God Rank Hero

Chapter 929: Suspicious seed

Facing Siren's proposal, Dafei struggled on the spot.

Obviously, participating in the battle of two npc forces is to properly trigger the rhythm of the epic task. This is to complicate simple problems. After all, it is just to go deep behind the enemy to save individuals. It is simply unwise to have such a big battle.

However, if there is a vortex gate that can directly reach the area of ​​Naga, then this is a well-deserved approach. And then again, even if he didn't accept her suggestion, wouldn't it be safer for me? Brother still has to face the curse of the sea god. There are still more than ten days' flight from the North Pole to the Eastern World. Do you dare to sleep and blink in these ten days? It may not be another stormy sea whirlpool along the way, even if it can be carried over, in case of a pit father, all the net worth of my brother will be buried, and my brother can't afford it!

And most importantly, she said she was running out of time. That is to say, if she misses the opportunity she introduced, she may never have the opportunity to contact the Siren family, which means that she has missed an opportunity to take a safe approach.

Touched by Da Fei's heart, he asked again, "That is to say, the power of Poseidon cannot penetrate in the Arctic and in the area controlled by the Siren family?"

Siren replied: "Yes, the situation in the Arctic is complicated, and the forces of the undead and the devil are intervening, and the sea **** is weak here."

Undead forces? At this moment, Dafei suddenly remembered the original Fire Dragon Island. When he came to Fire Dragon Island by himself, he encountered some god-like albatross who could hide himself by the sun, and then encountered the undead viking in the fog. This Arctic The water is a bit deep.

Da Fei asked again: "Since the patriarch of Siren has the ability to teleport me directly to the front of the Naga Sea, can I teleport back through the front?"

Siren said positively: "Of course, because the Siren's whirlpool gate is through the underworld, no sea **** can control it."

That's it! In such an instant, Da Fei's initial idea of ​​avoiding the curse of the sea **** through the underworld was roughly formed!

Then there is only one last question: "So. If I am friendly with the Siren family, can I freely use the Minghai?"

Siren replied: "Of course, the Siren family spent their old age in the Underworld. But the Underworld is more dangerous than Naga."

That's it. No matter how dangerous the underworld is, it is also the object of brother's imminent calm. So far. The scheme of using the underworld is fully formed. And the more you interact with the weak, the more dependencies and benefits players get, as you can see from Samuel. As for offending Poseidon? There is nothing to say. Anyway, I have already done it, so I can only continue to work with my allies!

Da Fei finally made up his mind: "Okay! I've decided, take me to see your patriarch!"

Siren exclaimed: "With the help of such a powerful hero, my Siren family is hopeful, and I will die without regrets! Please follow me. Let us lead the way!"

As a result, the fleet turned and a new journey began. With Siren's navigation, there is no danger of this ice sea. Dafei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, so he took time to rest and resume, and continued to study at school.

. . . . . .

At this time, the cross-region of the European Union and Japan appeared, and the Japanese District will assist the Crusaders in the European Union to promote the spread in the hell.

Although this is not a bad thing, the British, French and German four-nation teams are still very uncomfortable. Although Japan clarified its intention not to be hostile to the EU. But the troubled world knows it too much. But there is no way, everything has come to this point, then only cheeky to move on.

Therefore, the British, French, German, and German four-country teams responded to any media reporter's questions with "no comment. It is just an ordinary national war incident. Please don't overread it."

But life is unsatisfactory, even the four-nation team that controls the situation in the European Union is no exception. At this time, the European Union University Student Pirate Alliance held an emergency meeting in response to this incident.

Emperor Joao of Portugal anxiously said, "Friends, brothers, it's not easy. The Japanese have to join forces with the semi-finals. If this is the case, it is not impossible for the semi-finals to push out the legendary demon palace!"

Turkish Ottoman Shen said: "We must find a way to stop it. We must mix in the Crusaders and destroy the Japanese players."

The flying Dutchman frowned: "But we don't have a Crusader game number?"

The Spanish invincible fleet gritted its teeth: "Buy! Or. Contact the non-clan players who have become crusaders one by one, there is always someone willing to cooperate with us."

The Great Emperor Joao shook his head: "We are just some college students. We have limited financial resources. Even if we call on everyone to donate, it is unlikely that we can buy the Crusader game number. And the appeal of the big team is much stronger, they may not listen to us. If we fail to contact, our plans are exposed, and it is even harder for us to succeed. "

Ottoman Shen said: "Then there is another way to make rumors!"

Everyone was surprised: "What rumor is made?"

