God Rank Hero

Chapter 928: Near-perfect Naga

Da Fei fully understood the surrender of the enemy. The tombs of the dragons have all been taken away by your brother. You have no meaning in existence. What are you doing without surrendering? And there are four master-level diplomatic heroes in the Dafei team. It is normal for the enemy to surrender in a dilemma.

Accept the surrender, a row of system prompts appear on the screen:

——System Tip: You have ended the surrender of the Dragon Tomb Guardian, and the battle is over! You gain +1 million experience.

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Serbian has become an expert bard in action. Serbia gains 8 additional bonus points for expert bards.

Expert Bard: Increases the army's physical recovery speed by + 25%, army morale +4, and a free attribute point for every 2 levels of hero level.

——System Tip: Congratulations! You have learned the intermediate bard in real combat! You have learned the Intermediate Bard, and you gain 2 bonus points for Intermediate Bard. (Da Fei is at level 50, the basic bard has a bonus of 1 attribute point every 5 levels, and a total of 10 attribute points are gained. Now, the intermediate level adds 1 attribute point every 4 levels to make up 2 points.)

Da Fei's brow jumped into surprise and I met. Brother and Serbian bard both upgraded! It turns out that this is the biggest gain in this battle. Brother has always been clueless about upgrading bards. It turns out that playing songs with Siren is the upgrade path!

Dafei couldn't help but laugh long, so it turned out! With the Dragon King artifact in hand, I'm still afraid that the game won't win the Siren? Brother sailed all the way, still afraid of not meeting the Kraken? Wa hahaha! Brother's trailing leg subject is finally hopeful.

But you ca n’t be proud, this upgrade is definitely a stubborn one. That said. If no blood eagle finds the target. That was Serbia alone. It is estimated that she will be promoted. Therefore, in the future, if you encounter a Kraken fighting brother, you must find a way to discover the Kraken mixed experience anyway.

And when the battle ended, the whole fleet was cheering.

Elina laughed: "Miss Serbia is really amazing. It seems that Miss Serbia will play a bigger role in the later voyages, so Miss Serbia will continue to use my equipment."

Alicia also said: "Serbia is so powerful, I can finally relax."

Serbia shook her head: "No, it's not difficult to borrow or borrow again. So I still have to return it to Miss Elena, and I'll talk about it later when needed."

Elena smiled: "That being the case, then I'm lending to adult Alicia to dress?"

Serbia laughed with a smile: "That's right, I'm so hard, it's her time to get acquainted with the magic of light-Captain, can I take a break?"

Looking at the harmony in the harem, Da Fei immediately lifted his chin up and nodded solemnly: "Okay, Serbia is working hard, be careful not to catch a cold!"

Alicia shook her head and sighed, "Okay, give me the treatment. Let our little blond angel take a good rest."

Between talking and laughing, a row of green dots on the map flew close to the water. The collected dead Siren Siren returned.

——The system prompts: 11 Guardians of the Dragon Tomb join your army.

Collecting troops is certainly a happy event, but Da Fei is a typical face-seeking player, and it's hard to say how happy it is. But even the angelic demon turned into Da Fei, there was nothing ugly that Da Fei couldn't bear.

Da Fei asked, "Is there anyone who can speak?" As long as it can speak, it is a leader class.

A long gray-haired, hood-covered siren rushed to the water immediately, hissing: "The humble servant has seen the master."

Really can speak! Dafei could not help saying, "What's your name?"

The Kraken Shen said: "We are slaves, without a name, and the host does not need to know our names, because our lives are about to turn into bubbles, but before that we will serve the Lord for the rest of our lives."

Dafei was suddenly surprised: "Become a bubble?"

"Yes, we are the siren of the dead born from the resentment and pain of the drowned sailor. Our task is to guard the dragon tomb. When we cannot complete the task, we will disappear, but for us, this is also a This kind of liberation. So the master who conquered the tomb of the dragon is our liberator. In the rest of the journey, we will navigate for the master. Before we disappear, we will bless the last life for the master! "

It turned out to be the wicked spirit who ascended to heaven and disappeared! It turned out that it was only a temporary force! Dafei hurriedly checked each other's attributes:

——Guardian of the Dragon Tomb: Medium-sized undead sea monster, attack 26, defense 17, life 3650, damage 26-37, attack speed 9, mana 3000, stunts: flying creature, song of sea monster, meditation, sea monster blessing.

Siren's Song: Siren can release a very distant song to confuse the sailor who hypnotizes in the distance. When singing at close range, another sailor can jump into the sea crazy.

-Siren Blessing: Siren blesses ships in the past at the cost of his life, adding attributes to the ships.

