God Rank Hero

Chapter 892: Snowball development? Low-end!

Under the sea, the big fly waiting in the sea beyond Cancer merged with the victory of the Asolo fleet, and then ran towards Fatalong all the way.

At this moment, Asolo's flagship and the Shining Wings moved forward side by side over a short distance of more than thirty meters. Asolo stood on the deck, drinking proudly, and bragging loudly to Dafei about the battle just now. However, the sea breeze was hard to hear. He was too busy drinking, and he couldn't tell. The paddleboat was taking advantage of the high tide to go all the way, and the number of crabs that hit the road was hit by the collision angle.

At this moment, Da Fei's tense mood was completely relaxed.

Although I do n’t know what the full warehouse of the Pirate Fleet is, the results of this battle far exceeded expectations. In the future, Asolo only needs to pose a harassing stance on the periphery of the Cancer Sea to confess to the Lich Dragon, and then prop up Just come back after six months to calm down the big picture.

If Asolo's intelligence is relatively high, the more he fights, the stronger he will be, and it is even better to take down the crab while the brother is busy in the Eastern world. But this is obviously unlikely. The system does not have such good things for cheap players.

In short, the next thing is to return to Fatalong for renovation, and then finally can take time off the line to participate in the activities of Xuewei. However, with so many young girls in their studio, what line should I arrange? Or did she just tell Sister Hong that a man who is pretending to be mature and stable doesn't say anything about playing deep, playing with connotation? This problem is still quite troublesome.

Just as Dafei thought about the pain of the egg, the screen suddenly burst into red light, and a huge red dot suddenly appeared in front of the fleet!

Lying down! Didn't it go so well? Da Fei's heart took a closer look and saw a huge vortex suddenly appearing on the sea ahead. A huge silver crab with a size of only half a brilliant wing appeared from the vortex! It is the vortex space gate.

Dafei was shocked. The fleet cheer came to an abrupt end! Let me go. This transfer ability. This body, this fineness, wouldn't it be the King of Cancer himself? This kind of **** wave ss is impossible. How can players play?

But it's not over yet, the screen is red again, and a black beam of light suddenly appears in the sky. An image of a black-winged snake-tailed human body appears in the beam. Revenge for both? His jaw dropped to the ground! At this moment the fleet's alarm sounded, and the entire army was immediately ready.

at this time. Cancer spoke: "Mortal! I'm the mirror of Crabbo, a carnivore!"

Siren also said: "Mortal! I am the mirror of the dead Siren Kraken Naples!"

——System Tip: You have a high reputation in the world, and your enemies have developed an interest in talking with you. Please respond with all your strength.

Dafei frowned! Is it mirroring? Is Brother World Prestige Promoting a Special Story? Da Fei's heart hurriedly asked, "Are you asking me why I'm fighting you?"

Cancer muffled, "Yes! It can be defeated in a short period of time. No, it is to completely destroy my legion and I cannot resurrect them. This power is not what ordinary mortal heroes can do."

Siren also said: "Similarly, being able to defeat, no, is to completely kill my Siren forces, which is also beyond my knowledge of mortal power."

Cancer continued: "So we think. You are no longer a mortal, let alone a new power has emerged. We need to take the initiative to eliminate this huge threat from you, but before that, we want to know the reason for the fight!"

Ahhh! Da Fei spit old blood, and it turned out that the brother was too bad! Brother Angel Lich come and save me! However, since the system prompts have been issued, it is clear that there are other solutions. Even if there is no plan, it is nothing more than going out to fight. At the very least, now they are mirroring and not going to fight immediately. In short, it's important to ask for forgiveness first!

Da Fei's mind turned sharply and he immediately answered, "It is to develop a peaceful and cooperative relationship with you!"

Siren laughed wildly: "So ridiculous!"

Cancer also asked: "Eliminate us to get peace. I understand that, but what about cooperation?"

Da Fei continued to talk nonsense: "Through these two wars, I showed strength and got the opportunity to meet and talk with the two. This is the beginning of peaceful cooperation. Otherwise, if I do n’t see you, I will only ever Fighting and fighting, there will never be an opportunity for cooperation. "

Cancer muffled: "So it is, what is your cooperation content?"

Siren also said deeply: "If your content is very boring, we will officially declare war on you, no matter who your backstage is!"

Dafei frowned! The opportunity is here, maybe we can really negotiate with them? OK, it's time for my brother to move out of the background and come back to cook!

Da Fei immediately said: "My backstage is Fatalon's death angel Samal. Our cooperation content is that Fatalon hopes to reach a good-neighborly and friendly peace relationship with two neighbors, at least neutral without fighting!"

