown heartache under the glory of this big fly?"

Bai Huashui immediately returned to God: "It's so sad! It's all for giving experience! It seems that we really have to work hard, so take this opportunity to sweep all the copy scenes along the way."

Yan Ran nodded with a smile: "Okay, when this seafood is dealt with, buy more blue potions and ammunition this time ..."

Baihua said with a smile: "By the way, what about the flying fish eggs? Submitted to the guild? Or should we sell them privately? Or the old rules of these few of us who sell the money?"

Yan Ran smiled slightly: "Smart people should know how to do it."

Bai Huasha laughed and sighed, "The problem is, I will become dumb as soon as I see money ..."

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets !!!) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!

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