God Rank Hero

Chapter 961: A spoiler in exile

A place of exile, the legendary small country theater Hongming Village. +

This desolate and desolate ruin ushered in the arrival of angel hero Elda. This time, she did not look around and ignored the dedication of a large number of famous players, but instead concentrated on portraying a giant pattern with complicated patterns directly in the village square.

After an uninteresting brother and a member of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce, they had to return to the pond to fish. The Phoenix Feather is still unmoved by foreign objects and continues to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai to become a foreign expert.

But everyone knows that the emergence of the npc will inevitably be triggered by a new plot, so everyone is waiting patiently for the npc to finish the process and explain the aftermath. Of course, Hongming Village has no other way to play, and has no choice but to be patient.

But for such a wait, I waited for two hours, one day during the game, and judging from the pattern of the pattern, it seemed far from finished! How long does it take to wait for her to finish the game? With such a large handwriting, there must be a shocking change.

Haoge Ono Shinichiro and several foreign red-name players at the scene immediately responded to the situation in their respective countries.

The Japanese area is not very concerned about Hongming Village. Anyway, Ono's task is to train the people of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce into the red name and **** in China, but the British Lancelot students took it very seriously. .

The professional team has long inferred that, in the case of the server in the National Theater has not been officially opened, Hongming Village cannot occupy much server resources. That is to say, no matter how big the action of Hongming Village is, it may only be 8 days after the official opening of the National Theater, so now you don't have to worry too much. Judging from Elda's slow depiction of the French formation, it is obviously also to prepare for the opening of the national war uniform.

and so. The task of the European Union is to hurry up and cooperate with players from across the region in Japan in the city of magical punishment. Strive for a breakthrough.

The EU area now. In particular, the British Royal Ark team played very smoothly. Under the guidance of the Japanese team members, they advanced all the way to the depths of the volcanic mountain area, and then reached the periphery of an underground crystal mine.

This is the first task selected by the 15 members of the Japanese team after they arrived in the European Union, "Repairing and Guarding the Crystal Mine." This is also the scene where Japan shows its sincerity and wants to help the EU successfully overcome it. Once the European Union successfully wins this crystal mine, follow-up operations. In particular, the battle of the rocket launcher Angel will be qualitatively improved.

At the same time, this is also the crusade of the city of divine punishment received the instructions of the divine realm to require the mine to be completely taken down. This is a typical camp attack task.

At this time, the four European Union teams and the Japanese Mitsubishi team gathered in the chat room to share video inside and outside the scene. Looking at a run-down scene in the field, the four nations team was in awe.

Prince George Shen said: "This is the crystal mine destroyed by Dafei?"

Napoleon exclaimed: "It is unthinkable how this Chinese man found such a hidden mine and caused such a huge damage without anyone leading the way? It seems we have to re-evaluate his strength!"

Captain Tsukamoto replied: "Da Fei entered from the radon channel of the mine, but the high temperature and high pressure there was completely unbearable by bright creatures. He may have complete fire-resistant props, otherwise you are not recommended to follow suit. At present, the main force of the magic army npc is mainly concentrated at the main entrance and two emergency exits. I suggest that our army set up roadblocks and block roads at the main entrance and the second exit to delay your time. Your army will concentrate on attacking from the first exit Enter ... "

Captain Tsukamoto's tactical explanations are inexhaustible. But out of fear, Prince George still asked, "Why not get in through Exit Two?"

Tsukamoto replied immediately: "Because there is a crystal boiler workshop at Exit 2, it is very easy to cause an explosion and accidentally hurt allies. We also want to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings."

Prince George Haha laughed: "Our cooperation should not be swayed by ulterior public opinion outside, I appreciate your careful consideration."

At this time, Lancelot received the news of Hongming Village and was even more emotional: "Conversely, if the explosion is used well, it can also cause large-scale killings to the magic army? Then we will not be faster. Is the battle over? "

Tsukamoto replied: "It makes sense, but even if we should detonate the boiler internally, we cannot control the power of the explosion. After all, this kind of thing is beyond the control of our players. I still strongly recommend that we use a sound first solution."

For a while, the four nations team discussed immediately, and at this time Mitsubishi Command, Igarashi's face showed an invisible smile.

Soon, the results of the Four Nations team were discussed: "It's the No. 2 plan. Even if there is some accidental injury and loss, the battle can be solved faster!"

Igaran laughed and quietly instructed: "Let our allies slightly injure and lose some melee troops."

. . . . . .

At this time, Hongming Village. Angel Elda has been working for 3 hours.