Siren angered: "So ridiculous! How can we cooperate neutrally with bright creatures! Then fight a pain!"

Da Fei hurriedly said: "Wrong! Because Samal is a bright creature, it is impossible to invade your territory and devour your life to strengthen yourself. From this perspective, he is your most reliable natural Allies. Compared with your other undead allies, do you still need to guard against each other on the basis of cooperation? "

Cancer murmured, "I see that Samel is far from pleasing to the eye and is much more interested in working with him. Does he have value for cooperation?"

Siren sneered: "Yes, I'd rather kill him!"

What the hell! Sure enough, is the commander of the light pole indifferent? Da Feiji started talking nonsense: "It is of great value! Because he will not invade your territory, he can remain absolutely neutral, and he can be the arbitrator of your dispute-"

With that said, Dafei suddenly opened his mind with a flash of light: "Yes, I am the city owner of Fatalon. My goal is to build an absolutely neutral business and trade city in the Underworld. Those who do not trust each other, do not Things that are convenient for trading can be brought to me for trading! "

Siren said coldly: "It is impossible to trust living creatures anyway!"

What the hell! After all, the cannon is useless, you still have to fight! OK, anyway, from the moment I took on this task, my fate is fighting!

Dafei said impatiently: "Okay, even if you don't trust, then fight! We will always find someone who is willing to cooperate! Let's say-" Lich Dragon, you know!

"No!" At this point Cancer spoke again: "In the Underworld, no undead force is capable of supporting a meaningless large-scale war, and the result of mutual depletion is being swallowed up by onlooking third parties. Your proposal I'm interested, I'm willing to be neutral with you Fatalon, and then consider whether to cooperate with you as appropriate! "

Lying down! Really succeeded! Da Fei suddenly burst into joy: "Nice, a wise choice! How low is Samer's requirements, it's just a neutral one, you can't meet these little requirements!"

The Siren also said silently for a moment: "Okay, meaningless fighting is not in our interests, and I can tolerate the harm you have done to us in the past, but as long as you dare to be innocent, we will immediately launch an ally to destroy you!"

Let me go, it ’s clear that your Siren is blocking the road and robbing. Da Fei nodded in surprise again and again: "Absolutely no problem, I will not throw one litter when I pass by!"

——System Tip: Cancer Sea Force, Song of the Dead Force has cancelled its hostile attitude towards you, and your relationship has become "distrust neutrality".

——System Tip: The battle mission "Attack of Ghoul Crabbo" released by your collaborator Lich Dragon Samast has changed. Please reconfirm the process to Samast.

——System Tip: You have completed the third stage of the era of the epic quest "The New Pattern of the Underworld" of "The Elimination of Hostility" by Samuel. Please collect the reward from Samuel.

What the hell! At this moment, Da Fei intersected with surprise.

Although Da Fei is used to being constantly brushed by the system, few screen brushes are as simple and simple as they are now!

Brother's epic mission did not complete the first stage of building the city, but actually completed the third stage directly? What is the second stage? Fighting around with pain? This situation is the same as the epic mission of the Riding Cavalry Chamber of Commerce. It is also easy to complete the back first, and then to complete the front in turn!

What is snowballing? Low-end! It's all the rest of the brother's play, and the brother is now jumping development! No, it should be a traversal development in fashionable words, wow hahaha!

After all, Dafei has three major advantages over the normal task flow of normal players: First, everyone with a strong fighting force and everyone who knows it is pretty impressive. Second, there is a new power accomplice (Asolo) to change the regional power balance. Third, the most important. The reason is that the flying world has a high reputation and created a condition for peace talks!

These three advantages are summed up in two words, which is enough to change the normal task flow.

At this point, Cancer's red name has turned yellow, and she muffled: "Mortal, I will watch your performance with cold eyes, goodbye!"

Da Fei suddenly returned to God, and hurriedly asked, "Excuse me, what is the mineral you pile into the mountain?"

The crab murmured in silence, and then muttered: "The excrement of the carnivorous crab family after taking up dark matter! But the bright creatures definitely use it. If you need it, you can exchange it with good things that are full of life! Or directly use the dead body It's OK. "He disappeared after speaking.

What the hell! It turned out to be poop! This is called eating grass and milk? Can this be regarded as a way to open a deal to Brother? Seeing that the siren was going to disappear, Dafei hurriedly took out "the siren's tears" and asked, "Wait, what is the use of this thing?

Siren angered: "Mortal man, don't challenge my tolerance, I won't talk to you about anything until you make any substantial progress." It disappeared after speaking.

At this moment, the fleet finally recovered from the lingering chills, bursting into cheer! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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