God Rank Hero

Chapter 907: Divine knowledge will not be so easy to come by

When Da Fei returned to the dormitory, it was already 8:30 in the morning. As soon as he was online, he saw that Samuel's avatar and Ray Mill chated happily.

Seeing Da Fei appear, Samal laughed: "Warrior, you are here. Your barracks is almost successfully transformed, and you should be able to take over when you pass."

Caterina also came forward: "Captain, the Tuna has also been temporarily repaired and can start, but the combat effectiveness may not be good, but it is still OK to load."

Samer continued to laugh: "The warrior's pacification of the Cancer Sea is more than Samarst imagines, and he may have a special reward!"

After all, Da Fei is pleased: "Thank you, Lord Samael, for the time being, then we will leave."

Ray Mill also laughed: "Master Lord, when you return here next time, I will definitely exceed your imagination. Mr. Samer's ideal, Master Lord's task, I will assist you to complete!"

Wow ha ha ha, what is waiting for you is this sentence.

Now, leaving some of the production tools and a lot of food for the pirates of Asolo, Da Fei's fleet set off towards Guilong Cliff. The next target may be the North Pole. OK, it is time to let the old driver of Renoir Lead the way.

At this moment, Da Fei was full of energy and spirit, so many days, nights and nights, I almost didn't sleep well. It is rare to feel comfortable to sleep until dawn. Sometimes, this life is not really pursued too much. Being able to sleep well is the greatest happiness.

The sea area is now calm and safe, and there is no danger. The two days to reach Guilong Cliff must be effectively used. Dafei started checking operations. Da Fei first came to the bar of the shining wing. Check the progress of Ista's poison study.

But Ista was gone. A dancer replied, "Master, Ista has been in the lieutenant's office."

Oh, it's retreat. Fortunately, this kind of thing does not require players to worry about it. As long as the time is up, the npc will naturally become stronger, which is the reason for sleeping with Renoir.

Just then, the dancer asked again, "Sir, do we still have hope? Can we recover the lost power like Ista?"

Dafei frowned. Needless to say, to be able to ask this sentence must be that they have improved, and they are no longer the idiots who were brainwashed at the beginning.

Da Fei nodded: "There is hope! I can almost determine our enemies. All we need is to accumulate power to defeat him, so don't give up."

The dancers said, "Thank you Lord!"

I pulled it, and it turned out I was awakened! Good, come, give Gele one! Well, wait! As soon as they saw their thin and **** clothes, Dafei suddenly remembered that he would go to the North Pole at the meeting. This is not freezing them?

Fortunately, there are a lot of work clothes in the grocery. Then quickly get them and put them on. This Nima's has always been a man who was anxious to take off women's clothes. Weiguang, like brother, is actively dressing women. Where can I find a good husband?

Leaving the bar, Da Fei went to the Captain's room to find Alicia. At this time, Alicia did not disappoint herself.

Dafei couldn't help but said, "It turns out you've been reading books. I thought you were playing again."

Alicia cut off: "It's better to read a book without a place to play, but I'm reading it critically. This book is just nonsense. This Nicholas VI Holy Helm Valley was in the trap of the orcs. It wasn't our elf kingdom who sent troops to save him. He was long over. This broken book also said that the decisive battle of the Jedi was overturned. No mention was made of our elf's rescue of him, and his face was too thick! "

Da Fei could not help but stunned: "Is this still the case?"

Alicia squinted: "Do you think that the life of the elf, the memory of the elf will remember wrong? Also, even Caterina has found the problem, the Lionheart Empire navy war Pirate King IV World War I, in Pirates According to word of mouth, the pirate king captured the empire general, but the pirate king was unwilling to make things big, so he put the general back, and it turned out that the general successfully repelled the pirate in the book! How thick the face is! what?"

Dafei jaw dropped! Should I believe in a history book or a beautiful wife?

Alicia sighed: "I finally understand why this book can only be circulated in the royal family, and he has no face to dare to release it publicly-"

Having said that, Alicia threw the book directly: "In short, this is a self-proclaimed divine book. I ca n’t hope to get martial arts promotion from this set of books! Anyway, I did n’t get promotion. Serbia and Elena looked closely. Ask her if she has been promoted. "

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot! No! This is the internal restriction that the Duke has given to Brother like a treasure? How could it not have improved? But think about it, I was trapped in the newlywed island, and I took out a note from the Serbian dad's bag, and I could get 1000 points of experience by just flipping a few pages. As a result, I turned the first volume by dozens of pages. Without any experience, this is not normal!

