God Rank Hero

Chapter 886: Fall from the pit and stand up from the pit

With the Pandora's self-detonation, the Mitsubishi team's command will also turn the remaining demons into dark star chips and go with the wind.

The members of the whole team suppressed the long-awaited enthusiasm and cheers! But more important than victory is the artifact trophy after victory!

but! Neither Captain Tsukamoto, who is the head coach, nor the other players have received any loot!

The short cheers stopped abruptly!

Captain Tsukamoto wiped his eyes suddenly, then returned to God: "Maybe the reward should be taken from the demon who opened the copy?"

The members agreed: "It must be this way!" "But it does not rule out the possibility of finding hidden treasures in the battlefield!"

Tsukamoto immediately ordered: "The members of the second and third echelons stay to revive the army, and the members of the first echelon look for treasures in the audience!"

"Roger that!"

For a moment, the team began its final busyness in a weird atmosphere, and Igarashi stared at the big screen without blinking.

The battle damage situation is also quickly summarized: "34560 Witch Boys cannot be resurrected. 23410 Overseers cannot be resurrected. 4,641 Hell Dogs cannot be resurrected, 467 Hell Horses cannot be resurrected ... 74% in total!"

Doesn't matter! The loss of these cannon fodder troops is irrelevant. The key is, where is the loot? Igarashi's lips are biting and bleeding!

No treasure! The entire battlefield has a clear view of Pingchuan, and nothing similar to the suspected treasure has been found! Until the time limit for the copy, all the team members were sent out of the copy by the system and returned to the Demon Hall again.

Then, the only possibility is that the reward is issued by the demon king! this moment. The whole team calmly waited for this exciting moment.

now. The devil's wild laughter rang through the Devil's Hall: "It is indeed a warrior I admire. You are doing very well, very well! Haha, wow hahaha!"

——System Tip: Congratulations! You successfully conquered the Pandora's Box and received praise from the demon king. Your world reputation is +1000, your reputation in **** is 10,000, and your merit is +3000.

Merit, reputation. World Reputation! There is still no artifact, not even equipment! At this moment, Mitsubishi Command was in a state of abrupt rush!

"Impossible, even the Milos maze that is one or two levels lower has dropped artifacts. This Pandora cannot be without artifacts!"

"Not to mention that this copy is far more difficult than a maze! This is definitely a problem!"

Tsukamoto immediately instructed the game character to ask the demon king: "Your Majesty, why do we have no reward? This is impossible!"

The demon king couldn't help but asked murmuringly, "You get your appreciation, isn't that the reward?"

Tsukamoto said anxiously, "But it's not enough. It still needs artifact equipment?"

The devil laughed loudly: "Warrior, now that you have won your appreciation. Then I will take the trouble to read your doubts-tell you loudly, where does your power come from?"

Tsukamoto was suddenly surprised. Then he replied: "I got it from an artifact called the destiny gold coin!"

The devil shook his head and smiled: "How can a small artifact have such powerful power? I'm telling you that this is the power of the devil, and gold coins are just a medium, a medium that asks the devil for power. Once you turn on the gold coins, The power of the demon will roll in and clear all obstacles for you-but this is not free. Maybe it is time for you to pay the devil, do you understand? "

The Mitsubishi team is uproar! So this is the true face of destiny gold coins?

Tsukamoto said, "Your Majesty, are you saying that all the artifacts we obtained were taken away by the devil to pay him?"

The devil chuckled and smiled: "Perhaps just paying interest."

interest? !! Mitsubishi Command is booming again!

Tsukamoto said anxiously: "Your Majesty, then every time I win a trophy in the future, the devil will take away the debt?"

The devil patted his head and said dumbly, "Although He is the demon king, he is still just a mortal manager appointed by the devil, and it is not convenient for the superior to say anything. If you want to know the weight of the devil, do n’t know ? "

Try again! All Mitsubishi teams are on their knees!

Tsukamoto said with tears in his face: "Your Majesty, our army has already suffered such a serious loss of money, dare to continue to try?"

The devil said indifferently: "Maybe the devil wants to know your weight too?"

Tsukamoto said, "My weight?"

The Devil said indifferently, "I want to get the appreciation of the devil, but it is much more difficult than getting the appreciation of You, I can't tell you too much. In short, if you want to continue to challenge, I welcome anytime!"

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team finally knew where the problem was.

Igarashi's face was gloomy: "Lords, what's your opinion?"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "The worst view is that this number may be abolished, only in the arena, and the battle net brushes the ladder rankings."

Killing life: "But anyway, the demon king has given a prompt to try again. What the npc said must be justified. This is also the way for us to get in touch with the devil directly. Don't let it go!"

Igarashi muran said: "What about our follow-up plan for the city of punishment?"

Echigo Dragon: "It may have to be postponed. And our battle was not nothing. At least we got the demon king's appreciation. If we continue to challenge the copy, the demon king will appreciate us more and more, then enter the city of divine punishment. The threshold is getting lower and lower, which is equivalent to our indirect strategy to punish the city. "

Tsukamoto nodded: "It makes sense! This doom knight is powerful and carries the hope of my Japanese region. It must not be abandoned here so easily!"

Igarashi made up his mind: "Very well, then hurry up and challenge the next copy! I want to see how many artifacts we have to pay back to pay off the debt of the demon god!"

"So president, our current strength is not enough to launch a large-scale copy of the battle. Will we immediately mobilize reserve forces from towns?"

Igarashi nodded: "Of course, this is the inherent advantage of the **** tribe. The **** tribe is the only one of the six regular races that can use military teleportation arrays to transmit troops between cities. The superiority is self-evident!"

The team members said, "That is, if there is such a significant loss of strength in another race, we can only wait for the station to slowly transport troops. So we cannot waste our racial advantage."

Igaran gritted her teeth and shouted, "Where a person falls, they have to stand up. When they fall from the pit, they have to rise from the pit. Even if they stand up, they still fall, we still have to stand up. Lost courage to stand up in the pits! Princes, I regain my strength and continue to give my best! "

Mitsubishi Headquarters yelled: "It must win! It must win !!! It must win !!!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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