God Rank Hero

Chapter 905: Is Dafei and Big Brother the same person?

At 12 midnight, a new day is coming.

In the game, one night is about to pass. Dafei's artifact nightmare crystal has absorbed 130 points of energy in the nightmare space. Finally, it can pay for one time consumption and earn 30 points of energy. The construction of the nightmare space is indeed Is on the high-speed track.

There's nothing to say. After finishing his career, he can return to Fatalon and continue reading.

Then, under the direction of the guild, Junxiang Trumpet walked and stopped all the way, continually converging the material convoys of the lower-level studio players arranged by the guild, and finally arrived at the Ouling Farm outside the eastern wilderness town. I have to say that the organizing capacity of the Grand Guild is truly amazing. Although the farm rewarded to Ouling by the task is desolate, the site is indeed large enough and it has the potential to raise horses and sheep, depending on the player's ability to keep the site.

Xue Wei didn't disappoint. She disappeared for several days. There were already hundreds of hired farmers in the farmland. A large circle of simple fences has been built around the farm. There are also stone and arrow towers between the fences to watch each other. The arrow tower drawings are quite expensive in the player market, and Xuewei is really willing to invest. Not to mention the team of players that follow now, but this time it's going to be a big deal, and the investment is definitely not small.

And Xue Wei ’s investment did not mention any conditions at all, and did not say how to divide after the investment is made, just because the three brothers are in their guild, and it is not the kind of game account that cannot be counted as a self-signed member. Can you describe it with bold words? There is no reason why other beauties are well mixed.

While feeling sorrowful, the message reminded my friend to go online.

Dafei couldn't help it. Dafei certainly didn't know the two or two hours back. Xiaofang and Xiaoli, they have already started the canal routinely. So he sent a message in the past: "Xiao Li? Are you online without rest so late?"

The blood arrow exquisitely responded to the message: "Well, I can't sleep. I don't want to learn a lot of money-making skills when I'm young. I will have to engage in organizational marketing like a big brother in the future. What about venture capital?"

Dafei was surprised and laughed. What are women afraid of? Better to learn than to marry! When Da Fei thought about it, he tangled and asked, "Xiao Li, what do you think of Mr. Lin?"

Xiaoli was surprised: "Oh, so many beautiful women haven't taken notice of it, but have they liked Lin?"

——Ahhh! Who did you learn this from? A big spit of old blood spurted: "I mean you! What do you think of Lin?"

Xiaoli said uneasily: "I'm still worried that I can't marry if I can't get out? The key is that you yourself can make you anxious."

What the hell! So confident of my future. Sure enough, it was the eighteenth change of the female university, and the tone of speaking was different? wrong! Dafei hurriedly said, "Are you Xiaofang, not Xiaoli?"

Xiaoli sighed, "What are you talking about?"

Well, it's okay for the Women's University to change, at least not to be fooled by Dawei's inept white face. Forget it, let's talk about games.

Da Fei said: "By the way, my brother and I triggered a big story just now, and now the whole guild is in a big move." So he sent a screenshot of Ou Ling's conversation.

After a while, Xiaoli replied: "Yes, Sister An was also telling me about this, and we will take over when Brother is offline."

amount. Brother, this plot is very good, okay? Xiaoli's response was so flat that Da Fei was disappointed. It seems that the newcomer is a newcomer.

Dafei certainly didn't know. How shocked Xiao Li was in the door room!

If once or twice is accidental, what about three or four times? There is one thing that Xiaoli has never confirmed. That was the time when she quarreled with her elder brother. At that time, although she didn't know what game the elder brother was sleeping and eating like crazy, she also saw a red name on the computer screen. The word "big fly" is particularly eye-catching.

Although this matter has passed for many years, my brother did not play a lot of games, but the sneaky performance of his brother during this time really involuntarily reminded Xiaoli that she was the same person. There is no evidence, it is entirely a woman's intuition, because with the speculative personality of Big Brother, it is really impossible to work hard and honestly.

It's just that there are so many people with the same name and the same name on the Internet. Da Fei in this game is also the first master in shocking the world. Could the big brother be such a powerful player and have so many professional players?

