God Rank Hero

Chapter 894: Return to Fatallon to receive rewards

At 15:30 in the afternoon, Da Fei, who was taking a nap while hung up, was awakened by the fleet cheers, and Fatalong arrived.

Finally arrived, Dafei stretched a lazy waist. At this time, Samael was waving to Dafei with a smile on the shore.

Although it is not surprising to know what happened to their god-level npc, Dafei still asked in surprise: "Isn't Lord Samal transforming the barracks on my Flying?"

Samer laughed: "It's not just Lilim who has many avatars. Warrior, I just received a neutral briefing from the Song of the Dead and the Sea of ​​Cancer. I really can't imagine that the undead creatures are very similar It is difficult to remain neutral, let alone to me. But if it is a warrior, it is a matter of course that such a situation can occur. There is no doubt that you are my closest and most important comrade in arms. I should do my best to reward you! "

Wa hahaha! I'm coming! Reward for epic missions! The city owner has been closed, and I don't expect you to continue to award the site. No artifact or something to expect from you, a subordinate angel who has stood guard for thousands or thousands of years, but what about magical skills?

Da Fei looked forward to it, with a smile on his face, "Master, you're welcome!"

Sure enough, Samer's tone changed a lot: "It's just a pity that I can't teach you a heroic or official position like the chief of the city of punishment, and there is nothing to reward you. My only What rewards you is my fighting skills! "

After saying a wave, Da Fei's head flashed golden light!

——System Tip: Your reputation in Fatalon becomes "Trust."

——System Tip: You have completed the third stage of the "Elimination of Hostility" in the third stage of the epic quest "The New Pattern of the Underworld" by the death angel Samer. You get experience +3 million.

——System Tip: You gain an additional neutral force, and you get an extra bonus hidden skill "Weapon Mastery Legacy".

——System Tip: You have learned the master-level offensive technique. Increase the damage of your melee units by 60%!

-Weapon Mastery Heritage: After using it, you can learn primary weapon mastery. The sub-skill "Long Weapon Mastery". "Heavy weapon mastery", "Light weapon mastery", "Long-range weapon mastery" and "Shield mastery". Sub-skill effects increase as the master skill level increases.

Long Weapon Mastery: In the case of primary weapon mastery, heroes and heroic long weapon units gain additional special effects of +1 attack speed, +1 attack, and critical strike rate + 1%.

Shield Mastery: In the case of primary weapon mastery, heroes and heroes' shield battle units get extra +1 defense, reduce damage by 5%, and reduce the enemy's critical strike rate by 1%.

. . . . .

What the hell. Really rewarded skills, brother is a master again! As soon as he saw this weapon mastery, Da Fei suddenly remembered the weapon master that Habit village chief said at the time. Is the weapon master a professional version of this skill?

Dafei asked with surprise: "Sir, Master, what is the relationship between this weapon mastery and the weapon master?"

Samer laughed: "It is indeed my most trusted warrior, and actually knows the weapon master! When you have mastered offensive and defensive skills, and then you have learned all the skills of weapon mastery, you can advance the weapon Master is a profession. "

——The system prompts: You get the information of the hidden class "Weapon Master".

Message again! Da Fei couldn't help but said, "But I have too many occupations now. It seems that I have reached the limit of mortal employment!"

Samer laughed: "It's not enough to break through the boundaries of mortal mortals?"

Dafei's brow jumped in shock: "Being god? Demigod?"

Samer laughed: "You already have the sacred body of ice, and you are already on the path to transcendence and sanctification. But strength alone is not enough, you need wisdom. You need to read more and learn more, Visit the ancient sages everywhere to get their recognition and the wisdom they impart! "

In such an instant, a door suddenly opened to Dafei! Dafei continued to ask, "Who are the ancient sages?"

Samael sighed: "This is hard to say, I don't know if I am a sage in the eyes of mortals?"

Dafei everyone couldn't help it!

Samael immediately laughed: "Just kidding! I certainly don't deserve someone who doesn't even know the words in the book of ancient runes of Miss Alicia, anyway, maybe this big warlord in the dark sea may be Is there such a thing that can teach you wisdom? "

Let me go. Is this obviously to make my brother work **** this land?

Alicia hurriedly asked, "That is to say, it must be a sage to recognize the existence of runes in this book?"

Samer shook his head and smiled, "It's hard to say, in many cases, people will also get more results than the results in the pursuit of the results, but the results are not important."

Da Fei nodded again and again: "That's it!" After all, it is to buy books and read in the game, engage in academics, and become a teacher! That is, the library's on-hook stream. This is the player's most painful and unheard of gameplay, but obviously this is also the highest-end gameplay. Yes, in the process of becoming a god, I will get rid of this mystery by hand.

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly noticed that Samael's figure began to blur and fade, and he couldn't help but ask, "Master Samael, what are you?"

