God Rank Hero

Chapter 891: New Overlord in Southeast Asia: Vietnam

With the opening of the new district, the entertainment media of various countries also carried out intensive follow-up reports during this period.

The U.S. Supernova Clan's lower wasteland squadron, the Japanese area wasteland squadron, and the British wasteland wasteland squadron have landed in the game as national players in their area for a long time, and the colonization frenzy in the new area has been started in accordance with the rapid rush strategy. In fact, even ordinary players have already obtained a large number of leveling strategies from the forums, and they will never take a detour, nor will they worry about what kind of sub-hero hired will hinder them.

At this time, there is a large group of very ordinary people among these ordinary players.

Hanoi, capital of Vietnam. All middle-to-high-end Internet cafes are reserved by large and small newly-established college student athletic teams, and there are security guards on duty day and night at the gates to keep idlers away.

This is not an ordinary team, but a secret cyber army. To be precise, two months after the creation of Heroic Genesis, the Vietnamese government saw a broad market prospect, and it was necessary to use a national force to enroll large-scale standardized organizations in which patriotic college students joined. On the one hand, it can solve the employment problems of college students and young people in society, and on the other hand, it tries to create a new point of foreign exchange growth. Of course, there is another aspect: Vietnam must be ambitious to become the e-sports hegemony in Southeast Asia, and even later occupy a strong position in various regions of the world.

That is to say, unlike other countries, professional teams and clubs in other countries are just civilian or semi-official background commercial organizations, but Vietnam is indeed involved by the military, which is fundamentally different from other countries. Vietnam values ​​this game.

Here, when it's okay, let's briefly introduce Vietnam.

Vietnam has been a tributary of China since ancient times. Yep. Since ancient times. so. Not only the South China Sea has been an undisputed Chinese territory since ancient times. In fact, Vietnam has barely been considered since ancient times.

Then in the Qing Dynasty, Vietnam was occupied by the French and became a French colony. However, the Qing army did defeat the French army in Vietnam. Everyone knows the later things, and don't mention the Qing dynasties.

Then decades passed before the outbreak of World War II, and Germany shot France out. Japan immediately seized the opportunity of France to take the street and decisively took over Vietnam.

The Japanese defeated in 1945, the French were released from prisoner of war camps, and they returned to take over southern Vietnam. The northern part of Vietnam was taken over by the Chinese Central Force that had fallen to the Japanese army. And support Ho Chi Minh students.

At this point, a confrontation between North and South Vietnam began to take shape.

A lot of things happened later. First, the Chinese team was transferred by the old Jiang back to fight, and the North Vietnam was immediately taken in by the French to take advantage of it. Then, after 49 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ho Chi Minh received training, tactics, and a lot of material assistance from China to run away the French. The situation in the North and the South has eased for some time.

Then, under the united offensive of North Vietnam, South Vietnam embraced the thigh of the US emperor. The US emperor even went to war with his own sleeve. This is the world-famous Vietnam War. Fighting for 20 years from 1955 to 1975, with the full assistance of China and the Soviet Union, Vietnam brought down the economy of the US imperial and caused 300,000 casualties to the US imperial, letting the world know Vietnam. I also knew a generation of famous guns ak47.

In the end, with the withdrawal of the US emperor, northern Vietnam won a great victory, and in 1975, the reunification of the north and the south was achieved.

During this period, Vietnam ’s two aided elder brothers, the Soviet Union and China, began to have bad relations. China was under tremendous pressure from the Soviet Union. The US imperialism also saw China ’s huge role in regional affairs. China and the United States began to establish diplomatic relations in 1972. The reason here is not much to say here, this is Xiao Fu's willful fault.

In this situation, Vietnam chose to stand on the stronger Soviet side. Moreover, Vietnam naively thinks that the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States means that China has to turn its back on itself, with fear and hatred in its heart.

The Soviet Union was also afraid of China, a country with a large population and a large territory, disobeying itself. It also needed a powerful ally to restrain China. Vietnam is such a "powerful" ally, and it is a north-south attack on China.

To say that Vietnam was powerful at the time was not a blow. After 20 years of fierce war, Vietnam had the most advanced Soviet-style equipment in the world, and had the most elite Army of the 100 battles. It defeated the US Emperor and Vietnam ’s self-confidence broke through the horizon. You are "the strongest army in the world"!

The disadvantage of Vietnam is that the territory is too small and the resources are not enough to pose a complete threat to China. Therefore, with the support of the Soviet Union, Vietnam immediately merged with Laos, invaded Cambodia, and completed the unification of the "Indochina Federation". action. Even spreading the war to the Sino-Vietnamese border and glaring at Thailand, the peace in Southeast Asia is greatly threatened.

