God Rank Hero

Chapter 885: Doom in Japan

Mitsubishi Corps Command.

The Mitsubishi team continued to make great efforts, and all the main players entered the ever-changing magic box space, and began to challenge the task of the ultimate super-large scene Pandora's box that the current players can access. In the box space, players will face the legions led by 108 magic generals, and then fight back to face the ultimate wave ss, the heroic Pandora.

As mentioned earlier, before any large guild conducts a large-scale killing wave ss battle, it will send a test team with a high level of skill to conduct harassment tests on wild wave ss to collect data on the capabilities of various wave ss. For example, the Dragon Slayer Guild Raiders Demigods.

The task challenge mode selected in Japan is different. This is a copy of the high-end npc that asks the devil and the like to open. It is also the only high-end existence opportunity that the current player can access. Once the copy is started, it must be fully coped with. There is basically no test. opportunity.

However, the Mitsubishi team is so powerful that it does not need to be tested. Under absolute doom, 5% of the hits of the Doom Knight is 100% of the hits. Any maggot in front of the Doom Knight is a piece of seconds. From the beginning, the battle instantly evolved into a side-by-side siege light pole wave ss easy fight.

Not to mention the high attack speed of the doomed knight with the artifact tomahawk, even Boss is difficult to support for a long time under his siege.

In short, as long as it can be solved by force, it is no longer a problem before the Mitsubishi team. So the problem now is illusion, guessing, maze and so on.

And these ways to break the situation are either to mobilize the staff of the entire staff to overcome difficulties. Or it is to pay resources gold coins and materials. Or just paving the way with the sea of ​​people to fill the entire maze. For the Mitsubishi team. This is not a problem.

So although this is the most important and arduous battle of the Mitsubishi team, compared to the previous battle of the Milotao Maze, it is necessary to keep in mind the intense stimulation of terrain changes. The early strategy of this magic box space is really easy. many.

Even the captains of the teams and the team leaders realized the problem and shouted "No pride! Don't be careless! There must be no slackness at the last moment!" But it is undeniable that all There was no drop of cold sweat on the players' heads.

Easy is easy. Not nervous is not nervous, this is an unavoidable fact.

Are we too powerful? Or is this copy too weird? Igaran couldn't confirm. So every time you repulse a magic general, Igarashi must ask: "How difficult is this wave ss without absolute doom?"

The staff's answer is always the same: "If there is no absolute doom, we will lose at least how many troops and spend more or less time, so the wave ss is strong, but we are stronger!"

Yes, we are stronger! The first hour passed, and Igarashi was dubious. In the second hour, Igarashi was doubtful. In the third hour, at 10 am Beijing time and 11 am Tokyo time, when the sea of ​​Mitsubishi's soldiers finally converged in front of the total wave ss Pandora, Igarashi firmly believed!

That's right, my Greater Japan area is very strong!

At this point, the repelled 108 demons will again appear in front of the witch Pandora, and Pandora ’s hero aura covers these 108 demons. This is the real ultimate wave ss. The previous waves ss are the soldiers under the ultimate wave ss!

The hit of the doom knight is not effective for wave ss-class creatures. At this moment, the nerves of the Mitsubishi team relaxed for 3 hours finally began to tighten, the blood finally began to boil, and the team leaders who had been roaring all the time It was a full-fledged roar!

Pandora's laughter also rang through the battlefield: "Mortal, it's beyond my imagination to be able to appear in front of me so soon. You are amazing, but you're done ..."

Of course, professional players will not be interested in the various death flag declarations of npc. The key is how to fight?

After three hours of anxiety and so on, Igarashi, who ushered in the final battle, was trembling with excitement: "Princes, once we successfully complete this task, we will successfully recover the magic box, and there must be many super artifacts. To our imagination, this hero Pandora will also become our captive, and may even become our subordinates. This battle must be a victory, and I hope that Wuyun Changlong will be in Japan! "

The entire headquarters shouted in unison: "Win! Win !!!! Win !!!!"

The staff department quickly formulated the plan: the cannon fodder raided the army, holding 108 magic generals at any cost, and then the main players made a decisive blow to create conditions for the doom knight's beheading of Pandora.

The start of the Mitsubishi team was extremely smooth. There will be almost no loss in sweeping and clearing the way. Now it is related to the National Games of Japan. All the saved power is consumed in the decisive battle. As long as the battle is ultimately successful, no matter how many soldiers die, it can be post-war resurrection.

And after analyzing the battle data of 108 magic stars, the battle has not yet started, and the staff has achieved a win rate of at least 60%. The other 40% depends on Pandora's ability.

The decisive battle begins!

The 10 members of the third echelon of the Mitsubishi Team have a total of 30,000 second-tier Overseer cannon fodder units!