In the past three hours, there was still no new red name visit. At the same time, whether it was a member of Dafei's Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce, or a foreign red name, he looked calm. The calm in this situation is clearly abnormal.

The feather of Phoenix is ​​not calm. For nothing else, it's extremely uncomfortable to see someone else's clues in their grasp. Of course, Phoenix Feather clearly understands the calmness of the other party. They believe that the current Hongming Village does not really connect to the National Warfare server, and the resources available to the main brain are limited. Right?

Hong Tunima is next door! If you are cool, you will be unhappy. If you are not cool, you will be cool! Labor and capital will stir your bureau!

Phoenix Feather grabbed a small black fish like a loach and suddenly said: "I have said that in this special scene, eating this small fish is equivalent to temporarily adding 1 point of freedom?"

The soldiers laughed, "Yo! Xie Xieren, are you talking to us?"

Phoenix Feather added: "I said again that those strange monsters outside the village are very strong and can't be killed, haven't they dropped without experience?"

Yi Jiandong laughed and said, "Master, do you want to say that you are awesome now, can you blast the monsters outside into scum?"

Phoenix Feather slowly got up and said lightly: "That's what it means. It's just that one person kills the monsters. There is no spectator in the audience. Don't you dare to go with me outside the village to be an spectator? The labor guarantee will not kill you. Liaobu walked outside the village.

When he left, there was an uproar over the fishing pond!

The soldier cut aloud: "If there is a kind, kill some labor and capital! We are still afraid that you will not succeed. Let's go and watch!"

When he said this, the soldier hurriedly looked at Haoge, who was really unmoved. Haoge is fishing on the hook! It hurts, Hao didn't speak, everyone is embarrassed to leave? However, not immediately keeping up with the guild's face, Fei Ge's face, and Hao Ge's face.

The soldier immediately said in front of Hao brother, "Hao brother, you always hang up slowly. Let's go and see how to pretend!"

As a result, more than twenty men and women red names of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce whistled immediately. The other dozens of foreign red-named players have hung up every day to catch spit. It is just that something happened, so they followed the excitement.

Under normal circumstances, the emergence of a red name village means that security is not guaranteed, there can be a pk kill between the red names, and those foreign red names who have not killed for a long time are also a bit itchy and a little bit tempted.

At this moment, a red mad thunder soared into the sky, a creeping flesh-and-blood beast outside the village burst into disintegration, and the whole body was flaming, its body could not be revived!

At this moment, everyone was frightened by the amazing damage of Phoenix Feather! How many small fish did the Phoenix Feather eat, and how high was his magic point?

Phoenix Feather was very satisfied with the expression of the audience, so it continued to go deep into the wilderness, killing all the way!

Everyone didn't know what Phoenix Feather wanted to do. Anyway, they were idle and bored and continued to follow up. Phoenix Feather doesn't know what it is about to do, it only knows that it has to do something anyway, and it will destroy the current status quo anyway.

Half an hour later, in front of the Phoenix Feather and everyone following it, there was a towering mound. On the mound stood a huge half-human octopus spider, that is, on the spider's back, a charming female upper body image. Spider woman? Proper wave ss!

When I saw this monster, Phoenix Feather couldn't help but hesitated, but didn't dare to entrust it, so he turned back and said, "Everyone, are you interested in playing ss together?"

The soldier smiled: "Aren't you awesome, you fight?"

Phoenix Feather smiled slightly: "Anyway, I will teleport, whether it is to save lives or to attract strange people, it is no problem. As for you, all come here, do you want to die directly and go back to the map?"

Just then, the Italian red name named Mario made the first statement: "Life is so boring, let's go!"

A group of foreign red names also laughed: "Let us look at the strength of this monster!"

Even foreign players have gone up, and the soldiers are not saying anything, so go ahead. So the soldiers shouted, "Keep your life under control, don't go up and cut."

The members immediately said, "I see."

Phoenix Feather smiled slightly. He certainly knows why foreign red names are so enthusiastic to help, because the forces behind them want to know what the spider woman is. As for the Dafei Guild's apparent lack of work, it doesn't matter. For the instant master, he can use his teammates as a wall at any time.

Now, with a blast of thunder, the battle begins!

. . . . . .

At 15 pm Beijing time, Da Fei, who was on-hook and had a siesta overnight, was awakened by a system prompt:

——System Tip: The Lilim Barracks on the Flying has successfully recruited a Lilim Soul. Please note the recruitment.

Dafei suddenly woke up! Let me go. Brother Lilim's barracks actually started! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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