From the perspective of Vietnam at the time, after ten years of turmoil in China, the army had no combat effectiveness and was outdated, and its equipment was outdated, several levels weaker than the US imperial, let alone the Soviet Union's big brother in the north. . For a time, all the high-level pro-Chinese officials in Vietnam were excluded, and all overseas Chinese in Vietnam were expelled. A comprehensive Chinese exclusion campaign was launched throughout Vietnam, and domestic broadcasts were still proclaiming the threat of China's invasion.

Everyone knows the following things. The US emperor has defeated opponents that have not been won for 20 years. It was pushed by 200,000 troops from two border military regions nearby in one month, and the combat effectiveness of one of the military regions can only be regarded as Class B. Legion. Had it not been for the Soviet Union to launch a strong condemnation of China for its withdrawal, Vietnam would probably return to China again.

However, I have to say that the "strongest army in the world" at that time did have arrogant capital, and indeed exposed many problems of the Chinese team, which greatly promoted the modernization of the Chinese team.

After this war, Vietnam discovered the logistical and organizational weaknesses of the Chinese troops and refused to accept it. It continued to use its guerrilla warfare expertise to provoke harassment at the border. The harassment continued from 1979 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. This decade is a decade of Vietnam's poor military force, but it is indeed a golden decade for China and the United States to establish diplomatic relations through reform and opening up to obtain European and American investment. However, in Vietnam's textbooks, Vietnam describes the war as a great victory against China's invasion.

Then in 1992, China and Vietnam resumed normal diplomatic relations and lost their former elder brother, the Soviet Union. Vietnam began to learn from China's experience of reform and opening up in a very low profile. After 20 years of development, Vietnam has made great progress (compared to the previous) and also became One of the most successful countries in the world.

Moreover, in the cultural market, Vietnam has been deeply influenced by China. Whatever is "Returning Pearls", "Plum Blossoms", and their own remakes of Chinese dramas are very popular. Chinese martial arts fantasy online games are also very popular in Vietnam.

However, after the war with China, Vietnam once again recalled the horror of the big country in the north, and there was a territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea, which is rich in oil and mineral resources, so a large part of its income was used for the development of armaments. Guard against China. It has 500,000 troops and is one of the countries with the largest number of troops in the world.

It is worth mentioning that although the Soviet Union disintegrated, Russia still inherited its friendly relations with Vietnam. So this is why Russia sells advanced submarines to Vietnam.

Then, the era entered the 21st century, and the United States was mired in the quagmire of the war on terror. China joined the WTO and ushered in another 10 years of gold development. It has become the world's second-largest presence, and the United States in decline is also the same. Feel the pressure from China. In the context of the United States' return to Asia-Pacific, Japan and Vietnam have once again found their own opportunities.

Well, Vietnam is introduced here. After reading more than two thousand words, students can take 60 points for related historical test questions.

. . . . . .

The news that Vietnam had set up a "secret" cyber army also reached the professional guilds in China for the first time. That's right. As the most powerful country in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the same as when Internet cafes just started in China. There are many young people with Internet addiction.

So for Vietnam, the leaders of the Chinese Association still attach great importance. So Xingchen, Tulong, Ninth Heaven, Royalty, and Xuewei gathered in the chat room again to discuss the response together.

Gu Guxing first spoke: "The news in Southeast Asia came out. The Japanese wasteland squad used the Vietnamese nationality, and the United Kingdom and the United States used Singapore and Australia. I'm not sure if there are South Korean wasteland squads. It is estimated that the United States did not take them to play. . "

Xuewei Rose was surprised: "Japanese use Vietnamese nationality? Do they have a good relationship?"

Ma Yinglong cut it out: "If it wasn't for the Japanese who drove the Frenchmen back then, Vietnam is still the domain of France, so the Japanese are the saviors of Vietnam, let alone Japan has invested so many factories in Vietnam."

The Emperor Shen Shen said: "This Vietnam is a pup who is supposed to be a pup. It is to show that he wants to bite us. 10 days, are you ready?"

Xue Wei laughed: "Even if Vietnam sent 500,000 troops from the entire country to play games as a net army, it would be nothing but a half-pound with the Emperor of the Emperor. To deal with them, he only needs one finger of the Emperor.

The Emperor of God could not help laughing, "beauty, then which finger should I say?"

The gangsters laughed and said, "Middle finger!"

The Emperor laughed with a smile: "Okay, you ca n’t take all the limelight in China. My ninth paradise must also be angry. Existence against Vietnam is left to our guild. Let ’s develop in peace . "

Ma Yinglong really shook his head and said dumbly, "I can't feel relieved. I just ask, have you been busy doing any big moves recently?"

Everyone laughed, "If boss Ma is told, is boss Ma going to join in?"

Ma Yinglong cut aloud: "Fuck! In fact, don't think I don't know anything, this is also related to Da Fei! I, as your hostile camp, I have a very sincere advice, Da Fei. All are pits, please be cautious when investing! "

Everyone laughed and laughed: "Even if they are pitted, it is not shared by our Ray Alliance, but we can't afford to stand alone like Boss Ma ..."

(There is only one chapter today.) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!

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