God Rank Hero

Chapter 893: Uses of Cancer Excretion Ore

With the establishment of a neutral agreement, the whole fleet burst into shouting cheers, and Dafei couldn't even close his mouth.

It is beyond Da Fei's imagination that the situation is so smooth. Da Fei thought that it would take half a year for the situation in Ming Hai to come and calm down by himself. As a result, he never calmed down by passing.

Of course, there are many forces in the Nether Sea, and it is certainly not completely calm to fight for the two forces, but this is the snowball effect. With the addition of two, the third one behind, and the fourth one still far away? In addition, the four forces can completely establish a trade circle, slowly do business, and gain popularity with each other. After waiting for everyone to be iron-clad, they will divide up the whole sea.

Da Fei is now truly at ease, not to mention going out in the afternoon, even if you sleep at night, you can finally sleep.

Just then, Asolo, who was next to him, couldn't wait to row the boat. He jumped on the deck of Da Fei and laughed, "Boss, it seems we are afraid of them! But there is a question, where do we ship this goods?"

Take out a golden clod of soil between the words, this is the excrement of Cancer. But still no attributes, not even the name of the item. That is, in addition to knowing that it has bright energy, this is something that even the King himself does not know how useful it is, that is, he does not know how much to sell?

Da Fei handed the puppet to Nalxia and An Weier around him: "Here, the Cancer King said that this bright creature might need it. Can you identify it?"

Nalhia shrank back and coughed: "Well, it looks like some kind of salt essence. This should be the result of the transformation of material energy. Although the growth of the undead may require all kinds of energy. But only No light energy is needed. Although this is the underworld where the light energy is thin, but thinness does not mean that there is no. After all, it must be expelled. Um, let's take a look at it. "

What the hell! Do you really take it as a soar? Although it is indeed a soar, how does an angel without a body understand the existence of this substance? Dafei reluctantly handed it to An Weier.

An Weier put out her fingers solemnly, took a small piece from the clod, put it on her nose, smelled it, and then-in the presence of everyone present. Stuck this little piece in your mouth!

At this moment, the audience was utterly indifferent! Nalhia was even paler in shock. Let me go! Sure enough, is the angel of the power angel simple and rude? Well, this is not Chi Xiang, this is milk from Cancer!

An Weier frowned as she chewed. Everyone in the audience watched her expression leaping wildly. Finally, An Weier began to speak. She just took a mouth, and a small golden smoke flew from her mouth!

"Wow!" Everyone was in shock.

Just listen to An Weier said lightly: "Very pure light energy crystals! But it is not suitable for angels without a real body. We cannot absorb it completely, but it is used for unicorns or bright griffins. Effects Definitely different. "

Nalhia was shocked: "Are you sure this is for eating? Not the material for casting? What effect will it have?"

An Weier glared at her: "You know if you taste it?"

Just then Serbia appeared: "I'll try it!" After speaking, he reached out and clasped a small piece into his mouth.

Da Fei stunned again! Forget it. I didn't say anything, so did my brother! Da Fei also buckled a piece into his mouth.

Of course, players can't taste it in the game. All they need to see is the status of the system prompt. For example, the screen of a player becomes confused after being drunk. However, apart from also exhaling a bit of gold smoke, Da Fei did not have any system prompts to find it.

Even Serbia shook her head: "I can feel the bright energy inside, but I can't absorb it at all, maybe this is not an item used by the hero."

Alicia did grind the powder and clapped her hands and laughed, "I guess what it is. This thing may be similar to the honey produced by bees. The honey produced by bees can increase the population of the flower demon vine demon family and the production of flower demon arms. . So this thing must have the same function, it can increase the output of bright arms such as unicorns, and even the attributes of the arms. If this is the case, this thing is quite high-end! "

Unexpectedly, there is such a good product in Minghai! Da Fei was incredibly and extremely excited: "This is the excrement of Cancer!"

Alicia laughed: "Honey or bee saliva, each other!"

Catalina also said, "Yes, since an ordinary angel has no body and cannot absorb it, what about the Remil we rescued last time? He is an ancient angel with a body. If he eats it, it will have no effect. Can it be tested out? "

Dafei suddenly realized: "That makes sense!"

That ’s right, every time I pass by this time, I have to see him sleep on the chessboard. He has n’t had time to ask, but in a place where the light energy such as the nightmare space is thin, it is estimated that the recovery progress is not much faster and the strength cannot be restored It ’s a burden. It ’s better to take him with a nightmare crystal to Fatalon full of bright energy. Come and eat enough to sleep and stop by the earthquake ground, and strengthen Fatalon ’s strength, so that Fatalon ’s military strength is too weak to fart. ring.

Asolo was really impatient: "Boss, I care about who this thing is for!"

Dafei laughed: "Of course it's sold to me! You can rest assured that we have agreed to share your money with you, but don't talk about money until you understand the value of this thing-right, this I have half the credit for the second rush? "

Yasolo smiled very well this time: "Of course, so the boss is half!"

This attitude is right, even the god-level strong are scared by brother's strength, let alone a small pirate in your area.

Alicia asked again: "Cancer said just now that he needs to exchange him with deadly items or biological corpses. Does the owner have any thoughts on future purchase methods?"

Dafei frowned. Is this a problem?

Asolo sneered coldly: "I don't know the deadly items, but there aren't many biological bodies yet. Our brother just killed him a few votes-" Speaking of this, Asolo suddenly snapped: "Here There doesn't seem to be a living thing? Is the body of an undead zombie a living thing? "

Lying down! This is not nonsense, certainly not, people want to eat fresh meat! The problem is that the attributes of the meat sold in the exchange are "food", not "biological corpses", and under normal circumstances, how can players carry corpses over?

Elena, who had not spoken, did say, "The meaning of Cancer is actually very simple, that is, to exchange him with a biological force. Although this seems a cruel thing, it is not the same as sacrificing gods with prisoners of war It's a big difference, just look away. "

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was dumb, Da Fei immediately realized that, as a player, of course, he could look away! The problem is, brother's weakness is just no soldiers! Even if it is bought from the player, God knows how many corpses of troops can exchange it for a unit of supplies?

In short, this kind of thing can only be thought about later, let's run out of these 5000 orders before we talk about it. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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