This is the attribute of the Undead Siren. In general, the offense and defense are low, and it is indeed not a good weapon for melee. Fortunately, life has reached the level of its own wave ss angel, and its mana value is quite strong. Armed Forces of the Army——

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly found that the life value of the Kraken dropped by 1 point. Is this their life passing?

At this moment, Da Fei's heart was mixed. Although they did not wait to see such an ugly army, when they would disappear soon, Da Fei still had an unspeakable taste.

Well, if you encounter an authentic Siren, just ask yourself what you want to know. Da Fei asked: "Can you introduce your race? I don't know much about Kraken. Tell me as much as you know."

Siren Shen said: "Yes, the master, Siren has four major races, the most noble is the mermaid family, they are the daughters of the sea gods. From this point of view, they are not sea gods but sea gods. Then there are the most number The most powerful Naga clan. They are the descendants of sea dragons and mermaids. They also have the strength of sea dragons, the wisdom of mermaids, the most determined subjects of the sea god, and the most feared enemies of our Siren Siren! "

Da Fei frowned, the blood of the Naga tribe was so noble?

"Then I am a family of Siren Siren. Siren Siren is actually a race between living and undead. It was born in a bubble. The young Siren Siren is a form of life and has no inferiority. Because of the beauty of mermaids and the jealous voice of other gods, the Siren family was cursed by the jealousy of some goddesses from the moment they were born, and the elderly Siren will gradually transform into a form of necromancy. In this way, the sea **** cannot bear us. We are the races that are exiled and the targets of the gods. "

No wonder you can meet a Siren Siren in the Underworld. Dafei suddenly said: "So it is! What about the fourth Siren?"

"The fourth Siren is the Medusa Siren. They are highly venomous and have petrified horror abilities. They do not believe in sea gods and are pushed out by the Naga tribe. They land on land. , Widely distributed in the dark and humid underground abyss, so it is not easy to meet them in the sea. But once they are encountered, it is a disaster. "

It turns out that, it seems that this Naga clan is quite wild. Da Fei continued to ask, "I'm going to Naga Panyu's Eastern World. The battle is unavoidable. Can you introduce me to your enemy, Naga?"

Siren was shocked: "The master is going to deal with Naga? Naga is very powerful!"

Dafei laughed: "So I want to know how strong Naga is."

Sai Ren Shen said: "Naga's melee ability is unmatched in Shanghai, heaven and earth! Because their ordinary soldiers are four arms, and they can use the sword and shield to attack and defend at the same time, and they are impeccable. The intermediate Naga soldiers are six arms. Not only can you use swords and shields, but you can also wield long weapons to further strengthen the melee advantage. The best of the intermediate fighters can also take on the powerful melee class 'Swordmaster'. This is completely a slaughter machine. They have the ability to fly and have been killed by them long ago! As for the high-level eight-armed Naga, this is exactly the existence of a martial arts. In short, the owner must avoid close combat with Naga! "

——The system prompts: You get the information of the special hidden class "Swordmaster".

I'll pull it out and give out the message! At this moment, Dafei's smile was stiff!

Siren continued: "Not only that, Naga is a mermaid descendant, after all, their warriors can also use powerful water magic to attack enemies in the distance! Except for being unable to fly, this is almost a perfect race. Master, are you sure you want to challenge Naga? "

I'll take it, brother dissatisfied! Da Fei pointed at the Angel Angel, who was next to him: "Then, do you think this angel warrior beside me can fight Naga?"

Siren slowly raised his head, fixed An Weier's half-sound with the blood-red eyes in his hair, then shook his head: "You must not fight mid-level Naga with six arms in the water!"

An Weier was very displeased: "I don't believe it anymore, it is clear that you are afraid of being beaten by Naga!"

Siren Shen said: "It is true that our Siren family is completely suppressed by the Naga in the North Pole. Only here can our family survive. I think that although the host is also very strong, it is not enough to fight Naga comprehensively. With this determination, I can take the host to meet the patriarchs of the Arctic Siren. However, they do not trust any outsiders, but I believe that the adult's piano can 'convince' them! "

Is there anything wrong! Brother is actually going to rescue the sick old man. He didn't say that he must fully challenge Naga. Is this two different things? This is the rhythm that triggers the epic mission!

Da Fei coughed out, "This, our schedule is very tight, we must rush to the Oriental World immediately!"

Siren immediately said: "It doesn't matter, as long as the host meets the Siren chief, she will directly activate the vortex gate and directly send the master to the frontline waters of Naga! I have no life, which is the biggest contribution I can make for the host ! "

Dafei jaw dropped! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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