Their existence is destined to be as short as a moth's fire, and even the mana of the Pandora's Legion may not be able to do it, but their value is to test Pandora's offensive and defensive strength. That's right, even a decisive battle can be tested temporarily.

Black holes appear one after another on the battlefield, and a large number of overlords are swallowed by the black holes and then disappear.

At this moment, Mitsubishi Command was moving! This deadly consequence means that even if the ultimate victory is not able to resurrect the army! So can the elite Marg units and elite helldog units of the main players stand up to losses?

Finally, the members of the Mitsubishi team began to be really nervous!

The staff also responded immediately: "Report, testing Pandora's offense and defense, attacking about 150, defending about 100, which is lower than our estimate. Our planned win rate is increased to 70%! But the effect of Pandora's black hole is unknown, and our win rate 50%! "

Captain Tsukamoto immediately took the initiative to respond: "Because Pandora has a black hole. I suggest. The second echelon serves as the main force of the decisive battle. The mobile force of the first echelon serves as cannon fodder, leading to the black hole of Pandora. The kings use their personal skills to avoid the black hole and consume it.

High-ranking troops serve as cannon fodder, which is a typical way of playing for the undead! But in the decisive battlefield, as a manager, Igarashi will never interfere in any decision of the front-line combat commander, and hesitates without hesitation: "Do it according to Tsukamoto!"

At this time, just over twenty seconds. The 30,000-strong army of the first echelon has already suffered more than half of its casualties. Tsukamoto shouted, "First echelon, attack!"

At this time, 14 demon lord players except the Doom Knight moved, their **** dog, **** horse legion is the sharp blade of the decisive battle, the whirlwind of the battlefield, and at this moment, they are cannon fodder!

One after another the black hole vortex appeared in front of them, however. In less than half a second, these high-level professional players immediately evaded the cliff in a timely manner. Only the high-powered power of the **** dog and **** horse can successfully complete such a difficult tactical operation!

But even so, half of the troops were still consumed by the black hole, but the main player's tactics of lure finally came into effect, and the number and frequency of black holes appeared to be getting lower and lower. With this number and frequency, even the members of the second echelon can deal with it lightly, no! Even if you don't respond, the Mitsubishi team can afford to lose!

The General Staff shouted excitedly: "Raid the black hole, our army's victory rate will increase to 70%!"

The entire headquarters cheered!

This is the time! Tsukamoto shouted, "The second echelon, the main battle force, attack!"

The 50,000 Devil Seas of the second echelon moved, and the red sea rushed to the battlefield. The time for the decisive battle finally came! There is a scuffle in the battlefield, a sea of ​​fire in the sky, and a black hole in the army. There is no longer any tactical strategy at all, and some are just the consumption of military and mana.

Two minutes later, half of the players and half of the troops have been killed. Even if these troops cannot be resurrected, it is also a loss that the Mitsubishi team can bear. Compared with the final artifact harvest, the god-like beauty heroes capture, all the losses are not worth mentioning!

Finally, the Mitsubishi team completely divided and surrounded the demon generals, and the coach Pandora was successfully isolated!

At this moment, the staff sent out an excited cheer: "80% win rate!"

Yes, this battle has been under the precise control and calculation of the Mitsubishi team from the beginning. The national team will not fight unprepared battles, and the advantage is already inevitable!

Igarashi screamed hysterically: "Come on, Tsukamoto!"

That ’s right, just like a ball game, the 99% advantage cannot be converted into a goal. Everything is equal to zero. The Doom Knight Legion, which Tsukamoto himself operated, is the most powerful and elite army in Japan. Decisive attack. . .

. . . . . . .

10:30 Beijing time and 11:30 Tokyo time.

Ono Shinichiro waited anxiously for the outcome of the war related to the Japanese National Games. The time limit for the copy has now passed, and it should be fruitful! However, Ono did not receive the good news from the president. A strong uneasiness came to mind. Is it unfavorable for our country to start?

impossible! They are all professional players. Everything is under calculation and control. How can it be defeated?

In anxiety, the phone rang, it was the president!

Ono Shinichiro hurriedly connected: "President !!?"

At this point, a sigh came from the other end of the phone, and Xiaoye's ambition was cold: "Impossible!"

Igarashi sighed, "Ono-kun, tell you good news, bad news. The good news is that our athletes successfully conquered the copy of Pandora's Box and gained the devil's appreciation."

Ono exclaimed, "What about the artifact?"

Igarashi Muran said: "No! There is no equipment, even Pandora has escaped and not become a captive! In this battle, 74% of our elite troops were all damaged and could not be resurrected ..."

how is this possible! Ono was shocked at the scene, and the phone in his hand fell suddenly. . . (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

ps: Dear friends, because of the power failure, the upload time was delayed.

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