God Rank Hero

Chapter 937: Instant deal with Duke

The town of Bucks in the northern mountains of the Lionheart Empire. This remote town with inconvenient transportation, underdeveloped commercial and military, and not valued by the Great Guild also attracted the attention of players from all walks of life due to the appearance of a special npc in these two days.

For a while, various players gathering intelligence gathered here like stinking flies, adding extra popularity to this remote town.

At this time, the chairman of the mad **** guild, Kuang Shen, sent a stall in the square to empty the guild warehouse's inventory, and looked at these alien players in and out coldly.

Since the last time the guild used a lot of funds to fail to kill the bear, the internal contradictions of the mad **** guild broke out instantly, plus the offended players took the opportunity to provoked, a large number of mad **** guilds have resigned and left, and now the guild basically has only one empty Shell, and fame after the booking, it is difficult to recruit people.

I have to say that this is the bottleneck of the development of non-professional small and medium-sized guilds. It is basically difficult to exceed 300 people. And there must be no major mistakes in the development process, otherwise members will be immediately poached by other medium-sized guilds.

As for the reason for withdrawing from the meeting, it was nothing more than "Sorry everyone, I have a friend who holds a guild, and I must help" and so on.

Now after two days, the mad **** is out of breath, at the same time tired and unloved, and no plans to rise. After clearing the guild's inventory, you can still make a small amount, and the mad **** knows that the last opportunity is in sight, he is waiting! Wait for the Grand Guild to acquire its own Guild.

The higher the end of the forged steel hand that destroyed your guild, the more mysterious it is, the higher the value of your guild. After all, your guild operates here as soon as it is opened. No one can compare the progress of the task on the Duke's side. just. Until now. No one came to talk to themselves.

But this did not shake the mad God's confidence in the value of the guild. But otherwise, it's because of the number of paparazzi here and there, the number and frequency of attention are abnormal! Mad God knows that behind these paparazzi there must be a super grand guild. If they can be followed by the grand guild, the value will never be low. Perhaps the other party is investigating and evaluating, or the other party deliberately left itself out and then bought it at a low price.

Labor and management have seen everything, labor and management must be patient!

A flash of teleportation burst. The eyelids of the mad god's subconscious mind raised, and a female player with a silver helmet appeared. The remote town is not very popular, and there are even fewer female players, so when this female player appeared, the mad **** could not help but take a look at it, and this look, could not help but shine.


The first female farmer in China to recruit epic heroes. Compared to those paparazzi who come to explore the road, the players of this level of Fanghua are obviously not the same.

At this moment, Fanghua also looked around the stalls, and then just happened to meet the crazy gods!

The **** of madness jumped next to his heart: "The rich woman is here!"

Suddenly Fanghua came to Kuangshen Yuntian and asked with a smile, "Are you the chairman of Kuangshen? Does the guild still accept people?"

Mad God said lightly: "I'm clearing. I'm not interested in developing a guild, and I don't want to take people."

Suddenly Fanghua said. Just open the door and see: "That's the selling guild?"

The mad spirit jumped, but his mouth still said lightly: "Beauty wants to buy? If you want to buy, you can ask Taojin.com to act as a transaction intermediary, pay the money in one hand, give way in the other.

For a moment Huafang smiled, "Can't afford it, because your guild is very valuable!"

Very valuable! Crazy God Stringed Earthquake! Being able to get the direct evaluation of the first female lord player in China, this makes the confidence of the crazy gods suddenly rise. So how much is very valuable? One million is definitely not something that players at her level can look at. So three million? 5000000? Or even 10 million?

The mad **** suppressed the impulse to ask the price, and the emotion of calmness remained calm: "As long as the price is appropriate, I will consider selling as much as possible."

Suddenly Fanghua shook her head and sighed, "You don't even know what kind of price is right. How you sell is a huge loss for you, believe it or not?"

Big loss? Is it a huge loss that the labor price is 10 million? Mad God frowned and began to think about her intentions: "Say, what do you want to do?"

Suddenly Fanghua said positively: "This is not a small business. Do you want to know how much your guild is worth? If you want to know, you and I help each other, you add me to your guild, and then you go to the Duke with me The government talks about a business. If you do n’t discuss it, you will kick me directly, and nothing will happen. I can only apologize for the waste of your time. If the talk is completed, the value of your guild will be greatly improved Now, and I have also borrowed from your guild to talk about a business that is mutually beneficial. Are you interested? "

That's right, although Fanghua was the first farmer in China, it is far from enough to see the DPC of the Duke level. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to see, and even if you see it, it is difficult to talk about something.

But after joining the Guild of God, with the foundation of their guild, the starting point of Fanghua is higher, and it is possible to see the Duke. If you can't see the duke even if you add a guild, then the guild is garbage, so don't say anything.

