God Rank Hero

Chapter 906: New journey

5 AM Beijing time and 6 AM Tokyo time.

To Japan's Mitsubishi team, tonight is another sleepless night. The destiny's absolute doom time is the last day left.

The Mitsubishi team also challenged the fourth large-scale high-altitude copy under the power of absolute doom! Achievement, experience, but nothing fell!

Even if the professional players' minds are firm, even if the team members are high-spirited, they may not be able to withstand such a high load. How long do we have to pay back the devil?

Until this time, Igarashi seemed to finally understand why Da Fei's other artifacts were not sold, but this artifact had to be sold-has this artifact Da Fei been used once? Did Dafei gain advanced development by using the power of artifacts? Have we always paid for Da Fei?

However, the benefits brought by artifacts have far exceeded the 20 million yuan of artifact purchases. Even if they were recognized by Peng Fanglan, no matter what happens now, the team must stick to their teeth.

Igarashi shouted in a tired and slightly hoarse voice: "The princes are working hard, you rest now, our substitutes will continue to challenge the new copy."

At this moment, Captain Tsukamoto said, "President, we are short of resources. We are no longer confident that we are going to challenge the large-scale copy!"

Igarashi was suddenly shocked: "What then? Time is so precious, how can our absolute doom pass by?"

At this moment, everyone was silent. If it is normal to capture such a high-end large copy, the rewards of various resources and gold coins can definitely make up for the cost of preparing for the war. So as to achieve a snowball-style battle to support the war. But the problem is. The three large copies since the first Minos copy have no rewards! Instead emptied the resources of the Mitsubishi team. That's the price of the challenge!

Tsukamoto murmured in silence: "Perhaps two methods, one is to use the resources of the city for the preparation of the Warring States. The second is to start the original plan, and in the last day, attack the city of the city of punishment."

"Oppose!" Immediately, the team members stood up: "Opposition against using the resource reserve of the National Warfare. This is the bottom line. This is a fund that must not be used for turnover!"

Then another player stood up: "Now there are Vietnamese players in the new district. Taiwanese players are coming fiercely. Once we use the city reserve, we are likely to fall behind them."

Tsukamoto sighed: "I personally do not agree with the use of city construction resources."

Igaran sighed, "Is it half-way?"

Tsukamoto sighed: "Perhaps, what we can't get here can be made up in the city of divine punishment."

Igaran sighed, "That's the only way to do it. We planned to achieve the first step, and the second step failed, but this third step will be successful anyway. Zhujun, time is precious. Work hard!"


Now, the Mitsubishi team is starting a new journey into the city of punishment. And Igaran's mood is indeed extremely heavy. The plan cannot keep up with the changes. The constant transformation of the goal is always a taboo for development. Only the last day is left. I hope that Wuyun Changlong in Greater Japan! At this moment there was only prayer under Igarashi's heart.

The secretary came forward and said, "President, you haven't rested all night. Now it's dawn, please take a rest."

Igarashi shook her head: "I can't sleep, yes, some members mentioned Vietnam and Taiwan just now. How are the development of these two areas?"

The secretary immediately reported: "Reporting President, the level and enthusiasm of Vietnamese players are higher than our expectations. Vietnamese players have reached the 30 level for the first time, and Vietnamese players are very humble to cooperate with our guidance. It is us The friendliest ally in Southeast Asia. "

Igarashi nodded with satisfaction: "Vietnam is indeed a country with great potential. I haven't been there for a few years. I think it will develop better with China's investment assistance."

The secretary laughed: "The hotel tourism industry is developing very fast. President, you should take the time to achieve your goal of 1,000 people."

Igarashi laughed and laughed, "When my country in Japan fights for strength, I will take all the members over!"

For a while, the entire headquarters laughed. Igaran asked again with a smile: "What about Taiwan players?"

The secretary frowned: "This, Taiwan players seem to be reluctant to join us, and even show signs of challenging our status."

Igarashi was shocked and wondered: "How is that possible! Are they drawn to the other side?"

The secretary frowned: "If you have to give an explanation, I think it may be a second-degree offender."

Igarashi was surprised: "The second disease?"

The secretary sighed: "It's the second grade junior high school comprehensive syndrome. The teenagers in this period look at everyone as an idiot. They don't listen to their parents and teachers. They think that only themselves are the savior, and it is not the world that is wrong. They will not listen to what they say. "

Igarashi said with a loud voice: "It seems like I have committed this disease. Yoxi, we will let them know whether it is themselves or the world that is wrong!"

. . . . . .

At this moment, the ancient stars in China are also sleepless overnight.