Da Fei immediately teleported to the Emerald Dragon. At this time, the Emerald Dragon went to Serbia, Elena and Katerina gathered in the captain's room to read a book and start a learning conference.

it is good! This is the academic material! Dafei could not help but praise: "Everyone has studied hard, do you have any ideas?"

Catalina shook her head and sighed: "Anyway, the slowest I read is for Miss Serbia to read to me, anyway, I have no experience."

Elina also sighed: "I haven't gained anything. Maybe it's not the reason why I read from the first one? Miss Serbia started from the first one, and now I see the fifth one."

Serbia shook her head solemnly and said solemnly: "Miss Alicia has mentioned this book these days, it is very one-sided and even very inaccurate. I haven't gained any experience after reading five books."

Dafei hurriedly said, "What about experience?"

Serbia frowned: "It will be given after each book is read, but not much, I was thinking, will I have it after I have read all 9 books?"

Da Fei nodded: "Well, then try to read these 9 books in these two days."

This time, Da Fei's good mood was finally frustrated. However, as a player, you have to believe that the DPC of this level of Duke definitely has connotation. There is no reason why such a thick book is not as good as the notes obtained on the original newcomer island? Such a weird thing is the difficulties that are clearly exposed to players. The knowledge of the Book of God will not be so simple that players can get it by hanging up.

By the way, it seems that the Duke has confessed that this book has to be read several times. OK, then read a few more times, starting with the first one. So Da Fei also joined the learning sessions of the beautiful wives, and also began to endure the pain and read the book carefully, word by word.

Then, looking at it, Da Fei's eyes began to blur, and then I didn't know how long Da Fei was awakened by the system prompt.

——System Tip: You have finished browsing the first volume of The History of the Battle of the Lionheart Empire, and you have gained +100,000 experience.

100,000 experience! I pulled it out and really gave a little experience, and it really didn't have much experience. Sure enough, it doesn't matter, the second one.

Wait, that's not right! Since the Book of God has connotation, knowledge will not be easily obtained by players, so reading a few more articles is not a matter of hanging up for a few days, is it not difficult? And Alicia pointed out that there are mistakes and omissions in the history of this book. What's the use of reading the wrong things more often?

That is, there must be correct things!

Dafei suddenly realized: "I see. This book can't be read like this, you need to refer to the correct historical data!"

The beautiful women were surprised: "We don't have any other books?"

"Continue to borrow it if you don't!" Da Fei's thoughts became clear instantly: "Keep reading, I'll go to Alicia!"

As a result, Da Fei left the first volume after reading, and hurriedly returned to the Captain's Chamber of the Wings of Radiance, and Alicia flipped through the book again.

Da Fei pulled out the nightmare crystal and laughed: "Alicia, I heard that you are a professor? You must be able to borrow the correct history book recorded by the elves in the college? Can you please go back to town?

At the first sight of Alicia's crystal eyes, she grabbed over: "Okay, let me play!"

Wow ha ha ha, really still want to play! But wait! Da Fei pulled out the devil's wig again: "You also wear this!"

The Alicia visitor refused to laugh and laughed: "Interesting! In fact, I also want to understand that even the history of the elven can not completely record some of the dark side of this country, and these things are indeed possible in neighboring or hostile countries It is recorded that only when the two parts of history are combined together is the real fact, and only by knowing the facts can we obtain a comprehensive understanding of the tactics at that time and obtain real experience! "

Da Fei's surprise intersection: "Yes, that's what I mean!"

"Well, I'm leaving now!" With the flash of magic light, Alicia in a wig turned into a white-haired elf beauty, the hero aura under her feet and the words "Delicious Deputy Heroic Alicia" on her head. Hidden immediately!

Oh yeah! What I want is this effect! Every time it ’s the hand of the forged steel to come in and out, the master with a little brain will feel that something is wrong, so now the substitutions, authentic npc, wow hahaha!

Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "Can you change your clothes too? Change for something that no one else has seen before?"

Alicia laughed, "No problem, yes, it seems that the owner of the city has changed the dancers? Their clothes are really beautiful, so I will borrow a dress to take advantage of this disguise!"

What the hell! You want to be fierce or fierce, but to wear a woolen dance costume, but as long as you dare to wear it, brother dare!

In short, this matter can be regarded as a sight, the following is the news waiting for Alicia.

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets ...) (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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