Mad God certainly knows the meaning of "borrowing light." Of course, for this mutually beneficial cooperation, he certainly has no reason to refuse: "Okay, anyway, I'm idle now and I'm idle, so I'll accompany you to see the fun."

——The system prompts: You have invited Fanghua to join your guild, please wait for the other party to respond.

Fanghua laughed suddenly: "Thank you!"

Therefore, when the logo of the "King God" Guild with Fang Hua's head walked on the street together with Fang Hua's head, the whole street was a sensation!

At this moment, the mad **** knows that he has earned! Regardless of whether Fanghua is a beauty or not, entering a guild with a well-known player like her is a huge advertising effect in itself, and the value of her guild has increased.

The mad **** Luo Tian was in a good mood, so he started to take the initiative: "Beauty, is the business you want to talk about buying souvenirs here? I have a lot in my hand, are you interested in acquiring?"

Suddenly Fanghua laughed: "If you talk to the Duke, you can say anything! I said, President, are you sure you don't want this guild anymore? In case the value of the guild is developed, there is no future . "

The mad **** laughed with a smile: "Who knows. I do things by looking at my mood. People like me are hard to tell if they are doing big things."

As a result, with the paparazzi, President Madman and Moments of Fanghua reached the elk manor of Duke William with a smile.

Then the mad **** Xuntian entered the door to find the guard to introduce: "I brought a guest and wanted to talk to the Duke about a business."

Just then, the steward came over: "It turned out to be a sir, the Duke is unwell, and the business is busy. Just tell me what to do when I come in."

Mad God glanced at Fanghua for a moment: "Can you talk to the housekeeper? Actually. I don't often see the Duke."

Fanghua laughed at once: "Of course, as long as you can enter the gate of the Duke's Mansion, the value of your guild will not be less than 2 million!"

Mad God suddenly burst into joy! 2 million, which is quite another satisfactory price, so how much is the guild worth?

In the guest room of the Duke's Mansion, Fanghua submitted her business card. The steward said, "It turned out to be the director of the Empire's newly established Canal Company. I don't know what to do to find the Duke?"

Suddenly Fanghua laughed: "I heard that the Duke is now setting up a high-prize exhibition in the country. I think that even the Duke, I am afraid that financial resources are a bit tight. Our company is willing to buy the Duke 50% higher than the purchase price in the town Territory specialty. Buy it for a month, how much it will cost. I wonder if the Duke is willing to close it? "

The housekeeper was overjoyed, "Great! Deal! Let's make a contract!"

On the other hand, the mad **** Wu Tian silently watched Fanghua sign the contract with the housekeeper, shake hands, and then saw the guests out: "Warrior, you can come and see me directly next time!"

Until this moment, the mad **** was still in the mist: "The beauty is coming all the way to do a purchase and sale? This reflects the value of our guild?"

Fanghua laughed at once: "Yes, but this is just the beginning. Now the president should understand that the Duke is very short of money? You just saw the steward. As long as you can provide the Duke with money, the Duke may agree to everything. "

Mad God wondered, "So you really need to pay a high bonus if you do n’t have enough money. What national painting exhibition competition does you rent a high venue for?"

Fanghua laughed at once: "So this is the connotation. Before you can figure out this problem, your guild will definitely lose as long as it sells."

The mad **** suddenly realized: "Originally, this one is so particular!"

Suddenly Fanghua laughed: "Okay, now I have achieved my goal. Thanks to the chairman for the introduction, I can roll smoothly now!"

-Guild Information: Very sorry! Suddenly Fanghua left your guild.

The mad **** was suddenly surprised: "Beautiful lady, thank you! Can you add a friend?"

Fanghua laughed suddenly: "No problem! My sister is a red scarf, thank you!"

After finishing this, Xiaofang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in the dormitory: "I can't think of the progress of this mad **** guild, but you can't let Xuewei buy it so cheaply, lest they have forgotten too recently and they forget What's the last name? "

Xiaoli also nodded: "Even if the first sale is a jerk, I believe we opened this head, and we will talk about road construction and tunnel digging in the future."

Xiaofang couldn't laugh or cry: "Wife, aren't you serious?"

. . . . . .

At this time, Xuewei Studio. Just as Xue Wei was preparing for tomorrow's events, the paparazzi sent a video message of the moment when Fanghua appeared in Bucks Town, and contacted the chairman of Mad God and joined the other party's guild.

At this moment, Xuewei's studio was surprised: "She didn't dig a good canal and ran to this mountain to make fun?"

"Hello, shouldn't she come to buy a guild?"

"Isn't it possible? How could an individual player buy a guild?"

Xue Wei Sheng gun frowned: "Night long dreams, immediately let people find crazy God, how to sell his guild."

After a while, the news came back: "Mad God said that he would not sell!"

At this moment, Xuewei's studio was in an uproar: "What happened?"

(The ashtray is tired for the past two days, and diarrhea has begun today. There is only one change today and it will be updated tomorrow.)


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