Samer laughed: "I was a full-time reformer on the Flying Flight to transform the barracks, and this one was forcibly imparting your master-level skills, even if I was a god, I could n’t carry it. In short, I ’m going to rest and save energy. You can arrange something yourself. "

After speaking, the image disappeared.

OK, that brother will arrange it by himself. At this time, the pirates had laid a dozen huge canvases on the shore and began to consciously carry the "crab yellow" ashore and pile up. And the more than 2,000 skeleton dragons all used the dormant stunts to extinguish the fire of souls and sit on the deck dead. For the undead, Fatalon is a place of death, and they can only survive if they are dormant.

I have to say that this is indeed a very painful thing, and this is the same as the enchantment of the city of punishment. Row. It's time for my brother to go to the city of punishment.

Da Fei mobilized troops to help carry it. Then grab a few units from the "crab yellow" shipped ashore and carry them as samples. Then he started the nightmare crystal again, and once the scene changed, Da Fei floated in the nightmare space again.

This time, Da Fei couldn't wait to look down into the sea of ​​fire, big! I didn't see it for a few days when I was playing. The area of ​​the small reef in the sea of ​​fire suddenly became several times larger, and I could build a house on it! The duke deserves to be the duke, and he is really energetic. God knows how many children he mobilized during this time!

Just in surprise, Elda also appeared full of spring breeze: "Citylord, is the sailing smooth?"

Dafei laughed, "I just came back to see it because it went well! Now the progress of the nightmare space is very good, right?"

Alda really smiled and converged: "It's quite good indeed, it's faster than you can imagine. But compared to the power of previous fear, I do feel that the space is filled with a strong greed. In the long run, it may not be a good thing. It may attract monsters other than Lilim. We must be prepared to fight. "

Dafei was surprised: "The power of greed? What's going on?"

Elda smirked in surprise: "You ask me? Is this how you do it? But greed is also the source of all progress. Maybe this is the reason for the rapid development here. Right, now the power of dreams is more abundant than before Many. The city owner used these nightmare crystal teleports a few times. Would you like to add them? "

It is indeed Xiaomi, and it really reminds me! Anyway, it's only more than 3:30 in the afternoon. Then get everything done, and by the way ask the Duke to borrow a few books that add "wisdom." As a Duke, you ca n’t go without a good book, right?

Da Fei handed the nightmare crystal to Alda: "Okay, you help me keep it safe and add energy. I'll go to the Duke first to let him know what's going on here and ask the reason for the power of greed."

Alda took the crystal and laughed, "No problem. But the city owner is assured that this greed is not enough to attract the attention of powerful monsters, but it is also conducive to the development of space."

Fei Fei nodded: "There is one more important thing, which is Ray Mill! Is he still sleeping?"

Elda sighed: "Yeah, recovery is quite slow, and it is unlikely that he will be a space guard in the short term."

Sure enough. Da Fei took Crab Huang out to show it to Elda, and then said the reason, and finally: "In short, let him eat and see, and take him to the little paradise of the Ming Hai to rest after I return from the Duke's house!"

Alda nodded: "Okay, I'll wake him up and tell him, the city owner will go early and return early."

As a result, Dafei once again put on the devil's wig, put on the monk's white robe again, the magic light flashed, turned into the hands of NPC Nicholas forged steel, and flew out of the nightmare space to reach the city of **** punishment.

As soon as Da Fei appeared, I saw several players standing in front of the mercenary shop in the square. It was suddenly Xiaoli Xiaofang, the beauty president, and her own Junxiang and the vice hero named Ou Ling!

What the hell! It is indeed my sister, and he really brought in my brother's trumpet, you cow! But apparently they hang up when they look motionless? Preparations for the evening activities did not continue down the hill to brush strange? In short, being an NPC, of ​​course, I just didn't see it in the face, I hope they don't see the brother, more is worse than less.

As a result, a "hand of forging steel" calmly left the teleportation array, and then all the way directly to the private transmission array of the Duke's Manor. I have to say that this time is much stronger than the last time the egg hurt all the way over.

The presence of Da Fei immediately caught the guard's attention, and the guard yelled in surprise: "Adult is back! Steward, the hand of forging steel is back! Come out and welcome!"

Just at this moment, the door of the manor was uproaring: "It was the npc, he appeared!"

Dafei frowned, almost turned and looked over! I pulled it out. Is the distortion of the acting exposed immediately? Definitely a player who comes here for the mission and luck, why not go and watch! Wow ha ha ha, good, you work hard to do the task.

At this time, Dafei certainly did not know, and Xuewei Studio was also talking about it. Although the chairman is on-hook, her field of vision is rarely seen from the perspective of professional on-hook surveillance of the whole city. On the big screen, the entire process of an npc exiting the special space door is recorded.

(The ashtray is very tired physically and mentally for the past two days. Today there is only one more, sorry everyone.) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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