God Rank Hero

Chapter 936: Titan's grip out of the mountain

When Da Fei was preparing to consolidate the troops, the siren in the army spoke: "Master, let the master reach my tribe, and our lives finally become meaningful. Now that our mission is completed, the master does not need us to guide, Let us burn the last life and bless the Lord! "

Between the words, the 11 dead Siren surrounded the Flying, a bright and cheerful song sounded.

——System Tip: Your 11 Dragon Tomb Guardian units will add a Siren Blessing to your Flying at the expense of their lives.

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot! Although I know that they are temporary troops with little time, although they are ugly and unpretentious, it is not to be seen, but along the way, they will be able to sing and rap, and Da Fei already does not think they are ordinary npc troops .

Now looking at their figures constantly blurred in the singing, Da Fei's heart is full of flavor.

At this time, the Siren hero guarding the Vortex Gate on the back of the giant turtle was also watching the last singing ceremony with complex eyes.

Da Fei said to Siren: "Rest assured, Lord Saifin is a witness, I will do my best and will never disappoint your blessings."

Siren rejoiced, "Thank you, sir ..." In his speech, Siren completely turned into a mist and disappeared!

——System Tip: Your Flying has been awarded the Siren Blessing of the Dragon Tomb Guardian by speed +1 and luck +1. You get +11 for Siren Siren Crying Essence.

Disappeared! Dafei's heart feels relieved. Dafei finally understands why these undead siren are set so ugly, so that when they disappear, there is no too much pressure in the player's heart.

Da Fei shook his head to see the legacy left by the Kraken, and it was the essence of wailing! Earned 106 in the Underworld last time. There are now 11 more. What is the use of this thing?

Dafei wanted to ask the Siren hero in front of him. But after thinking about it, after all, it ’s not friendly enough, so forget it.

The rest of the time was that Dafei teleported all the way to gather Renoir's fleet. This time, it was left unattended. The left-behind troops were collapsed by the Arctic cold, lying on their stomachs, the druids and the vine demon. The amount of treatment is really not enough, this Arctic is really not at all careless.

Then there is nothing to say, and the treatment is on the way.

Now Da Fei is deeply aware of the power of Xue Wei. Then everyone is a nanny, even if the technology is poor, the master milk is still dismounted. After all, that's why it's important to assemble the nanny team. I did n’t realize that I was too dependent on Serbia before, but now I need to make a big deal.

After canceling the hostility of the Siren family, although the other party is still similar to the original red name on Pirate Island, the gale finally disappeared, and the fleet reached the ice lake again.

The next thing is to get the unit back, and then recharge the recharged crystal of the Fly. Ready for everything before the expedition.

In other words, this is another map and scene. This battle must be another overnight, right? It's time to prepare. In particular, my two major killers are gone. Even the 1,000 unit crystals awarded by Samast are only 300 units left after cleaning 4 ordinary dragon tombs. The maximum firepower output per round of 3 units cannot be played. Yes, I can only play 1 unit. There are only two bottles of Dragon Blood Elixir left.

and many more! Speaking of Dragon's Blood Elixir, I don't know if there is any new product for the Pharmacy Boss Lady of the City of Divine Punishment? By the way, Elda also said that when my Lilim barracks is completed, I will send her a backup in the past. This is a double call, which is more conducive to the recruitment of Lilim barracks. OK, hurry up and do it now.

So Da Fei came to the bar and found Hilda. When he mentioned this, Hilda said, "Just take my design drawing, but the summoning circle on the drawing is in Samer and Samas. With the assistance of the two strong players, it can be completed in about 10 days. Normally, the resources and time required to complete this drawing are quite large, and the city is mainly psychologically prepared. "

Dafei laughed: "Anyway, let's take it slowly."

So Da Fei once again put on the devil's wig and pulled out the nightmare crystal again into the nightmare space. Can't wait to look around.

It was not seen for a few days during the game. Not only was the small island in the sea of ​​fire another big circle, there was even a small floating island in the air, and glittering light debris was constantly circulating around this floating island. Hovering! Dafei frowned. Is this the rhythm of forming an artificial paradise?

Just then, Alda flew over to greet with a smile: "Master, Lord, how do you feel?"

Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "A miracle! It is unimaginable!"

Elda laughed: "It's really hard to imagine. Do you know what the situation looks like now?"

Dafei was surprised: "Like what?"

Elda's expression suddenly became extremely solemn: "Eden! Paradise on Hellfire!"

Da Fei's heart could not help but jumped: "What then?"

Elda said positively: "Then, there will be a village in the divine realm. The city owner understands the meaning here?"

Village of the Divine Realm! Dafei could not help but take a breath. Although brother Niubi is forced to this extent, no matter what appears, but if he really becomes the village head of the **** world, brother is not ready for either heart or strength?

It's not right. Since brother became the city owner of the city of **** punishment, brother has been destined to be the "city of angels". Brother's niubi is already doomed. Brother must be destined!

Dafei quickly said, "That is to say, we need to rescue more fallen angels to come and become villagers?"

Elda nodded: "Actually, I have more plans. I want to take Lilim, who has nowhere to hide, to live here. What do adults think?"

Banshee City! I like it! Da Fei nodded in surprise again and again: "How do I pick it up?"

Eldahaha smiled: "Anyway, they won't obey, just kill the soul!"

Oh yeah! Simple enough, rough enough! Da Fei immediately took out the drawing designed by Hilda and introduced: "The Hilda I am with is a clone of Adam and Lilith's first daughter. The spiritual drawings she designed should be absolutely no problem. Do you have any questions? "

Elda took a look at the drawings. He couldn't help but said, "Good picture! It is indeed a descendant of Lilith. You know the characteristics of Lilim's soul. The only uncertain factor is that many Lilim have become descendants of demons, and the soul has been demonized, but it does not matter As long as we build such a circle in key locations, such as the place I mentioned last time, and then the nightmare space in the future, the success rate of summoning Lilim will greatly increase—I ca n’t wait , Lord City Lord. Do you have anything else? I will go to the exile to build this summoning array! "

Dafei laughed, "Okay, just do what you say, go ahead with it, go!"

Elda laughed: "It's mainly because the size of the nightmare space is not large enough now, and it hasn't attracted enough attention from the demons, so I still have the strength to free up and do something else. Otherwise, I might want to do everything else No more. "

Da Fei nodded again and again: "Just make sense!"

"Then I am missing!" Alda turned into a golden light and disappeared.

It's gone! What a strength! Until now, Dafei still doesn't know exactly what Elda's strength is. If she could be included, would the Sereni hero just now be able to pretend?

okay. It's time to find the pharmacy owner.

The forged steel hand appeared again in the square of the city of punishment, at this time there was no one in the square. Xiaofang Xiaoli is no longer there. Very good, just away, just finally go and say hello to acquaintances npc.

Sure enough, when Da Fei approached, Bilbo was pleasantly surprised: "Master, Lord, tell you a good news, Miss Taguis's village has been developed by the Kingdom Warriors! It won't be long before our village goes to Kingdom developed!"

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot! Let me go! Brother Fujimon Village was discovered by the player? Are you sure this is good news? At this moment, Dafei's heart was suddenly not a taste. This feeling is like your own hidden vegetable garden was discovered and developed by others. This kind of incomplete monopoly feels very unpleasant, okay?

However, after half a shock, he was relieved that this kind of small-scale farmer's thinking must be allowed! This is indeed good news. As long as the site is its own and the management is also its own, those players add to the development of the bricks and tiles, cooperation and win-win?

Row! It can be considered as a lot of construction pressure. Dafei laughed and said, "Well, in order to meet the development of Habitat Village, you must study hard and don't let other adventurers look down on it!"

Bilbo patted his chest: "Master, rest assured, although we are small Habitats, but our abilities are not small, we will never let people look flat!"

ability? Da Fei suddenly remembered that Bilbo was blowing the flute to drive the swamp monster? As a senior bard, he doesn't even have a musical instrument and no combat score, which is too bad for the coach.

So Dafei laughed: "The owner of the city wants to learn to play the flute. Can you teach me?"

Bilbo couldn't help it, then flushed: "Master, can you wait a few more days? Let me prepare?"

Da Fei laughed and said, "Okay, anyway, I don't have much time to learn now, so please prepare slowly."

