God Rank Hero

Chapter 962: Complex Lilim

The condition for Lilim's barracks to start is that in some unknown corner of the world, a player successfully killed Lilim, and then Lilim's soul was successfully summoned by Geyuan's barracks in another corner of the world! What a coincidence!

I ca n’t think much about it. When Dafei hurried to the barracks, he just happened to meet Hilda when he heard the wind. "

Hildahaha laughed: "Lord Lord, Lilim Barracks is in effect! Let's take a quick look at this Lilim!"

Da Fei nodded excitedly: "Okay!"

In addition to the excitement, Da Fei couldn't help but have an eggache, and the barracks came into effect meant that there was a charge. God knows how much this barracks is? It is appropriate to break the billion, then the question to be considered is whether it is 100 million or 200 million.

When Da Fei and Hilda came to the barracks, Deirdre was already waiting in the barracks: "Welcome, welcoming Miss Hilda! Please see—" After finishing talking, he pointed to a group of golden red flames in the barracks.

Dafei certainly knows that this is not a flame, this is Lilim's soul, and Dafei can't wait to check the attributes:

——Soul of Lilim: Spirit state, stunt: Bloodline of primary god. Recruitment conditions: random resources of up to 124 units.

——Primary Demon Bloodline: Lilim's soul recovers 1% of its life and mana every second.

Looking at the blazing flame in front of me, and looking at these two brief introductions, Da Fei was silent on the spot! Is this the legendary Lilim? I don't understand. Is this random resource recruitment the kind of situation that Brother encountered when he first planted anemone king on the newcomer island?

Dafei hurriedly asked, "What does this mean for recruiting up to 124 units of random resources?"

Hilda Shen said: "Now Lilim is in a state of soul without a body. The Lord of the City needs to invest up to 124 units of resources to reshape her body in order to recruit her. This is also her current strength of soul that can carry the body Limits. The attributes of resources are different. Lilim's abilities are also different. But no matter what kind of Lilim. There will be basic stunt bloodline. And Lilim of the primary bloodline should be the weakest Lilim, it is estimated that this is also Why it's so easy to be recruited by our barracks. "

Dafei nodded again and again in surprise: "So it is! What resources should I use to recruit her?"

Hilda shook her head: "The low-end Lilim has no fixed shape. If the Lord of the City recruits her with 124 units of wood, then Lilim may be a huge tree spirit form. Using 124 units of stone It is also possible. At that time, Lilim may be a giant mountain giant. Of course, if the master of the city pursues multiple attributes, it is also possible to mix and match stone, wood, crystal, gems, etc., but it is easy to fail. Once it fails, the resources will be in vain. Waste, but Lilim's soul is unaffected by failure. "

"By the way, if the Lord of the City does n’t want to recruit awkwardly large arms, then there is no need to invest 124 units of resources. Generally speaking, 10 units of resources should be a regular human body. The smaller Lilim's body, the more suitable it is. In the direction of magic weapons, but it also means that the less the health value, the more difficult it is to play the advantage of Lilim's racial recovery stunt. In short, this is a very weak Lilim soul. The Lord of the City can She experimented with all kinds of resources and found the best service for her. "

After listening to Hilda's lengthy introduction. Dafei was shocked again on the spot!

Let me go! I always thought that my angel's legion was already the cutting edge of the army, but compared with Lilim, who was so free and complicated to play, it was obviously a lower grade! The problem is, it's so painful to be so complicated!

Dafei had no choice but to ask: "Why does Lilim have no fixed form? Shouldn't Lilim's appearance be the kind of existence between angels and banshees?"

Hilda shook her head straight and said: "It's a pity that the Lord of the City is talking about the high-end Lilim. This low-end Lilim-the Lord of the City wants to know their origin?"

"please say."

Hilda sighed: "This involves Lilith's style and attitude. Lilith is the first wife God arranged for Adam, the first ancestor of the human race. As an excellent angel, Lilith looks down on Adam born from the dirt. Of course, at that time, many famous angels Lucifer, Atrazel looked down on Adam, and he said, "Can the son of fire worship the son of the earth?" He even refused to acknowledge the status of Adam's Son. As for Lilith, she fled directly from heaven to the ground world, and— "

Dafei frowned, and the meat show came! So he knowingly asked, "Then?"

Hill sighed: "Then Lilith engages with all kinds of beasts and devils every day. She is telling Adam that even with the beasts and devil is more noble than with the dirt. And Lilith has amazing reproduction ability, she Every day, 100 offspring born from the beast devil are born. God also sent three angels to kill these offspring of Lilith day and night. Although most species are extinct, there are still a few offspring lucky to escape. Hunted down and survived stubbornly on the bloodline of the gods and demons given by Lilith. The Lord of the City recruited this Lilim must be the descendant of the low-end beast. "

Um, although Da Fei has already guessed the plot of the meat drama at a low level, it is still difficult to accept that the first soldier of his barracks is actually a low-end beast offspring. This feeling is very disturbing.

Dafei sighed suddenly: "That is to say, this Lilim may not be able to fly after recruiting?"

Hilda sighed, "Look at luck."

Da Fei couldn't help but be disappointed: "What kind of superiority can't fly and mass production, compared with my angel army?" Well, sing Lilim, can suppress the price of the barracks.

Hilda laughed: "Of course it is growth! The growth of the Lilim family is beyond mere imagination, let alone Lilim's unparalleled resilience. This is one of the reasons why God is helpless to them, so God Some Lilims were exiled to the place of exile for imprisonment. In short, as long as the master of the city carefully cultivates, even the weakest Lilim can grow into an incredible power. "

Da Fei's brow jumped, a place of exile? Hongming Village! Well, this Lilim should be the movement from Hongming Village, right? I'll ask the soldiers later!

At that moment, Deirdre also spoke, "Master, we have a sea soul battle. As long as we use the sea soul battle to temper Lilim's soul once, Lilim has the stunt of marine life, and I Army deck warfare, air warfare, and artillery warfare are not weak. Underwater warfare still looks thin. We need a powerful undersea meat shield unit! "

Dafei suddenly realized: "Sea battle Lilim, there is something going on!"

Hilda laughed: "And the Lord Lord also has special forces training skills, and you can train Lilim in many ways!"

Dafei was overjoyed: "Just do it!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!

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