In fact, it is not a big deal, that is, the ancient obsessive-compulsive disorder and insomnia have committed together. The international situation has been turbulent in the past two days. Large, medium and small guilds in other countries and regions have found things to do, but their own guilds are still developing step by step, and then step by step to face Ai Luolin's intervention failure.

The ancient stars were unreliable anyway and wanted to discover some new tricks.

However, Ai Luolin really has a new trick. Two large factories are being demolished. Machinery and equipment have been moved on large carriages. At the same time, a lot of building materials and construction machinery are being assembled at the demolition site.

Even though the ancient stars couldn't understand it, they also knew that it was mostly related to the mayor and Dafei, and it was even more uncomfortable for a while.

Then tonight, the latest news came again. Tulong had another action. It seemed that he wanted to develop a large desert area in the eastern part of the orcs, a vast area beyond the control of the orcs.

The ancient stars stared red with gritted teeth, and just then. The message of the ancient stars rang. The ancient stars couldn't wait to open it. Is outside player Wuhe Xinlong.

Wuhe Xinlong: "Boss. The teleportation array that connects Huayue Village has been established. I arrived in Huayue Village and found a very powerful army!"

Flower demon village of flower demon heroes! Awesome arms? The ancient star suddenly bounced off: "less nonsense, no picture or video to say a watermelon!"

Wuhe Xinlong: "First, take a screenshot of the properties of the nirvana in the boss's barracks!"

——Feng Yao: Small body spirit creature, attack 11, defense 7, damage 6-11, life 40. Mana 40, attack speed 12, command rate 3, magic resistance 55%, physical strength 120, stunts: flying creatures, production and transportation, arabesque armor, arabesque control, advanced healing.

Flying creature. Production and transportation! This is a level 4 soldier and peasant who can go out! It turned out they were never heard of Fujino!

At this moment, the ancient star was stunned and shocked on the spot! Labor investment has finally paid off! that's true. How can team members who expect to develop step by step get unexpected surprises?

Wuhe Xinlong continued: "But my current reputation cannot be recruited."

The ancient star came back to God, exulting ecstatically: "Is this nonsense? Hurry up and become prestige! By the way, from now on you will officially join our guild and settle in this flower demon in the name of the guild, oh no, Fujino Village. Then our guild will send someone to support and help. "

Wuhe Xinlong said with a loud voice: "But boss, this Fujimon Village seems to be a subordinate village of Dafei's city of light, so why don't we become working for Dafei? Is this good?"

Dafei's subordinate village! ? Like a basin of cold water, the enthusiasm that the ancient stars just exploded was dumb!

Big fly! It's this big fly again! This feeling is like the cake just found being bitten by a bad breath bastard, extremely disgusting and uncomfortable.

Wuhe Xinlong continued: "In fact, from the appearance of the demon village demon and Da Fei's deputy hero, we should know that this village is definitely inseparable from Da Fei. But Da Fei sails everywhere, it is too late to operate, we If you come to develop, you will not get less benefits than Dafei. After all, the management of the villages under the npc power is also the same, and Dafei cannot intervene as the city owner. "

The ancient stars finally nodded in silence, "It makes sense, you join the guild first."

"I see. Let me do the settlement."

The ancient star shook his head and sighed. Although uncomfortable, he had to recognize the reality in front of him. Dafei was too high-end. I was so tangled and found a new pattern. It turned out to be a cake he had taken a bite for a long time. Well, anyway, the guild has never turned its face with Da Fei. This is also the second cooperation with Da Fei after the last defensive battle of the City of Lights? Then it is so natural to take this fake friend to the end.

Of course, the more important reason is that the ancient stars wanted to do one thing too. As soon as this matter was implemented, a drowsiness swept through, and finally it was time to sleep. Sure enough, it is obsessive-compulsive disorder.

. . . . . .

At 7 am Beijing time, Da Fei, who was whirling and waking up, was awakened by the ringtone of his mobile phone: "Brother, come over for breakfast, your favorite omelette noodles!"

Brother's favorite is fried egg beef noodles! Da Fei said nothing about getting dressed in Lazar to fix her hairstyle, and appeared on the dining table three minutes later.

At this point, Xiaofang was also sleepy and yawning, wearing a thick plush pajamas who could not see her body.

Dafei coughed, "Yeah, this, it's not over."

Xiaoli said aloud: "Don't worry about our brother, what he should do, just pay attention to the combination of work and rest, do not fight too much, the body is important."

Well, although it's all the same old tunes, why does it sound different today? Dafei had to nod his head again and again: "I see, so do you."

After eating breakfast, Da Fei felt particularly relaxed when he went out. Perhaps he suddenly felt that he had less stress? Okay, so one night passed, Lilim barracks should be almost, it is time for the brother to start a new journey.

(Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, various requests! ~~~) (To be continued, please search floating literature, novels are better and faster!


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