Bilbo was relieved: "Please rest assured, Lord, I will prepare well."

Just then, the blacksmith Will sighed and said, "Lord Lord, I have also told you good news, but there is also bad news. Which news do you want to hear?"

Dafei frowned, could it be that the progress of the brother's artifact Titan's grip was blocked? Da Fei said: "That's right, first tell the bad news?"

Will sighs: "The bad news is that the City of Divine Punishment does not have a sufficiently high-temperature flame to further forge the Titan's grip of the Lord of the Improved Lord. Unless you go deep into hell."

What the hell! Really hindered progress! Dafei hurriedly asked, "What about the good news?"

Will laughed: "The good news is that the paralyzed leakage state of the Titan's Grip was successfully transformed into the attack speed attribute most needed by you, and finally it can be used normally. The Lord of the City can now take it and use it! The flame problem has been implemented, come to me again. "

——System Tip: Will will return the improved Titan's Grip to you.

——Titan's Grip: Artifact, Spear, Main Hand Weapon Position, Strategic Attack +10, Magic +10, Attack Speed ​​+4, Personal Damage +10, Personal Life +100, Lightning Paralysis Deceleration Effect When Hitting Enemies There is a certain chance of a stunning effect. Quest items.

Attack speed +4! What the hell! This weapon is equivalent to increasing the attack speed of an ordinary 10-speed player by 40%! It's equal to letting the 10-speed unit shoot half more times on the battlefield!

Da Fei couldn't wait to install the strategic weapon, and then displayed the appearance of the equipment. At this moment, a peerless Spartan wearing a golden dragon crown, wearing a silver angel armor, a deputy golden flame shield, and a silver and black deep metal spear in the main hand In front of Da Yueran!

What the hell! Brother is King of Sparta!

At this moment, Dafei was crying handsome on the spot! And the most exciting thing is that the Titan grip that has been sleeping for many years is finally available! Although there was no flamboyant temperament of Lei Guangying at the beginning, but this heavy and steady is exactly what brothers really need! OK, I just want to play Naga, I just came out with this artifact. I want to see if your mid-level six-arm Naga can stop his stun!

Da Fei was excited: "Okay! Thank you Mr. Will, Mr. Will has worked hard. I am in urgent need of weapons now! I will talk about the future!"

Will also laughed, "Okay, I'll talk about it later. I can finally take a rest. Your Excellency will be busy."

With great joy, he came to the next pharmacist Lei Lier and asked, "Miss Lei Lier, do you still have Dragon Blood Essence here?"

Leilier laughed: "It seems that the Lord Lord is very satisfied with the effect of Dragon Blood Elixir! But what-"

Having said that, Leilier shook her head and sighed, "But I'm very sorry, sir, it's gone. The dragon blood needed to make this potion is more than the food needed for winemaking. It's too wasteful and uneconomical. But you can buy it. I gave you a super-exciting potion, and now 2 bottles have been produced. You only need to pay 1,200 demon essences or 3600 points of divine merit to purchase. "

Actually out of stock? Suddenly, at this moment, how expensive is the blood-supplying super-exciting potion of the whole army? At that time, I sent 10 bottles directly to brother? The system is really justified! OK, isn't that the price of two angels? Coming soon, buy it!

Da Fei remembered coming back from the European Union. He seemed to have a bunch of abyss lord essences that he hadn't dealt with, etc., so he turned all the pockets out: "Miss Leile, look, are these essences enough? If not enough, deduct me! "

Leilier frowned and was surprised: "Enough! Very enough! And there is more! The essence of the Lord of the Abyss is not comparable to ordinary demons. So, Lord Lord, come back in a few days, I will try to give more to Lord Lord Configure some more useful potions. "

Wa hahaha! Sure enough, there are more good goods, and surprises keep coming! Da Fei laughed and said, "I am about to start a war with the Naga Hai. What I need is a potion that can pose a threat to the Naga Hai. Can Miss Leir think of a way?"

Le Lier frowned: "So, okay, I think of a way."

Dafei Dasong breathed a sigh of relief, with a big rear feel really not too cool! Brother is not fighting alone.

Now, brother is ready to go.

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets ~~~~) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!


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