Xiaoli suddenly thought of the three crosses that Dafei gave herself at the gate of the monastery. At noon that day, the elder brother accidentally called and asked himself to progress in the game. He did tell her that he and Xiaofang were doing missions in the monastery. Is this a coincidence? Is this intentional?

By the way, I have used the Harem Belle and Da Fei videos before! If Da Fei is the elder brother, does he recognize himself? Impossible, I didn't know myself at the time! But how can Dafei so generously lend us the s-class sandworm excavator to dig the canal? The grand guild that Xiaofang knows is not so bold, right?

Thinking of this, Xiaoli almost has to confirm!

But after all, it's just speculation! At this moment, Xiaoli secretly resolved to capture Da Fei's movements from now on. If Da Fei is really an elder brother, then I can imagine how hard and exhausted the elder brother is during this time.

So Xiaoli again sent a message to the elder brother: "Brother, it's more than 12 o'clock. You have dark circles after working so hard. Let's rest early. I'll watch your number."

Dafei replied: "Okay, don't play late, rest early."

"Got it."

. . . . . .

At this moment, the cold wind screamed on the North Ocean, and a medium-sized sailing ship with a strange thick mast sailed in the waves. In front of the sailing boat, there is a large frozen continent.

At this moment, a soot flame sprayed out from the top of the mast of the sailing ship, and then the sail on the mast began to stretch, began to inflate, began to rise, and a huge hot air balloon three times larger than the hull was born!

Under the constant heating of the mast nozzle flame, this huge hot air balloon pulled the entire ship off the sea, flying into the air and toward the frozen land.

That's right, this is one of the highest technology of the goblin family, the balloon ship! Luna Ye struggled for more than a dozen days and nights, and the ultimate gains after getting the title of God of Gamblers.

Under normal conditions, the performance of this ship is the same as that of ordinary medium-sized ships, but in fact its sails are folded hot air balloons, the mast is a flamethrower made of iron pipes, and the bottom cabin connected by the mast is an oil boiler.

Needless to say the advantages of the spacecraft, flying and swimming are not a grade. However, the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the hull cannot be too large and heavy, and it cannot carry too many people, and the cabin is basically filled with oil, so there is little space for other cargo transportation.

In this game world with magical backgrounds, oil is also a very expensive and rare resource. Although it is far from industrial blood, at most it is bought by big countries to defend the city, but the collection is difficult and costly, usually only found in the desert.

All in all, it must be a local tyrant who can play this spaceship! Luna Ye is of course noble tyrant as a gambler.

But even local tyrants, Luna Night did a careful calculation of the fuel for this trip, because the cabin must also carry another high-tech goblin family: mine bombs. The mission of the Great Lord Lord of the Flames that bombed the second prince relied entirely on it.

That is to say, Luna Night can only fly past, and there is no fuel to fly back. But it doesn't matter. Luna's plan is to get the dwarf's trust on a task on Fire Dragon Island during the frozen period, and find a way to ship the bomb to the Flame Lord. After the defrosting period has come, detonate the bomb while the Lord of the Flames sails.

The plan was meticulous, but Luna Ye did not feel a little excited or expectant, but felt backward and anxious. Because the development progress of the world players is too fast and too fast, their early advantages gradually lose.

But it does n’t matter, you already have a spaceship. The next step is to carry out the high-end to the end, and find a way to cooperate with the city of the wizard to upgrade the oil-fired boiler to a magic boiler. At that time, even a large ship can fly, that is, the air The fortress giant bomber is gone, and leveling the player city is easy to discuss.

If you think about it, Luna Night is a lot more comfortable, and now the wind direction is also good, it only takes 1 hour to reach Fire Dragon Island.

Luna Night laughed at the only sailor on the ship, and the chief of the doghead, Hogg, said, "I'm going to rest for a long time. Can you sail for me?"

Hoghaha laughed: "Boss, you look down on me! I want to let you know what it means to have a dog instead of ten people!"

Luna Ye was surprised: "It is better to keep ten dogs than to keep one alone?"

Hogg laughed: "The boss is right about everything!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!


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