Ottoman sneered: "Just say that the Japanese are engaged in a huge conspiracy. They have received a very important epic mission. They seem to be working with the EU. In fact, they know that they cannot use 15 players to fight against the EU. Thousands of Crusader players, so deceive the European Union, destroy the Crusader players in the European Union in the last step, and then complete the mission! "

Everyone was shocked: "It's impossible, nobody believes it! Japan and the top four teams have business contacts. How can they betray the top four? And what strength do they have to wipe out the EU area with the strength of 15 players? What about? "

Ottoman sneered: "A lie that turns out to be 10,000 times becomes a reality. Isn't this how the Japanese are doing now? We spread this rumor everywhere, and there will always be some skeptical Crusaders believe that, It is naturally possible for them to stand on our side. "

The flying Dutch also suddenly realized: "Although the Japanese cannot rely on their own strength against so many players in the European Union, but they can borrow the power of npc?"

The crowd immediately realized: "Yes! They can completely trick our EU players into the trap of npc, use npc to destroy the EU, and then they can find ways to shirk their responsibility! Think of the Pearl Harbor incident decades ago, the Japanese That's how to cheat! "

The Great Emperor Joao exhilarated, "Okay, just do it! This is how we make rumors!"

As a result, while the EU region was still wondering how much the Japan-EU Federation had changed, conspiracy rumors in Japan also quietly rose on the forum. And China, Russia, and India ’s major guilds, which keenly caught the wind of the EU Forum, immediately stirred up the flames, and also added fuel and vinegar, and various conspiracy theories spread over the world!

The Mitsubishi team received the news was astonished!

The first reaction of Igarashi was that there were traitors in our clan! How else could our sophisticated plans leak? The question is, who is a traitor? Countless lists flashed across Igarashi's brain.

impossible! It is impossible for us to leak inside! The patriotism of our team members is higher than the flames! And they are all centralized in the accommodation management, and the information sent is also strictly audited, and no one has the opportunity to leak. Someone must have guessed our intention. But what if it was an internal leak? What if someone is really bought by the enemy at a high price? Like we put a spy inside the enemy?

When the seeds of suspicion were planted in Igarashi's heart, Igarashi's face became more gloomy. At the same time, the atmosphere of the entire Mitsubishi Corps headquarters was depressed, and everyone's faces were gloomy, such as sitting on a needle.

Just then, the secretary came forward and said, "President, the British team has something to ask us."

Igaran gritted her teeth and said, "I will convince them."

So, when Igarashi entered the chat room of Shikoku, Prince George asked again with a smile: "Mr. Igarashi, have you heard the rumors on the forum?"

Igarashi nodded excitedly: "Prince, gentlemen, for us, being able to appear in the EU is a mistake made by mistake, because our main players are very busy in this area. There is no need to spend time in your area. If Mr. Prince suspects us, we have nothing to say. We will immediately cancel the mission and return to China. We will prove it with action. "

Prince George waved and laughed again and again: "Mr. Igarashi has misunderstood. We believe that this is because some opponents do not want to see us unite, so they deliberately made rumors in an attempt to undermine this operation. We are meeting to tell Mr. Igarashi that United and mutual trust is extremely firm. No one can destroy the rumors. I also ask Mr. Igarashi to ignore the rumors outside, otherwise this will be a huge loss for us. "

Igarashi excitedly said, "It is indeed the prince! I am really touched to have your trust. We will use the actions we follow to make those who oppose us swallow the bitter fruits!"

Napoleon laughed: "Yes! The more others don't want us to unite, the more we have to prove to them!"

The chat room was over, and Igarashi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. But the inside of the European Union's four-nation team may not be exactly as he imagined.

At this time, the British Royal Corps Command. Prince George, who ended the video conference, lit a cigar and stared at the rumored forum silently.

Gao Wen knew that the prince usually did not smoke, and now he must have a major mind. So he stepped forward and asked: "His prince, although the views on the forum are ridiculous, they are entirely possible to implement successfully, so we cannot fully trust the Japanese."

Prince George spit out a cigarette ring and nodded: "Yes, only friends who are completely incapable of threatening us are truly trustworthy friends! We cannot put all our forces into the Japanese-designed battlefield and let the Japanese know us The strength of the European Union. "

"Got it."

So far, although the rumors have not undermined the cooperation between Japan and the EU's top four, the seeds of suspicion have been planted, and the cooperation between the two sides in the city of divine punishment will surely move forward in the tangled quagmire. (To be continued)



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